version: '3' services: gekko: restart: always build: ./ volumes: - ./volumes/gekko/history:/usr/src/app/history - ./config.js:/usr/src/app/config.js links: - redis # - postgresql environment: - HOST - PORT ports: # you can comment this out when using the nginx frontend - "${PORT}:${PORT}" ## optionally set nginx vars if you wish to frontend it with nginx # environment: # - VIRTUAL_HOST=gekko # - PORT=3000 # - DOMAIN=gekko redis: image: redis:latest volumes: - ./volumes/redis:/data ## optionally uncomment if you wish to use nginx as a frontend # nginx: # restart: always # image: jwilder/nginx-proxy # ports: # - "80:80" # volumes: # - /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro ## optionally uncomment if you wish to use postgresql as a db # postgresql: # restart: always # image: postgres:9.6-alpine # ports: # - 5432:5432 # volumes: # - ./_postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/data:rw # environment: # POSTGRES_DB: gekko # POSTGRES_USER: username # POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password