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Patrick Ziegler edited this page Apr 9, 2024 · 6 revisions

Developer Documentation

The reference documentation for GEF-Classic, i.e. Draw2d 3.x, GEF (MVC) 3.x, as well as Zest 1.x is not maintained only. It provided in form of the GEF Developer Guide, which can be found in the Eclipse Help. It contains the respective Programmer's Guides as well as the API References (Javadoc) for the three components.

There is also some "unofficial" Draw2d/GEF (MVC) documentation provided by Régis Lemaire (Part 1 & Part 2).


For Draw2d 3.x, there are a couple of undeployed examples that demonstrate usage of the API.

For GEF (MVC) 3.x, there are four deployed reference examples, which can (in addition to checking out the source code from the repository) also be materialized in source through a wizard that is shipped as part of the GEF (MVC) SDK:

Besides, there are the following, not officially maintained examples (which are also not bundled with the GEF SDK, but can as well be accessed via the GEF source code repository):

  • Directed Graph Example (Part 1 and Part 2) by Anthony Hunter.

For Zest 1.x, there is a set of Zest Snippets to demonstrate the usage of the Zest component. There is also a PDE incubator component which may serve as a demonstration example for Zest, the Plug-in Dependency Visualization.


Further reading

In addition, the following articles and talks cover GEF-Classic.

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