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3.5. Spline curve fitting

Ed Nieuwenhuys edited this page Jun 17, 2024 · 1 revision

A spline curve fitting option has been added to the logit regression. image

This type of curve fitting can be switched on with the option 2 = spline.

After the "Get ELISA data" or "Logit" button is pressed, the buttons change as shown on the right. image image

With this spline curve fitting, a straight line is drawn between the average response of each dose.

The measured responses of the sample dilutions are read on these straight lines and the concentration determined. No blank is required for this regression, but it is possible.

If a blank is entered, the program calculates results for all responses between the blank and the highest dose of the calibration line.

The calculated parameters belong to a logit regression performed in the background.
