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243 lines (135 loc) · 5.38 KB

File metadata and controls

243 lines (135 loc) · 5.38 KB

Change Log

0.9.9 | 09-02-2021

  • adds "semanticHighlighting": true, as default behavior

0.9.8 | 03-19-2020

  • Optimization efforts and clean up
  • Adds 1Light RainCoat version

0.9.7| 02-05-2020

  • Adds hight contrast version of 1DRC Poncho

0.9.4 | 07-25-2019

  • Updates the colors of both active and inactive modified tabs
  • Updates status bar of window with No project - its more purplish

0.9.3 | 02-27-2019

  • removes extention dependency
  • adds new color syntax theme 1Dark Poncho(work in progress)
    • update to readme and new image

0.9.2 | 02-05-2019

Hot fix for editorSuggestWidget.selectedBackground - gray color was confusing

0.9.1 | 01-26-2019

Adds JavaScript syntax image

0.9.0 | 01-25-2019

Removes broken images

0.8.0 | 01-25-2019

Read me updates and name change to 1Dark RainCoat

0.7.0 | 01-24-2019

Icon Update

0.6.0 | 01-24-2019

Update Workspace Customizations

  • SORRY changed the order of the themes
    • Non-Italic version are default while Italic version is labled as Italic*
  • Adds consistent color pallete throughout the entire workspace theme
    • updates to peekview
    • status bar chages for debug/nofolder
    • panelTitles and forgrounds are brighter and less yellowish
    • misc color updates

0.5.0 | 10-02-2018

  • Adds two new versions - without the Italics that were added from relase v0.4.0
  • Sorry for the multi versions but this is due to the limitations of VSCode currently. Hopefully an option to disable Italics is coming.

0.4.0 | 10-01-2018

Scss/Css and YAML/JSON syntax updates

0.3.0 | 09-29-2018

YAML/JSON syntax updates

0.2.37 | 06-18-2018

Adds "editorIndentGuide.activeBackground"

0.2.36 | 03-08-2018

Added editorActiveLineNumber.foreground support

0.2.35 | 12-31-2017

Thanks to @ajitid 👍🏼

  • Merge Pull Request #10 which fixes Issue #9

0.2.34 | 12-25-2017

  • fine tuning the editor theme

0.2.33 | 11-14-2017

  • color adjustments to better match material icons

0.2.32 | 10-11-2017

  • swapped foreground colors to be #A6B2C0 and active foreground to be #C8DDFC

0.2.31 | 10-11-2017

  • Adds support for git.color.untracked and git.color.modified inside of the Explorer tree
  • Changed sideBar.foreground and list.activeSelectionForeground to previous variants of #A6B2C0
  • Added sideBarTitle.foreground
  • Changed tab.activeForeground and tab.activeBorder
  • Chanaged statusBarItem.activeBackground and statusBarItem.hoverBackground

0.2.30 | 10-03-2017

  • Fixes Issue #8 regarding Syntax Highlighting

0.2.29 | 10-03-2017

  • fix frontmatter color

0.2.28 | 10-03-2017

Color Scheme Updates:

  • Adds a Bright version of One Dark Rain Coat

Theme Updates:

  • updated "statusBar.noFolderBackground": "#473C9B"

0.2.27 | 10-03-2017

Fixed an issue with CSS/PostCSS/SCSS/Sass/LESS class syntax color was thrown off with nesting

0.2.26 | 10-02-2017

better support for jekyll

0.2.25 | 09-30-2017

  • changes liquid punctuation to #C8DDFCD1 to be slightly brighter

0.2.24 | 09-15-2017

patch release

0.2.23 | 09-15-2017

resolves issue #6

  • changes comment colors to #5C6370
  • changes liquid punctuation to #868e9d

0.2.22 | 09-11-2017

added liquid scope to syntax

  • adds syntax highlighting for {% %} and {{ }}

0.2.21 | 09-10-2017

added tab.activeBorder and tab.unfocusedActiveBorder colors

0.2.20 | 09-06-2017

Update to colors and better theme support

0.2.19 | 06-09-2017

changed colors for peek def.

  • peekViewResult.matchHighlightBackground
  • peekViewResult.selectionBackground
  • updated screenshotC.png

0.2.18 | 06-09-2017

changed colors for find/replace inputs and peek def.

  • inputOption.activeBoarder
  • inputValidation.infoBackground
  • inputValidation.infoBorder

0.2.17 | 06-07-2017

Lots of additions regarding the theme

  • added button colors
  • added notifcations
  • added debugToolbar
  • added/updated input options validation
  • updated focus border
  • updated status bar color for degbug mode
  • added pickerGroup

0.2.16 | 06-07-2017

PR merged from @joraz - adds additional colors for symobls within JSDoc Comments

0.2.15 | 06-05-2017

last attempt to fix the image paths in readme

0.2.14 | 06-05-2017

another hotfix for the readme image paths - it’s a monday.

0.2.13 | 06-05-2017

hotfix for screenshot paths in readme agin >:(

0.2.12 | 06-05-2017

hotfix for screenshot paths in readme

0.2.11 | 06-05-2017

screenshot updates and fixed editorWidget.background color to match sidebar

0.2.10 | 06-05-2017

changed the sidebar, editorgroup header, inactive tabs background and foreground colors

0.2.9 | 06-04-2017

activiy, status and title bar color change + change log update

0.2.8 | 06-04-2017

added more consistency with colors on borders and contrast

0.2.7 | 05-20-2017

added more colors the panel, dropdowns and link colors

0.2.6 | 05-12-2017

added scrollbar coloring

0.2.5 | 05-12-2017

added joshpeng.sublime-babel-vscode as extensionDependencies and updated the readme

0.2.2 | 05-12-2017

Error with personal-access token and publishing so this is pointless change

0.2.0 | 05-12-2017

Initial release, includes Workbench Theme to match the color scheme