This documentation covers the following documents:
- Scope of the vaccination module
- Classification of Data
- Vaccination module architecture
- Interfaces and API
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Installation Guide
- Licence
- 3rd Party Libraries
All detailed release notes can be found here.
The 2nd release candidate contains a fix for Tomcat 11 compatibility as well as few dependency upgrades and bugfixes.
Improving the vaccination module based on new FHIR regulations and technical evolutions.
- Upgrade the frontend application to use Angular 17
- Upgrade the backend applicatino to use Spring Boot 3.x and Spring 6.x. This major change has an impact on the environment. Starting with 1.7.0, the vaccination module needs to be run with Tomcat 10+. This version was tested to run with Tomcat 11.0.1
- Various upgrades of the FHIR bundle structure. These updates mainly concern metaURLs and the crossreferences. Old bundle structures will be backwards compatible.
- Various bugfixes
This hotfix contains a small extension to the XUA request made to the EPR-backend.
This hotfix contains an important security fix. It is strongly recommended to upgrade your version.
Hotfix for 1.6.0, fixing few issues spotted on provider's infrastructure.
Additionally added updated help-files into the documentation.
Improving the vaccination module based on user, provider and audit feedback.
- Added possibility to create vaccinations based on older vaccine codes.
- Optimized PDF Output (one more time) to fix layouting issues when having many entries
- Improved input validation and usability
- Improved security features
- Secured correct visibility of migrated data of
- Revised translations for the help files.
Extension of the vaccination module with the following functions:
- New Design of Adverse Event section in the PDF report
- Allow configurational sorting of the value lists
- Slight adjustments for the FHIR bundle creation and value lists.
Improving the vaccination module based on user, provider and audit feedback.
Version was not published, all changes are included in 1.4.2.
Extension of the vaccination module with the following functions:
- Redesign medical problems
- Usage of the last FHIR Implementation guide
- Improvement of the user interfaces and backend according to user feedback
There have been 2 hotfix release for version 1.3. focussing mainly on issues arosen during the EPR tests.
Version 1.3 mainly focussed on stability and robustness. Following areas were improved:
- SAML Integration
- Security aspects
- Logging for analysing purposes
- PDF generation
- User manual
Extension of the vaccination module with the following functions:
- Responsive Design for Mobile und Tablets
- Addition of visualisation and editing of medical problems
- Java library and API of the business functions
- Improvement of the user interfaces according to user feedback
Extension of the vaccination module with the following functions:
- UI improvement according to user feedback,
- Addition of a test mode with local storage,
- Web Accessibility improvement,
- Selection of the confidentiality of documents created.
First version of the vaccination module with the core functions for authentication, for the communication with EPR platforms and the visualisation of the vaccination data.