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Shreyas Bapat edited this page Feb 2, 2020 · 2 revisions

EPEs and EinsteinPy Governance

Author: Shreyas Bapat

date-created: 2020 February 02

date-last-revised: 2020 February 02 <keep this up to date anytime something changes>

date-accepted: 2020 February 02 <replace with accepted date>

type: Governance

status: Discussion


EPE stands for EinsteinPy Proposal for Enhancement. An EPE is actualy a design document providing important information, details and governance models to the EinsteinPy community, or describing a new feature for EinsteinPy or its affiliated packages. The EPE should provide a concise technical specification of the feature and a rationale for the feature. If the EPE is intended to be regarding a governance specific model, a member meeting should be organised and the EPE must get atleast 51% votes to pass.

We intend EPEs to be the primary mechanisms for proposing major new features, for collecting community input on an issue, and for documenting the design decisions that have gone into Python. The EPE author is responsible for building consensus within the community and documenting dissenting opinions. The EPE author is obligated to write a formal email to for a community meeting.

Because the EPEs are maintained as text files in a versioned repository (indirectly since this wiki is versioned within github), their revision history is the historical record of the feature proposal

The EPE is the beginning of formalism in the future major changes in EinsteinPy. This EPE is meant for understanding what EinsteinPy Enhancement Proposals are, what function they serve, and how they can be implemented.

Detailed description

As the governance of the project was mostly based on verbal communications untill now, which might not be very much possile in the future.

There are four kinds of EPE:

  • A "Standard Track" EPE describes a new feature or implementation for EinsteinPy. It may also describe an interoperability standard that will be supported in current EinsteinPy versions before a subsequent EPE adds the feature in the future.
  • An "Informational" EPE describes an EinsteinPy design issue, or provides general guidelines or information to the Python community, but does not propose a new feature. Informational EPEs do not necessarily represent an EinsteinPy community consensus or recommendation, so users and implementers are free to ignore Informational EPEs or follow their advice.
  • A "Process" EPE describes a process surrounding EinsteinPy, or proposes a change to (or an event in) a process. Process EPEs are like Standard Track EPEs but apply to areas other than the EinsteinPy package itself.
  • A "Governance" EPE describes the democratic method of bringing changes to the EinsteinPy package and has discussions related to the powers of the individuals. Changes to the Coordination Committee and Board Members can be made using these EPEs only.

Submitting an EPE

The EPE process begins with a new idea for EinsteinPy. It is highly recommended that a single EPE contain a single key proposal or new idea. Small enhancements or patches often don't need a EPE and can be injected into the EinsteinPy development workflow with a patch submission to the EinsteinPy issue tracker. The more focused the EPE, the more successful it tends to be. If in doubt, split your EPE into several well-focused ones.

Each EPE must have a champion -- someone who writes the EPE using the style and format described below, shepherds the discussions in the appropriate forums, and attempts to build community consensus around the idea. The EPE champion (a.k.a. Author) should first attempt to ascertain whether the idea is EPE-able. Posting to the einsteinpy-dev mailing list is the best way to go about doing this.

Following a discussion on einsteinpy-dev, the proposal should be submitted as a Pull Request to EinsteinPy-EPEs with the name EPE<n>.rst where <n> is an appropriately assigned number (5 digits). The draft must use the EPEtemplate.rst file. That a formal proposal has been submitted as a PR should be announced to the einsteimpy-dev list.

The EPE author may update the EPE as needed.

Standard Track EPEs consist of two parts, a design document and a reference implementation. It is generally recommended that at least a prototype implementation be co-developed with the EPE, as ideas that sound good in principle sometimes turn out to be impractical when subjected to the test of implementation. This is not required when too onerous, but some indication of implementation practicality is highly recommended by actual code. The best way to provide that code is via a github pull request either to the einsteinpy/einsteinpy repository, or einsteinpy/amr, as appropriate.

EPE Review

Normally EPEs are discussed on einsteimpy-dev or on member community call and perhaps in other forums. Sometimes EPEs will grow out of an existing pull request, but it's better to have any discussion after the EPE is generated on the list, as it has a wider audience. The final decision on any EPE is made by the coordinating committee, though usually a consensus in the development is sufficient (but in unusual cases may be overridden by the coordinating committee). The decision may require changes to the EPE and any implementation. Final acceptance is not done until the required changes are made to the EPE and implementation.

EPE Status

An EPE's status can

  • "Discussion": New EPE pull requests should always start in this status. This means the EPE is currently being considered and a decision has not been made regarding what should be done.
  • "Accepted": If an EPE is accepted, it will be merged - either the original author can do this if they wish to fill in the "decision rationale" section, or the coordination committee member who merges it can change the status and write the rationale. Regardless, if the EPE is an informational or process EPE, it is now done. If it is standard track, this status means it is in the process of being implemented.
  • "Implemented": Only valid for a Standard Track EPE. This means the feature discussed in the EPE is complete and has been fully merged into the main EinsteinPy repository.
  • "Rejected": If it is decided that an EPE should be rejected, the person who merges it should change its status to "Rejected." The "decision rationale" should also be filled in, either by the merger, the original author, or another community member who voiced objections to the EPE. The goal is to try to reflect the overall community opinion in these rationales, so that new community members can understand why a decision was made.

This EPE also puts forward all the community positions. Formation of Coordination Committee and Board is facilitated through this EPE.

EinsteinPy EPEs are inspired by AstroPy APEs.

Branches and pull requests (If applicable)



Creation of EinsteinPy Board. For important decisions regarding the project and to handle the EinsteinPy Coordination Committee.

EinsteinPy Board

Lead Developer : Shreyas Bapat, Ritwik Saha

Deputy Lead Developer : Bhavya Bhatt, Priyanshu Khandelwal

The coordination committee is responsible for various things that happen inside the project. Every role has some dedication expected from it.

Coordination Committee

Continuous Integration Maintainer : Unfilled

Deputy Continuous Integration Maintainer : Unfilled

Release Manager : Shreyas Bapat

Deputy Release Manager : Unfilled

Webmaster : Unfilled

Deputy Webmaster : Unfilled

Subpackage Maintainers :

Lead Newcomer :

GSoC Admin : Shreyas Bapat

SOCIS Admin : Ritwik Saha

Communication and Education Lead : Unfilled

Deputy Communication and Education Lead : Unfilled

Blog Manager : Unfilled

Deputy Blog Manager : Unfilled

All this must be published on the website.

Backward compatibility




Decision rationale

<To be filled in by the coordinating committee when the EPE is accepted or rejected>

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