Here is the name/abbreviation mapping for source materials.
Support content creators. Only use or include sources that you own.
- 2014 (sources/reference): "srd", "basicrules"
- 2024 (sources/reference): "srd52", "freerules2024"
Abbreviation | Long name | Type |
AAG | Astral Adventurer's Guide | book |
AATM | Adventure Atlas: The Mortuary | book |
AI | Acquisitions Incorporated | book |
AL | Adventurers' League | book |
ALCoS | Adventurers League: Curse of Strahd | reference |
ALEE | Adventurers League: Elemental Evil | reference |
ALRoD | Adventurers League: Rage of Demons | reference |
AWM | Adventure with Muk | reference |
AZfyT | A Zib for your Thoughts | adventure |
AitFR | Adventures in the Forgotten Realms | reference |
AitFR-AVT | Adventures in the Forgotten Realms: A Verdant Tomb | adventure |
AitFR-DN | Adventures in the Forgotten Realms: Deepest Night | adventure |
AitFR-FCD | Adventures in the Forgotten Realms: From Cyan Depths | adventure |
AitFR-ISF | Adventures in the Forgotten Realms: In Scarlet Flames | adventure |
AitFR-THP | Adventures in the Forgotten Realms: The Hidden Page | adventure |
BAM | Boo's Astral Menagerie | book |
BGDIA | Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus | adventure |
BGG | Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants | book |
BMT | The Book of Many Things | book |
CM | Candlekeep Mysteries | adventure |
CRCotN | Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep | adventure |
CoA | Chains of Asmodeus | adventure |
CoS | Curse of Strahd | adventure |
DC | Divine Contention | adventure |
DD | Dangerous Designs | adventure |
DIP | Dragon of Icespire Peak | adventure |
DMG | Dungeon Master's Guide | book |
DMTCRG | The Deck of Many Things: Card Reference Guide | book |
DSotDQ | Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen | adventure |
DitLCoT | Descent into the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth | adventure |
DoD | Domains of Delight | book |
DoDk | Dungeons of Drakkenheim | adventure |
DoSI | Dragons of Stormwreck Isle | adventure |
EEPC | Elemental Evil Player's Companion | reference |
EET | Elemental Evil: Trinkets | reference |
EFR | Eberron: Forgotten Relics | adventure |
EGW | Explorer's Guide to Wildemount | book |
EGW_DD | Dangerous Designs | reference |
EGW_FS | Frozen Sick | reference |
EGW_ToR | Tide of Retribution | reference |
EGW_US | Unwelcome Spirits | reference |
ERLW | Eberron: Rising from the Last War | book |
ESK | Essentials Kit | reference |
FS | Frozen Sick | adventure |
FTD | Fizban's Treasury of Dragons | book |
GGR | Guildmasters' Guide to Ravnica | book |
GHLoE | Grim Hollow: Lairs of Etharis | adventure |
GoS | Ghosts of Saltmarsh | adventure |
GotSF | Giants of the Star Forge | adventure |
HAT-LMI | Honor Among Thieves: Legendary Magic Items | reference |
HAT-TG | Honor Among Thieves: Thieves' Gallery | book |
HF | Heroes' Feast | book |
HFDoMM | Heroes' Feast: The Deck of Many Morsels | reference |
HFFotM | Heroes' Feast Flavors of the Multiverse | book |
HFStCM | Heroes' Feast: Saving the Children's Menu | adventure |
HWAitW | Humblewood: Adventure in the Wood | adventure |
HWCS | Humblewood Campaign Setting | book |
HftT | Hunt for the Thessalhydra | adventure |
HoL | The House of Lament | adventure |
HotDQ | Hoard of the Dragon Queen | adventure |
IDRotF | Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden | adventure |
IMR | Infernal Machine Rebuild | adventure |
JttRC | Journeys through the Radiant Citadel | adventure |
KKW | Krenko's Way | adventure |
KftGV | Keys from the Golden Vault | adventure |
LK | Lightning Keep | adventure |
LLK | Lost Laboratory of Kwalish | adventure |
LMoP | Lost Mine of Phandelver | adventure |
LR | Locathah Rising | adventure |
LRDT | Red Dragon's Tale: A LEGO Adventure | adventure |
LoX | Light of Xaryxis | adventure |
MCV1SC | Monstrous Compendium Volume 1: Spelljammer Creatures | reference |
MCV2DC | Monstrous Compendium Volume 2: Dragonlance Creatures | reference |
MCV3MC | Monstrous Compendium Volume 3: Minecraft Creatures | reference |
MCV4EC | Monstrous Compendium Volume 3: 4: Eldraine Creatures | book |
MFF | Mordenkainen's Fiendish Folio | reference |
MGELFT | Muk's Guide To Everything He Learned From Tasha | reference |
MM | Monster Manual | book |
MOT | Mythic Odysseys of Theros | book |
MPMM | Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse | book |
MPP | Morte's Planar Parade | book |
MTF | Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes | book |
MaBJoV | Minsc and Boo's Journal of Villainy | book |
MisMV1 | Misplaced Monsters: Volume 1 | reference |
NRH | NERDS Restoring Harmony | reference |
NRH-ASS | NERDS Restoring Harmony: A Sticky Situation | adventure |
NRH-AT | NERDS Restoring Harmony: Adventure Together | adventure |
NRH-AVitW | NERDS Restoring Harmony: A Voice in the Wilderness | adventure |
NRH-AWoL | NERDS Restoring Harmony: A Web of Lies | adventure |
NRH-CoI | NERDS Restoring Harmony: Circus of Illusions | adventure |
NRH-TCMC | NERDS Restoring Harmony: The Candy Mountain Caper | adventure |
NRH-TLT | NERDS Restoring Harmony: The Lost Tomb | adventure |
OGA | One Grung Above | book |
OoW | The Orrery of the Wanderer | adventure |
OotA | Out of the Abyss | adventure |
PHB | Player's Handbook | book |
PSA | Plane Shift: Amonkhet | reference |
PSD | Plane Shift: Dominaria | reference |
PSI | Plane Shift: Innistrad | reference |
PSK | Plane Shift: Kaladesh | reference |
PSX | Plane Shift: Ixalan | reference |
PSZ | Plane Shift: Zendikar | reference |
PaBTSO | Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk | adventure |
PaF | Puncheons and Flagons | book |
PiP | Peril in Pinegrove | adventure |
PotA | Princes of the Apocalypse | adventure |
QftIS | Quests from the Infinite Staircase | adventure |
RMBRE | The Lost Dungeon of Rickedness: Big Rick Energy | adventure |
RMR | Dungeons & Dragons vs. Rick and Morty: Basic Rules | book |
RoT | The Rise of Tiamat | adventure |
RoTOS | The Rise of Tiamat Online Supplement | reference |
RtG | Return to Glory | adventure |
SAC | Sage Advice Compendium | book |
SADS | Sapphire Anniversary Dice Set | reference |
SAiS | Spelljammer: Adventures in Space | reference |
SCAG | Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide | book |
SCC | Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos | book |
SCC-ARiR | A Reckoning in Ruins | adventure |
SCC-CK | Campus Kerfuffle | adventure |
SCC-HfMT | Hunt for Mage Tower | adventure |
SCC-TMM | The Magister's Masquerade | adventure |
SCREEN | Dungeon Master's Screen | reference |
SCREEN_DUNGEON_KIT | Dungeon Master's Screen: Dungeon Kit | reference |
SCREEN_SPELLJAMMER | Dungeon Master's Screen: Spelljammer | reference |
SCREEN_WILDERNESS_KIT | Dungeon Master's Screen: Wilderness Kit | reference |
SDW | Sleeping Dragon's Wake | adventure |
SKT | Storm King's Thunder | adventure |
SLW | Storm Lord's Wrath | adventure |
SatO | Sigil and the Outlands | book |
ScoEE | Scions of Elemental Evil | adventure |
SjA | Spelljammer Academy | adventure |
TCE | Tasha's Cauldron of Everything | book |
TD | Tarot Deck | book |
TDCSR | Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn | book |
TLK | The Lost Kenku | adventure |
TTP | The Tortle Package | adventure |
TftYP | Tales from the Yawning Portal | reference |
TftYP-AtG | Tales from the Yawning Portal: Against the Giants | adventure |
TftYP-DiT | Tales from the Yawning Portal: Dead in Thay | adventure |
TftYP-TFoF | Tales from the Yawning Portal: The Forge of Fury | adventure |
TftYP-THSoT | Tales from the Yawning Portal: The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan | adventure |
TftYP-TSC | Tales from the Yawning Portal: The Sunless Citadel | adventure |
TftYP-ToH | Tales from the Yawning Portal: Tomb of Horrors | adventure |
TftYP-WPM | Tales from the Yawning Portal: White Plume Mountain | adventure |
ToA | Tomb of Annihilation | adventure |
ToB1-2023 | Tome of Beasts 1 (2023 Edition) | book |
ToD | Tyranny of Dragons | reference |
ToFW | Turn of Fortune's Wheel | adventure |
ToR | Tide of Retribution | adventure |
UATMC | Unearthed Arcana: The Mystic Class | reference |
US | Unwelcome Spirits | adventure |
UtHftLH | Uni and the Hunt for the Lost Horn | adventure |
VD | Vecna Dossier | reference |
VEoR | Vecna: Eve of Ruin | adventure |
VGM | Volo's Guide to Monsters | book |
VNotEE | Vecna: Nest of the Eldritch Eye | adventure |
VRGR | Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft | book |
WBtW | The Wild Beyond the Witchlight | adventure |
WDH | Waterdeep: Dragon Heist | adventure |
WDMM | Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage | adventure |
XDMG | Dungeon Master's Guide (2024) | book |
XGE | Xanathar's Guide to Everything | book |
XMM | Monster Manual (2024) | book |
XMtS | X Marks the Spot | adventure |
XPHB | Player's Handbook (2024) | book |
XScreen | Dungeon Master's Screen (2024) | book |
You may see these abbreviations referenced in source material, this is how they map to sources listed above.
Abbreviation | Alias |
ALCurseOfStrahd | ALCoS |
ALElementalEvil | ALEE |
ALRageOfDemons | ALRoD |
PS-A | PSA |
PS-D | PSD |
PS-I | PSI |
PS-K | PSK |
PS-X | PSX |
PS-Z | PSZ |
Screen | SCREEN |
ScreenDungeonKit | SCREEN_DUNGEON_KIT |
ScreenSpelljammer | SRC_SCREEN_SPELLJAMMER |
ScreenWildernessKit | SCREEN_WILDERNESS_KIT |
TYP | TftYP |
TYP_AtG | TftYP-AtG |
TYP_DiT | TftYP-DiT |
TYP_ToH | TftYP-ToHs |
UATheMysticClass | UATMC |
Abbreviation | Long name |
7DfS0 | Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Player's Guide |
AAWS | Azarketi Ancestry Web Supplement |
AFFM | A Few Flowers More |
AFoF | A Fistful of Flowers |
APG | Advanced Player's Guide |
AV0 | Abomination Vaults Player's Guide |
AV1 | Abomination Vaults #1: Ruins of Gauntlight |
AV2 | Abomination Vaults #2: Hands of the Devil |
AV3 | Abomination Vaults #3: Eyes of Empty Death |
AVH | Abomination Vaults Hardcover |
AoA0 | Age of Ashes Player's Guide |
AoA1 | Age of Ashes #1: Hellknight Hill |
AoA2 | Age of Ashes #2: Cult of Cinders |
AoA3 | Age of Ashes #3: Tomorrow Must Burn |
AoA4 | Age of Ashes #4: Fires of the Haunted City |
AoA5 | Age of Ashes #5: Against the Scarlet Triad |
AoA6 | Age of Ashes #6: Broken Promises |
AoE0 | Agents of Edgewatch Player's Guide |
AoE1 | Agents of Edgewatch #1: Devil at the Dreaming Palace |
AoE2 | Agents of Edgewatch #2: Sixty Feet Under |
AoE3 | Agents of Edgewatch #3: All or Nothing |
AoE4 | Agents of Edgewatch #4: Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven |
AoE5 | Agents of Edgewatch #5: Belly of the Black Whale |
AoE6 | Agents of Edgewatch #6: Ruins of the Radiant Siege |
B1 | Bestiary |
B2 | Bestiary 2 |
B3 | Bestiary 3 |
BB | Beginner Box |
BL0 | Blood Lords Player's Guide |
BL1 | Blood Lords #1: Zombie Feast |
BL2 | Blood Lords #2: Graveclaw |
BL3 | Blood Lords #3: Field of Maidens |
BL4 | Blood Lords #4: The Ghouls Hunger |
BL5 | Blood Lords #5: A Taste of Ashes |
BL6 | Blood Lords #6: Ghost King's Rage |
BotD | Book of the Dead |
CC0 | Curtain Call Player's Guide |
CFD | Critical Fumble Deck |
CHD | Critical Hit Deck |
CRB | Core Rulebook |
DA | Dark Archive |
DaLl | Dinner at Lionlodge |
EC0 | Extinction Curse Player's Guide |
EC1 | Extinction Curse #1: The Show Must Go On |
EC2 | Extinction Curse #2: Legacy of the Lost God |
EC3 | Extinction Curse #3: Life's Long Shadows |
EC4 | Extinction Curse #4: Siege of the Dinosaurs |
EC5 | Extinction Curse #5: Lord of the Black Sands |
EC6 | Extinction Curse #6: The Apocalypse Prophet |
FRP0 | Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Player's Guide |
FRP1 | Fists of the Ruby Phoenix #1: Despair on Danger Island |
FRP2 | Fists of the Ruby Phoenix #2: Ready? Fight! |
FRP3 | Fists of the Ruby Phoenix #3: King of the Mountain |
FoP | The Fall of Plaguestone |
G&G | Guns & Gears |
GMG | Gamemastery Guide |
GW0 | Gatewalkers Player's Guide |
GW1 | Gatewalkers #1: The Seventh Arch |
GW2 | Gatewalkers #2: They Watched the Stars |
GW3 | Gatewalkers #3: Dreamers of the Nameless Spires |
HPD | Hero Point Deck |
HStR | Head-Shot the Rot |
LOACLO | Lost Omens: Absalom, City of Lost Omens |
LOAG | Lost Omens: Ancestry Guide |
LOCG | Lost Omens: Character Guide |
LOGM | Lost Omens: Gods & Magic |
LOGMWS | Lost Omens: Gods & Magic Web Supplement |
LOHh | Lost Omens: Highhelm |
LOIL | Lost Omens: Impossible Lands |
LOKL | Lost Omens: Knights of Lastwall |
LOL | Lost Omens: Legends |
LOME | Lost Omens: The Mwangi Expanse |
LOMM | Lost Omens: Monsters of Myth |
LOPSG | Lost Omens: Pathfinder Society Guide |
LOTG | Lost Omens: Travel Guide |
LOTGB | Lost Omens: The Grand Bazaar |
LOTXWG | Lost Omens: Tian Xia World Guide |
LOWG | Lost Omens: World Guide |
LTiBA | Little Trouble in Big Absalom |
Mal | Malevolence |
MotM | Mark of the Mantis |
NGD | Night of the Gray Death |
OoA0 | Outlaws of Alkenstar Player's Guide |
OoA1 | Outlaws of Alkenstar #1: Punks in a Powder Keg |
OoA2 | Outlaws of Alkenstar #2: Cradle of Quartz |
OoA3 | Outlaws of Alkenstar #3: The Smoking Gun |
PC1 | Player Core |
POS1 | Pathfinder One-Shot: Sundered Waves |
QFF0 | Quest for the Frozen Flame Player's Guide |
QFF1 | Quest for the Frozen Flame #1: Broken Tusk Moon |
QFF2 | Quest for the Frozen Flame #2: Lost Mammoth Valley |
QFF3 | Quest for the Frozen Flame #3: Burning Tundra |
RoE | Rage of Elements |
Rust | Rusthenge |
SF0 | Stolen Fate Player's Guide |
SKT0 | Sky King's Tomb Player's Guide |
SaS | Shadows at Sundown |
Sli | The Slithering |
SoG0 | Season of Ghosts Player's Guide |
SoG1 | Season of Ghosts #1: The Summer That Never Was |
SoG2 | Season of Ghosts #2: Let the Leaves Fall |
SoG3 | Season of Ghosts #3: No Breath to Cry |
SoG4 | Season of Ghosts #4: To Bloom Below the Web |
SoM | Secrets of Magic |
SoT0 | Strength of Thousands Player's Guide |
SoT1 | Strength of Thousands #1: Kindled Magic |
SoT2 | Strength of Thousands #2: Spoken on the Song Wind |
SoT3 | Strength of Thousands #3: Hurricane's Howl |
SoT4 | Strength of Thousands #4: Secrets of the Temple-City |
SoT5 | Strength of Thousands #5: Doorway to the Red Star |
SoT6 | Strength of Thousands #6: Shadows of the Ancients |
TEC | The Enmity Cycle |
TV | Treasure Vault |
TaL | Torment and Legacy |
TiO | Troubles in Otari |
ToK | Threshold of Knowledge |
TotT0 | Triumph of the Tusk Player's Guide |
WoW0 | Wardens of Wildwood Player's Guide |
WoW1 | Wardens of Wildwood #1: Pactbreaker |
WoW2 | Wardens of Wildwood #2: Severed at the Root |
WoW3 | Wardens of Wildwood #3: Shepherd of Decay |
WtD1 | Wake the Dead #1 |
WtD2 | Wake the Dead #2 |
WtD3 | Wake the Dead #3 |
WtD4 | Wake the Dead #4 |
WtD5 | Wake the Dead #5 |
You may see these abbreviations referenced in source material, this is how they map to sources listed above.
Abbreviation | Alias |
GnG | G&G |