This modeler provides a set of common diagrams to work with Organization Chart.
It provides several representations to edit and visualize:
- locations
- structures
- employees
- hierarchy
- functions
These plugins are released under the EPL Open-Source License.
More details about features, screenshots, release notes, dependencies here:
Download the last version of OrganizationChart here:
You can just the zip file which doesn’t require any installation and works for Windows, MacOS and Linux.
For Windows users, you can use the installer by using OrganizationChart-setup.exe. It will add a launcher in your start menu and an uninstaller.
Eclipse users can install OrganizationChart Designer as a plug-in.
It has been tested with Eclipse Neon.
Nightly (Eclipse and Sirius based) :
Give an overview of the organization chart of your company :
- how many locations
- how many structures
- how many employees and managers
This diagram is automatically opened as it is the entry point.
Show all locations and the list of employees located at each location.
Show a map of some locations.
Some pre-define maps are available for a worlwide diagram, europe, US, and some countries.
You can use a pointer to point on the map where is precisely this location.
A layer is available to show employees without any locations.
Several location diagrams could be created to show several regions, different levels of zoom.
Show all structures as a containment tree
Show the substructure of a current structure, and all its employees.
Main diagram to show all structures and all employees.
Managers are shown with bold and underline style.
Double clic on one employee to make him manager of his structure.
Relation between structure.
You can active a layer to analyse the size of each structure with dynamic size computed from nomber of employees.
A template is available to easily initiate an organization chart with a standard organization.
Details of one organization.
It shows also sub structures.
You can easily drag and drop functions to sub structures.
All employees as a tree from the boss to any employees, organized by management responsability.
All employees organized by hierarchy link.
A layer is available to show picture. To automaticly associate an employee to a picture, just create an image file (.svg, .png or .jpg) with the name composed of “firstname lastname” inside a “pictures” folder.
Detail of each employee, and his management responsibilities
Show all structures and their managers. Links are based on relationship between managers and structures, not on hierarchy between managers.
Show all structures as a container with inside them the picture of employees.
Several filters are available to select which information need to be shown.
Table to view and edit details of all employees.
Allocation of functions between employees of a structure.
Matrix of all functions, organized by structures. Columns are for all employees.
Functions Matrix focus on one specific structure and its direct sunstructures. Only employee which belongs to these structures are shown in columns.
Just use github, fork our main repository do your changes and trigger a pull request , we’ll be happy to consider it for inclusion.
To setup your dev environment, just download Obeo Designer 9, configure EGit and import all these projects.
You can use Sirius to create your own graphical representation to add new view on your organization chart. It is simple to use and you can find plenty of nice tutorials at
You’ll need “Apache Maven 3”: to be installed on your computer.
To launch the build, go to the root of your git repository and type :
mvn clean package
Maven will bootstrap itself, download all the dependencies and build OrganizationChart. The output of the build is a p2 repository (an update site) generated here :
To install it in an Eclipse installation use Help/Install New Software
and point to this location.
Launching the test is not harder, just type :
mvn clean verify
Maven will launch the tests and give you the result.
Code coverage is captured thanks to Jacoco.
After building the update sites, you can create a standalone application for end user which are not Eclipse users.
Go to the directory:
mvn clean package
You will find several zip file for each platform at: