All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Remove atomic design pattern and bring components to the root of the project
- Organize Storybook folders by use case
- A separate Pagination component from 'template' folder
- templates folder from Storybook
- Storybook styling related to atomic design components
- Update all dependencies to latest versions
- Update configuration for Storybook, Rollup and Husky to match the latest versions
- Update component stories to match v6 of Storybook
- Update font-family in Storybook interface
- Replace React.FC with JSX.Element in all components
- TypeScript errors after updating dependencies
- husky v4 config file
- lint-staged config file
- BEM helpers (createClassWithModifiers, makeBEM)
- Implement BEM helpers in all components
- Modify classnames where necessary to match BEM pattern
- Changelog file