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Source mapping

Here is the name/abbreviation mapping for source materials.

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Source name mapping for 5etools

  • 2014 (sources/reference): "srd", "basicrules"
  • 2024 (sources/reference): "srd52", "freerules2024"

5eTools Abbreviations to long name

Abbreviation Long name Type
AAG Astral Adventurer's Guide book
AATM Adventure Atlas: The Mortuary book
AI Acquisitions Incorporated book
AL Adventurers' League book
ALCoS Adventurers League: Curse of Strahd reference
ALEE Adventurers League: Elemental Evil reference
ALRoD Adventurers League: Rage of Demons reference
AWM Adventure with Muk reference
AZfyT A Zib for your Thoughts adventure
AitFR Adventures in the Forgotten Realms reference
AitFR-AVT Adventures in the Forgotten Realms: A Verdant Tomb adventure
AitFR-DN Adventures in the Forgotten Realms: Deepest Night adventure
AitFR-FCD Adventures in the Forgotten Realms: From Cyan Depths adventure
AitFR-ISF Adventures in the Forgotten Realms: In Scarlet Flames adventure
AitFR-THP Adventures in the Forgotten Realms: The Hidden Page adventure
BAM Boo's Astral Menagerie book
BGDIA Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus adventure
BGG Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants book
BMT The Book of Many Things book
CM Candlekeep Mysteries adventure
CRCotN Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep adventure
CoA Chains of Asmodeus adventure
CoS Curse of Strahd adventure
DC Divine Contention adventure
DD Dangerous Designs adventure
DIP Dragon of Icespire Peak adventure
DMG Dungeon Master's Guide book
DMTCRG The Deck of Many Things: Card Reference Guide book
DSotDQ Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen adventure
DitLCoT Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth adventure
DoD Domains of Delight book
DoDk Dungeons of Drakkenheim adventure
DoSI Dragons of Stormwreck Isle adventure
EEPC Elemental Evil Player's Companion reference
EET Elemental Evil: Trinkets reference
EFR Eberron: Forgotten Relics adventure
EGW Explorer's Guide to Wildemount book
EGW_DD Dangerous Designs reference
EGW_FS Frozen Sick reference
EGW_ToR Tide of Retribution reference
EGW_US Unwelcome Spirits reference
ERLW Eberron: Rising from the Last War book
ESK Essentials Kit reference
FS Frozen Sick adventure
FTD Fizban's Treasury of Dragons book
GGR Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica book
GHLoE Grim Hollow: Lairs of Etharis adventure
GoS Ghosts of Saltmarsh adventure
GotSF Giants of the Star Forge adventure
HAT-LMI Honor Among Thieves: Legendary Magic Items reference
HAT-TG Honor Among Thieves: Thieves' Gallery book
HF Heroes' Feast book
HFDoMM Heroes' Feast: The Deck of Many Morsels reference
HFFotM Heroes' Feast Flavors of the Multiverse book
HFStCM Heroes' Feast: Saving the Children's Menu adventure
HWAitW Humblewood: Adventure in the Wood adventure
HWCS Humblewood Campaign Setting book
HftT Hunt for the Thessalhydra adventure
HoL The House of Lament adventure
HotDQ Hoard of the Dragon Queen adventure
IDRotF Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden adventure
IMR Infernal Machine Rebuild adventure
JttRC Journeys through the Radiant Citadel adventure
KKW Krenko's Way adventure
KftGV Keys from the Golden Vault adventure
LK Lightning Keep adventure
LLK Lost Laboratory of Kwalish adventure
LMoP Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure
LR Locathah Rising adventure
LRDT Red Dragon's Tale: A LEGO Adventure adventure
LoX Light of Xaryxis adventure
MCV1SC Monstrous Compendium Volume 1: Spelljammer Creatures reference
MCV2DC Monstrous Compendium Volume 2: Dragonlance Creatures reference
MCV3MC Monstrous Compendium Volume 3: Minecraft Creatures reference
MCV4EC Monstrous Compendium Volume 3: 4: Eldraine Creatures book
MFF Mordenkainen's Fiendish Folio reference
MGELFT Muk's Guide To Everything He Learned From Tasha reference
MM Monster Manual book
MOT Mythic Odysseys of Theros book
MPMM Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse book
MPP Morte's Planar Parade book
MTF Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes book
MaBJoV Minsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy book
MisMV1 Misplaced Monsters: Volume 1 reference
NRH NERDS Restoring Harmony reference
NRH-ASS NERDS Restoring Harmony: A Sticky Situation adventure
NRH-AT NERDS Restoring Harmony: Adventure Together adventure
NRH-AVitW NERDS Restoring Harmony: A Voice in the Wilderness adventure
NRH-AWoL NERDS Restoring Harmony: A Web of Lies adventure
NRH-CoI NERDS Restoring Harmony: Circus of Illusions adventure
NRH-TCMC NERDS Restoring Harmony: The Candy Mountain Caper adventure
NRH-TLT NERDS Restoring Harmony: The Lost Tomb adventure
OGA One Grung Above book
OoW The Orrery of the Wanderer adventure
OotA Out of the Abyss adventure
PHB Player's Handbook book
PSA Plane Shift: Amonkhet reference
PSD Plane Shift: Dominaria reference
PSI Plane Shift: Innistrad reference
PSK Plane Shift: Kaladesh reference
PSX Plane Shift: Ixalan reference
PSZ Plane Shift: Zendikar reference
PaBTSO Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk adventure
PaF Puncheons and Flagons book
PiP Peril in Pinegrove adventure
PotA Princes of the Apocalypse adventure
QftIS Quests from the Infinite Staircase adventure
RMBRE The Lost Dungeon of Rickedness: Big Rick Energy adventure
RMR Dungeons & Dragons vs. Rick and Morty: Basic Rules book
RoT The Rise of Tiamat adventure
RoTOS The Rise of Tiamat Online Supplement reference
RtG Return to Glory adventure
SAC Sage Advice Compendium book
SADS Sapphire Anniversary Dice Set reference
SAiS Spelljammer: Adventures in Space reference
SCAG Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide book
SCC Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos book
SCC-ARiR A Reckoning in Ruins adventure
SCC-CK Campus Kerfuffle adventure
SCC-HfMT Hunt for Mage Tower adventure
SCC-TMM The Magister's Masquerade adventure
SCREEN Dungeon Master's Screen reference
SCREEN_DUNGEON_KIT Dungeon Master's Screen: Dungeon Kit reference
SCREEN_SPELLJAMMER Dungeon Master's Screen: Spelljammer reference
SCREEN_WILDERNESS_KIT Dungeon Master's Screen: Wilderness Kit reference
SDW Sleeping Dragon's Wake adventure
SKT Storm King's Thunder adventure
SLW Storm Lord's Wrath adventure
SatO Sigil and the Outlands book
ScoEE Scions of Elemental Evil adventure
SjA Spelljammer Academy adventure
TCE Tasha's Cauldron of Everything book
TD Tarot Deck book
TDCSR Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn book
TLK The Lost Kenku adventure
TTP The Tortle Package adventure
TftYP Tales from the Yawning Portal reference
TftYP-AtG Tales from the Yawning Portal: Against the Giants adventure
TftYP-DiT Tales from the Yawning Portal: Dead in Thay adventure
TftYP-TFoF Tales from the Yawning Portal: The Forge of Fury adventure
TftYP-THSoT Tales from the Yawning Portal: The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan adventure
TftYP-TSC Tales from the Yawning Portal: The Sunless Citadel adventure
TftYP-ToH Tales from the Yawning Portal: Tomb of Horrors adventure
TftYP-WPM Tales from the Yawning Portal: White Plume Mountain adventure
ToA Tomb of Annihilation adventure
ToB1-2023 Tome of Beasts 1 (2023 Edition) book
ToD Tyranny of Dragons reference
ToFW Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventure
ToR Tide of Retribution adventure
UATMC Unearthed Arcana: The Mystic Class reference
US Unwelcome Spirits adventure
UtHftLH Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn adventure
VD Vecna Dossier reference
VEoR Vecna: Eve of Ruin adventure
VGM Volo's Guide to Monsters book
VNotEE Vecna: Nest of the Eldritch Eye adventure
VRGR Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft book
WBtW The Wild Beyond the Witchlight adventure
WDH Waterdeep: Dragon Heist adventure
WDMM Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage adventure
XDMG Dungeon Master's Guide (2024) book
XGE Xanathar's Guide to Everything book
XMM Monster Manual (2024) book
XMtS X Marks the Spot adventure
XPHB Player's Handbook (2024) book
XScreen Dungeon Master's Screen (2024) book

5eTools Alternate abbreviation mapping

You may see these abbreviations referenced in source material, this is how they map to sources listed above.

Abbreviation Alias
ALCurseOfStrahd ALCoS
ALElementalEvil ALEE
ALRageOfDemons ALRoD
UATheMysticClass UATMC

Source name mapping for Pf2eTools

Pf2eTools Abbreviations to long name

Abbreviation Long name
7DfS0 Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Player's Guide
AAWS Azarketi Ancestry Web Supplement
AFFM A Few Flowers More
AFoF A Fistful of Flowers
APG Advanced Player's Guide
AV0 Abomination Vaults Player's Guide
AV1 Abomination Vaults #1: Ruins of Gauntlight
AV2 Abomination Vaults #2: Hands of the Devil
AV3 Abomination Vaults #3: Eyes of Empty Death
AVH Abomination Vaults Hardcover
AoA0 Age of Ashes Player's Guide
AoA1 Age of Ashes #1: Hellknight Hill
AoA2 Age of Ashes #2: Cult of Cinders
AoA3 Age of Ashes #3: Tomorrow Must Burn
AoA4 Age of Ashes #4: Fires of the Haunted City
AoA5 Age of Ashes #5: Against the Scarlet Triad
AoA6 Age of Ashes #6: Broken Promises
AoE0 Agents of Edgewatch Player's Guide
AoE1 Agents of Edgewatch #1: Devil at the Dreaming Palace
AoE2 Agents of Edgewatch #2: Sixty Feet Under
AoE3 Agents of Edgewatch #3: All or Nothing
AoE4 Agents of Edgewatch #4: Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven
AoE5 Agents of Edgewatch #5: Belly of the Black Whale
AoE6 Agents of Edgewatch #6: Ruins of the Radiant Siege
B1 Bestiary
B2 Bestiary 2
B3 Bestiary 3
BB Beginner Box
BL0 Blood Lords Player's Guide
BL1 Blood Lords #1: Zombie Feast
BL2 Blood Lords #2: Graveclaw
BL3 Blood Lords #3: Field of Maidens
BL4 Blood Lords #4: The Ghouls Hunger
BL5 Blood Lords #5: A Taste of Ashes
BL6 Blood Lords #6: Ghost King's Rage
BotD Book of the Dead
CC0 Curtain Call Player's Guide
CFD Critical Fumble Deck
CHD Critical Hit Deck
CRB Core Rulebook
DA Dark Archive
DaLl Dinner at Lionlodge
EC0 Extinction Curse Player's Guide
EC1 Extinction Curse #1: The Show Must Go On
EC2 Extinction Curse #2: Legacy of the Lost God
EC3 Extinction Curse #3: Life's Long Shadows
EC4 Extinction Curse #4: Siege of the Dinosaurs
EC5 Extinction Curse #5: Lord of the Black Sands
EC6 Extinction Curse #6: The Apocalypse Prophet
FRP0 Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Player's Guide
FRP1 Fists of the Ruby Phoenix #1: Despair on Danger Island
FRP2 Fists of the Ruby Phoenix #2: Ready? Fight!
FRP3 Fists of the Ruby Phoenix #3: King of the Mountain
FoP The Fall of Plaguestone
G&G Guns & Gears
GMG Gamemastery Guide
GW0 Gatewalkers Player's Guide
GW1 Gatewalkers #1: The Seventh Arch
GW2 Gatewalkers #2: They Watched the Stars
GW3 Gatewalkers #3: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires
HPD Hero Point Deck
HStR Head-Shot the Rot
LOACLO Lost Omens: Absalom, City of Lost Omens
LOAG Lost Omens: Ancestry Guide
LOCG Lost Omens: Character Guide
LOGM Lost Omens: Gods & Magic
LOGMWS Lost Omens: Gods & Magic Web Supplement
LOHh Lost Omens: Highhelm
LOIL Lost Omens: Impossible Lands
LOKL Lost Omens: Knights of Lastwall
LOL Lost Omens: Legends
LOME Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse
LOMM Lost Omens: Monsters of Myth
LOPSG Lost Omens: Pathfinder Society Guide
LOTG Lost Omens: Travel Guide
LOTGB Lost Omens: The Grand Bazaar
LOTXWG Lost Omens: Tian Xia World Guide
LOWG Lost Omens: World Guide
LTiBA Little Trouble in Big Absalom
Mal Malevolence
MotM Mark of the Mantis
NGD Night of the Gray Death
OoA0 Outlaws of Alkenstar Player's Guide
OoA1 Outlaws of Alkenstar #1: Punks in a Powder Keg
OoA2 Outlaws of Alkenstar #2: Cradle of Quartz
OoA3 Outlaws of Alkenstar #3: The Smoking Gun
PC1 Player Core
POS1 Pathfinder One-Shot: Sundered Waves
QFF0 Quest for the Frozen Flame Player's Guide
QFF1 Quest for the Frozen Flame #1: Broken Tusk Moon
QFF2 Quest for the Frozen Flame #2: Lost Mammoth Valley
QFF3 Quest for the Frozen Flame #3: Burning Tundra
RoE Rage of Elements
Rust Rusthenge
SF0 Stolen Fate Player's Guide
SKT0 Sky King's Tomb Player's Guide
SaS Shadows at Sundown
Sli The Slithering
SoG0 Season of Ghosts Player's Guide
SoG1 Season of Ghosts #1: The Summer That Never Was
SoG2 Season of Ghosts #2: Let the Leaves Fall
SoG3 Season of Ghosts #3: No Breath to Cry
SoG4 Season of Ghosts #4: To Bloom Below the Web
SoM Secrets of Magic
SoT0 Strength of Thousands Player's Guide
SoT1 Strength of Thousands #1: Kindled Magic
SoT2 Strength of Thousands #2: Spoken on the Song Wind
SoT3 Strength of Thousands #3: Hurricane's Howl
SoT4 Strength of Thousands #4: Secrets of the Temple-City
SoT5 Strength of Thousands #5: Doorway to the Red Star
SoT6 Strength of Thousands #6: Shadows of the Ancients
TEC The Enmity Cycle
TV Treasure Vault
TaL Torment and Legacy
TiO Troubles in Otari
ToK Threshold of Knowledge
TotT0 Triumph of the Tusk Player's Guide
WoW0 Wardens of Wildwood Player's Guide
WoW1 Wardens of Wildwood #1: Pactbreaker
WoW2 Wardens of Wildwood #2: Severed at the Root
WoW3 Wardens of Wildwood #3: Shepherd of Decay
WtD1 Wake the Dead #1
WtD2 Wake the Dead #2
WtD3 Wake the Dead #3
WtD4 Wake the Dead #4
WtD5 Wake the Dead #5

Pf2eTools Alternate abbreviation mapping

You may see these abbreviations referenced in source material, this is how they map to sources listed above.

Abbreviation Alias