diff --git a/effect_reports/admin/confirmed_serum_crag_date_admin.py b/effect_reports/admin/confirmed_serum_crag_date_admin.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bac6e009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/effect_reports/admin/confirmed_serum_crag_date_admin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+from django.contrib import admin
+from django.template.loader import render_to_string
+from django.urls import NoReverseMatch, reverse
+from django.utils.html import format_html
+from django_audit_fields import ModelAdminAuditFieldsMixin, audit_fieldset_tuple
+from django_revision.modeladmin_mixin import ModelAdminRevisionMixin
+from edc_model_admin.dashboard import ModelAdminDashboardMixin
+from edc_model_admin.mixins import (
+ ModelAdminFormAutoNumberMixin,
+ ModelAdminFormInstructionsMixin,
+ ModelAdminInstitutionMixin,
+ ModelAdminNextUrlRedirectMixin,
+ TemplatesModelAdminMixin,
+from edc_sites.admin import SiteModelAdminMixin
+from ..admin_site import effect_reports_admin
+from ..forms import ConfirmedSerumCragDateForm
+from ..models import ConfirmedSerumCragDate
+@admin.register(ConfirmedSerumCragDate, site=effect_reports_admin)
+class ConfirmedSerumCragDateAdmin(
+ SiteModelAdminMixin,
+ ModelAdminDashboardMixin,
+ ModelAdminAuditFieldsMixin,
+ ModelAdminFormAutoNumberMixin,
+ ModelAdminFormInstructionsMixin,
+ ModelAdminRevisionMixin, # add
+ ModelAdminInstitutionMixin, # add
+ ModelAdminNextUrlRedirectMixin,
+ TemplatesModelAdminMixin,
+ admin.ModelAdmin,
+ form = ConfirmedSerumCragDateForm
+ ordering = ["site", "subject_identifier"]
+ note_template_name = "edc_qareports/qa_report_note.html"
+ fieldsets = (
+ (
+ "Screening Serum CrAg Date",
+ {"fields": ("confirmed_serum_crag_date",)},
+ ),
+ (
+ "Notes",
+ {
+ "fields": (
+ "note",
+ "status",
+ "subject_identifier",
+ "report_model",
+ "report_datetime",
+ )
+ },
+ ),
+ audit_fieldset_tuple,
+ )
+ list_display = [
+ "dashboard",
+ "subject_identifier",
+ "report",
+ "status",
+ "confirmed_serum_crag_date",
+ "report_note",
+ "report_datetime",
+ ]
+ radio_fields = {"status": admin.VERTICAL}
+ list_filter = [
+ "confirmed_serum_crag_date",
+ "status",
+ "report_datetime",
+ "report_model",
+ "user_created",
+ "user_modified",
+ ]
+ search_fields = ["subject_identifier", "name"]
+ @admin.display(description="Report", ordering="report_name")
+ def report(self, obj=None):
+ app_label, model = obj.report_model_cls._meta.label_lower.split(".")
+ changelist_url = "_".join([app_label, model, "changelist"])
+ try:
+ # assume admin site naming convention
+ url = reverse(f"{app_label}_admin:{changelist_url}")
+ except NoReverseMatch:
+ # TODO: find the admin site where this model is registered
+ url = "#"
+ return format_html(
+ '{}',
+ *(url, obj.subject_identifier, obj.report_model_cls._meta.verbose_name),
+ )
+ @admin.display(description="QA Note", ordering="note")
+ def report_note(self, obj=None):
+ context = dict(note=obj.note)
+ return render_to_string(self.note_template_name, context)
+ def redirect_url(self, request, obj, post_url_continue=None) -> str | None:
+ redirect_url = super().redirect_url(request, obj, post_url_continue=post_url_continue)
+ return f"{redirect_url}?q={obj.subject_identifier}"
diff --git a/effect_reports/admin/consented_serum_crag_date_admin.py b/effect_reports/admin/consented_serum_crag_date_admin.py
index 711ee18f..02aacc4c 100644
--- a/effect_reports/admin/consented_serum_crag_date_admin.py
+++ b/effect_reports/admin/consented_serum_crag_date_admin.py
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
+from django.apps import apps as django_apps
from django.contrib import admin
+from django.utils.html import format_html
from edc_model_admin.dashboard import ModelAdminDashboardMixin
from edc_model_admin.mixins import TemplatesModelAdminMixin
-from edc_qareports.admin import QaReportWithNoteModelAdminMixin
+from edc_qareports.admin import NoteModelAdminMixin
+from edc_qareports.utils import truncate_string
from edc_sites.admin import SiteModelAdminMixin
+from edc_utils import escape_braces
from ..admin_site import effect_reports_admin
from ..consented_serum_crag_date_df import ConsentedSerumCragDateDf
@@ -11,12 +15,16 @@
@admin.register(ConsentedSerumCragDate, site=effect_reports_admin)
class ConsentedSerumCragDateAdmin(
- QaReportWithNoteModelAdminMixin,
+ NoteModelAdminMixin,
+ qa_report_list_display_insert_pos = 5
+ note_model_cls = django_apps.get_model("effect_reports.confirmedserumcragdate")
ordering = ("subject_identifier",)
list_display = [
@@ -48,6 +56,30 @@ def screening(self, obj=None):
def subject(self, obj=None):
return obj.subject_identifier
+ @admin.display(description="Conf. ser CrAg Date")
+ def notes(self, obj=None):
+ """Returns url to add or edit qa_report model note"""
+ return super().notes(obj=obj)
+ def get_notes_label(self, obj=None, field_name=None):
+ if not obj:
+ label = "Add"
+ else:
+ date = obj.confirmed_serum_crag_date
+ note = obj.note
+ if date and not note:
+ label = date
+ elif date and note:
+ label = format_html(
+ f"{date.strftime('%-d %b %Y')}
+ f"({escape_braces(truncate_string(note, max_length=35))})"
+ )
+ elif note:
+ label = truncate_string(note, max_length=35)
+ else:
+ label = "Edit"
+ return label
def get_queryset(self, request):
cls = ConsentedSerumCragDateDf()
diff --git a/effect_reports/admin/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_gte_g3_other_admin.py b/effect_reports/admin/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_gte_g3_other_admin.py
index 16ab1040..05cd70d7 100644
--- a/effect_reports/admin/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_gte_g3_other_admin.py
+++ b/effect_reports/admin/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_gte_g3_other_admin.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
from edc_appointment.models import Appointment
from edc_model_admin.dashboard import ModelAdminDashboardMixin
from edc_model_admin.mixins import TemplatesModelAdminMixin
-from edc_qareports.admin import QaReportWithNoteModelAdminMixin
+from edc_qareports.admin import NoteModelAdminMixin
from edc_sites.admin import SiteModelAdminMixin
from edc_visit_schedule.admin import ScheduleStatusListFilter
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
@admin.register(Rm792KwInCurrentSxGteG3Other, site=effect_reports_admin)
class Rm792KwInCurrentSxGteG3OtherAdmin(
- QaReportWithNoteModelAdminMixin,
+ NoteModelAdminMixin,
diff --git a/effect_reports/admin/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_other_admin.py b/effect_reports/admin/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_other_admin.py
index 73b44859..9c46646a 100644
--- a/effect_reports/admin/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_other_admin.py
+++ b/effect_reports/admin/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_other_admin.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
from edc_appointment.models import Appointment
from edc_model_admin.dashboard import ModelAdminDashboardMixin
from edc_model_admin.mixins import TemplatesModelAdminMixin
-from edc_qareports.admin import QaReportWithNoteModelAdminMixin
+from edc_qareports.admin import NoteModelAdminMixin
from edc_sites.admin import SiteModelAdminMixin
from edc_visit_schedule.admin import ScheduleStatusListFilter
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
@admin.register(Rm792KwInCurrentSxOther, site=effect_reports_admin)
class Rm792KwInCurrentSxOtherAdmin(
- QaReportWithNoteModelAdminMixin,
+ NoteModelAdminMixin,
diff --git a/effect_reports/forms/__init__.py b/effect_reports/forms/__init__.py
index e69de29b..58051e19 100644
--- a/effect_reports/forms/__init__.py
+++ b/effect_reports/forms/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .confirmed_serum_crag_date_form import ConfirmedSerumCragDateForm
diff --git a/effect_reports/forms/confirmed_serum_crag_date_form.py b/effect_reports/forms/confirmed_serum_crag_date_form.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8e65037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/effect_reports/forms/confirmed_serum_crag_date_form.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+from django import forms
+from edc_form_validators import FormValidatorMixin
+from edc_model_form.mixins import BaseModelFormMixin
+from edc_sites.modelform_mixins import SiteModelFormMixin
+from effect_form_validators.effect_reports import ConfirmedSerumCragDateFormValidator
+from ..models import ConfirmedSerumCragDate
+class ConfirmedSerumCragDateForm(
+ SiteModelFormMixin,
+ BaseModelFormMixin,
+ FormValidatorMixin,
+ forms.ModelForm,
+ report_datetime_field_attr = "report_datetime"
+ form_validator_cls = ConfirmedSerumCragDateFormValidator
+ class Meta:
+ model = ConfirmedSerumCragDate
+ fields = "__all__"
+ help_text = {"subject_identifier": "(read-only)", "name": "(read-only)"}
+ widgets = {
+ "report_model": forms.TextInput(attrs={"readonly": "readonly"}),
+ "subject_identifier": forms.TextInput(attrs={"readonly": "readonly"}),
+ "name": forms.TextInput(attrs={"readonly": "readonly"}),
+ }
diff --git a/effect_reports/migrations/0003_historicalconfirmedserumcragdate_and_more.py b/effect_reports/migrations/0003_historicalconfirmedserumcragdate_and_more.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9669b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/effect_reports/migrations/0003_historicalconfirmedserumcragdate_and_more.py
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.2.11 on 2024-08-09 12:10
+import uuid
+import _socket
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import django.db.models.manager
+import django_audit_fields.fields.hostname_modification_field
+import django_audit_fields.fields.userfield
+import django_audit_fields.fields.uuid_auto_field
+import django_audit_fields.models.audit_model_mixin
+import django_revision.revision_field
+import edc_model.validators.date
+import edc_sites.managers
+import edc_utils.date
+import simple_history.models
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+ dependencies = [
+ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL),
+ ("sites", "0002_alter_domain_unique"),
+ ("effect_reports", "0002_auto_20240626_1725"),
+ ]
+ operations = [
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name="HistoricalConfirmedSerumCragDate",
+ fields=[
+ (
+ "revision",
+ django_revision.revision_field.RevisionField(
+ blank=True,
+ editable=False,
+ help_text="System field. Git repository tag:branch:commit.",
+ max_length=75,
+ null=True,
+ verbose_name="Revision",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "created",
+ models.DateTimeField(
+ blank=True, default=django_audit_fields.models.audit_model_mixin.utcnow
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "modified",
+ models.DateTimeField(
+ blank=True, default=django_audit_fields.models.audit_model_mixin.utcnow
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "user_created",
+ django_audit_fields.fields.userfield.UserField(
+ blank=True,
+ help_text="Updated by admin.save_model",
+ max_length=50,
+ verbose_name="user created",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "user_modified",
+ django_audit_fields.fields.userfield.UserField(
+ blank=True,
+ help_text="Updated by admin.save_model",
+ max_length=50,
+ verbose_name="user modified",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "hostname_created",
+ models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ default=_socket.gethostname,
+ help_text="System field. (modified on create only)",
+ max_length=60,
+ verbose_name="Hostname created",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "hostname_modified",
+ django_audit_fields.fields.hostname_modification_field.HostnameModificationField(
+ blank=True,
+ help_text="System field. (modified on every save)",
+ max_length=50,
+ verbose_name="Hostname modified",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "device_created",
+ models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=10, verbose_name="Device created"),
+ ),
+ (
+ "device_modified",
+ models.CharField(
+ blank=True, max_length=10, verbose_name="Device modified"
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "locale_created",
+ models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ help_text="Auto-updated by Modeladmin",
+ max_length=10,
+ null=True,
+ verbose_name="Locale created",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "locale_modified",
+ models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ help_text="Auto-updated by Modeladmin",
+ max_length=10,
+ null=True,
+ verbose_name="Locale modified",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "id",
+ django_audit_fields.fields.uuid_auto_field.UUIDAutoField(
+ blank=True,
+ db_index=True,
+ editable=False,
+ help_text="System auto field. UUID primary key.",
+ ),
+ ),
+ ("subject_identifier", models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=50)),
+ ("report_model", models.CharField(max_length=150)),
+ ("report_datetime", models.DateTimeField(default=edc_utils.date.get_utcnow)),
+ ("note", models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+ (
+ "status",
+ models.CharField(
+ choices=[("New", "New"), ("feedback", "Feedback")],
+ default="New",
+ max_length=25,
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "confirmed_serum_crag_date",
+ models.DateField(
+ blank=True,
+ help_text="Please enter first collection date in episode. Test must have been performed within 21 days of screening.",
+ null=True,
+ validators=[edc_model.validators.date.date_not_future],
+ verbose_name="Confirmed serum/plasma CrAg sample collection date",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "history_id",
+ models.UUIDField(
+ default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False, primary_key=True, serialize=False
+ ),
+ ),
+ ("history_date", models.DateTimeField(db_index=True)),
+ ("history_change_reason", models.CharField(max_length=100, null=True)),
+ (
+ "history_type",
+ models.CharField(
+ choices=[("+", "Created"), ("~", "Changed"), ("-", "Deleted")],
+ max_length=1,
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "history_user",
+ models.ForeignKey(
+ null=True,
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL,
+ related_name="+",
+ to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL,
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "site",
+ models.ForeignKey(
+ blank=True,
+ db_constraint=False,
+ null=True,
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.DO_NOTHING,
+ related_name="+",
+ to="sites.site",
+ ),
+ ),
+ ],
+ options={
+ "verbose_name": "historical Redmine #488.2 Confirmed Serum Crag Date",
+ "verbose_name_plural": "historical Redmine #488.2 Confirmed Serum Crag Dates",
+ "ordering": ("-history_date", "-history_id"),
+ "get_latest_by": ("history_date", "history_id"),
+ },
+ bases=(simple_history.models.HistoricalChanges, models.Model),
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name="ConsentedSerumCragDate",
+ fields=[
+ (
+ "id",
+ models.BigAutoField(
+ auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name="ID"
+ ),
+ ),
+ ("report_model", models.CharField(max_length=50)),
+ ("subject_identifier", models.CharField(max_length=25)),
+ ("created", models.DateTimeField()),
+ (
+ "screening_identifier",
+ models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True, verbose_name="Screening ID"),
+ ),
+ ("serum_crag_date", models.DateField(null=True)),
+ ("eligibility_date", models.DateField(null=True)),
+ (
+ "serum_crag_value",
+ models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True, verbose_name="CrAg"),
+ ),
+ (
+ "site",
+ models.ForeignKey(
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to="sites.site"
+ ),
+ ),
+ ],
+ options={
+ "verbose_name": "Redmine #488.1 Consented Serum Crag Date",
+ "verbose_name_plural": "Redmine #488.1 Consented Serum Crag Dates",
+ "abstract": False,
+ },
+ ),
+ migrations.CreateModel(
+ name="ConfirmedSerumCragDate",
+ fields=[
+ (
+ "revision",
+ django_revision.revision_field.RevisionField(
+ blank=True,
+ editable=False,
+ help_text="System field. Git repository tag:branch:commit.",
+ max_length=75,
+ null=True,
+ verbose_name="Revision",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "created",
+ models.DateTimeField(
+ blank=True, default=django_audit_fields.models.audit_model_mixin.utcnow
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "modified",
+ models.DateTimeField(
+ blank=True, default=django_audit_fields.models.audit_model_mixin.utcnow
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "user_created",
+ django_audit_fields.fields.userfield.UserField(
+ blank=True,
+ help_text="Updated by admin.save_model",
+ max_length=50,
+ verbose_name="user created",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "user_modified",
+ django_audit_fields.fields.userfield.UserField(
+ blank=True,
+ help_text="Updated by admin.save_model",
+ max_length=50,
+ verbose_name="user modified",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "hostname_created",
+ models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ default=_socket.gethostname,
+ help_text="System field. (modified on create only)",
+ max_length=60,
+ verbose_name="Hostname created",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "hostname_modified",
+ django_audit_fields.fields.hostname_modification_field.HostnameModificationField(
+ blank=True,
+ help_text="System field. (modified on every save)",
+ max_length=50,
+ verbose_name="Hostname modified",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "device_created",
+ models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=10, verbose_name="Device created"),
+ ),
+ (
+ "device_modified",
+ models.CharField(
+ blank=True, max_length=10, verbose_name="Device modified"
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "locale_created",
+ models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ help_text="Auto-updated by Modeladmin",
+ max_length=10,
+ null=True,
+ verbose_name="Locale created",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "locale_modified",
+ models.CharField(
+ blank=True,
+ help_text="Auto-updated by Modeladmin",
+ max_length=10,
+ null=True,
+ verbose_name="Locale modified",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "id",
+ django_audit_fields.fields.uuid_auto_field.UUIDAutoField(
+ blank=True,
+ editable=False,
+ help_text="System auto field. UUID primary key.",
+ primary_key=True,
+ serialize=False,
+ ),
+ ),
+ ("subject_identifier", models.CharField(max_length=50, unique=True)),
+ ("report_model", models.CharField(max_length=150)),
+ ("report_datetime", models.DateTimeField(default=edc_utils.date.get_utcnow)),
+ ("note", models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+ (
+ "status",
+ models.CharField(
+ choices=[("New", "New"), ("feedback", "Feedback")],
+ default="New",
+ max_length=25,
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "confirmed_serum_crag_date",
+ models.DateField(
+ blank=True,
+ help_text="Please enter first collection date in episode. Test must have been performed within 21 days of screening.",
+ null=True,
+ validators=[edc_model.validators.date.date_not_future],
+ verbose_name="Confirmed serum/plasma CrAg sample collection date",
+ ),
+ ),
+ (
+ "site",
+ models.ForeignKey(
+ null=True,
+ on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT,
+ related_name="+",
+ to="sites.site",
+ ),
+ ),
+ ],
+ options={
+ "verbose_name": "Redmine #488.2 Confirmed Serum Crag Date",
+ "verbose_name_plural": "Redmine #488.2 Confirmed Serum Crag Dates",
+ "abstract": False,
+ "default_permissions": ("add", "change", "delete", "view", "export", "import"),
+ "default_manager_name": "objects",
+ "indexes": [
+ models.Index(
+ fields=["modified", "created"], name="effect_repo_modifie_d5494c_idx"
+ ),
+ models.Index(
+ fields=["user_modified", "user_created"],
+ name="effect_repo_user_mo_f47e8e_idx",
+ ),
+ ],
+ },
+ managers=[
+ ("on_site", edc_sites.managers.CurrentSiteManager()),
+ ("objects", django.db.models.manager.Manager()),
+ ],
+ ),
+ ]
diff --git a/effect_reports/models/confirmed_serum_crag_date.py b/effect_reports/models/confirmed_serum_crag_date.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51938fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/effect_reports/models/confirmed_serum_crag_date.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+from django.db import models
+from edc_identifier.model_mixins import UniqueSubjectIdentifierFieldMixin
+from edc_model.models import BaseUuidModel, HistoricalRecords
+from edc_model.validators import date_not_future
+from edc_qareports.model_mixins import NoteModelMixin
+class ConfirmedSerumCragDate(
+ UniqueSubjectIdentifierFieldMixin,
+ NoteModelMixin,
+ history = HistoricalRecords()
+ confirmed_serum_crag_date = models.DateField(
+ verbose_name="Confirmed serum/plasma CrAg sample collection date",
+ validators=[date_not_future],
+ null=True,
+ blank=True,
+ help_text=(
+ "Please enter first collection date in episode. "
+ "Test must have been performed within 21 days of screening."
+ ),
+ )
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return f"{self._meta.verbose_name}: {self.subject_identifier}"
+ class Meta(UniqueSubjectIdentifierFieldMixin.Meta, BaseUuidModel.Meta):
+ verbose_name = "Redmine #488.2 Confirmed Serum Crag Date"
+ verbose_name_plural = "Redmine #488.2 Confirmed Serum Crag Dates"
diff --git a/effect_reports/models/consented_serum_crag_date.py b/effect_reports/models/consented_serum_crag_date.py
index 55b134c4..692a6204 100644
--- a/effect_reports/models/consented_serum_crag_date.py
+++ b/effect_reports/models/consented_serum_crag_date.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from django.db import models
-from edc_qareports.models import QaReportModelMixin
+from edc_qareports.model_mixins import QaReportModelMixin
class ConsentedSerumCragDate(QaReportModelMixin, models.Model):
diff --git a/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_gte_g3_other.py b/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_gte_g3_other.py
index 36b1cba6..d4e7400a 100644
--- a/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_gte_g3_other.py
+++ b/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_gte_g3_other.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from django.db import models
-from edc_qareports.models import QaReportModelMixin
+from edc_qareports.model_mixins import QaReportModelMixin
class Rm792KwInCurrentSxGteG3Other(QaReportModelMixin, models.Model):
diff --git a/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_gte_g3_other.sql b/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_gte_g3_other.sql
index cb210695..08a2837b 100644
--- a/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_gte_g3_other.sql
+++ b/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_gte_g3_other.sql
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
create view rm792_kw_in_current_sx_gte_g3_other as
- uuid() as `id`,
- now() as `created`,
- 'effect_reports.rm792_kw_in_current_sx_gte_g3_other' as `report_model`,
+ uuid() as `id`,
+ now() as `created`,
+ 'effect_reports.rm792kwincurrentsxgteg3other' as `report_model`,
diff --git a/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_other.py b/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_other.py
index 6d544368..777ed40b 100644
--- a/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_other.py
+++ b/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_other.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from django.db import models
-from edc_qareports.models import QaReportModelMixin
+from edc_qareports.model_mixins import QaReportModelMixin
class Rm792KwInCurrentSxOther(QaReportModelMixin, models.Model):
diff --git a/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_other.sql b/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_other.sql
index a5d71149..b5782fa2 100644
--- a/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_other.sql
+++ b/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_kw_in_current_sx_other.sql
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
create view rm792_kw_in_current_sx_other as
- uuid() as `id`,
- now() as `created`,
- 'effect_reports.rm792_kw_in_current_sx_other' as `report_model`,
+ uuid() as `id`,
+ now() as `created`,
+ 'effect_reports.rm792kwincurrentsxother' as `report_model`,
diff --git a/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_si_sx_list_candidates.sql b/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_si_sx_list_candidates.sql
index c1633d22..c4231ebd 100644
--- a/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_si_sx_list_candidates.sql
+++ b/effect_reports/models/unmanaged/rm792_si_sx_list_candidates.sql
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
create view rm792_si_sx_list_candidates as
- uuid() as `id`,
- now() as `created`,
- 'effect_reports.rm792_si_sx_list_candidates' as `report_model`,
+ uuid() as `id`,
+ now() as `created`,
+ 'effect_reports.rm792sisxlistcandidates' as `report_model`,