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How to install Capella and Addons.mediawiki

File metadata and controls

348 lines (206 loc) · 24.2 KB

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For a successful installation of Capella, your computer must meet the following recommended requirements:

  • 64 bit computer with Windows, Linux or Mac Operating System. (Linux and Mac have not yet been field-proven tested).
  • An unzip software such as 7-Zip or equivalent
  • 2 GHz processor
  • 4 Go RAM
  • 15 GB of available hard disk space

Note: If you intend to install a previous Capella release, follow installation instructions below but please consult the #Previous releases installation as there are some slight differences on previous Capella releases

Java Runtime Environment

Starting from Capella 6.0, a JDK Temurin (from is directly embedded in the product. Having an additional Java environment on your machine is no longer a requirement.

Note: This distribution is a production-ready open-source build without legal requirement to subscribe to a commercial support contract and distributed under GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception (see

Note: Notice that only the embedded JDK has been field-tested.

If however you want to use a different JDK version, you need to modify the capella.ini file at 3 places. The first one is to add on two lines -vm and a reference to your JDK location. The second one is to modify -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion argument to point to your JDK version. The third one is to adapt the -Dpde.jreProfile=JavaSE-17 line either to match the version of your JDK. Please refer to the following link for more information and compatibility page.

Note: If you decide to use a JRE instead of the embedded JDK, please note that some capabilities will be disabled (e.g. the Java development capability in Capella or some capabilities coming from add-ons)

Installation from previous version

Before starting the installation, the target location of Capella must be cleaned:

  • The previous Capella version must be correctly uninstalled (See related #Uninstallation section)
  • All manual patches/extensions must be removed

Windows and Linux

  1. Download Capella and extract it in a given directory.
  2. Installation shall be complete as long as it is extracted successfully.

Note: See #Restrictions and Troubleshooting below. (Some installation issues can occurs. e.g. due to 'Folder Long Path limitation' or 'Missing libraries')

  • The Capella folder should contain two folders:
    • capella: the Capella modeling workbench with the executable of Capella
    • samples: the sample models


Since Capella hasn't been installed from Apple Store, it might not be runnable directly once downloaded and you will have to follow some additional instructions to make it runnable.

  1. Depending on you Mac configuration you may need to double click on the downloaded archive to extract or it will have extracted automatically when the download completes.
  2. Using Finder drag the Capella to your applications folder.
  3. Launch Terminal from your Applications > Utilities or using a spotlight search (CMD + Space)
  4. In Terminal window, type: xattr -d /Applications/

Configuration and Extensibility

Capella is extensible with addons that can be installed onto Capella to enrich its functionalities.

Before installing an addon, you shall think about how the Capella installation will be used. A common question is whether the installation is supposed to support several users or not. If it's the case, a possible configuration is to share the same installation of Capella with several users using independently different set of addons. Another possible configuration is to allow users to work on several contexts where they share common set of addons and configuration. To set up these configurations, several strategies are described in the #Configuration strategies.

Addons are installable as "update sites" or as "dropins".

  • A dropins is an unzippable offline packaging (it is just a zip of all necessary files for a specific Capella version)
  • An update site can embed more information than dropins to ensure addon compatibility with a given Capella version, to prevent installation of a feature if not all necessary dependencies are installed, or can dynamically retrieve dependencies over Internet. It can be distributed as an archive, an URL per Capella version or with a fixed URL depending on addon provider. With a fixed URL, the URL will commonly provide all versions of the addon at the same time and its Capella who will decide which version has to be installed.

Note: A dropins, or a zipped update site offers often a more simpler deployable packaging than update sites through URL in operational projects, which can requires offline installation, requires network proxies or simply has to let administrator decide which version and when an addon has to be updated.

Note: In both cases, dropins or update sites, make sure that the addon/extension is compatible with your current version of Capella and Capella projects lifecycle. (even if update sites seem to provide some consistency for a Capella installation, a ProjectX may require a dedicated x.y.z version of addon, and administrators shall manage their own Compatibility map per projects, to prevent unexpected updates of a shared Capella installation)

Compatibility information is commonly provided by the addon provider or for open source addons, marked aside the download release information (ex: addon)

Note: After installation, please see #Post-installation steps

Update Sites

While archives allow by definition the offline installation capability, accessing update-sites via URL may require access to the Internet. Behind a proxy you may face some issues and require specific configuration on Capella Preferences > General > Network connections.

To install an update site:

  • Launch Capella (based on the expected configuration, see #Configuration strategies)
  • Open Help using the menu toolbar
  • Select Install New Software
  • A wizard is displayed
  • Click on Add button
  • Click on Archive if the update site is packaged as a ZIP, or set URL if you have an URL link then Press OK
  • Click on the expected features to be installed, then Next.
    • Sometimes update sites provide several functionalities for a same addon and you can choose not to install some functionalities to your Capella installation. For instance, a XHTML Docgen contribution may not be installed unless you already have installed the XHTML Generation addon, or a Collaborative Feature should not be installed because it will not work without Team for Capella. Not selecting all the features of an update site doesn't prevent main functionalities to be fully working as expected.
  • Agree license agreement and click on Finish
  • Restart when prompted

Command line update site installation

An update site can also be installed through command line.

Install a feature from an update site

capellac.exe -repository {repository} -installIU {featureName} -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director

(replace {xxx} by corresponding values without brackets)

{repository} is one of the following format

  • file://unzipped-updatesite-folder/
  • jar:file:/!/
  • https://update-site.url
  • jar:!/

{featureName} is the name of a feature (see below)

List all features of an update site

capellac.exe -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director -repository {repository} -list " | ~= filter('('))"

(See additional query definition for -list at Language)


Dropins are self-contained addons.

  • Download the addon as a dropin.
  • Extract the contents of the downloaded archive into the expected dropins folder (see #Configuration strategies)
  • Start once Capella with -clean command line parameter to ensure that installation is properly updated.

Make sure that the installed addon as dropin has a valid structure.

The structure is similar to:

  • addonName\eclipse\plugins\*
  • addonName\eclipse\features\*

Note: The structure of dropin is different from an update site, preventing an update site from being installed as dropin as is. (There is some additional files artifacts.jar and content.jar or the folder hierarchy is different)


The following procedure for verifying the successful installation of addons

  • Open Help > About Capella
  • Select Installation Details, you shall see features related to the newly installed addon.
  • Open Window > Show View > Others > General > Error Log view and verify there is not any error message relating to the installed add-on.

Configuration strategies

Capella provides different strategies for supporting multi-user installs. Each strategy is deployed based on three important locations:

  • The install area: the place where Capella is installed.
  • The configuration area: the place where Capella stores runtime meta-data (such as the set of installed plugins).
  • The instance area: the place where users store data.

Strategy 1: Single user installation

Single installation. This is the most basic configuration. An user can use Capella, install some addons, that will be installed in the configuration folder of the Capella installation.



  • User shall have write access in installation folder when Capella is used.
  • Not applicable if several users are intended to use the installation.


  • Enabled by default, nothing to do.
  • If you choose to install add-ons using update sites, install them as described in #Update Sites.
  • If you choose to install add-ons using dropins, install them on dropins folder of Capella installation or in another location by adding the (no quotes) at the end of the capella.ini file.

Strategy 2: Shared installation

Multi users with a shared installation. Users will share a same installation of Capella which can be provided to them with a predefined-set of addons.

Image:Images/multiuser-simple.png Image:Images/multiuser.png


  • In capella.ini file, add the argument -Dosgi.configuration.area=@user.home/xxx/capella/configuration. (each user shall have a dedicated folder)
  • An administrator can install addons in the main installation of Capella that will be available for all users.
    • Create a dedicated admin.ini file, having the same content than capella.ini without the previously add line -Dosgi.configuration.area
    • Launch Capella referencing the admin.ini file by using --launcher.ini admin.ini command line parameter.
    • If you choose to install add-ons using update sites, install them as described in #Update Sites, they will be installed in capellaInstallation/(configuration|p2|plugins|features)
    • If you choose to install add-ons using dropins, install them on dropins folder of Capella installation or in another location by adding the (path without quotes) at the end of the capella.ini and admin.ini files.
  • Users can now use the setup properly. If afterwards, you want to install new addons to users, just run Capella with admin.ini and install them.

Strategy 3: Several contexts with a shared installation

A same installation of Capella can be used for several contexts (several teams, several separated models, etc) where users share a different set of addons per context. An user can also be part of / working on several contexts.



  • The administrator can install a predefined list of addons in the installation of Capella. Just launch capella and install them, from update sites or in dropins folder.
  • For each context, an administrator will define a dedicated folder to store configuration for the given context.
    • Create a dedicated contextX_admin.ini with an added line: -Dosgi.configuration.area=somewhere/contextX/capella/configuration. This file will be used by administrators when installing a new add-on for the contextX
    • Create another dedicated contextX.ini with added lines -Dosgi.sharedConfiguration.area=somewhere/contextX/capella/configuration and -Dosgi.configuration.area=@user.home/xxx/contextX/capella/configuration. This file, used by users, is referring to the configuration of the contextX with osgi.sharedConfiguration.area
  • An administrator can install addons that will be available only for a working context:
    • Launch Capella referencing the contextX_admin.ini file by using --launcher.ini contextX_admin.ini command line parameter.
    • If you choose to install add-ons using update sites, install them as described in #Update Sites, they will be installed in somewhere/contextX/capella/(configuration|p2|plugins|features)
    • If you choose to install add-ons using dropins, install them on somewhere/contextX/capella/dropins location.
      • In contextX.ini, add also to refer to the dropin location.
  • For each users and its working contexts, create a shortcut to capella.exe with --launcher.ini path/to/contextX.ini command line parameter. The user will be able to launch Capella with the set of addons predefined for all its working contexts.
  • Users can now use the setup properly. If afterwards, you want to install new addons to all contexts, just run Capella and install them, for one particular context, run Capella with one of the contextX_admin.ini.

Recommendations for setting up multi-users configurations

Ensure that addons are properly installed before users encounter installation errors

After updating the installation of Capella or addons

  • Do not forget to restart the application as requested while installation of Update sites, or by adding the option -clean in command line parameter.
  • It is recommended to launch once all your users client by adding a -clean in command line argument to ensure that configurations are updated properly for each users then check Error Log messages. Do not forget to remove this -clean parameter after this test to avoid starting performance issues.
  • It is recommended to start the application once with -checkConfiguration to ensure that the cache is up to date with the respect to the contents of the installed bundles.
  • It is recommended to switch to a new workspace, some information might have been cached in it (Java version, etc...).

One user can be part of several working contexts

When working with several contexts, it is important to avoid mixing configuration between contexts for both -Dosgi.sharedConfiguration.area and -Dosgi.configuration.area. Both path must contain a contextX information. Afterwards, if a user is part of a new contextY, administrator will just have to provide a new launcher with --launcher.ini contextY.ini. The configuration will be located in a dedicated contextY folder and will not be mixed up with previous contexts.

Parent folder of configuration shall be dedicated to Capella

  • Addons will be installed in the parent folder of the configuration area. When setting up -Dosgi.configuration.area or -Dosgi.sharedConfiguration.area, it is important to have a parent folder dedicated to capella. (@user.home/capella-configuration is a bad choice as @user.home will be polluted with other folders, whereas setting up -Dosgi.configuration.area=somewhere/capella/configuration is recommended, as addons will be installed in somewhere/capella/(configuration|p2|plugins|features).

Users can install its own addons

It is important to keep in mind that with all the described configurations above, an user can install its own addons in its configuration area. This can be useful, but sometimes not an expected installation. This can't be prevented by setting up the configuration, but administrators can setup read-only permissions to some predefined folders such as @user.home/xxx/capella/(p2|plugins|features|dropins).


Dropins can be installed once and reused across installations/configurations

When installing a dropins, it is possible to install all the dropins in a dedicated folder containing all addons and setup a, a file referencing a specific dropins folder through a path=path/to/dropin/folder line.

For instance, it is possible to have several Capella installation or several contexts referencing dropins installed in another location.


Previous releases installation

For older Capella releases, Capella will require a Java Runtime Environment 64 bits 1.8 installed on the computer: the recommended version is jre-8u121-windows-X64.exe or later.

Some changes since then:

- Execution and configuration files are called eclipse.exe (resp. eclipse.ini) rather than capella.exe (resp. capella.ini)

- In case Capella does not start, edit the eclipse.ini file and add two new lines before -vmargs:

  • -vm
  • <ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_JAVA.EXE> (JRE/JDK 32 or 64-bits according to the version of Capella)

Embed additional sample models

You can configure Capella to embed additional sample models.

Sample models are located aside the Capella installation folder, in a sample folder. If you package some additional samples here, they will be available to your users using Import > Capella Example > Capella Project Example.

Post-installation steps

Migration of models

If upgrading from a previous version, please read the model migration guide, as your older models may not be compatible right away with this new version.

Additional Documentation References

Addon User Guide

Please refer to the Addon User Guide, there is maybe an additional How to install guide or some post installation steps in it.

Restrictions and Troubleshooting

Windows - Folder Long Path limitation

Capella is based on Eclipse: folder hierarchy and namespace of Capella and Eclipse plugins are quite long. Because of Windows folder path restriction, avoid entering a long installation location.

In case the path is too long, some files can not be opened by Capella and this will cause errors (for instance Description editor may not work). Since the extraction will raise an error you should delete the partially extracted files and re-extract it.

Note: To avoid unexpected errors, path of the Capella directory to the capella folder is limited to 115 characters (<CAPELLA_INSTALLATION_DIR>/capella). (a "space" character is counted like three characters (%20)).

Windows - Missing libraries

If launching Capella in Windows OS ends up with the following pop-up, it means that your OS misses some libraries to be compatible with JDK 14.


The solution is to install this Microsoft's update according to your OS version:

Workaround to open the Help Content when there is problem with the browser

Sometimes due to security policy, the web browser has problem on opening local host web pages. This is the case of the Help Content page when it is accessed via the IP address.

Here are 2 possible workarounds to overcome this problem:

  • In the URL, replace by localhost.
  • Copy the URL and paste it in another web browser without restriction.



When uninstalling an addon in a multi users configuration, please read #Recommendations for setting up multi-users configurations and ensure that all your users have been properly updated after uninstallation.


Notice that you can uninstall a viewpoint on a Capella installation, but your models may still reference it and will require it to be opened.

If your model no longer need this part of modeling capability, you can consider to 'unreference' the viewpoint from your model.

See Kitalpha - Architecture Framework Technology Guide > Viewpoint Technology > User's Guide > Viewpoint Manager (online documentation)

Update Sites

To uninstall an update site:

  • Open Help > About Capella
  • Select Installation Details, click on features to be deleted and on the Uninstall button.


A dropins can be uninstalled by deleting it from the folder dropins


To uninstall Capella, just delete it from your system.

If your installation is used by several users, it is recommended to delete all folders defined in #Configuration strategies to ensure that configurations are properly cleaned if you upgrade Capella.

somewhere/contextX/capella or @user.home/xxx/capella/configuration