- Golang
- Git Bash for Windows
- Github account
- Google Cloud Platform account
- gcloud CLI
- IBM Watson account
Usual commands when everything is setup already in your local Windows machine. Updating the source codes and deploying them is easy.
$ ulapph
$ dev
$ pwd
$ dep
$ deploy
$ vim ~/.bash_profile
test -f ~/.profile && . ~/.profile
test -f ~/.bashrc && . ~/.bashrc
alias ulapph="cd /c/Users/edwin.d.vinas && source setalias_ulapph.sh"
alias deploy="dep && ./quick_install_ulapph_GAE_ulapph_demo.sh"
alias build="dev && go build main.go && rm main.exe"
$ mkdir $GOPATH/go/src/github.com/YOURGITHUBNAME
$ cd $GOPATH/go/src/github.com/YOURGITHUBNAME
$ git clone https://github.com/edwindvinas/ULAPPH-Cloud-Desktop.git
$ git clone https://github.com/ulapph/quick-install-ulapph.git
$ git clone https://github.com/ulapph/ULAPPH-Cloud-Desktop-Configs.git
$ git clone https://github.com/ulapph/ULAPPH-Cloud-Desktop-Shell-Installer.git
$ git clone https://github.com/ulapph/ULAPPH-Cloud-Desktop-AI.git
$ git clone https://github.com/ulapph/ULAPPH-Cloud-Desktop-Watson.git
$ cd ~
$ vim setalias_ulapph.sh
alias dep='cd /c/Users/edwin.d.vinas/go/src/github.com/edwindvinas/quick-install-ulapph'
alias dev='cd /c/Users/edwin.d.vinas/go/src/github.com/edwindvinas/ULAPPH-Cloud-Desktop'
alias cfg='cd /c/Users/edwin.d.vinas/go/src/github.com/edwindvinas/ULAPPH-Cloud-Desktop-Configs'
alias ctl='cd /c/Users/edwin.d.vinas/go/src/github.com/edwindvinas/ULAPPH-Cloud-Desktop-Shell-Installer'
alias ai='cd /c/Users/edwin.d.vinas/go/src/github.com/edwindvinas/ULAPPH-Cloud-Desktop-AI'
alias ws='cd /c/Users/edwin.d.vinas/go/src/github.com/edwindvinas/ULAPPH-Cloud-Desktop-Watson'
Every ULAPPH installation has a YAML configuration. You can create one based on "ulapph-demo.yaml".
Create a Git bash script "quick_install_ulapph_GAE_sample_project.sh". This script can be copied from working example "quick_install_ulapph_GAE_ulapph_demo.sh"
Next, create an alias so you can easily run the installation script.
$ alias deploy-sample-project="dep && ./quick_install_ulapph_GAE_sample_project.sh"
Then, to deploy you can use below shortcuts:
$ dep
$ deploy-sample-project
Please see Google Cloud documentations on how to create a project.
- Cloud Tasks API
- AppEngine Admin API
- Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy API
- Compute Engine API
- Cloud Storage API (enabled by Default)
- Cloud Build API (enabled by Default)
- Cloud Source Repositories API
If you have purchased your www domain from third-party, you can assign that in the AppEngine
- Go to AppEngine settings
- Go to Custom Domain and then Add a new domain
- Follow the steps in domain verification
- Go to Google Cloud Storage and add users w/ storage permissions
Once IBM watson is created, you need to get the credentials, workspace details and other settings. You need to put those inside the YAML configuration file.
Cloud build 522cb382-2207-48ad-a120-07c83bfc8f68 status: FAILURE\nAn unexpected error occurred. Refer to build logs: https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-build/builds;region=asia-east1/522cb382-2207-48ad-a120-07c83bfc8f68?project=151076056147\nFull build logs: https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-build/builds;region=asia-east1/522cb382-2207-48ad-a120-07c83bfc8f68?project=151076056147
- Looking at the build log URL:
ERROR: failed to create image cache: accessing cache image "asia.gcr.io/ngiyaw-prod/app-engine-tmp/build-cache/default/ttl-7d:522cb382-2207-48ad-a120-07c83bfc8f68": connect to repo store "asia.gcr.io/ngiyaw-prod/app-engine-tmp/build-cache/default/ttl-7d:522cb382-2207-48ad-a120-07c83bfc8f68": GET https://asia.gcr.io/v2/ngiyaw-prod/app-engine-tmp/build-cache/default/ttl-7d/manifests/522cb382-2207-48ad-a120-07c83bfc8f68: UNKNOWN: Service 'containerregistry.googleapis.com' is not enabled for consumer 'project:ngiyaw-prod'.
- To fix this, please enable all related APIs.
502 Bad Gateway
- Go to "IAM & Admin" and then go to "Identity-Aware Proxy".
- Setup Oauth consent screen
- Go to IAP and turn on "IAP"
- Setup permissions to the allowed users
- Access again the appspot url https://yourproject.appspot.com/
Internal Server Error
- Access first the admin-setup page https://yourproject.appspot.com/admin-setup
- Click button to install
ERROR: createHTTPTask: cloudtasks.CreateTask: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = Cloud Tasks API has not been used in project 255989709567 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting [https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/cloudtasks.googleapis.com/overview?project=255989709567](https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/cloudtasks.googleapis.com/overview?project=255989709567) then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.
- First, enable the CloudTask API if not done yet
- Create a queue
gcloud auth login
gcloud config set project ngiyaw-prod
gcloud config set compute/region asia-east1
gcloud config set compute/zone asia-east1-b
Example: gcloud tasks queues create [QUEUE_ID]
gcloud tasks queues create ulapph
ERROR: createHTTPTask: cloudtasks.CreateTask: rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = Any resource that needs App Engine can only be created/updated in the App Engine region. Location must equal asia-east1 because the App Engine app that is associated with this project is located in asia-east1.
- Update YAML file to indicate correct region where project id is located
format: Text
status: Enable
value: asia-east1
- Redeploy application
- Please enable debugging mode so you can see more detailed logs.
format: Flag
status: Enable
value: true