All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
3.4.2 (2024-09-11)
- ecom-config: add permission to manipulate categories (52d77f9)
- fix handling sync image uploads on product import (3d7ce21)
- import-categories: update debug (2c3aaf0)
- import-image: set timeout to import image (c8fb988)
- import-images: fix import images (8a08a5f)
- import-product: disable images queue (9600aa4)
- import-product: remove function images queue (ce83dd7)
- import-products: add debug to import category (a609484)
- import-products: remove import images (ed81b97)
- list stores from auths up to 48h (0deebf0)
- properly checking keywords max items and length on product import (389ffc4)
- webhook-tiny: back webhooks (f5c9df5)
- webhook-tiny: remove unnecessary comments (eb2bdf6)
3.4.1 (2024-09-10)
- ecom-config: add permission to manipulate categories (52d77f9)
- import-products: add debug to import category (a609484)
- list stores from auths up to 48h (0deebf0)
- properly checking keywords max items and length on product import (389ffc4)
3.4.0 (2024-07-08)
- cron to check exported orders and enqueue if needed (20f1344)
- ecom-config: mapping status (d8f66d5)
- ecom-config: option to enable update for only financial status (23b3bbd)
- ecom-config: set procedure to get shipping line to modification (136e98b)
- parse-status: parse status with mapping (9c29f3e)
- deps: update dependency @google-cloud/firestore to v6 (#119) (01d59db)
- deps: update dependency @google-cloud/pubsub to v4 (#145) (19c3303)
- deps: update dependency firebase-functions to v4 (#134) (0c5ff45)
- import-categories: add error debugging in requests (349d4d9)
- import-categories: change configuration description and fix checks for importing categories (ea84873)
- import-categories: change configuration description and run category import on product updates (ab14772)
- import-categories: improves requests to search, create and add categories to the product (2191f46)
- import-products: syntax error from importation (0e0f3ed)
- listing less orders on check exports cron filtering any from-tiny fulfillment (e79ab98)
- product-to-ecomplus: handle properly variation (52acd39)
- properly adding order ids (string) to queue on exported orders check (9184150)
- properly checking already exported orders by id on cron check (6d9535a)
- properly checking already exported orders by id on cron check (04f8a19)
3.3.0 (2023-07-27)
- add option to automatically export orders on ready for shipping only (27301f6)
3.2.1 (2023-07-27)
- check stores stock entries date up to 5min on product import (316c4b3)
- export-order: double check order id before exporting (40464ee)
- export-order: send inscription number only when is state (011b3ac)
- export-order: send inscription number when (optional) type is undefined (2031786)
- format-date: set less 3 hours from zero utc server date (6913d70)
- import-order: find order by correct prop when use ecom: (a874071)
- product-to-ecomplus: parse image from exactly order from tiny (5591509)
3.2.0 (2023-03-10)
- Base Uri: fix base Uri bug (01f79c9)
- clear: properly delete old stock entries by timestamp (2204ac2)
- export-order: parse buyer name to avoid invalid chars (#127) (475fd03)
- pub-sub: fix pubsub not repeating and authentication error (77c91e6)
- tiny-webhooks: using pub/sub to queue tiny webhook events (#130) (a6587c5)
3.1.2 (2022-09-05)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (f25957f)
- export-order: check if has updated by tiny before send (#120) (3f2d6b3)
- export-orders: properly checking last status and prevent integration loop (b10c49d)
- path function (#122) (ccff0b4)
3.1.1 (2022-07-08)
3.1.0 (2022-06-28)
3.0.1 (2022-06-24)
- export-order: properly handle partially paid status (3df9692)
- financial status already have current (#109) (06604e7)
- parse-status: Do not send to tiny partially_paid as paid (3fd5508)
3.0.0 (2022-06-23)
- Base Uri: fix base uri bug (d55681b)
2.0.0 (2022-06-23)
- deps: install @google-cloud/firestore again 😕 (7e34e5b)
- deps: remove @google-cloud/firestore from direct function dependencies (ecc73c5)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#82) (beb1446)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#89) (62ea56c)
- deps: update dependency firebase-admin to v10 (#85) (17eee22)
- import-product: add id on picture when parsing tiny
(#86) (d4e9932) - import-product: query by
and prefer visible/available items (819b231) - parse-status: js syntax fix (5ba8556)
- webhook: debug proxy to v2 error and continue as fallback (8bc939a)
- webhook: proxy requests on function v1 to new v2 (ca2ea01)
- webhook: proxy to function v2 with x-store-id header (b2d9b28)
1.6.5 (2021-10-29)
- ecom-webhook: delay (but not skip) webhooks by orders/products (965bb49)
1.6.4 (2021-10-29)
- ecom-webhook: delay (but not skip) webhooks by orders/products resources (b1db289)
1.6.3 (2021-10-26)
- ecom-config: remove procedure trigger by order create (keep order + status only) (69ed8c3)
1.6.2 (2021-10-11)
- handle-job: prevent trying
when null job, and debug it (53663be) - tiny-webhook: return 503 when sync order import is not successful (fae1a02)
1.6.1 (2021-10-08)
- admin-settings:
defaults to true (702b627) - export-product: tiny product
with up to 30 chars (#70) (c017a7e) - import-product: end process when product should not be updated and
not set (addd669)
1.6.0 (2021-09-09)
- admin-settings: support option to export approved orders only [#49] (907644d)
- export-order: write discount coupon to tiny order obs (933eb7a)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#50) (77036c4)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#56) (b80fd3e)
- deps: update dependency dotenv to v10 (#51) (88dec6a)
- product-to-ecomplus: prevent null
while importing from tiny (d0b90ea)
1.5.5 (2021-05-19)
1.5.4 (2021-04-22)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#25) (4a78a2a)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#28) (63a4cda)
- order-states: clear documents older than 1 day (f13ca0c)
1.5.3 (2021-02-04)
- deps: update @ecomplus/application-sdk to 22.0.0-firestore.1.14.2 (a3cb253)
- tiny-webhook: fix response for products mapping (tiny expected response schema) (8148a28)
- tiny-webhook: fix response for products mapping (try following tiny sample instead of doc) (6fc3433)
1.5.2 (2021-01-18)
1.5.1 (2021-01-18)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#23) (3e9200d)
- sync-from-tiny: fix checking promises to wait before saving skus (e25a3cf)
- sync-from-tiny: try fix reading skus from 'tiny_stock_updates' to queue again (c2bce15)
1.5.0 (2021-01-18)
- sync-from-tiny: queue retry from 'tiny_stock_updates' coll saved skus (a7e3bfb)
1.4.1 (2020-12-21)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#20) (c022c9a)
- import-products: check all stock updates, delete old ones (8219a08)
1.4.0 (2020-12-10)
1.3.0 (2020-12-10)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#18) (7eac2b9)
- import-order: fix endpoint to try matching order by metafield value (90396d6)
- import-order: prevent error with undefined 'shippingLine.invoices' (1c17c43)
1.2.17 (2020-11-05)
- sync: back with sync from tiny scheduled function (8372578)
1.2.16 (2020-11-05)
- refresh-tokens: add scheduled cloud function to run update (b6f85e0)
1.2.15 (2020-11-04)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#16) (6c941d2)
- import-order: accept tracking url without tracking code (4668199)
- import-order: accept tracking url without tracking code (set from link) (cd80d38)
- import-order: normalize tiny order status (situacao) to parse (6761ddd)
1.2.14 (2020-11-01)
- export-order: ignoring orders with no financial status (#15) (78f3b9c)
- export-product: handling error exporting not found product (e1fb16e)
1.2.13 (2020-10-28)
- post-job-handler: update queue when retry is skiped only (dbcc692)
1.2.12 (2020-10-28)
- scheduled-sync: syntax fix, documentSnapshot in place of document (5b79020)
1.2.11 (2020-10-28)
- scheduled-sync: fix getting running proccess from firestore (doc .get) (4029de6)
1.2.10 (2020-10-28)
- webhook: handling queue fallback when has more ids (b082756)
- webhook: set final key with timestamp to further check by time diff (6e605fa)
1.2.9 (2020-10-28)
- import-product: dispatch null job is a function (db1b622)
- import-products: debug not founds and dispatch null job (1462377)
- post-job-handler: delay to clear running key (ffdda4c)
- post-job-handler: delay to uncount running processes (1f247b9)
- post-job-handler: stop skipping update queue (ba15f3e)
- queues: also set init key with timestamp, clear doc reset (no more necessary) (dfbb41b)
- queues: always delay and watch document snapshopt to check init key timestamp (fc15ed6)
- queues: always delay and watch document snapshopt to check init key timestamp (3301d33)
- queues: one more key by action name and next id (bool) (1cfae7a)
- queues: replace init key with single key (89e178d)
- queues: set key with trigger datetime, back with init key (e5dfa03)
- queues: uncount request on post job handler only (bfd4484)
- queues: use key as object property intead of keys array (122157d)
- webhook: add init key to prevent same time requests (85fff79)
- webhook: add reset queue fallback (0e48fa5)
- webhook: don't return 502 for applications triggers on too much requests (e7ff399)
- webhook: ensure uncount request on rejection (0a6bdee)
- webhook: fix calling uncount request before handler (8301eb5)
- webhook: fix firesatore object keys to valid chars (fb61c8a)
- webhook: fix handling queue reset fallback (check snapshot) (b7a4a47)
- webhook: fix normalizing key with next id (7553323)
- webhook: fix normalizing key with next id (1edbc20)
- webhook: fix passing current running keys and count to promise chain (5b291f7)
- webhook: fix reseting running count and checking current keys (321e122)
- webhook: fix reseting running count and checking current keys (179bdaa)
- webhook: preset running count before keys (f63fff6)
- webhook: random delay when running key is set (db1c475)
- webhook: respecting hard stop from running coll (9bb7cd1)
- webhook: still watching document and recheck process key before calling handler (f418abb)
- webhook: try controlling running on memory (object) (d85efce)
- webhook: try controlling running on memory (object) (b0fd1ad)
1.2.8 (2020-10-27)
- import-product: ignore process from hidden queue without identified product (8d0b124)
- parse-product: prefer 'normal' for new external pictures (23d9069)
- post-job-handler: ensure post job even for null promise results (10a6d38)
- post-job-handler: indexOf in place of findIndex to get current id index on queue (4b95f81)
- post-job-queue: properlly handling retry and requeue (a55e897)
- queues: removing queue entry on post job handler only (a5cd21a)
- queues: removing queue entry on post job handler only (don't skip importations) (81fd7c7)
- webhook: ensure running keys is array (23811c1)
- webhook: fix checking for internal/hidden action names (6d97120)
- webhook: fix checking for internal/hidden action names (8f8025c)
- webhook: fix setting running document keys (0320983)
- webhook: set resource id on running key (a23ce49)
- webhook: set resource id on running key (daae83b)
1.2.7 (2020-10-26)
- action-queues: prevent overwriting action object props on update (b7d3ba8)
- import-product: prevent saving negative item quantity (bcae64c)
- webhook: fix mocking integration config after order/product webhooks (f32e1d9)
- webhooks: respond with 202 after update app data (queue) only (32e86f7)
1.2.6 (2020-10-26)
- import-product: fix validating slug first char (9fff7c1)
1.2.5 (2020-10-26)
- import-product: prevent overwriting existent product slug (80f93d3)
1.2.4 (2020-10-26)
- import-product: fix handling variation id to update variation quantity (c048684)
- import-product: fix setting find product promise before job proceed (80a3394)
1.2.3 (2020-10-26)
1.2.2 (2020-10-26)
- import-product: must set storeId for requests with ecomClient (48af81c)
1.2.1 (2020-10-25)
- import-product: fix handling update info for products with variations (0555177)
1.2.0 (2020-10-25)
- import-product: optionally update products info (PATCH) (012360b)
- import-product: fix adding variations to internal import queue (b80af30)
- import-product: fix getting dimensions fields from tiny product (#7) (62970de)
- import-product: fix importing/updating products with variations (find variation) (c3f05b6)
- import-product: queue variation stock import preseting product id (9cb4f65), closes #6
1.1.2 (2020-10-21)
- import-product: read variations from full tiny product (not from search result) (969f3b9)
1.1.1 (2020-10-21)
- export-order: validate custom fields from tiny order data object (f77df14)
1.1.0 (2020-10-21)
- admin-settings: mock some more tiny order config options (758ba35)
- import-product: queue variation stock update after new product (with variations) import (08c10be)
- webhook: parse queue name to lower case to check on handlers (682ddc8)
1.0.1 (2020-10-20)
- auth-scope: request auth to PATCH orders and products (b0bee9b)
- export-product: pass only 'short_description' to tiny product (dbe8798)
- import-order: catch invoice read request errror (64b9024)
- import-order: must set partial order 'shipping_lines' when object changes (9583040)
- import-order: passing tiny instance to order parser (read invoice) (b6d7521)
- import-order: skip getting invoice if id not gt 0 (3308bba)
- import-orders: fix integration handler return (825e82e)
- import-product: check hidden queue to skip new product import (44b71fa)
- import-product: fix parsing tiny product variations (5aafcce)
- import-product: fix setting variation price (parse float) (105ac12)
- import-product: prevent erro with SKU not found (ad52175)
- import-product: validate gtin from tiny product source (de432fe)
- import-products: continue with !payload.product (new product) (177fe73)
- import-products: select up to 10 stock update docs to delete old ones (7db8703)
- auth-callback: add application "self" data trigger (814df87)
- ecom-config: set app title, auth scope, admin settings and procedures (91ddc6a)
- export-order: parsing ecom financial/fulfillment status to tiny (8647880)
- export-orders: handling order status update (de014a4)
- export-orders: parsing and exporting new orders to tiny (0d3e41c)
- export-product: handling product parse and export to tiny (5bddae7)
- import-order: handling import for order status, tracking and invoices (0cd56b1)
- import-product: handling product importation or stock quantity updates (39ca05c)
- sync-from-tiny: active sync one product when stock queue is empty (4f9b13f)
- sync-from-tiny: scheduled function to update status reading tiny queue (2720abe)
- tiny-client: abstracting response data handling (0945b2b)
- tiny-client: constructor with axios request abstraction (176a54f)
- update-app-data: lib abstraction to update app data on store api (6501c76)
- webhook: setup webhook endpoint and integration handlers (e72af52)
- deps: add @google-cloud/firestore to direct deps (4eedd81)
- deps: add form-data to direct pkg dependencies (51ed98f)
- deps: dedupe (541f0ce)
- deps: remove qs, add xml-js (efbc084)
- ecom-config: fix admin settings queues and procedure triggers for erp flux (0f9aca0)
- export: fix setting up tiny request params (4c82ed2)
- export-order: fix passing app data to order parser (cbac364)
- export-order: fix rechecking order number match on tiny api response (e8cf595)
- export-order: fix setting order id to update status (6c7df14)
- export-order: get order with authentication (fee4cdd)
- export-order: setting tiny order status (5809ada)
- export-product: fix checking if product is already registered by sku (codigo) (40d08cc)
- exports: fix handling empty search request to tiny api (7e1640e)
- exports: fix handling search results from tiny api (3286374)
- import-product: fix handling tiny api search result (240ac98)
- import-product: properly set product._id (5abf9c0)
- import-products: delete tiny stock updates tmp docs (3b7855f)
- import-products: fix handling import variations (9ee78a3)
- import-products: fix handling import variations (06907ba)
- import-products: fix handling import variations (7a07da4)
- parse-order: prevent substring from number or undefined (70093cb)
- parse-order: stop using locale to parse date (952ab67)
- product-parse: fix parsing ecomplus <-> tiny description (cd6b5cd)
- sync-from-tiny: fix handling search results from tiny api (269bce4)
- sync-from-tiny: fix mocking tiny stock list after active sync (fbcfa77)
- sync-from-tiny: prevent destructing undefined on promise handler (3dc01d6)
- tiny-client: fix mocking axios error after tiny error response (5ab6321)
- tiny-client: parse some error codes to http status code (82d451b)
- tiny-client: parse tiny error code to integer (d8b4d03)
- tiny-client: parsing data fields to xml (661f221)
1.0.0-starter.15 (2020-07-26)
- deps: bump @ecomplus/application-sdk@firestore (fe4fe46)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#36) (b14f2e9)
- deps: update dependency firebase-admin to v9 (#37) (204df95)
1.0.0-starter.14 (2020-06-30)
- auth-callback: check
in place of 'settep_up' (e2a73ca) - deps: update all non-major dependencies (#31) (702bee9)
- deps: update dependency firebase-functions to ^3.7.0 (#30) (0f459a3)
- deps: update dependency firebase-tools to ^8.4.2 (#29) (cf7e61e)
- pkg: update deps, start using node 10 (172ed7f)
1.0.0-starter.13 (2020-06-03)
- deps: update @ecomplus/application-sdk to v1.13.0 (b424410)
- refresh-tokens: force appSdk update tokens task (139a350)
1.0.0-starter.12 (2020-05-29)
- deps: replace @ecomplus/application-sdk to firestore version (3d2ee85)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#21) (7a370da)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#26) (e37e0e8)
- deps: update dependency uglify-js to ^3.9.2 (#20) (adccf0a)
1.0.0-starter.11 (2020-04-27)
- deps: update @ecomplus/application-sdk to v1.11.13 (70584c2)
- setup: ensure enable token updates by default (67aea0e)
1.0.0-starter.10 (2020-04-27)
- deps: update @ecomplus/application-sdk to v1.11.11 (b8217d0)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#19) (a99797a)
- setup: do not disable updates on refresh-tokens route (b983a45)
1.0.0-starter.9 (2020-04-21)
- deps: update @ecomplus/application-sdk to v1.11.10 (8da579c)
1.0.0-starter.8 (2020-04-18)
1.0.0-starter.7 (2020-04-07)
1.0.0-starter.6 (2020-04-06)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#10) (b3c65e5)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#13) (33ff19b)
- deps: update all non-major dependencies (#8) (feba5b9)
- deps: update dependency firebase-functions to ^3.6.0 (#15) (5f7f0a2)
- deps: update dependency firebase-tools to ^7.16.1 (#14) (b8e4798)
- deps: update dependency firebase-tools to v8 (#16) (b72560e)
- ecom-modules: fix parsing mod names to filenames and vice versa (99c185a)
1.0.0-starter.5 (2020-03-05)
- market-publication: handle full featured app publication to Market (28379dc)
- static: handle static with server app files from public folder (827d000)
1.0.0-starter.4 (2020-02-21)
- calculate-shipping: basic setup for calculate shipping module (db77595)
- home: fix replace accets regex exps to generate slug from title (198cc0b)
- home: gen slug from pkg name or app title if not set or default (25c20bf)
1.0.0-starter.3 (2020-02-21)
1.0.0-starter.2 (2020-02-21)
- config: stop reading app from functions config (7b9aab7)
1.0.0-starter.1 (2020-02-20)
- get-auth: endpoint to return auth id and token for external usage (40a8ae2)
- server: also supporting passing Store Id from query (111f3a7)
- server: remove 'routes' path when setting filename for routes (119524c)
1.0.0-starter.0 (2020-02-18)
- router: recursive read routes dir to auto setup server routes (ff2b456)
- home: fix semver on for app.version (remove version tag if any) (ad36461)
- middlewares: update route files exports (named exports by methods) (6a22e67)
0.1.1 (2020-02-18)
- env: get 'pkg' from functions config (bf45ec3)
- home: set version and slug from root package, fix with uris (d4b61fa)
- env: firebase doesnt uppercase config (502185e)
- require: update @ecomplus/application-sdk dependency name (d4174ac)
0.1.0 (2020-02-17)
0.0.4 (2020-02-16)
- server: update routes names (refresh-tokens) (79a2910)
0.0.3 (2020-02-15)
- server: start reading env options, handle operator token (ce107b7)
- update-tokens: adding route to start update tokens service (no content) (20c62ec)
- auth-callback: fix handling docRef (desn't need to get by id again) (629ca5a)
- auth-callback: save procedures if not new, check and set 'settep_up' (#3) (4a01f86)
- ECOM_AUTH_UPDATE_INTERVAL: disable set interval (no daemons on cloud functions) (2aa2442)
- env: fixed to get appInfor variable (e9b1a3c)
- env: fixed to get appInfor variable (22687e2)
- middleware: check standard http headers for client ip (5045113)
- lib: remove unecessary/incorrect requires with new deps (69f2b77)
- routes: fix handling appSdk (param) (0cf2dde)
- setup: added initializeApp() to firebase admin (e941e59)
- setup: manually setup ecomplus-app-sdk with firestore (64e49f8)
- setup: manually setup ecomplus-app-sdk with firestore (c718bd0)
- setup: manually setup ecomplus-app-sdk with firestore (33909bf), closes /
- startup: setup routes after appSdk ready, add home route (d182555)
- firestore-app-boilerplate: Initial commit (c9963f0)
- firestore-app-boilerplate: Initial commit (be493ea)
- firestore-support: minor changes (3718cba)
- firestore-support: refactoring to use saveProcedures function (62971ef)
- firestore-support: removed sqlite error clausule (2d47996)
- routes: add home route (app json) (42a3f2b)
0.1.1 (2019-07-31)
- procedures: fix checking for procedures array to run configureSetup (1371cdc)
0.1.0 (2019-07-31)
- chain promise catch on lib getConfig (281abf9)
- fix mergin hidden data to config (8b64d58)
- fix path to require 'get-config' from lib (11425b0)
- get storeId from header and set on req object (a3bebaa)
- handle error on get config instead of directly debug (f182589)
- routes common fixes (2758a57)
- using req.url (from http module) instead of req.baseUrl (d9057ca)
- authentication callback (8f18892)
- conventional store api error handling (bcde87e)
- function to get app config from data and hidden data (ba470f5)
- getting store id from web.js (72f18c6)
- handling E-Com Plus webhooks (63ba19f)
- main js file including bin web and local (6b8a71a)
- pre-validate body for ecom modules endpoints (f06bdb0)
- setup app package dependencies and main.js (b2826ed)
- setup base app.json (015599a)
- setup daemon processes, configure store setup (db3ca8c)
- setup procedures object (c5e8627)
- setup web app with express (d128430)