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IDataView Design Principles


Brief Introduction to IDataView

The IDataView system is a set of interfaces and components that provide efficient, compositional processing of schematized data for machine learning and advanced analytics applications. It is designed to gracefully and efficiently handle high dimensional data and large data sets. It does not directly address distributed data and computation, but is suitable for single node processing of data partitions belonging to larger distributed data sets.

IDataView is the data pipeline machinery for ML.NET. Microsoft teams consuming this library have implemented libraries of IDataView related components (loaders, transforms, savers, trainers, predictors, etc.) and have validated the performance, scalability and task flexibility benefits.

The name IDataView was inspired from the database world, where the term table typically indicates a mutable body of data, while a view is the result of a query on one or more tables or views, and is generally immutable. Note that both tables and views are schematized, being organized into typed columns and rows conforming to the column types. Views differ from tables in several ways:

  • Views are composable. New views are formed by applying transformations (queries) to other views. In contrast, forming a new table from an existing table involves copying data, making the tables decoupled; the new table is not linked to the original table in any way.

  • Views are virtual; tables are fully realized/persisted. In other words, a table contains the values in the rows while a view computes values from other views or tables, so does not contain or own the values.

  • Views are immutable; tables are mutable. Since a view does not contain values, but merely computes values from its source views, there is no mechanism for modifying the values.

Note that immutability and compositionality are critical enablers of technologies that require reasoning over transformation, like query optimization and remoting. Immutability is also key for concurrency and thread safety. Views being virtual minimizes I/O, memory allocation, and computation. Information is accessed, memory is allocated, and computation is performed, only when needed to satisfy a local request for information.

Design Requirements

The IDataView design fulfills the following design requirements:

  • General schema: Each view carries schema information, which specifies the names and types of the view's columns, together with metadata associated with the columns. The system is optimized for a reasonably small number of columns (hundreds). See here.

  • Open type system: The column type system is open, in the sense that new data types can be introduced at any time and in any assembly. There is a set of standard types (which may grow over time), but there is no registry of all supported types. See here.

  • High dimensional data support: The type system for columns includes homogeneous vector types, so a set of related primitive values can be grouped into a single vector-valued column. See here.

  • Compositional: The IDataView design supports components of various kinds, and supports composing multiple primitive components to achieve higher-level semantics. See here.

  • Open component system: While the ML.NET code has a growing large library of IDataView components, additional components that interoperate with these may be implemented in other code bases. See here.

  • Cursoring: The rows of a view are accessed sequentially via a row cursor. Multiple cursors can be active on the same view, both sequentially and in parallel. In particular, views support multiple iterations through the rows. Each cursor has a set of active columns, specified at cursor construction time. Shuffling is supported via an optional random number generator passed at cursor construction time. See here.

  • Lazy computation: When only a subset of columns or a subset of rows is requested, computation for other columns and rows can be, and generally is, avoided. Certain transforms, loaders, and caching scenarios may be speculative or eager in their computation, but the default is to perform only computation needed for the requested columns and rows. See here.

  • Immutability and repeatability: The data served by a view is immutable and any computations performed are repeatable. In particular, multiple cursors on the view produce the same row values in the same order (when using the same shuffling). See here.

  • Memory efficiency: The IDataView design includes cooperative buffer sharing patterns that eliminate the need to allocate objects or buffers for each row when cursoring through a view. See here.

  • Batch-parallel computation: The IDataView system includes the ability to get a set of cursors that can be executed in parallel, with each individual cursor serving up a subset of the rows. Splitting into multiple cursors can be done either at the loader level or at an arbitrary point in a pipeline. The component that performs splitting also provides the consolidation logic. This enables computation heavy pipelines to leverage multiple cores without complicating each individual transform implementation. See here.

  • Large data support: Constructing views on data files and cursoring through the rows of a view does not require the entire data to fit in memory. Conversely, when the entire data fits, there is nothing preventing it from being loaded entirely in memory. See here.

Design Non-requirements

The IDataView system design does not include the following:

  • Multi-view schema information: There is no direct support for specifying cross-view schema information, for example, that certain columns are primary keys, and that there are foreign key relationships among tables. However, the column metadata support, together with conventions, may be used to represent such information.

  • Standard ML schema: The IDataView system does not define, nor prescribe, standard ML schema representation. For example, it does not dictate representation of nor distinction between different semantic interpretations of columns, such as label, feature, score, weight, etc. However, the column metadata support, together with conventions, may be used to represent such interpretations.

  • Row count: A view is not required to provide its row count. The IDataView interface has a GetRowCount method with type Nullable<long>. When this returns null, the row count is not available directly from the view.

  • Efficient indexed row access: There is no standard way in the IDataView system to request the values for a specific row number. While the IRowCursor interface has a MoveMany(long count) method, it only supports moving forward (count > 0), and is not necessarily more efficient than calling MoveNext() repeatedly. See here.

  • Data file formats: The IDataView system does not dictate storage or transport formats. It does include interfaces for loader and saver components. The ML.NET code has implementations of loaders and savers for some binary and text file formats.

  • Multi-node computation over multiple data partitions: The IDataView design is focused on single node computation. We expect that in multi-node applications, each node will be given its own data partition(s) to operate on, with aggregation happening outside an IDataView pipeline.

Schema and Type System


IDataView has general schema support, in that a view can have an arbitrary number of columns, each having an associated name, index, data type, and optional metadata.

Column names are case sensitive. Multiple columns can share the same name, in which case, one of the columns hides the others, in the sense that the name will map to one of the column indices, the visible one. All user interaction with columns should be via name, not index, so the hidden columns are generally invisible to the user. However, hidden columns are often useful for diagnostic purposes.

The set of supported column data types forms an open type system, in the sense that additional types can be added at any time and in any assembly. However, there is a precisely defined set of standard types including:

  • Text
  • Boolean
  • Single and Double precision floating point
  • Signed integer values using 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes
  • Unsigned integer values using 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes
  • Unsigned 16 byte values for ids and probabilistically unique hashes
  • Date time, date time zone, and timespan
  • Key types
  • Vector types

The set of standard types will likely be expanded over time.

The IDataView type system is specified in a separate document, IDataView Type System Specification.

IDataView provides a general mechanism for associating semantic metadata with columns, such as designating sets of score columns, names associated with the individual slots of a vector-valued column, values associated with a key type column, whether a column's data is normalized, etc.

While IDataView schema supports an arbitrary number of columns, it, like most schematized data systems, is designed for a modest number of columns, typically, limited to a few hundred. When a large number of features are required, the features should be gathered into one or more vector-valued columns, as discussed in the next section. This is important for both user experience and performance.

Vector Types

Machine learning and advanced analytics applications often involve high- dimensional data. For example, a common technique for learning from text, known as bag-of-words, represents each word in the text as a numeric feature containing the number of occurrences of that word. Another technique is indicator or one-hot encoding of categorical values, where, for example, a text-valued column containing a person's last name is expanded to a set of features, one for each possible name (Tesla, Lincoln, Gandhi, Zhang, etc.), with a value of one for the feature corresponding to the name, and the remaining features having value zero. Variations of these techniques use hashing in place of dictionary lookup. With hashing, it is common to use 20 bits or more for the hash value, producing 2^^20 (about a million) features or more.

These techniques typically generate an enormous number of features. Representing each feature as an individual column is far from ideal, both from the perspective of how the user interacts with the information and how the information is managed in the schematized system. The solution is to represent each set of features, whether indicator values, or bag-of-words counts, as a single vector-valued column.

A vector type specifies an item type and optional dimensionality information. The item type must be a primitive, non-vector, type. The optional dimensionality information specifies, at the basic level, the number of items in the corresponding vector values.

When the size is unspecified, the vector type is variable-length, and corresponding vector values may have any length. A tokenization transform, that maps a text value to the sequence of individual terms in that text, naturally produces variable-length vectors of text. Then, a hashing ngram transform may map the variable-length vectors of text to a bag-of-ngrams representation, which naturally produces numeric vectors of length 2^^k, where k is the number of bits used in the hash function.

Key Types

The IDataView system includes the concept of key types. Key types are used for data that is represented numerically, but where the order and/or magnitude of the values is not semantically meaningful. For example, hash values, social security numbers, and the index of a term in a dictionary are all best modeled with a key type.


The IDataView system includes several standard kinds of components and the ability to compose them to produce efficient data pipelines. A loader represents a data source as an IDataView. A transform is applied to an IDataView to produce a derived IDataView. A saver serializes the data produced by an IDataView to a stream, in some cases in a format that can be read by a loader. There are other more specific kinds of components defined and used by the ML.NET code base, for example, scorers, evaluators, joins, and caches. While there are several standard kinds of components, the set of component kinds is open.


Transforms are a foundational kind of IDataView component. Transforms take an IDataView as input and produce an IDataView as output. Many transforms simply "add" one or more computed columns to their input schema. More precisely, their output schema includes all the columns of the input schema, plus some additional columns, whose values are computed from some of the input column values. It is common for an added column to have the same name as an input column, in which case, the added column hides the input column. Both the original column and new column are present in the output schema and available for downstream components (in particular, savers and diagnostic tools) to inspect. For example, a normalization transform may, for each slot of a vector-valued column named Features, apply an offset and scale factor and bundle the results in a new vector-valued column, also named Features. From the user's perspective (which is entirely based on column names), the Features column was "modified" by the transform, but the original values are available downstream via the hidden column.

Some transforms require training, meaning that their precise behavior is determined automatically from some training data. For example, normalizers and dictionary-based mappers, such as the TermTransform, build their state from training data. Training occurs when the transform is instantiated from user- provided parameters. Typically, the transform behavior is later serialized. When deserialized, the transform is not retrained; its behavior is entirely determined by the serialized information.

Composition Examples

Multiple primitive transforms may be applied to achieve higher-level semantics. For example, ML.NET's CategoricalTransform is the composition of two more primitive transforms, TermTransform, which maps each term to a key value via a dictionary, and KeyToVectorTransform, which maps from key value to indicator vector. Similarly, CategoricalHashTransform is the composition of HashTransform, which maps each term to a key value via hashing, and KeyToVectorTransform.

Similarly, WordBagTransform and WordHashBagTransform are each the composition of three transforms. WordBagTransform consists of WordTokenizeTransform, TermTransform, and NgramTransform, while WordHashBagTransform consists of WordTokenizeTransform, HashTransform, and NgramHashTransform.


Row Cursor

To access the data in a view, one gets a row cursor from the view by calling the GetRowCursor method. The row cursor is a movable window onto a single row of the view, known as the current row. The row cursor provides the column values of the current row. The MoveNext() method of the cursor advances to the next row. There is also a MoveMany(long count) method, which is semantically equivalent to calling MoveNext() repeatedly, count times.

Note that a row cursor is not thread safe; it should be used in a single execution thread. However, multiple cursors can be active simultaneously on the same or different threads.

Lazy Computation and Active Columns

It is common in a data pipeline for a down-stream component to only require a small subset of the information produced by the pipeline. For example, code that needs to build a dictionary of all terms used in a particular text column does not need to iterate over any other columns. Similarly, code to display the first 100 rows does not need to iterate through all rows. When up-stream computations are lazy, meaning that they are only performed when needed, these scenarios execute significantly faster than when the up-stream computation is eager (always performing all computations).

The IDataView system enables and encourages components to be lazy in both column and row directions.

A row cursor has a set of active columns, determined by arguments passed to GetRowCursor. Generally, the cursor, and any upstream components, will only perform computation or data movement necessary to provide values of the active columns. For example, when TermTransform builds its term dictionary from its input IDataView, it gets a row cursor from the input view with only the term column active. Any data loading or computation not required to materialize the term column is avoided. This is lazy computation in the column direction.

Generally, creating a row cursor is a very cheap operation. The expense is in the data movement and computation required to iterate over the rows. If a cursor is used to iterate over a small subset of the input rows, then generally, only computation and data movement needed to materialize the requested rows is performed. This is lazy computation in the row direction.

Immutability and Repeatability

Cursoring through data does not modify input data in any way. The root data is immutable, and the operations performed to materialize derived data are repeatable. In particular, the values produced by two cursors constructed from the same view with the same arguments to GetRowCursor will be identical.

Immutability and repeatability enable transparent caching. For example, when a learning algorithm or other component requires multiple passes over an IDataView pipeline that includes non-trivial computation, performance may be enhanced by either caching to memory or caching to disk. Immutability and repeatability ensure that inserting caching is transparent to the learning algorithm.

Immutability also ensures that execution of a composed data pipeline graph is safe for parallelism. Without the guarantee of immutability, nodes in a data flow graph can produce side effects that are visible to other non-dependent nodes. A system where multiple transforms worked by mutating data would be impossible to predict or reason about, short of the gross inefficiency of cloning of the source data to ensure consistency.

The IDataView system's immutability guarantees enable flexible scheduling without the need to clone data.

Batch Parallel Cursoring

The GetRowCursor method on IDataView includes options to allow or encourage parallel execution. If the view is a transform that can benefit from parallelism, it requests from its input view, not just a cursor, but a cursor set. If that view is a transform, it typically requests from its input view a cursor set, etc., on up the transformation chain. At some point in the chain (perhaps at a loader), a component, called the splitter, determines how many cursors should be active, creates those cursors, and returns them together with a consolidator object. At the other end, the consolidator is invoked to marshal the multiple cursors back into a single cursor. Intervening levels simply create a cursor on each input cursor, return that set of cursors as well as the consolidator.

The ML.NET code base includes transform base classes that implement the minimal amount of code required to support this batch parallel cursoring design. Consequently, most transform implementations do not have any special code to support batch parallel cursoring.

Memory Efficiency

Cursoring is inherently efficient from a memory allocation perspective. Executing MoveNext() requires no memory allocation. Retrieving primitive column values from a cursor also requires no memory allocation. To retrieve vector column values from a cursor, the caller can optionally provide buffers into which the values should be copied. When the provided buffers are sufficiently large, no additional memory allocation is required. When the buffers are not provided or are too small, the cursor allocates buffers of sufficient size to hold the values. This cooperative buffer sharing protocol eliminates the need to allocate separate buffers for each row. To avoid any allocation while iterating, client code only need allocate sufficiently large buffers up front, outside the iteration loop.

Note that IDataView allows algorithms that need to materialize data in memory to do so. Nothing in the system prevents a component from cursoring through the source data and building a complete in-memory representation of the information needed, subject, of course, to available memory.

Data Size

For large data scenarios, it is critical that the pipeline support efficient multiple pass "streaming" from disk. IDataView naturally supports streaming via cursoring through views. Typically, the root of a view is a loader that pulls information from a file or other data source. We have implemented both binary .idv and text-based loaders and savers. New loaders and savers can be added at any time.

Note that when the data is small, and repeated passes over the data are needed, the operating system disk cache transparently enhances performance. Further, when the data is known to fit in memory, caching, as described above, provides even better performance.


Some training algorithms benefit from randomizing the order of rows produced by a cursor. An IDataView indicates via a property whether it supports shuffling. If it does, a random number generator passed to its GetRowCursor method indicates shuffling should happen, with seed information pulled from the random number generator. Serving rows from disk in a random order is quite difficult to do efficiently (without seeking for each row). The binary .idv loader has some shuffling support, favoring performance over attempting to provide a uniform distribution over the permutation space. This level of support has been validated to be sufficient for machine learning goals (for example, in recent work on SA-SDCA algorithm). When the data is all in memory, as it is when cached, randomizing is trivial.

Appendix: Comparison with LINQ

This section is intended for developers familiar with the .Net IEnumerable<T> interface and the LINQ technologies.

The IDataView interface is, in some sense, similar to IEnumerable<T>, and the IDataView system is similar to the LINQ eco-system. The comparisons below refer to the IDataView and IEnumerable<T> interfaces as the core interfaces of their respective worlds.

In both worlds, there is a cursoring interface associated with the core interface. In the IEnumerable world, the cursoring interface is IEnumerator<T>. In the IDataView world, the cursoring interface is IRowCursor.

Both cursoring interfaces have MoveNext() methods for forward-only iteration through the elements.

Both cursoring interfaces provide access to information about the current item. For the IEnumerable world, the access is through the Current property of the enumerator. Note that when T is a class type, this suggests that each item served requires memory allocation. In the IDataView world, there is no single object that represents the current row. Instead, the values of the current row are directly accessible via methods on the cursor. This avoids memory allocation for each row.

In both worlds, the item type information is carried by both the core interface and the cursoring interface. In the IEnumerable world, this type information is part of the .Net type, while in the IDataView world, the type information is much richer and contained in the schema, rather than in the .Net type.

In both worlds, many different classes implement the core interface. In the IEnumerable world, developers explicitly write some of these classes, but many more implementing classes are automatically generated by the C# compiler, and returned from methods written using the C# iterator functionality (yield return). In the IDataView world, developers explicitly write all of the implementing classes, including all loaders and transforms. Unfortunately, there is no equivalent yield return magic.

In both worlds, multiple cursors can be created and used.

In both worlds, computation is naturally lazy in the row direction. In the IEnumerable world, laziness in the column direction would correspond to the returned Current value of type T lazily computing some of its properties.

In both worlds, streaming from disk is naturally supported.

Neither world supports indexed item access, nor a guarantee that the number of items is available without iterating and counting.