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KUKSA.val Component Maturity

Erik Jaegervall edited this page Jul 17, 2023 · 6 revisions

This is a suggestion on how to classify KUKSA.val components. Idea is to use PyPI classification as basis (Planning, Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, Production/Stable, Mature, Inactive)

Status KUKSA.val Meaning Components
Planning No software exists
Pre-Alpha In development
Alpha Usable for Demo and Proof-of-Concept
Beta Usable for Evaluation and Testing Purposes, well maintained
Production/Stable Feature Complete, reasonably well tested, well maintained KUKSA.val Client, KUKSA.val Databroker
Mature No new features planned, minimal maintenance KUKSA.val Server, KUKSA.val Go Client
Inactive No maintenance, not tested/updated when other components are updated
TBD Components where no decision yet has been taken S3 Uploader, Node red dashboard

Proposed Version Handling:

  • If we release a new version of the server solutions (KUKSA.val Server and KUKSA.val Databroker) or the SDKs (KUKSA.val Python Client, KUKSA.val Go Client) we shall strive to test the "Production/Stable" and "Mature" components using or depending the updated server/SDK with the new server/SDK as soon as possible.

Any Production/Stable/Mature component shall always "work" with latest release server/SDK