This document lists down the features missing in mongomock library. PRs for these features are highly appreciated.
If I miss to include a feature in the below list, Please feel free to add to the below list and raise a PR.
$rename complex operations -
create_collection options -
bypass_document_validation options
session options
codec options
Operations of the aggregate pipeline: * $bucketAuto * $collStats * $currentOp * $geoNear * $indexStats * $listLocalSessions * $listSessions * $merge * $planCacheStats * $redact * $replaceWith * $sortByCount * $unset <> _
Operators within the aggregate pipeline: * Arithmetic operations on dates:
- Some date operators ($dateFromString, $isoDayOfWeek, $isoWeekYear, …)
- Some set operators ($setIntersection, $setDifference, …)
- Some string operators ($indexOfBytes, $trim, …)
- Text search operator ($meta)
- Projection operator $map
- Array operators ($isArray, $indexOfArray, …)
- $mergeObjects
- Some type conversion operators ($convert, …)
Operators within the query language (find): * $jsonSchema * $text search * $where
map_reduce options (
)Database command method except for the
command.Raw Batch BSON operations (aggregate_raw_batches and find_raw_batches)