diff --git a/auditbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc b/auditbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc
index c4ab3ee230b..f52e7abb0d6 100644
--- a/auditbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc
+++ b/auditbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc
@@ -7,21 +7,7 @@
-Before modifying configuration settings, make sure you've completed the
-<<{beatname_lc}-configuration,configuration steps>> in the Getting Started.
-This section describes some common use cases for changing configuration options.
-To configure {beatname_uc}, you edit the configuration file. For rpm and deb,
-you’ll find the configuration file at +/etc/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}.yml+.
-There's also a full example configuration file at
-+/etc/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}.reference.yml+ that shows all non-deprecated
-options. For mac and win, look in the archive that you extracted.
-The {beatname_uc} configuration file uses http://yaml.org/[YAML] for its syntax.
-See the {beats-ref}/config-file-format.html[Config File Format] section of the
-_Beats Platform Reference_ for more about the structure of the config file.
-The following topics describe how to configure {beatname_uc}:
* <>
* <>
diff --git a/auditbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc b/auditbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
index f5bd61f1aba..5f4908640ad 100644
--- a/auditbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
+++ b/auditbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
@@ -1,182 +1,70 @@
-== Get started with {beatname_uc}
+== {beatname_uc} quick start: installation and configuration
-Get started
+Quick start: installation and configuration
+This guide describes how to get started quickly with audit data collection.
+You'll learn how to:
-* <<{beatname_lc}-installation>>
-* <<{beatname_lc}-configuration>>
-* <<{beatname_lc}-template>>
-* <>
-* <<{beatname_lc}-starting>>
-* <>
-* <>
+* install {beatname_uc} on each system you want to monitor
+* specify the location of your audit data
+* parse log data into fields and send it to {es}
+* visualize the log data in {kib}
-=== Step 1: Install {beatname_uc}
-Install {beatname_uc} on all the servers you want to monitor.
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-amd64.deb
-sudo dpkg -i {beatname_lc}-{version}-amd64.deb
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-x86_64.rpm
-sudo rpm -vi {beatname_lc}-{version}-x86_64.rpm
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
-tar xzvf {beatname_lc}-{version}-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
-tar xzvf {beatname_lc}-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
-tar xzvf {beatname_lc}-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
-See <> for deploying Docker containers.
+image::./images/auditbeat-auditd-dashboard.png[{beatname_uc} Auditd dashboard]
+=== Before you begin
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
+You need {es} for storing and searching your data, and {kib} for visualizing and
+managing it.
+=== Step 1: Install {beatname_uc}
-. Download the {beatname_uc} Windows zip file from the
-https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}[downloads page].
+Install {beatname_uc} on all the servers you want to monitor.
-. Extract the contents of the zip file into `C:\Program Files`.
+To download and install {beatname_uc}, use the commands that work with your
-. Rename the +{beatname_lc}--windows+ directory to +{beatname_uc}+.
-. Open a PowerShell prompt as an Administrator (right-click the PowerShell icon
-and select *Run As Administrator*).
+==== Other installation options
-. From the PowerShell prompt, run the following commands to install {beatname_uc}
-as a Windows service:
-PS > cd 'C:{backslash}Program Files{backslash}{beatname_uc}'
-PS C:{backslash}Program Files{backslash}{beatname_uc}> .{backslash}install-service-{beatname_lc}.ps1
+* <>
+* https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}[Download page]
+* <>
+* <>
-NOTE: If script execution is disabled on your system, you need to set the
-execution policy for the current session to allow the script to run. For
-example: +PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -File
+=== Step 2: Connect to the {stack}
-Before starting {beatname_uc}, you should look at the configuration options in the
-configuration file, for example +C:{backslash}Program Files{backslash}{beatname_uc}{backslash}{beatname_lc}.yml+.
-For more information about these options, see
+=== Step 3: Configure data collection modules
-=== Step 2: Configure {beatname_uc}
+{beatname_uc} uses <> to collect audit information.
+By default, {beatname_uc} uses a configuration that's tailored to the operating
+system where {beatname_uc} is running.
-To configure {beatname_uc}:
+To use a different configuration, change the module settings in
-. Define the {beatname_uc} modules that you want to enable. {beatname_uc} uses
-modules to collect the audit information. For each module, specify the
-metricsets that you want to collect.
The following example shows the `file_integrity` module configured to generate
events whenever a file in one of the specified paths changes on disk:
@@ -189,105 +77,74 @@ auditbeat.modules:
- /usr/sbin
- /etc
-If you accept the default configuration without specifying additional modules,
-{beatname_uc} uses a configuration that's tailored to the operating system where
-{beatname_uc} is running.
-See <> for more details about configuring modules.
+=== Step 4: Set up assets
+{beatname_uc} comes with predefined assets for parsing, indexing, and
+visualizing your data. To load these assets:
+. Make sure the user specified in +{beatname_lc}.yml+ is
-=== Step 3: Load the index template in {es}
+. From the installation directory, run:
+`-e` is optional and sends output to standard error instead of the configured log output.
-=== Step 4: Set up the {kib} dashboards
+This step loads the recommended {ref}/indices-templates.html[index template] for writing to {es}
+and deploys the sample dashboards for visualizing the data in {kib}.
+A connection to {es} (or {ess}) is required to set up the initial
+environment. If you're using a different output, such as {ls}, see
+<> and <>.
=== Step 5: Start {beatname_uc}
-Run {beatname_uc} by issuing the appropriate command for your platform. If you
-are accessing a secured {es} cluster, make sure you've configured credentials as
-described in <<{beatname_lc}-configuration>>.
-NOTE: If you use an init.d script to start {beatname_uc} on deb or rpm, you can't
-specify command line flags (see <>). To specify flags,
-start {beatname_uc} in the foreground.
-*deb and rpm:*
+Before starting {beatname_uc}, modify the user credentials in
++{beatname_lc}.yml+ and specify a user who is
-sudo service {beatname_lc} start
+To start {beatname_uc}, run:
-*mac and linux:*
+// tag::start-step[]
+// end::start-step[]
-sudo chown root {beatname_lc}.yml <1>
-sudo ./{beatname_lc} -e
-<1> To monitor system files, you'll be running {beatname_uc} as root, so you
-need to change ownership of the configuration file, or run {beatname_uc} with
-`--strict.perms=false` specified. See
-{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions]
-in the _Beats Platform Reference_.
+{beatname_uc} should begin streaming events to {es}.
If you see a warning about too many open files, you need to increase the
`ulimit`. See the <> for more details.
-PS C:{backslash}Program Files{backslash}{beatname_uc}> Start-Service {beatname_lc}
+=== Step 6: View your data in {kib}
-By default the log files are stored in +C:{backslash}ProgramData{backslash}{beatname_lc}{backslash}Logs+.
-==== Test the {beatname_uc} installation
-To verify that your server's statistics are present in {es}, issue the following
-curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/{beatname_lc}-*/_search?pretty'
-Make sure that you replace `localhost:9200` with the address of your {es}
-On Windows, if you don't have cURL installed, simply point your browser to the
+To make it easier for you to start auditing the activities of users and
+processes on your system, {beatname_uc} comes with pre-built {kib} dashboards
+and UIs for visualizing your data.
-=== Step 6: View the sample {kib} dashboards
-To make it easier for you to start auditing the activities of users and
-processes on your system, we have created example {beatname_uc} dashboards.
-You loaded the dashboards earlier when you ran the `setup` command.
+=== What's next?
+Now that you have audit data streaming into {es}, learn how to unify your logs,
+metrics, uptime, and application performance data.
-The dashboards are provided as examples. We recommend that you
-{kibana-ref}/dashboard.html[customize] them to meet your needs.
-image::./images/auditbeat-file-integrity-dashboard.png[Auditbeat File Integrity Dashboard]
+// Add Javascript and CSS for tabbed panels
diff --git a/auditbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc b/auditbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc
index 54eef117163..0c0334f2902 100644
--- a/auditbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc
+++ b/auditbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc
@@ -5,22 +5,32 @@
Learn how to perform common {beatname_uc} configuration tasks.
+* <<{beatname_lc}-template>>
+* <>
+* <>
* <<{beatname_lc}-geoip>>
* <>
* <>
+* <>
* <>
diff --git a/auditbeat/docs/images/auditbeat-auditd-dashboard.png b/auditbeat/docs/images/auditbeat-auditd-dashboard.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34d1deb61db
Binary files /dev/null and b/auditbeat/docs/images/auditbeat-auditd-dashboard.png differ
diff --git a/auditbeat/docs/images/auditbeat-file-integrity-dashboard.png b/auditbeat/docs/images/auditbeat-file-integrity-dashboard.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 866888a17cf..00000000000
Binary files a/auditbeat/docs/images/auditbeat-file-integrity-dashboard.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/auditbeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png b/auditbeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png
deleted file mode 100644
index af8ad91a502..00000000000
Binary files a/auditbeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/auditbeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png b/auditbeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png
deleted file mode 100644
index d3494763959..00000000000
Binary files a/auditbeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/auditbeat/docs/index.asciidoc b/auditbeat/docs/index.asciidoc
index 43f68815848..b236e1a6eee 100644
--- a/auditbeat/docs/index.asciidoc
+++ b/auditbeat/docs/index.asciidoc
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ include::./overview.asciidoc[]
@@ -55,3 +53,4 @@ include::./faq.asciidoc[]
diff --git a/auditbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc b/auditbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
index 951b9059583..547638ff509 100644
--- a/auditbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
+++ b/auditbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
== {beatname_uc} overview
{beatname_uc} is a lightweight shipper that you can install on your servers to
audit the activities of users and processes on your systems. For example, you
can use {beatname_uc} to collect and centralize audit events from the Linux
diff --git a/auditbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc b/auditbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc
index 61f952b94c3..4e2bd8265f9 100644
--- a/auditbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc
+++ b/auditbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc
@@ -11,23 +11,31 @@
Set up and run
-Before reading this section, see the
-<<{beatname_lc}-getting-started,getting started documentation>> for basic
+Before reading this section, see
+<<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>> for basic
installation instructions to get you started.
-This section includes additional information on how to set up and run
+This section includes additional information on how to install, set up, and run
{beatname_uc}, including:
* <>
+* <>
* <>
+* <>
* <>
* <>
* <>
+* <<{beatname_lc}-starting>>
+* <>
//MAINTAINERS: If you add a new file to this section, make sure you update the bulleted list ^^ too.
@@ -37,10 +45,14 @@ include::{libbeat-dir}/keystore.asciidoc[]
diff --git a/auditbeat/docs/upgrading.asciidoc b/auditbeat/docs/upgrading.asciidoc
index a897301c642..132cb1db843 100644
--- a/auditbeat/docs/upgrading.asciidoc
+++ b/auditbeat/docs/upgrading.asciidoc
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
== Upgrade Auditbeat
-For information about upgrading to a new version, see the following topics in the _Beats Platform Reference_:
+For information about upgrading to a new version, see:
* {beats-ref}/breaking-changes.html[Breaking Changes]
* {beats-ref}/upgrading.html[Upgrade]
diff --git a/dev-tools/packaging/templates/common/README.md.tmpl b/dev-tools/packaging/templates/common/README.md.tmpl
index 5754ce7f87f..01491d39148 100644
--- a/dev-tools/packaging/templates/common/README.md.tmpl
+++ b/dev-tools/packaging/templates/common/README.md.tmpl
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ instance. To load the dashboards for {{.BeatName | title}} into Kibana, run:
./{{.BeatName}} setup -e
For further steps visit the
-[Getting started](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/{{.BeatName}}/{{ beat_doc_branch }}/{{.BeatName}}-getting-started.html) guide.
+[Quick start](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/{{.BeatName}}/{{ beat_doc_branch }}/{{.BeatName}}-installation-configuration.html) guide.
## Documentation
diff --git a/dev-tools/packaging/templates/darwin/README.html.tmpl b/dev-tools/packaging/templates/darwin/README.html.tmpl
index 9c2b8687bfe..5ba3970f55c 100644
--- a/dev-tools/packaging/templates/darwin/README.html.tmpl
+++ b/dev-tools/packaging/templates/darwin/README.html.tmpl
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ instance. To load the dashboards for {{.BeatName | title}} into Kibana, run:
diff --git a/filebeat/README.md b/filebeat/README.md
index 6bbe0057ba1..b47e54f4138 100644
--- a/filebeat/README.md
+++ b/filebeat/README.md
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ Together with the libbeat lumberjack output is a replacement for [logstash-forwa
To learn more about Filebeat, check out https://www.elastic.co/products/beats/filebeat.
-## Getting started
+## Quick start
-Please follow the [getting started](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/current/filebeat-getting-started.html)
+Please follow the [quick start](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/current/filebeat-installation-configuration.html)
guide from the docs.
## Documentation
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc
index ab72b70d043..89a8f4b4f2d 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc
@@ -7,23 +7,10 @@
-Before modifying configuration settings, make sure you've completed the
-<> in the Getting Started.
-This section describes some common use cases for changing configuration options.
-To configure {beatname_uc}, you edit the configuration file. For rpm and deb,
-you’ll find the configuration file at +/etc/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}.yml+.
-There's also a full example configuration file at
-+/etc/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}.reference.yml+ that shows all non-deprecated
-options. For mac and win, look in the archive that you extracted.
-The {beatname_uc} configuration file uses http://yaml.org/[YAML] for its syntax.
-See the {beats-ref}/config-file-format.html[Config File Format] section of the
-_Beats Platform Reference_ for more about the structure of the config file.
-The following topics describe how to configure Filebeat:
* <>
+* <>
* <>
* <>
* <>
@@ -46,6 +33,8 @@ The following topics describe how to configure Filebeat:
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/faq.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/faq.asciidoc
index 76c6478aed2..4547e165fb9 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/faq.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/faq.asciidoc
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ effects. For example, changed file identifiers may result in {beatname_uc} readi
{beatname_uc} might be incorrectly configured or unable to send events to the output. To resolve the issue:
-* Make sure the config file specifies the correct path to the file that you are collecting. See <>
-for more information.
+* If using modules, make sure the `var.paths` setting points to the file. If
+configuring an input manually, make sure the `paths` setting is correct.
* Verify that the file is not older than the value specified by <<{beatname_lc}-input-log-ignore-older,`ignore_older`>>. `ignore_older` is disable by
default so this depends on the value you have set. You can change this behavior by specifying a different value for
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/filebeat-modules-options.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/filebeat-modules-options.asciidoc
index efbfc603c7f..bba71a69163 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/filebeat-modules-options.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/filebeat-modules-options.asciidoc
@@ -1,121 +1,75 @@
-:modulename: apache mysql
+:modulename: system nginx mysql
-== Enable and run modules
+== Configure modules
NOTE: Using {beatname_uc} modules is optional. You may decide to
-<> if you are using
+<> if you're using
a log type that isn't supported, or you want to use a different setup.
-{beatname_uc} <<{beatname_lc}-modules,modules>> provide a quick way for you to get started
-processing common log formats. They contain default configurations,
-Elasticsearch ingest node pipeline definitions, and Kibana dashboards to help you
+{beatname_uc} <<{beatname_lc}-modules,modules>> provide a quick way to
+get started processing common log formats. They contain default configurations,
+{es} ingest node pipeline definitions, and {kib} dashboards to help you
implement and deploy a log monitoring solution.
-{beatname_uc} provides a few different ways to enable modules. You can:
+You can configure modules in the `modules.d` directory (recommended), or in the
+{beatname_uc} configuration file.
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
+Before running {beatname_uc} with modules enabled, make sure you also set up the
+environment to use {kib} dashboards. See
+<<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>> for more information.
-When you enable modules, you can also
-<> to change the default
-behavior of the modules, and you can specify
-<> to override input settings.
-Before running {beatname_uc} with modules enabled, make sure you also set up the
-environment to use Kibana dashboards. See <<{beatname_lc}-modules-quickstart>> for
-more information.
-=== Enable module configs in the `modules.d` directory
+=== Configure modules in the `modules.d` directory
The `modules.d` directory contains default configurations for all the modules
-available in {beatname_uc}. You can enable or disable specific module configurations
-under `modules.d` by running the
-<> commands.
-For example, to enable the `apache` and `mysql` configs in the `modules.d`
-directory, you use:
-Then when you run {beatname_uc}, it loads the corresponding module configurations
-specified in the `modules.d` directory (for example, `modules.d/apache.yml` and
+available in {beatname_uc}. To enable or disable specific module configurations
+under `modules.d`, run the
+<> command. For example:
-To see a list of enabled and disabled modules, run:
+The default configurations assume that your data is in the location expected for
+your OS and that the behavior of the module is appropriate for your environment.
+To change the default behavior, configure variable settings. For a list of
+available settings, see the documentation under <<{beatname_lc}-modules>>.
-The default module configurations assume that the logs you’re harvesting are
-in the location expected for your OS and that the behavior of the module is
-appropriate for your environment. To change the default configurations, you need
-to <>.
+For advanced use cases, you can also
-=== Enable modules when you run {beatname_uc}
-To enable specific <<{beatname_lc}-modules,modules>> when you run {beatname_uc} at the
-command line, you can use the `--modules` flag. This approach works well when
-you're getting started and want to specify different modules and settings each
-time you run {beatname_uc}. Any modules specified at the command line will be loaded
+TIP: You can enable modules at runtime by using the
+<<{beatname_lc}-modules,--modules flag>>. This is useful if you're getting started
+and want to try things out. Any modules specified at the command line are loaded
along with any modules that are enabled in the configuration file or `modules.d`
directory. If there's a conflict, the configuration specified at the command
line is used.
-The following command enables and runs the `nginx`,`mysql`, and `system`
-*deb and rpm:*
-{beatname_lc} --modules nginx,mysql,system
-./{beatname_lc} --modules nginx,mysql,system
-PS > .{backslash}{beatname_lc}.exe --modules nginx,mysql,system
-The default module configurations assume that the logs you’re harvesting are
-in the location expected for your OS and that the behavior of the module is
-appropriate for your environment. To change the default configurations, you need
-to <>.
-=== Enable module configs in the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ file
+=== Configure modules in the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ file
When possible, you should use the config files in the `modules.d` directory.
-However, enabling <<{beatname_lc}-modules,modules>> directly in the config file is a
-practical approach if you have upgraded from a previous version of {beatname_uc}
-and don't want to move your module configs to the `modules.d` directory. You can
-continue to configure modules in the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ file, but you won't be
-able to use the `modules` command to enable and disable configurations because
-the command requires the `modules.d` layout.
+However, configuring <<{beatname_lc}-modules,modules>> directly in the config
+file is a practical approach if you have upgraded from a previous version of
+{beatname_uc} and don't want to move your module configs to the `modules.d`
+directory. You can continue to configure modules in the +{beatname_lc}.yml+
+file, but you won't be able to use the `modules` command to enable and disable
+configurations because the command requires the `modules.d` layout.
-To enable specific modules in the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ config file, you can add
+To enable specific modules in the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ config file, add
entries to the +{beatname_lc}.modules+ list. Each entry in the list begins with
a dash (-) and is followed by settings for that module.
The following example shows a configuration that runs the `nginx`,`mysql`, and
-`system` modules.
+`system` modules:
@@ -125,15 +79,8 @@ The following example shows a configuration that runs the `nginx`,`mysql`, and
- module: system
-The default module configurations assume that the logs you’re harvesting are
-in the location expected for your OS and that the behavior of the module is
-appropriate for your environment. To change the default configurations, you need
-to <>.
-=== Configure variable settings
+// Add Javascript and CSS for tabbed panels
=== Override input settings
@@ -175,4 +122,3 @@ You can also enable `close_eof` for all inputs created by any of the modules:
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/filebeat-options.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/filebeat-options.asciidoc
index ddb06aeaa34..b6fa7edbe01 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/filebeat-options.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/filebeat-options.asciidoc
@@ -7,9 +7,7 @@
TIP: <<{beatname_lc}-modules-overview,{beatname_uc} modules>> provide the
fastest getting started experience for common log formats. See
-<<{beatname_lc}-modules-quickstart>> to learn how to get started with modules.
-Also see <> for information about enabling
-and configuring modules.
+<<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>> to learn how to get started.
To configure {beatname_uc} manually (instead of using
<<{beatname_lc}-modules-overview,modules>>), you specify a list of inputs in the
@@ -35,6 +33,28 @@ input type more than once. For example:
fields_under_root: true
+For the most basic configuration, define a single input with a single path. For
+- type: log
+ enabled: true
+ paths:
+ - /var/log/*.log
+The input in this example harvests all files in the path `/var/log/*.log`, which
+means that {beatname_uc} will harvest all files in the directory `/var/log/`
+that end with `.log`. All patterns supported by
+https://golang.org/pkg/path/filepath/#Glob[Go Glob] are also supported here.
+To fetch all files from a predefined level of subdirectories, use this pattern:
+`/var/log/*/*.log`. This fetches all `.log` files from the subfolders of
+`/var/log`. It does not fetch log files from the `/var/log` folder itself.
+Currently it is not possible to recursively fetch all files in all
+subdirectories of a directory.
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
index 5b3972ad671..86e8c6d33d2 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
@@ -1,293 +1,174 @@
-== Get started with {beatname_uc}
+:modulename: system nginx mysql
-Get started
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-=== Step 1: Install Filebeat
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/filebeat/filebeat-{version}-amd64.deb
-sudo dpkg -i filebeat-{version}-amd64.deb
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/filebeat/filebeat-{version}-x86_64.rpm
-sudo rpm -vi filebeat-{version}-x86_64.rpm
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/filebeat/filebeat-{version}-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
-tar xzvf filebeat-{version}-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
+//TODO: Remove release-state override before merging.
+== {beatname_uc} quick start: installation and configuration
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/filebeat/filebeat-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
-tar xzvf filebeat-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
+Quick start: installation and configuration
+This guide describes how to get started quickly with log collection.
+You'll learn how to:
+* install {beatname_uc} on each system you want to monitor
+* specify the location of your log files
+* parse log data into fields and send it to {es}
+* visualize the log data in {kib}
-See <> for deploying Docker containers.
+image::./images/kibana-system.png[{beatname_uc} System dashboard]
+=== Before you begin
-See <> for deploying with Kubernetes.
+You need {es} for storing and searching your data, and {kib} for visualizing and
+managing it.
-See <> for deploying with Cloud Foundry.
+=== Step 1: Install {beatname_uc}
+Install {beatname_uc} on all the servers you want to monitor.
+To download and install {beatname_uc}, use the commands that work with your
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
+==== Other installation options
+* <>
+* https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}[Download page]
+* <>
+* <>
+* <>
-. Download the Filebeat Windows zip file from the
-https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/filebeat[downloads page].
+=== Step 2: Connect to the {stack}
-. Extract the contents of the zip file into `C:\Program Files`.
-. Rename the `filebeat--windows` directory to `Filebeat`.
+=== Step 3: Enable and configure data collection modules
-. Open a PowerShell prompt as an Administrator (right-click the PowerShell icon and select *Run As Administrator*).
+{beatname_uc} uses modules to collect and parse log data.
-. From the PowerShell prompt, run the following commands to install Filebeat as a
-Windows service:
+. Identify the modules you need to enable. To see a list of available
+<>, run:
-PS > cd 'C:\Program Files\Filebeat'
-PS C:\Program Files\Filebeat> .\install-service-filebeat.ps1
-NOTE: If script execution is disabled on your system, you need to set the execution policy for the current session to allow the script to run. For example: `PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -File .\install-service-filebeat.ps1`.
-=== Step 2: Configure Filebeat
-TIP: <> provide the fastest getting
-started experience for common log formats. If you are using Filebeat modules,
-skip this section, including the remaining getting started steps, and go
-directly to <>.
+Can't find a module for your file type? Skip this section and
+<> manually.
-Here is a sample of the `filebeat` section of the `filebeat.yml` file. Filebeat uses predefined
-default values for most configuration options.
+. From the installation directory, enable one or more modules. For example, the
+following command enables the `system`, `nginx`, and `mysql` module
-- type: log
- enabled: true
- paths:
- - /var/log/*.log
- #- c:\programdata\elasticsearch\logs\*
-To configure Filebeat:
-. Define the path (or paths) to your log files.
+. In the module configs under `modules.d`, change the module settings to match
+your environment.
-For the most basic Filebeat configuration, you can define a single input with a single path. For example:
+For example, log locations are set based on the OS. If your logs aren't in
+default locations, set the `paths` variable:
-- type: log
- enabled: true
- paths:
- - /var/log/*.log
-The input in this example harvests all files in the path `/var/log/*.log`, which means
-that Filebeat will harvest all files in the directory `/var/log/` that end with `.log`. All patterns supported
-by https://golang.org/pkg/path/filepath/#Glob[Go Glob] are also supported here.
-To fetch all files from a predefined level of subdirectories, the following pattern can be used:
-`/var/log/*/*.log`. This fetches all `.log` files from the subfolders of `/var/log`. It does not
-fetch log files from the `/var/log` folder itself. Currently it is not possible to recursively
-fetch all files in all subdirectories of a directory.
-=== Step 3: Load the index template in Elasticsearch
+- module: nginx
+ access:
+ var.paths: ["/var/log/nginx/access.log*"] <1>
+To see the full list of variables for a module, see the documentation under
-=== Step 4: Set up the Kibana dashboards
+=== Step 4: Set up assets
-=== Step 5: Start Filebeat
+{beatname_uc} comes with predefined assets for parsing, indexing, and
+visualizing your data. To load these assets:
-Start Filebeat by issuing the appropriate command for your platform. If you
-are accessing a secured Elasticsearch cluster, make sure you've configured
-credentials as described in <<{beatname_lc}-configuration>>.
+. Make sure the user specified in +{beatname_lc}.yml+ is
-NOTE: If you use an init.d script to start Filebeat on deb or rpm, you can't
-specify command line flags (see <>). To specify flags,
-start Filebeat in the foreground.
-*deb and rpm:*
-sudo service {beatname_lc} start
+. From the installation directory, run:
+`-e` is optional and sends output to standard error instead of the configured log output.
-See <>.
+This step loads the recommended {ref}/indices-templates.html[index template] for writing to {es}
+and deploys the sample dashboards for visualizing the data in {kib}.
-*mac and linux:*
+This step does not load the ingest pipelines used to parse log lines. By
+default, ingest pipelines are set up automatically the first time you run the
+module and connect to {es}.
-sudo chown root filebeat.yml <1>
-sudo ./filebeat -e
-<1> You'll be running Filebeat as root, so you need to change ownership
-of the configuration file, or run Filebeat with `--strict.perms=false`
-specified. See
-{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions]
-in the _Beats Platform Reference_.
+A connection to {es} (or {ess}) is required to set up the initial
+environment. If you're using a different output, such as {ls}, see:
+* <>
+* <>
+* <>
+=== Step 5: Start {beatname_uc}
-PS C:\Program Files\Filebeat> Start-Service filebeat
+Before starting {beatname_uc}, modify the user credentials in
++{beatname_lc}.yml+ and specify a user who is
+To start {beatname_uc}, run:
-By default, Windows log files are stored in `C:\ProgramData\filebeat\Logs`.
+// tag::start-step[]
+// end::start-step[]
-Filebeat is now ready to send log files to your defined output.
+{beatname_uc} should begin streaming events to {es}.
-=== Step 6: View the sample Kibana dashboards
+=== Step 6: View your data in {kib}
-To make it easier for you to explore Filebeat data in Kibana, we've created
-example {beatname_uc} dashboards. You loaded the dashboards earlier when you
-ran the `setup` command.
-These dashboards are designed to work out-of-the box when you use
-<>. However, you can also use them
-as examples and {kibana-ref}/dashboard.html[customize] them to meet your needs
-even if you aren't using Filebeat modules.
+=== What's next?
-To populate the example dashboards with data, you need to either
-<> or use Logstash to
-parse the data into the fields expected by the dashboards.
+Now that you have your logs streaming into {es}, learn how to unify your logs,
+metrics, uptime, and application performance data.
-// TODO: Add this section back to the docs when the examples are available.
-// If you are using Logstash, see the
-// {logstash-ref}/logstash-config-for-filebeat-modules.html[configuration examples]
-// in the Logstash documentation for help parsing the log formats supported
-// by the dashboards.
-Here is an example of the Filebeat system dashboard:
+// Add Javascript and CSS for tabbed panels
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc
index f83ae0707f4..14675aae3ca 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc
@@ -5,28 +5,40 @@
Learn how to perform common {beatname_uc} configuration tasks.
-* <>
+* <
+* <<{beatname_lc}-template>>
+* <>
+* <>
+* <>
* <<{beatname_lc}-geoip>>
* <<{beatname_lc}-deduplication>>
-* <>
* <>
+* <>
* <>
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/howto/load-ingest-pipelines.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/howto/load-ingest-pipelines.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..db0e3f00fb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filebeat/docs/howto/load-ingest-pipelines.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+== Load ingest pipelines
+The ingest pipelines used to parse log lines are set up automatically the first
+time you run {beatname_uc}, assuming the {es} output is enabled. If you're sending
+events to {ls}, or plan to use
+<>, you need to
+load the ingest pipelines manually. To do this, run the `setup` command with
+the `--pipelines` option specified. If you used the
+<> command to enable modules in the `modules.d`
+directory, also specify the `--modules` flag. For example, the following command
+loads the ingest pipelines used by all filesets enabled in the system, nginx,
+and mysql modules:
+//TODO: Replace with the platform tab widget.
+*deb and rpm:*
+{beatname_lc} setup --pipelines --modules system,nginx,mysql
+./{beatname_lc} setup --pipelines --modules system,nginx,mysql
+./{beatname_lc} setup --pipelines --modules system,nginx,mysql
+PS > .{backslash}{beatname_lc}.exe setup --pipelines --modules system,nginx,mysql
+TIP: If you're loading ingest pipelines manually because you want to send events
+to {ls}, also see
+{logstash-ref}/filebeat-modules.html[Working with {beatname_uc} modules].
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/howto/override-config-settings.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/howto/override-config-settings.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cb69353f00b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/filebeat/docs/howto/override-config-settings.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+== Override configuration settings at the command line
+Override configuration settings
+//TODO: Convert this topic to use platform tabs.
+// REVEWERS: This is a mix of new and old content. Please review.
+NOTE: If you're running {beatname_uc} as a service, you can't specify
+command-line flags. To specify flags, start {beatname_uc} in the foreground.
+You can override any configuration setting from the command line by using flags:
+Overrides a specific configuration setting.
+`-M, --M "VAR_NAME=VALUE"`::
+Overrides the default configuration for a module.
+You can specify multiple overrides. Overrides are applied to the currently
+running {beatname_uc} process. The {beatname_uc} configuration file is not
+=== Example: override configuration file settings
+The following configuration sends logging output to files:
+logging.level: info
+logging.to_files: true
+ path: /var/log/filebeat
+ name: filebeat
+ keepfiles: 7
+ permissions: 0644
+To override the logging level and send logging output to standard error instead
+of a file, use the `-E` flag when you run {beatname_uc}:
+-E "logging.to_files=false" -E "logging.to_stderr=true" -E "logging.level=error"
+=== Example: override module settings
+The following configuration sets the path to Nginx access logs:
+- module: nginx
+ access:
+ var.paths: ["/var/log/nginx/access.log*"] <1>
+To override this setting from the command line, use the `-M` flag when you run
+{beatname_uc}. The variable name must include the module and fileset name. For
+-M "nginx.access.var.paths=[/path/to/log/nginx/access.log*]"
+You can specify multiple overrides. Each override must start with `-M`.
+For information about specific variables that you can set for each fileset,
+see the documentation under <<{beatname_lc}-modules>>.
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png b/filebeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png
deleted file mode 100644
index ff4904bb350..00000000000
Binary files a/filebeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index cb34e1039e4..00000000000
Binary files a/filebeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/include/config-option-intro.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/include/config-option-intro.asciidoc
index d4e16825085..364b111a126 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/include/config-option-intro.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/include/config-option-intro.asciidoc
@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ Each fileset has separate variable settings for configuring the behavior of the
module. If you don’t specify variable settings, the +{modulename}+ module uses
the defaults.
-For more information, see <>. Also see
+For advanced use cases, you can also override input settings. See
TIP: When you specify a setting at the command line, remember to prefix the
setting with the module name, for example, +{modulename}.{fileset_ex}.var.paths+
instead of +{fileset_ex}.var.paths+.
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/include/gs-link.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/include/gs-link.asciidoc
index 38b22e54a5d..6c47e8c67d7 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/include/gs-link.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/include/gs-link.asciidoc
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-TIP: Read the <> to learn how to set up and
-run modules.
\ No newline at end of file
+TIP: Read the <<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration,quick start>> to learn
+how to configure and run modules.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/include/run-command.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/include/run-command.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a43b9bf8f3..00000000000
--- a/filebeat/docs/include/run-command.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-*deb and rpm:*
-service {beatname_lc} start
-./{beatname_lc} -e
-{beatname_lc} -e
-./{beatname_lc} -e
-PS > Start-Service {beatname_lc}
-If the module is configured correctly, you'll see
-`INFO Harvester started` messages for each file specified in the config.
-NOTE: Depending on how you've installed {beatname_uc}, you might see errors
-related to file ownership or permissions when you try to run {beatname_uc}
-modules. See {beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and
-Permissions] in the _Beats Platform Reference_ for more information.
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/include/running-modules.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/include/running-modules.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index bc1cef2325f..00000000000
--- a/filebeat/docs/include/running-modules.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-=== Set up and run the module
-Before doing these steps, verify that {es} and {kib} are running and
-that {es} is ready to receive data from {beatname_uc}.
-If you're running our
-https://www.elastic.co/cloud/elasticsearch-service[hosted {ess}] on
-{ecloud}, or you've enabled security in {es} and {kib}, you need to specify
-additional connection information before setting up and running the module. See
-<> for the complete setup.
-To set up and run the module:
-. Enable the module:
-This command enables the module config defined in the `modules.d` directory. See
-<> for other ways to enable modules.
-To see a list of enabled and disabled modules, run:
-. Set up the initial environment:
-. Run {beatname_uc}.
-If your logs aren't in the default location, see
-<>, then run {beatname_uc} after you've
-set the paths variable.
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/include/set-paths.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/include/set-paths.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e28d978b45..00000000000
--- a/filebeat/docs/include/set-paths.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Each module and fileset has variables that you can set to change the default
-behavior of the module, including the paths where the module looks for log
-files. You can set the path in configuration or from the command line. For
-- module: nginx
- access:
- var.paths: ["/var/log/nginx/access.log*"] <1>
-<1> Sets the path for `nginx` access log files.
-To set the path at the command line, use the `-M` flag. The variable name
-must include the module and fileset name. For example:
-*deb and rpm:*
-{beatname_lc} -e -M "nginx.access.var.paths=[/var/log/nginx/access.log*]"
-./{beatname_lc} -e -M "nginx.access.var.paths=[/usr/local/var/log/nginx/access.log*]"
-{beatname_lc} -e -M "nginx.access.var.paths=[/usr/local/var/log/nginx/access.log*]"
-./{beatname_lc} -e -M "nginx.access.var.paths=[/usr/local/var/log/nginx/access.log*]"
-PS > .{backslash}{beatname_lc}.exe -e -M "nginx.access.var.paths=[c:/programdata/nginx/logs/*access.log*]"
-You can specify multiple overrides. Each override must start with `-M`.
-If you are running {beatname_uc} as a service, you cannot set paths from the
-command line. You must set the `var.paths` option in the module configuration
-For information about specific variables that you can set for each fileset,
-see the <<{beatname_lc}-modules,documentation for the modules>>.
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/include/setup-command.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/include/setup-command.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 68fc66a03d6..00000000000
--- a/filebeat/docs/include/setup-command.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-*deb and rpm:*
-{beatname_lc} setup -e
-./{beatname_lc} setup -e
-./{beatname_lc} setup -e
-{beatname_lc} setup -e
-PS > .{backslash}{beatname_lc}.exe setup -e
-The <> command loads the recommended index template for
-writing to {es} and deploys the sample dashboards (if available) for visualizing
-the data in {kib}. This is a one-time setup step.
-The `-e` flag is optional and sends output to standard error instead of syslog.
-The ingest pipelines used to parse log lines are set up automatically the first
-time you run the module, assuming the {es} output is enabled. If you're sending
-events to {ls}, or plan to use <>, also see <>.
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5c594725cb4..00000000000
--- a/filebeat/docs/include/visualize-data.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-. Explore your data in {kib}:
-.. Open your browser and navigate to the *Dashboard* overview in {kib}:
-Replace `localhost` with the name of the {kib} host. If you're using an
-https://cloud.elastic.co/[{ecloud}] instance, log in to your cloud account,
-then navigate to the {kib} endpoint in your deployment.
-.. If necessary, log in with your {kib} username and password.
-.. Enter the module name in the search box, then open a dashboard and explore
-the visualizations for your parsed logs.
-TIP: If you don’t see data in {kib}, try changing the date range to a larger
-range. By default, {kib} shows the last 15 minutes.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/index.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/index.asciidoc
index d7341b081b7..d427d5d8a39 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/index.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/index.asciidoc
@@ -38,10 +38,6 @@ include::./overview.asciidoc[]
@@ -68,3 +64,4 @@ include::./faq.asciidoc[]
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/modules-getting-started.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/modules-getting-started.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index db621fa6e29..00000000000
--- a/filebeat/docs/modules-getting-started.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-:modulename: system nginx mysql
-=== Quick start: modules for common log formats
-{beatname_uc} provides a set of pre-built modules that you can use to rapidly
-implement and deploy a log monitoring solution, complete with sample dashboards
-and data visualizations (when available), in about 5 minutes. These modules
-support common log formats, such as Nginx, Apache2, and MySQL, and can be run by
-issuing a simple command.
-This topic shows you how to run the basic modules with minimal extra
-configuration. For detailed documentation and the full list of available
-modules, see <>.
-Can't find a module for your log file type? Follow the numbered steps under
-<> to set up and configure {beatname_uc} manually.
-==== Prerequisites
-Before running {beatname_uc} modules:
-* Install and configure the Elastic stack. See
-{stack-gs}/get-started-elastic-stack.html[Get started with the {stack}].
-* Complete the {beatname_uc} installation instructions described in
-<>. After installing {beatname_uc}, return to this
-quick start page.
-* Verify that {es} and {kib} are running and that {es} is
-ready to receive data from {beatname_uc}.
-==== Running {beatname_uc} modules
-To set up and run {beatname_uc} modules:
-. In the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ config file, set the location of the {es}
-installation. By default, {beatname_uc} assumes {es} is running locally on port
-. Enable the modules you want to run. For example, the following command enables
-the system, nginx, and mysql modules:
-This command enables the module configs defined in the `modules.d` directory. See
-<> for other ways to enable modules.
-To see a list of enabled and disabled modules, run:
-. Set up the initial environment:
-. Run {beatname_uc}.
-If your logs aren't in the default location,
-<> before running {beatname_uc}.
-==== Example dashboard
-Here's an example of the syslog dashboard:
-image::./images/kibana-system.png[Syslog dashboard]
-==== Set the paths variable
-The examples here assume that the logs you're harvesting are in the location
-expected for your OS and that the default behavior of {beatname_uc} is appropriate
-for your environment.
-See <> for more information about setting
-variables and advanced options.
-==== Load ingest pipelines manually
-The ingest pipelines used to parse log lines are set up automatically the first
-time you run the module, assuming the {es} output is enabled. If you're sending
-events to {ls}, or plan to use
-<>, you need to
-load the ingest pipelines manually. To do this, run the `setup` command with
-the `--pipelines` option specified. If you used the
-<> command to enable modules in the `modules.d`
-directory, also specify the `--modules` flag. For example, the following command
-loads the ingest pipelines used by all filesets enabled in the system, nginx,
-and mysql modules:
-// override modulename attribute so it works with the --modules option
-:modulename: system,nginx,mysql
-*deb and rpm:*
-{beatname_lc} setup --pipelines --modules {modulename}
-./{beatname_lc} setup --pipelines --modules {modulename}
-./{beatname_lc} setup --pipelines --modules {modulename}
-PS > .{backslash}{beatname_lc}.exe setup --pipelines --modules {modulename}
-TIP: If you're loading ingest pipelines manually because you want to send events
-to {ls}, also see
-{logstash-ref}/filebeat-modules.html[Working with {beatname_uc} modules].
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/modules-overview.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/modules-overview.asciidoc
index 62654f44cd7..008a16c0d87 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/modules-overview.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/modules-overview.asciidoc
@@ -13,26 +13,23 @@ the following:
The {beatname_uc} configuration is also responsible with stitching together
multiline events when needed.
-* Elasticsearch {ref}/ingest.html[Ingest Node] pipeline definition,
+* {es} {ref}/ingest.html[Ingest Node] pipeline definition,
which is used to parse the log lines.
-* Fields definitions, which are used to configure Elasticsearch with the
+* Fields definitions, which are used to configure {es} with the
correct types for each field. They also contain short descriptions for each
of the fields.
-* Sample Kibana dashboards, when available, that can be used to visualize the
+* Sample {kib} dashboards, when available, that can be used to visualize the
log files.
{beatname_uc} automatically adjusts these configurations based on your environment
-and loads them to the respective Elastic stack components.
-{beatname_uc} modules require Elasticsearch 5.2 or later.
+and loads them to the respective {stack} components.
=== Get started
To learn how to configure and run {beatname_uc} modules:
-* Get started by reading <>.
-* Learn about the different ways to enable modules in <>.
-* Dive into the documentation for each module.
+* Get started by reading <<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>>.
+* Dive into the documentation for each <>.
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/modules/crowdstrike.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/modules/crowdstrike.asciidoc
index 5e21311674b..e3508c0feca 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/modules/crowdstrike.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/modules/crowdstrike.asciidoc
@@ -10,36 +10,19 @@ This file is generated! See scripts/docs_collector.py
== Crowdstrike module
-This is the filebeat module for the Crowdstrike Falcon using the Falcon https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/tech-center/integrate-with-your-siem[SIEM Connector]. This module collects this data, converts it to ECS, and ingests it to view in the SIEM. By default, the Falcon SIEM connector outputs JSON formatted Falcon Streaming API event data.
+This is the {beatname_uc} module for CrowdStrike Falcon using the Falcon https://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/tech-center/integrate-with-your-siem[SIEM Connector]. This module collects this data, converts it to ECS, and ingests it to view in the SIEM. By default, the Falcon SIEM connector outputs JSON formatted Falcon Streaming API event data.
This module segments events forwarded by the Falcon SIEM connector into two datasets for endpoint data and Falcon platform audit data.
=== Compatibility
This input supports Crowdstrike Falcon SIEM-Connector-v2.0.
-=== Dashboards
-The best way to view Crowdstrike events and alert data is in the SIEM.
-For alerts, go to Detections -> External alerts.
-And for all over event Crowdstrike Falcon event types, go to Host -> Events.
:fileset_ex: falcon_endpoint
@@ -61,6 +44,24 @@ var:
+=== Dashboards
+The best way to view CrowdStrike events and alert data is in the SIEM.
+For alerts, go to Detections -> External alerts.
+And for all over event CrowdStrike Falcon event types, go to Host -> Events.
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/overview.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
index def183159e9..e45acb4a69a 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
== Filebeat overview
{beatname_uc} is a lightweight shipper for forwarding and centralizing log data.
Installed as an agent on your servers, {beatname_uc} monitors the log
files or locations that you specify, collects log events, and forwards them
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/reload-configuration.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/reload-configuration.asciidoc
index 5ff3fa9ac37..10a706d4020 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/reload-configuration.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/reload-configuration.asciidoc
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ same time, it can lead to unexpected behavior.
For module configurations, you specify the `path` option in the
+{beatname_lc}.config.modules+ section of the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ file. By default,
{beatname_uc} loads the module configurations enabled in the
-<> directory. For example:
+<> directory. For example:
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc
index 5968b3f571d..f81ebee9297 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc
@@ -11,17 +11,21 @@
Set up and run
-Before reading this section, see the
-<<{beatname_lc}-getting-started,getting started documentation>> for basic
+Before reading this section, see
+<<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>> for basic
installation instructions to get you started.
-This section includes additional information on how to set up and run
+This section includes additional information on how to install, set up, and run
{beatname_uc}, including:
* <>
+* <>
* <>
+* <>
* <>
* <>
@@ -30,6 +34,10 @@ This section includes additional information on how to set up and run
* <>
+* <<{beatname_lc}-starting>>
+* <>
//MAINTAINERS: If you add a new file to this section, make sure you update the bulleted list ^^ too.
@@ -39,6 +47,8 @@ include::{libbeat-dir}/keystore.asciidoc[]
@@ -47,4 +57,6 @@ include::./running-on-cloudfoundry.asciidoc[]
diff --git a/filebeat/docs/upgrading.asciidoc b/filebeat/docs/upgrading.asciidoc
index 428be52e04d..ca5aa0cfbe8 100644
--- a/filebeat/docs/upgrading.asciidoc
+++ b/filebeat/docs/upgrading.asciidoc
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
-For information about upgrading to a new version, see the following topics in the _Beats Platform Reference_:
+For information about upgrading to a new version, see:
* {beats-ref}/breaking-changes.html[Breaking Changes]
* {beats-ref}/upgrading.html[Upgrade]
diff --git a/heartbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc b/heartbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc
index 0a2b6fc5729..0f8d8a83444 100644
--- a/heartbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc
+++ b/heartbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc
@@ -7,23 +7,7 @@
-Before modifying configuration settings, make sure you've completed the
-<> in the Getting Started.
-This section describes some common use cases for changing configuration options.
-To configure Heartbeat, you edit the configuration file. For rpm and deb,
-you’ll find the default configuration file at
-+/etc/heartbeat/heartbeat.yml+. There's also a full example
-configuration file at +/etc/heartbeat/heartbeat.reference.yml+ that shows
-all non-deprecated options. For mac and win, look in the archive that you
-The Heartbeat configuration file uses http://yaml.org/[YAML] for its syntax.
-See the
-{beats-ref}/config-file-format.html[Config File Format] section of the
-_Beats Platform Reference_ for more about the structure of the config file.
-The following topics describe how to configure Heartbeat:
* <>
* <>
diff --git a/heartbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc b/heartbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
index d6f9782ec02..38857a227ca 100644
--- a/heartbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
+++ b/heartbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
@@ -1,22 +1,31 @@
-== Get started with {beatname_uc}
+== {beatname_uc} quick start: installation and configuration
-Get started
+Quick start: installation and configuration
+This guide describes how to get started quickly collecting uptime data about
+your hosts. You'll learn how to:
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
-* <>
+* install {beatname_uc}
+* specify the protocols to monitor
+* send uptime data to {es}
+* visualize the uptime data in {kib}
+image::./images/heartbeat-statistics.png[{beatname_uc} HTTP monitoring dashboard]
+=== Before you begin
+You need {es} for storing and searching your data, and {kib} for visualizing and
+managing it.
=== Step 1: Install Heartbeat
Unlike most Beats, which you install on edge nodes, you typically install
@@ -24,161 +33,38 @@ Heartbeat as part of a monitoring service that runs on a separate machine
and possibly even outside of the network where the services that you want to
monitor are running.
-//TODO: Add a separate topic that explores deployment scenarios in more detail (like installing on a sub-network where there's a firewall etc.
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O {downloads}/heartbeat/heartbeat-{version}-amd64.deb
-sudo dpkg -i heartbeat-{version}-amd64.deb
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O {downloads}/heartbeat/heartbeat-{version}-x86_64.rpm
-sudo rpm -vi heartbeat-{version}-x86_64.rpm
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O {downloads}/heartbeat/heartbeat-{version}-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
-tar xzvf heartbeat-{version}-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O {downloads}/heartbeat/heartbeat-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
-tar xzvf heartbeat-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
-See <> for deploying Docker containers.
+To download and install {beatname_uc}, use the commands that work with your
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
+==== Other installation options
+* <>
+* https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}[Download page]
+* <>
-. Download the Heartbeat Windows zip file from the
-https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/heartbeat[downloads page].
+=== Step 2: Connect to the {stack}
-. Extract the contents of the zip file into `C:\Program Files`.
-. Rename the +heartbeat--windows+ directory to +Heartbeat+.
-. Open a PowerShell prompt as an Administrator (right-click the PowerShell icon
-and select *Run As Administrator*).
-. From the PowerShell prompt, run the following commands to install Heartbeat as
-a Windows service:
-PS > cd 'C:\Program Files\Heartbeat'
-PS C:\Program Files\Heartbeat> .\install-service-heartbeat.ps1
-NOTE: If script execution is disabled on your system, you need to set the
-execution policy for the current session to allow the script to run. For
-+PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -File .\install-service-heartbeat.ps1+.
-Before starting Heartbeat, you should look at the configuration options in
-the configuration file, for example +C:\Program Files\Heartbeat\heartbeat.yml+
-or +/etc/heartbeat/heartbeat.yml+. For more information about these
-options, see <>.
-=== Step 2: Configure Heartbeat
+=== Step 3: Configure Heartbeat monitors
Heartbeat provides monitors to check the status of hosts at set intervals.
-You configure each monitor individually. Heartbeat currently provides monitors
-for ICMP, TCP, and HTTP (see <> for more about these
-monitors). Here is an example that configures Heartbeat to use an `icmp`
+Heartbeat currently provides monitors for ICMP, TCP, and HTTP (see
+<> for more about these monitors).
-- type: icmp
- schedule: '*/5 * * * * * *'
- hosts: ["myhost"]
- hosts: ["myEShost:9200"]
+You configure each monitor individually. In +{beatname_lc}.yml+, specify the
+list of monitors that you want to enable. Each item in the list begins with a
+dash (-). The following example configures Heartbeat to use two monitors, an
+`icmp` monitor and a `tcp` monitor:
-To configure Heartbeat:
-. Specify the list of monitors that you want to enable. Each item in the list
-begins with a dash (-). The following example configures Heartbeat to use two
-monitors, an `icmp` monitor and a `tcp` monitor:
@@ -198,88 +84,75 @@ was started. Heartbeat adds the `@every` keyword to the syntax provided by the
`cronexpr` package.
<3> The `mode` specifies whether to ping one IP (`any`) or all resolvable IPs
-See <> for a full description of each
-configuration option.
+=== Step 4: Set up assets
+{beatname_uc} comes with predefined assets for parsing, indexing, and
+visualizing your data. To load these assets:
-=== Step 3: Load the index template in Elasticsearch
+. Make sure the user specified in +{beatname_lc}.yml+ is
-=== Step 4: Set up the Kibana dashboards
-Dashboards for Heartbeat can be found in the https://github.com/elastic/uptime-contrib[uptime-contrib] github repository.
+. From the installation directory, run:
+`-e` is optional and sends output to standard error instead of the configured log output.
+This step loads the recommended {ref}/indices-templates.html[index template] for writing to {es}.
+It does not install {beatname_uc} dashboards. Heartbeat dashboards and
+installation steps are available in the
+https://github.com/elastic/uptime-contrib[uptime-contrib] GitHub repository.
+A connection to {es} (or {ess}) is required to set up the initial
+environment. If you're using a different output, such as {ls}, see
=== Step 5: Start Heartbeat
-Start Heartbeat by issuing the appropriate command for your platform. If you
-are accessing a secured Elasticsearch cluster, make sure you've configured
-credentials as described in <<{beatname_lc}-configuration>>.
-NOTE: If you use an init.d script to start Heartbeat on deb or rpm, you can't
-specify command line flags (see <>). To specify flags,
-start Heartbeat in the foreground.
-*deb and rpm:*
-sudo service {beatname_lc}-elastic start
-*mac and linux:*
+Before starting {beatname_uc}, modify the user credentials in
++{beatname_lc}.yml+ and specify a user who is
-sudo chown root heartbeat.yml <1>
-sudo ./heartbeat -e
-<1> You'll be running Heartbeat as root, so you need to change ownership of the
-configuration file, or run Heartbeat with `--strict.perms=false` specified. See
-{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions]
-in the _Beats Platform Reference_.
+To start {beatname_uc}, run:
+Heartbeat is now ready to check the status of your services and send
+events to your defined output.
-PS C:\Program Files\Heartbeat> Start-Service heartbeat
+=== Step 6: View your data in {kib}
-By default, Windows log files are stored in +C:\ProgramData\heartbeat\Logs+.
+{beatname_uc} comes with pre-built {kib} dashboards and UIs for visualizing the
+status of your services. The dashboards are available in the
+https://github.com/elastic/uptime-contrib[uptime-contrib] GitHub repository.
-Heartbeat is now ready to check the status of your services and send
-events to your defined output.
+If you loaded the dashboards earlier, open them now.
-=== Step 6: View the sample Kibana dashboards
-To make it easier for you to visualize the status of your services, we have
-created example {beatname_uc} dashboards in the
-https://github.com/elastic/uptime-contrib[uptime-contrib] github repository. If
-you loaded them earlier, open them now.
+=== What's next?
+Now that you have your uptime data streaming into {es}, learn how to unify your
+logs, metrics, uptime, and application performance data.
-The dashboards are provided as examples. We recommend that you
-{kibana-ref}/dashboard.html[customize] them to meet your needs.
-image::./images/heartbeat-statistics.png[Heartbeat statistics]
+// Add Javascript and CSS for tabbed panels
diff --git a/heartbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc b/heartbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc
index ce19ba208d3..dfaa11b68d4 100644
--- a/heartbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc
+++ b/heartbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
Learn how to perform common {beatname_uc} configuration tasks.
* <>
+* <<{beatname_lc}-template>>
+* <>
* <<{beatname_lc}-geoip>>
* <>
* <>
@@ -16,6 +18,10 @@ Learn how to perform common {beatname_uc} configuration tasks.
diff --git a/heartbeat/docs/images/heartbeat-statistics.png b/heartbeat/docs/images/heartbeat-statistics.png
index 80c83bade79..1d77386407a 100644
Binary files a/heartbeat/docs/images/heartbeat-statistics.png and b/heartbeat/docs/images/heartbeat-statistics.png differ
diff --git a/heartbeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png b/heartbeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 606ba267d68..00000000000
Binary files a/heartbeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/heartbeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png b/heartbeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 039af9e5746..00000000000
Binary files a/heartbeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/heartbeat/docs/index.asciidoc b/heartbeat/docs/index.asciidoc
index 63f84333a2a..6da2775949f 100644
--- a/heartbeat/docs/index.asciidoc
+++ b/heartbeat/docs/index.asciidoc
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ include::./overview.asciidoc[]
@@ -53,3 +51,4 @@ include::./faq.asciidoc[]
diff --git a/heartbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc b/heartbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
index 2dd97907117..b1bdd33b2b6 100644
--- a/heartbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
+++ b/heartbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
== Heartbeat overview
Heartbeat is a lightweight daemon that you install on a remote server
to periodically check the status of your services and determine whether they are
available. Unlike {metricbeat-ref}/index.html[Metricbeat], which only tells you if
diff --git a/heartbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc b/heartbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc
index 9808c01bc7f..4acaaa6ffea 100644
--- a/heartbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc
+++ b/heartbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc
@@ -11,17 +11,21 @@
Set up and run
-Before reading this section, see the
-<<{beatname_lc}-getting-started,getting started documentation>> for basic
+Before reading this section, see
+<<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>> for basic
installation instructions to get you started.
-This section includes additional information on how to set up and run
+This section includes additional information on how to install, set up, and run
{beatname_uc}, including:
* <>
+* <>
* <>
+* <>
* <>
* <>
@@ -34,8 +38,10 @@ include::{libbeat-dir}/keystore.asciidoc[]
diff --git a/journalbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc b/journalbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc
index f3ce587285b..c813fa2d151 100644
--- a/journalbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc
+++ b/journalbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc
@@ -7,13 +7,7 @@
-Before modifying configuration settings, make sure you've completed the
-<<{beatname_lc}-configuration,configuration steps>> in the Getting Started.
-This section describes some common use cases for changing configuration options.
-The following topics describe how to configure {beatname_uc}:
* <>
* <>
diff --git a/journalbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc b/journalbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
index 7d90caa49ad..ddcf0e47038 100644
--- a/journalbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
+++ b/journalbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
@@ -1,120 +1,63 @@
-== Get started with {beatname_uc}
+== {beatname_uc} quick start: installation and configuration
-Get started
+Quick start: installation and configuration
+This guide describes how to get started quickly with log data collection from
+systemd journals. You'll learn how to:
-* <<{beatname_lc}-installation>>
-* <<{beatname_lc}-configuration>>
-* <<{beatname_lc}-template>>
-* <<{beatname_lc}-starting>>
-* <>
-* <>
+* install {beatname_uc} on each system you want to monitor
+* specify the location of your log files
+* parse log data into fields and send it to {es}
+* visualize the log data in {kib}
-=== Step 1: Install {beatname_uc}
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-amd64.deb
-sudo dpkg -i {beatname_lc}-{version}-amd64.deb
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-x86_64.rpm
-sudo rpm -vi {beatname_lc}-{version}-x86_64.rpm
+=== Before you begin
+You need {es} for storing and searching your data, and {kib} for visualizing and
+managing it.
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
-tar xzvf {beatname_lc}-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
+=== Step 1: Install {beatname_uc}
+Install {beatname_uc} on all the servers you want to monitor.
+To download and install {beatname_uc}, use the commands that work with your
-See <> for deploying Docker containers.
+==== Other installation options
-=== Step 2: Configure {beatname_uc}
+* <>
+* https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}[Download page]
+* <>
-Before running {beatname_uc}, you can specify the location of the systemd
-journal files and configure how you want the files to be read. If you accept the
-default configuration, {beatname_uc} reads from the local journal.
+=== Step 2: Connect to the {stack}
-Here is a sample of the +{beatname_lc}+ section of the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ file.
-{beatname_uc} uses predefined default values for most configuration options.
-- paths: ["/path/to/journal/directory"]
- seek: head
+=== Step 3: Configure {beatname_uc}
-To configure {beatname_uc}:
+Before running {beatname_uc}, specify the location of the systemd journal files
+and configure how you want the files to be read. If you accept the default
+configuration, {beatname_uc} reads from the local journal.
-. Specify a list of paths to your systemd journal files. Each path can be a
-directory path (to collect events from all journals in a directory), or a file
-path. For example:
+. In +{beatname_lc}.yml+, specify a list of paths to your systemd journal files.
+Each path can be a directory path (to collect events from all journals in a
+directory), or a file path. For example:
@@ -122,6 +65,7 @@ path. For example:
- paths:
- "/dev/log"
- "/var/log/messages/my-journal-file.journal"
+ seek: head
If no paths are specified, {beatname_uc} reads from the default journal.
@@ -148,75 +92,78 @@ Redis events from a Docker container tagged as `redis`, use:
- "_COMM=redis"
+=== Step 4: Set up assets
+{beatname_uc} comes with predefined assets for parsing, indexing, and
+visualizing your data. To load these assets:
+. Make sure the user specified in +{beatname_lc}.yml+ is
+. From the installation directory, run:
+`-e` is optional and sends output to standard error instead of the configured log output.
-=== Step 3: Load the index template in {es}
+This step loads the recommended {ref}/indices-templates.html[index template] for writing to {es}.
+A connection to {es} (or {ess}) is required to set up the initial
+environment. If you're using a different output, such as {ls}, see
=== Step 5: Start {beatname_uc}
-Start {beatname_uc} by issuing the appropriate command for your platform. If you
-are accessing a secured {es} cluster, make sure you've configured
-credentials as described in <<{beatname_lc}-configuration>>.
+Before starting {beatname_uc}, modify the user credentials in
++{beatname_lc}.yml+ and specify a user who is
-NOTE: If you use an init.d script to start {beatname_uc} on deb or rpm, you can't
-specify command line flags (see <>). To specify flags,
-start {beatname_uc} in the foreground.
+To start {beatname_uc}, run:
-*deb and rpm:*
+// tag::start-step[]
+// end::start-step[]
-sudo service {beatname_lc} start
+{beatname_uc} is now ready to send journal events to the {es}.
+=== Step 6: View your data in {kib}
-sudo chown root {beatname_lc}.yml <1>
-sudo ./{beatname_lc} -e
-<1> You'll be running {beatname_uc} as root, so you need to change ownership
-of the configuration file, or run {beatname_uc} with `--strict.perms=false`
-specified. See
-{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions]
-in the _Beats Platform Reference_.
-{beatname_uc} is now ready to send journal events to the defined output.
-=== Step 6: Explore your data in {kib}
-The {beatname_uc} dashboard is currently broken. To start exploring your data,
-go to the Discover application in {kib}. From there, you can submit search
+There is currently no dashboard available for {beatname_uc}. To start exploring
+your data, go to the Discover app in {kib}. From there, you can submit search
queries, filter the search results, and view document data.
To learn how to build visualizations and dashboards to view your data, see the
_{kibana-ref}/index.html[{kib} User Guide]_.
-==== Want to tail logs in real time?
-Use the Logs app in {kib}.
-For more details, see the {logs-guide}[Logs Monitoring Guide].
+=== What's next?
+Now that you have your logs streaming into {es}, learn how to unify your logs,
+metrics, uptime, and application performance data.
-The Logs app shows logs
-from `filebeat-*` indices by default. To show {beatname_uc} indices, configure
-the source to include `journalbeat-*`. You can do this in the Logs app when you
-configure the source, or you can modify the {kib} configuration. For example:
+The {logs-app} shows logs from `filebeat-*` indices by default. To show
+{beatname_uc} indices, configure the source to include `journalbeat-*`. You can
+do this in the {logs-app} when you configure the source, or you can modify the {kib}
+configuration. For
@@ -225,3 +172,7 @@ xpack.infra:
logAlias: "filebeat-*,journalbeat-*"
+// Add Javascript and CSS for tabbed panels
diff --git a/journalbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc b/journalbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc
index cf6f9b2199b..14a26a59c1a 100644
--- a/journalbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc
+++ b/journalbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
Learn how to perform common {beatname_uc} configuration tasks.
+* <<{beatname_lc}-template>>
+* <>
* <<{beatname_lc}-geoip>>
* <>
* <>
@@ -13,6 +15,9 @@ Learn how to perform common {beatname_uc} configuration tasks.
diff --git a/journalbeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png b/journalbeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0906a90e71c..00000000000
Binary files a/journalbeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/journalbeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png b/journalbeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 881157e7a1b..00000000000
Binary files a/journalbeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/journalbeat/docs/index.asciidoc b/journalbeat/docs/index.asciidoc
index 94d680c7a5e..390b5134e3e 100644
--- a/journalbeat/docs/index.asciidoc
+++ b/journalbeat/docs/index.asciidoc
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@ include::./overview.asciidoc[]
@@ -46,3 +44,4 @@ include::./troubleshooting.asciidoc[]
diff --git a/journalbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc b/journalbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
index 332dd624234..645aa87ca48 100644
--- a/journalbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
+++ b/journalbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
== {beatname_uc} overview
{beatname_uc} is a lightweight shipper for forwarding and centralizing log data
from https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-journald.service.html[systemd journals].
Installed as an agent on your servers, {beatname_uc} monitors the journal
diff --git a/journalbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc b/journalbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc
index 265e4d8fae8..ef95d59b8ff 100644
--- a/journalbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc
+++ b/journalbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc
@@ -11,19 +11,22 @@
Set up and run
-Before reading this section, see the
-<<{beatname_lc}-getting-started,getting started documentation>> for basic
+Before reading this section, see
+<<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>> for basic
installation instructions to get you started.
-This section includes additional information on how to set up and run
+This section includes additional information on how to install, set up, and run
{beatname_uc}, including:
* <>
* <>
* <>
+* <>
* <>
-* <>
* <>
+* <<{beatname_lc}-starting>>
+* <>
//MAINTAINERS: If you add a new file to this section, make sure you update the bulleted list ^^ too.
@@ -33,8 +36,12 @@ include::{libbeat-dir}/keystore.asciidoc[]
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/command-reference.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/command-reference.asciidoc
index 9ce860eb3eb..bb6a3e7762b 100644
--- a/libbeat/docs/command-reference.asciidoc
+++ b/libbeat/docs/command-reference.asciidoc
@@ -1059,10 +1059,14 @@ details.
Sets the path for log files. See the <> section for details.
-Sets strict permission checking on configuration files. The default is
-`-strict.perms=true`. See
-{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config file ownership and permissions] in
-the _Beats Platform Reference_ for more information.
+Sets strict permission checking on configuration files. The default is `-strict.perms=true`.
+See {beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config file ownership and permissions]
+for more information.
+See <> for more information.
*`-v, --v`*::
Logs INFO-level messages.
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b1a85fddb46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+== Get started with {beats}
+Each Beat is a separately installable product. To learn how to get started, see:
+* {auditbeat-ref}/auditbeat-installation-configuration.html[Auditbeat]
+* {filebeat-ref}/filebeat-installation-configuration.html[Filebeat]
+* {functionbeat-ref}/functionbeat-installation-configuration.html[Functionbeat]
+* {heartbeat-ref}/heartbeat-installation-configuration.html[Heartbeat]
+* {journalbeat-ref}/journalbeat-installation-configuration.html[Journalbeat]
+* {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-installation-configuration.html[Metricbeat]
+* {packetbeat-ref}/packetbeat-installation-configuration.html[Packetbeat]
+* {winlogbeat-ref}/winlogbeat-installation-configuration.html[Winlogbeat]
+If you're planning to use the {metrics-app} or the {logs-app} in {kib},
+also see the {metrics-guide}[Metrics Monitoring Guide]
+and the {logs-guide}[Logs Monitoring Guide].
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/gettingstarted.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/gettingstarted.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4df199ace71..00000000000
--- a/libbeat/docs/gettingstarted.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-== Get started with {beats}
-Each Beat is a separately installable product. Before installing Beats, you need
-to install and configure the {stack}. To learn how to get up and running
-quickly, see {stack-gs}/get-started-elastic-stack.html[Get started with the
-You can skip having to install {es} and {kib} by using our
-https://www.elastic.co/cloud/elasticsearch-service[hosted {ess}] on
-{ecloud}. The {ess} is available on AWS, GCP, and Azure.
-{ess-trial}[Try out the {ess}
-for free].
-After installing the {stack}, see the {beats} getting started guides:
-* {auditbeat-ref}/auditbeat-getting-started.html[Auditbeat]
-* {filebeat-ref}/filebeat-getting-started.html[Filebeat]
-* {functionbeat-ref}/functionbeat-getting-started.html[Functionbeat]
-* {heartbeat-ref}/heartbeat-getting-started.html[Heartbeat]
-* {journalbeat-ref}/journalbeat-getting-started.html[Journalbeat]
-* {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-getting-started.html[Metricbeat]
-* {packetbeat-ref}/packetbeat-getting-started.html[Packetbeat]
-* {winlogbeat-ref}/winlogbeat-getting-started.html[Winlogbeat]
-If you're planning to use the Metrics app or the Logs app in {kib},
-also see the {metrics-guide}[Metrics Monitoring Guide]
-and the {logs-guide}[Logs Monitoring Guide].
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/howto/change-index-name.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/howto/change-index-name.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a08292eebd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/howto/change-index-name.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+== Change the index name
+TIP: If you're sending events to a cluster that supports index lifecycle
+management, see <> to learn how to change the index name.
+{beatname_uc} uses time series indices, by default, when index lifecycle
+management is disabled or unsupported. The indices are named
++{beatname_lc}-{version}-yyyy.MM.dd+, where `yyyy.MM.dd` is the date when the
+events were indexed. To use a different name, set the
+<> option in the {es} output. The value that
+you specify should include the root name of the index plus version and date
+information. You also need to configure the `setup.template.name` and
+`setup.template.pattern` options to match the new name. For example:
+output.elasticsearch.index: "customname-%{[{beat_version_key}]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
+setup.template.name: "customname"
+setup.template.pattern: "customname-*"
+WARNING: If <> is enabled (which is typically the default), `setup.template.name` and `setup.template.pattern` are ignored.
+If you're using pre-built Kibana dashboards, also set the
+`setup.dashboards.index` option. For example:
+[source, yaml]
+setup.dashboards.index: "customname-*"
+For a full list of template setup options, see <>.
+Remember to change the index name when you load dashboards via the Kibana UI.
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/dashboards.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/howto/load-dashboards.asciidoc
similarity index 95%
rename from libbeat/docs/dashboards.asciidoc
rename to libbeat/docs/howto/load-dashboards.asciidoc
index 7bdb706095c..781789d3ae4 100644
--- a/libbeat/docs/dashboards.asciidoc
+++ b/libbeat/docs/howto/load-dashboards.asciidoc
@@ -9,9 +9,12 @@
//// include::../../libbeat/docs/dashboards.asciidoc[]
+== Load {kib} dashboards
TIP: For deeper observability into your infrastructure, you can use the
-Metrics app and the Logs app in {kib}.
+{metrics-app} and the {logs-app} in {kib}.
For more details, see the {metrics-guide}[Metrics Monitoring Guide]
and the {logs-guide}[Logs Monitoring Guide].
@@ -25,11 +28,11 @@ command (as described here) or
+{beatname_lc}.yml+ config file.
This requires a Kibana endpoint configuration. If you didn't already configure
-a Kibana endpoint, see <<{beatname_lc}-configuration,configure {beatname_uc}>>.
+a Kibana endpoint, see <>.
Make sure Kibana is running before you perform this step. If you are accessing a
secured Kibana instance, make sure you've configured credentials as described in
+the <<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>>.
To set up the Kibana dashboards for {beatname_uc}, use the appropriate command
for your system. The command shown here loads the dashboards from the {beatname_uc}
@@ -42,7 +45,7 @@ If you've configured the Logstash output, see
@@ -106,8 +109,9 @@ PS > .{backslash}{beatname_lc}.exe setup --dashboards
-==== Set up dashboards for Logstash output
+=== Load dashboards for Logstash output
During dashboard loading, {beatname_uc} connects to Elasticsearch to check
version information. To load dashboards when the Logstash output is enabled, you
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared-template-load.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/howto/load-index-templates.asciidoc
similarity index 61%
rename from libbeat/docs/shared-template-load.asciidoc
rename to libbeat/docs/howto/load-index-templates.asciidoc
index 07d0010672f..0cdd4ed80fb 100644
--- a/libbeat/docs/shared-template-load.asciidoc
+++ b/libbeat/docs/howto/load-index-templates.asciidoc
@@ -1,128 +1,94 @@
-//// This content is shared by all Elastic Beats. Make sure you keep the
-//// descriptions here generic enough to work for all Beats that include
-//// this file. When using cross references, make sure that the cross
-//// references resolve correctly for any files that include this one.
-//// Use the appropriate variables defined in the index.asciidoc file to
-//// resolve Beat names: beatname_uc and beatname_lc
-//// Use the following include to pull this content into a doc file:
-//// include::../../libbeat/docs/shared-template-load.asciidoc[]
-//// This content must be embedded underneath a level 3 heading.
+== Load the {es} index template
-NOTE: A connection to Elasticsearch is required to load the index template. If
-the output is not Elasticsearch, you must
+{es} uses {ref}/indices-templates.html[index templates] to define:
-In Elasticsearch, {ref}/indices-templates.html[index
-templates] are used to define settings and mappings that determine how fields
-should be analyzed.
+* Settings that control the behavior of your indices. The settings include the
+lifecycle policy used to manage indices as they grow and age.
+* Mappings that determine how fields are analyzed. Each mapping sets the
+{ref}/mapping-types.html[{es} datatype] to use for a specific data field.
The recommended index template file for {beatname_uc} is installed by the
{beatname_uc} packages. If you accept the default configuration in the
+{beatname_lc}.yml+ config file, {beatname_uc} loads the template automatically
-after successfully connecting to Elasticsearch. If the template already exists,
+after successfully connecting to {es}. If the template already exists,
it's not overwritten unless you configure {beatname_uc} to do so.
-==== Configure template loading
+NOTE: A connection to {es} is required to load the index template. If
+the output is not {es} (or {ess}), you must
-By default, {beatname_uc} automatically loads the recommended template file,
-+fields.yml+, if the Elasticsearch output is enabled. If you want to use the
-default index template, no additional configuration is required. Otherwise, you
-can change the defaults in the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ config file
+This page shows how to change the default template loading behavior to:
+* <>
+* <>
+* <>
+* <>
+For a full list of template setup options, see <>.
+=== Load your own index template
+To load your own index template, set the following options:
-* **Load a different template**
setup.template.name: "your_template_name"
setup.template.fields: "path/to/fields.yml"
If the template already exists, it’s not overwritten unless you configure
{beatname_uc} to do so.
-* **Overwrite an existing template**
+=== Overwrite an existing index template
+To overwrite a template that's already loaded into {es}, set:
setup.template.overwrite: true
-* **Disable automatic template loading**
+=== Disable automatic index template loading
+You may want to disable automatic template loading if you're using an output
+other than {es} and need to load the template manually. To disable automatic
+template loading, set:
setup.template.enabled: false
-If you disable automatic template loading, you need to
-* **Change the index name**
-TIP: If you're sending events to a cluster that supports index lifecycle
-management, see <> to learn how to change the index name.
-{beatname_uc} uses time series indices, by default, when index lifecycle
-management is disabled or unsupported. The indices are named
-+{beatname_lc}-{version}-yyyy.MM.dd+, where `yyyy.MM.dd` is the date when the
-events were indexed. To use a different name, you set the
-<> option in the Elasticsearch output. The value that
-you specify should include the root name of the index plus version and date
-information. You also need to configure the `setup.template.name` and
-`setup.template.pattern` options to match the new name. For example:
-output.elasticsearch.index: "customname-%{[{beat_version_key}]}-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"
-setup.template.name: "customname"
-setup.template.pattern: "customname-*"
-WARNING: If <> is enabled (which is typically the default), `setup.template.name` and `setup.template.pattern` are ignored.
-If you're using pre-built Kibana dashboards, also set the
-`setup.dashboards.index` option. For example:
-[source, yaml]
-setup.dashboards.index: "customname-*"
-Remember to change the index name when you load dashboards via the Kibana UI.
-See <> for the full list of configuration options.
+If you disable automatic template loading, you must load the index template
-==== Load the template manually
+=== Load the index template manually
-To load the template manually, run the <> command. A
-connection to Elasticsearch is required. If another output is enabled, you need
-to temporarily disable that output and enable Elasticsearch by using the `-E`
+To load the index template manually, run the <> command.
+A connection to {es} is required. If another output is enabled, you need to
+temporarily disable that output and enable {es} by using the `-E` option.
The examples here assume that Logstash output is enabled.
-You can omit the `-E` flags if Elasticsearch output is already enabled.
+You can omit the `-E` flags if {es} output is already enabled.
-If you are connecting to a secured Elasticsearch cluster, make sure you've
-configured credentials as described in <<{beatname_lc}-configuration>>.
+If you are connecting to a secured {es} cluster, make sure you've
+configured credentials as described in the <<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>>.
If the host running {beatname_uc} does not have direct connectivity to
-Elasticsearch, see <>.
+{es}, see <>.
To load the template, use the appropriate command for your system.
@@ -141,7 +107,7 @@ ifdef::no-output-logstash[]
@@ -204,10 +170,11 @@ PS > .{backslash}{beatname_lc}.exe setup --index-management{disable_logstash} -E
-===== Force Kibana to look at newest documents
+==== Force Kibana to look at newest documents
-If you've already used {beatname_uc} to index data into Elasticsearch,
+If you've already used {beatname_uc} to index data into {es},
the index may contain old documents. After you load the index template,
you can delete the old documents from +{beatname_lc}-*+ to force Kibana to look
at the newest documents.
@@ -256,11 +223,12 @@ This command deletes all indices that match the pattern +{beat_default_index_pre
Before running this command, make sure you want to delete all indices that match
the pattern.
-==== Load the template manually (alternate method)
+=== Load the index template manually (alternate method)
If the host running {beatname_uc} does not have direct connectivity to
-Elasticsearch, you can export the index template to a file, move it to a
+{es}, you can export the index template to a file, move it to a
machine that does have connectivity, and then install the template manually.
To export the index template, run:
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png b/libbeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 08939e91450..00000000000
Binary files a/libbeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png b/libbeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 913db9e737e..00000000000
Binary files a/libbeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/index.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/index.asciidoc
index 5d1309e4f88..97ecaac49c6 100644
--- a/libbeat/docs/index.asciidoc
+++ b/libbeat/docs/index.asciidoc
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ include::./overview.asciidoc[]
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/monitoring/monitoring-metricbeat.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/monitoring/monitoring-metricbeat.asciidoc
index afac9852133..d0cf30c9ed5 100644
--- a/libbeat/docs/monitoring/monitoring-metricbeat.asciidoc
+++ b/libbeat/docs/monitoring/monitoring-metricbeat.asciidoc
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ endif::[]
=== Install and configure {metricbeat} to collect monitoring data
-. {metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-installation.html[Install {metricbeat}] on the
-same server as {beatname_uc}. If you already have {metricbeat} installed on the
-server, skip this step.
+. Install {metricbeat} on the same server as {beatname_uc}. To learn how, see
+{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-installation-configuration.html[Get started with {metricbeat}].
+If you already have {metricbeat} installed on the server, skip this step.
. The next step depends on how you want to run {metricbeat}:
@@ -103,11 +103,9 @@ take the the steps required for your environment to run two instances of
{metricbeat} as a service. The steps for doing this vary by platform and are
beyond the scope of this documentation.
* If you're running the binary directly in the foreground and want to run a
-separate monitoring instance,
-{metricbeat-ref}/metricbeat-installation.html[install {metricbeat}] to a
-different path. If necessary, set `path.config`, `path.data`, and `path.log`
-to point to the correct directories. See <> for the default
+separate monitoring instance, install {metricbeat} to a different path. If
+necessary, set `path.config`, `path.data`, and `path.log` to point to the
+correct directories. See <> for the default locations.
. Enable the `beat-xpack` module in {metricbeat}. +
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/opendashboards.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/opendashboards.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 50ec99f15c9..00000000000
--- a/libbeat/docs/opendashboards.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-//// This content is shared by all Elastic Beats. Make sure you keep the
-//// descriptions here generic enough to work for all Beats that include
-//// this file. When using cross references, make sure that the cross
-//// references resolve correctly for any files that include this one.
-//// Use the appropriate variables defined in the index.asciidoc file to
-//// resolve Beat names: beatname_uc and beatname_lc.
-//// Use the following include to pull this content into a doc file:
-//// include::../../libbeat/docs/opendashboards.asciidoc[]
-To open the dashboards, launch the {kib} web interface by pointing your browser
-to port 5601. For example, http://localhost:5601[http://localhost:5601].
-Replace `localhost` with the name of the {kib} host. If you're using our
-https://www.elastic.co/cloud/elasticsearch-service[hosted {ess}] instance, log
-in to your cloud account, then navigate to the {kib} endpoint in your
-In the side navigation, click *Discover*. To see {beatname_uc} data, make sure
-the predefined +{beatname_lc}-*+ index pattern is selected.
-image::./images/kibana-created-indexes.png[Discover tab with index selected]
-TIP: If you don’t see data in {kib}, try changing the date range to a larger
-range. By default, {kib} shows the last 15 minutes.
-In the side navigation, click *Dashboard*, then select the dashboard that you
-want to open.
-image::./images/kibana-navigation-vis.png[Navigation widget in Kibana]
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
index c44c92a7d87..c28047243a6 100644
--- a/libbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
+++ b/libbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
== Beats overview
{beats} are open source data shippers that you install as agents on your
servers to send operational data to
https://www.elastic.co/products/elasticsearch[{es}]. Elastic provides {beats}
@@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ To get started, see <>.
Want to get up and running quickly with infrastructure metrics monitoring and
centralized log analytics?
-Try out the Metrics app and the Logs app in {kib}.
+Try out the {metrics-app} and the {logs-app} in {kib}.
For more details, see the {metrics-guide}[Metrics Monitoring Guide]
and the {logs-guide}[Logs Monitoring Guide].
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared-beats-attributes.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/shared-beats-attributes.asciidoc
index 093f1bcc8ec..4a285b4759c 100644
--- a/libbeat/docs/shared-beats-attributes.asciidoc
+++ b/libbeat/docs/shared-beats-attributes.asciidoc
@@ -17,3 +17,4 @@
:beat_version_key: agent.version
:access_role: {beat_default_index_prefix}_reader
:repo: Beats
+:release-state: released
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared-brew-run.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/shared-brew-run.asciidoc
index ff6d37bad73..23b5a7c4cca 100644
--- a/libbeat/docs/shared-brew-run.asciidoc
+++ b/libbeat/docs/shared-brew-run.asciidoc
@@ -25,14 +25,13 @@ service, run:
-sudo chown root /usr/local/etc/{beatname_lc}/beatname_lc.yml <1>
+sudo chown root /usr/local/etc/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}.yml <1>
sudo {beatname_lc} -e
<1> You'll be running {beatname_uc} as root, so you need to change ownership
of the configuration file, or run {beatname_uc} with `--strict.perms=false`
specified. See
-{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions]
-in the _Beats Platform Reference_.
+{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions].
@@ -45,8 +44,7 @@ sudo {beatname_lc} -e
<1> You'll be running {beatname_uc} as root, so you need to change ownership of the
configuration file and any configurations enabled in the `modules.d` directory,
or run {beatname_uc} with `--strict.perms=false` specified. See
-{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions]
-in the _Beats Platform Reference_.
+{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions].
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared-download-and-install.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/shared-download-and-install.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 5eabb2cbd02..00000000000
--- a/libbeat/docs/shared-download-and-install.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-*Before you begin*: If you haven't installed the {stack}, do that now. See
-{stack-gs}/get-started-elastic-stack.html[Get started with the {stack}].
-To download and install {beatname_uc}, use the commands that work with your
-If you use Apt or Yum, you can <> to update to the newest version more easily.
-See our https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}[download page] for
-other installation options, such as 32-bit images.
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared-getting-started-intro.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/shared-getting-started-intro.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index e0200fd8533..00000000000
--- a/libbeat/docs/shared-getting-started-intro.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-To get started with your own {beatname_uc} setup, install and configure these
-related products:
-* {es} for storing and indexing the data.
-* {kib} for the UI.
-* {ls} (optional) for parsing and enhancing the data.
-See {stack-gs}/get-started-elastic-stack.html[Get started with the {stack}]
-for more information about installing these products.
-You can skip having to install {es} and {kib} by using our
-https://www.elastic.co/cloud/elasticsearch-service[hosted {ess}] on
-{ecloud}. The {ess} is available on AWS, GCP, and Azure.
-{ess-trial}[Try out the {ess}
-for free].
-After installing the {stack}, read the following topics to learn how to
-install, configure, and run {beatname_uc}. Upgrading to a new version of
-{beatname_uc}? Start by reading the Beats {beats-ref}/upgrading.html[upgrade
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared-note-file-permissions.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/shared-note-file-permissions.asciidoc
index 62e1f075e76..43d4c49a9b2 100644
--- a/libbeat/docs/shared-note-file-permissions.asciidoc
+++ b/libbeat/docs/shared-note-file-permissions.asciidoc
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
NOTE: On systems with POSIX file permissions, all Beats configuration files are
subject to ownership and file permission checks. For more information, see
-{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions] in
-the _Beats Platform Reference_.
+{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions].
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared-shutdown.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/shared-shutdown.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index c1b5c5128c7..00000000000
--- a/libbeat/docs/shared-shutdown.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-//// This content is shared by all Elastic Beats. Make sure you keep the
-//// descriptions here generic enough to work for all Beats that include
-//// this file. When using cross references, make sure that the cross
-//// references resolve correctly for any files that include this one.
-//// Use the appropriate variables defined in the index.asciidoc file to
-//// resolve Beat names: beatname_uc and beatname_lc.
-//// Use the following include to pull this content into a doc file:
-//// include::../../libbeat/docs/shared-shutdown.asciidoc[]
-=== Stop {beatname_uc}
-An orderly shutdown of {beatname_uc} ensures that it has a chance to clean up
-and close outstanding resources. You can help ensure an orderly shutdown by
-stopping {beatname_uc} properly.
-If you’re running {beatname_uc} as a service, you can stop it via the service
-management functionality provided by your installation.
-If you’re running {beatname_uc} directly in the console, you can stop it by
-entering *Ctrl-C*. Alternatively, send SIGTERM to the {beatname_uc} process on a
-POSIX system.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared/README.txt b/libbeat/docs/shared/README.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..171bbe7e270
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/shared/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+The content in this folder is shared by all Elastic Beats. If you modify these
+files, make sure the content is valid in all Beats that include the files.
+Use conditional blocks, if necessary, to wrap content. When using cross
+references, make sure the cross references resolve correctly. Use the
+appropriate variables defined in the index.asciidoc file to resolve Beat names:
+{beatname_uc} and {beatname_lc}.
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/step-test-config.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/shared/config-check.asciidoc
similarity index 68%
rename from libbeat/docs/step-test-config.asciidoc
rename to libbeat/docs/shared/config-check.asciidoc
index fb0378b1a16..1db38fc2683 100644
--- a/libbeat/docs/step-test-config.asciidoc
+++ b/libbeat/docs/shared/config-check.asciidoc
@@ -15,5 +15,15 @@ your config files are in the path expected by {beatname_uc} (see
file. Depending on your OS, you might run into file ownership issues when you
run this test. See
{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions]
-in the _Beats Platform Reference_ for more information.
+for more information.
+For more information about configuring {beatname_uc}, also see:
+* <>
+* {beats-ref}/config-file-format.html[Config file format]
+* <<{beatname_lc}-reference-yml,+{beatname_lc}.reference.yml+>>: This reference configuration
+file shows all non-deprecated options. You'll find it in the same location as
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared-configuring.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/shared/configuring-intro.asciidoc
similarity index 51%
rename from libbeat/docs/shared-configuring.asciidoc
rename to libbeat/docs/shared/configuring-intro.asciidoc
index 49ec5465144..e7be5e4f24c 100644
--- a/libbeat/docs/shared-configuring.asciidoc
+++ b/libbeat/docs/shared/configuring-intro.asciidoc
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-To configure {beatname_uc}, you edit the configuration file. The default
+TIP: To get started quickly, read <<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>>.
+To configure {beatname_uc}, edit the configuration file. The default
configuration file is called +{beatname_lc}.yml+. The location of the file
varies by platform. To locate the file, see <>.
@@ -9,5 +11,7 @@ that shows all non-deprecated options.
TIP: See the
-{beats-ref}/config-file-format.html[Config File Format] section of the
-_Beats Platform Reference_ for more about the structure of the config file.
+{beats-ref}/config-file-format.html[Config File Format] for more about the
+structure of the config file.
+The following topics describe how to configure {beatname_uc}:
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared/connecting-to-es.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/shared/connecting-to-es.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..67cb2cc3755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/shared/connecting-to-es.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Connections to {es} and {kib} are required to set up {beatname_uc}.
+Set the connection information in +{beatname_lc}.yml+. To locate this
+configuration file, see <>.
+To learn more about required roles and privileges, see
+NOTE: You can send data to other <>,
+such as {ls},
+but that requires additional configuration and setup.
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared/obs-apps.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/shared/obs-apps.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9b5f7354ea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/shared/obs-apps.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+. Ingest data from other sources by installing and configuring other Elastic
+|Elastic {beats} | To capture
+|Infrastructure metrics
+|Windows event logs
+|Uptime information
+|Application performance metrics
+|Audit events
+. Use the Observability apps in {kib} to search across all your data:
+|Elastic apps | Use to
+|Explore metrics about systems and services across your ecosystem
+|Tail related log data in real time
+|Monitor availability issues across your apps and services
+|{kibana-ref}/xpack-apm.html[APM app]
+|Monitor application performance
+|Analyze security events
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared/opendashboards.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/shared/opendashboards.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7e73fbc8f4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/shared/opendashboards.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// tag::open-dashboards-intro[]
+{beatname_uc} comes with pre-built {kib} dashboards and UIs for visualizing log
+data. You loaded the dashboards earlier when you ran the `setup` command.
+// end::open-dashboards-intro[]
+// tag::open-dashboards[]
+To open the dashboards:
+. Launch {kib}:
+. In the side navigation, click *Discover*. To see {beatname_uc} data, make
+sure the predefined +{beatname_lc}-*+ index pattern is selected.
+TIP: If you don’t see data in {kib}, try changing the time filter to a larger
+range. By default, {kib} shows the last 15 minutes.
+. In the side navigation, click *Dashboard*, then select the dashboard that you
+want to open.
+The dashboards are provided as examples. We recommend that you
+{kibana-ref}/dashboard.html[customize] them to meet your needs.
+// end::open-dashboards[]
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared/redirects.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/shared/redirects.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dc9ca1d0d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/shared/redirects.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+= Deleted pages
+The following pages have moved or been deleted.
+=== Configure {beatname_uc}
+See <>.
+=== Install {beatname_uc}
+See <<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>>.
+=== View the sample {kib} dashboards
+See <<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>>.
+=== Get started with {beatname_uc}
+See <<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>>.
+=== Quick start: modules for common log formats
+See <<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>>.
+//TODO: Remove any internal cross references that point to these IDs, set up
+//redirects, then delete this file.
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared/shutdown.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/shared/shutdown.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7ce26c34c17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/shared/shutdown.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+=== Stop {beatname_uc}
+An orderly shutdown of {beatname_uc} ensures that it has a chance to clean up
+and close outstanding resources. You can help ensure an orderly shutdown by
+stopping {beatname_uc} properly.
+If you’re running {beatname_uc} as a service, you can stop it via the service
+management functionality provided by your installation.
+If you’re running {beatname_uc} directly in the console, you can stop it by
+entering *Ctrl-C*. Alternatively, send SIGTERM to the {beatname_uc} process on a
+POSIX system.
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/shared/start-beat.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/shared/start-beat.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f0cabc42dec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/shared/start-beat.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+=== Start {beatname_uc}
+Before starting {beatname_uc}:
+* Follow the steps in <<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>> to install,
+configure, and set up the {beatname_uc} environment.
+* Make sure {kib} and {es} are running.
+* Make sure the user specified in +{beatname_lc}.yml+ is
+To start {beatname_uc}, run:
+// Add Javascript and CSS for tabbed panels
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/step-configure-credentials.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/step-configure-credentials.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fd3b62993d..00000000000
--- a/libbeat/docs/step-configure-credentials.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-. If {es} and {kib} are secured, set credentials in the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ config
-file before you run the commands that set up and start {beatname_uc}.
-* If you're running our
-https://www.elastic.co/cloud/elasticsearch-service[hosted {ess}]
-on {ecloud}, specify your <> credentials.
-For example:
-cloud.auth: "elastic:{pwd}"
-* If you're running {es} on your own hardware, specify your {es} and {kib}
- hosts: ["myEShost:9200"]
- username: "filebeat_internal"
- password: "{pwd}" <1>
- host: "mykibanahost:5601"
- username: "my_kibana_user" <2> <3>
- password: "{pwd}"
-<1> This examples shows a hard-coded password, but you should store sensitive
-in the <>.
-in environment variables.
-<2> The `username` and `password` settings for {kib} are optional. If you don't
-specify credentials for {kib}, {beatname_uc} uses the `username` and `password`
-specified for the {es} output.
-<3> To use the pre-built Kibana dashboards, this user must have the
-`kibana_user` {xpack-ref}/built-in-roles.html[built-in role] or equivalent
-For more information, see <>.
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/step-configure-kibana-endpoint.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/step-configure-kibana-endpoint.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 500b8077634..00000000000
--- a/libbeat/docs/step-configure-kibana-endpoint.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-. If you plan to use the sample {kib} dashboards provided with {beatname_uc},
-configure the {kib} endpoint. You can skip this step if {kib} is running on
-the same host as {es}.
- host: "mykibanahost:5601" <1>
-<1> The hostname and port of the machine where {kib} is running,
-for example, `mykibanahost:5601`. If you specify a path after the port number,
-include the scheme and port: `http://mykibanahost:5601/path`.
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/step-configure-output.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/step-configure-output.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 838fd2d506b..00000000000
--- a/libbeat/docs/step-configure-output.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-. Configure the output. {beatname_uc} supports a variety of
-<>, but typically you'll either send events directly
-to {es}, or to {ls} for additional processing.
-To send output directly to {es} (without using {ls}), set the location of the
-{es} installation:
-. Configure the {es} output by setting the location of the {es} installation:
-* If you're running our
-https://www.elastic.co/cloud/elasticsearch-service[hosted {ess}]
-on {ecloud}, specify your <>. For example:
-cloud.id: "staging:dXMtZWFzdC0xLmF3cy5mb3VuZC5pbyRjZWM2ZjI2MWE3NGJmMjRjZTMzYmI4ODExYjg0Mjk0ZiRjNmMyY2E2ZDA0MjI0OWFmMGNjN2Q3YTllOTYyNTc0Mw=="
-* If you're running {es} on your own hardware, set the host and port where
-{beatname_uc} can find the {es} installation. For example:
- hosts: ["myEShost:9200"]
-To send output to {ls},
-<> instead. For all other
-outputs, see <>.
-For more information, see <>.
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/step-look-at-config.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/step-look-at-config.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aaf01a1988..00000000000
--- a/libbeat/docs/step-look-at-config.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-For more information about configuring {beatname_uc}, see
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/code.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/code.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..61b18b0015d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/code.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+// Defining styles and script here for simplicity.
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/enable-modules-widget.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/enable-modules-widget.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bc553b25085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/enable-modules-widget.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/install.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/install.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a866fc1d2da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/install.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// tag::deb[]
+Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
+curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-amd64.deb
+sudo dpkg -i {beatname_lc}-{version}-amd64.deb
+// end::deb[]
+// tag::rpm[]
+Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
+curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-x86_64.rpm
+sudo rpm -vi {beatname_lc}-{version}-x86_64.rpm
+// end::rpm[]
+// tag::mac[]
+Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
+curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
+tar xzvf {beatname_lc}-{version}-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
+// end::mac[]
+// tag::brew[]
+Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
+brew tap elastic/tap
+brew install elastic/tap/{beatname_lc}-full
+This command installs the most recently released default distribution of
+{beatname_uc}. To install the OSS distribution, specify
+// end::brew[]
+// tag::linux[]
+Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
+curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
+tar xzvf {beatname_lc}-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
+// end::linux[]
+// tag::win[]
+Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
+. Download the {beatname_uc} Windows zip file from the
+https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}[downloads page].
+. Extract the contents of the zip file into `C:\Program Files`.
+. Rename the +{beatname_lc}--windows+ directory to +{beatname_uc}+.
+. Open a PowerShell prompt as an Administrator (right-click the PowerShell icon
+and select *Run As Administrator*).
+. From the PowerShell prompt, run the following commands to install
+{beatname_uc} as a Windows service:
+PS > cd 'C:{backslash}Program Files{backslash}{beatname_uc}'
+PS C:{backslash}Program Files{backslash}{beatname_uc}> .{backslash}install-service-{beatname_lc}.ps1
+NOTE: If script execution is disabled on your system, you need to set the
+execution policy for the current session to allow the script to run. For
++PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -File .\install-service-{beatname_lc}.ps1+.
+// end::win[]
+// tag::win-short[]
+Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
+. Download the {beatname_uc} Windows zip file from the
+https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}[downloads page].
+. Extract the contents of the zip file into `C:\Program Files`.
+// end::win-short[]
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/list-modules-widget.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/list-modules-widget.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..696c48889c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/list-modules-widget.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/open-kibana.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/open-kibana.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9adcde4ee0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/open-kibana.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// tag::cloud[]
+. https://cloud.elastic.co/[Log in] to your {ecloud} account.
+. Navigate to the {kib} endpoint in your deployment.
+// end::cloud[]
+// tag::self-managed[]
+Point your browser to http://localhost:5601[http://localhost:5601], replacing
+`localhost` with the name of the {kib} host.
+// end::self-managed[]
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/set-connection-widget.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/set-connection-widget.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1365bab4588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/set-connection-widget.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/set-connection.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/set-connection.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fe2e1c8a036
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/set-connection.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// tag::cloud[]
+Specify the <> of your {ess}, and set
+<> to a user who is authorized to
+set up {beatname_uc}. For example:
+cloud.id: "staging:dXMtZWFzdC0xLmF3cy5mb3VuZC5pbyRjZWM2ZjI2MWE3NGJmMjRjZTMzYmI4ODExYjg0Mjk0ZiRjNmMyY2E2ZDA0MjI0OWFmMGNjN2Q3YTllOTYyNTc0Mw=="
+cloud.auth: "{beatname_lc}_setup:{pwd}" <1>
+<1> This examples shows a hard-coded password, but you should store sensitive
+in the <>.
+in environment variables.
+// end::cloud[]
+// tag::self-managed[]
+. Set the host and port where {beatname_uc} can find the {es} installation, and
+set the username and password of a user who is authorized to set up
+{beatname_uc}. For example:
+ hosts: ["myEShost:9200"]
+ username: "{beatname_lc}_internal"
+ password: "{pwd}" <1>
+<1> This examples shows a hard-coded password, but you should store sensitive
+in the <>.
+in environment variables.
+. If you plan to use our pre-built {kib} dashboards, configure the {kib}
+endpoint. Skip this step if {kib} is running on the same host as {es}.
+ setup.kibana:
+ host: "mykibanahost:5601" <1>
+ username: "my_kibana_user" <2> <3>
+ password: "{pwd}"
+<1> The hostname and port of the machine where {kib} is running,
+for example, `mykibanahost:5601`. If you specify a path after the port number,
+include the scheme and port: `http://mykibanahost:5601/path`.
+<2> The `username` and `password` settings for {kib} are optional. If you don't
+specify credentials for {kib}, {beatname_uc} uses the `username` and `password`
+specified for the {es} output.
+<3> To use the pre-built Kibana dashboards, this user must have the
+`kibana_user` {ref}/built-in-roles.html[built-in role] or equivalent
+// end::self-managed[]
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/setup-deb-rpm-linux-widget.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/setup-deb-rpm-linux-widget.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b0df100624e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/setup-deb-rpm-linux-widget.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/spinup-stack.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/spinup-stack.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1ffc7663ac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/spinup-stack.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// tag::cloud[]
+To get started quickly, spin up a deployment of our
+https://www.elastic.co/cloud/elasticsearch-service[hosted {ess}]. The {ess} is
+available on AWS, GCP, and Azure. {ess-trial}[Try it out for free].
+// end::cloud[]
+// tag::self-managed[]
+See {stack-gs}/get-started-elastic-stack.html[Getting started with the {stack}].
+// end::self-managed[]
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/start-deb-rpm-linux-widget.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/start-deb-rpm-linux-widget.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cc12343555e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/start-deb-rpm-linux-widget.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/start.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/start.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ce97a667a94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libbeat/docs/tab-widgets/start.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+// tag::deb[]
+sudo service {beatname_pkg} start
+// tag::initd-note[]
+NOTE: If you use an `init.d` script to start {beatname_uc}, you can't specify command
+line flags (see <>). To specify flags, start {beatname_uc} in
+the foreground.
+// end::initd-note[]
+Also see <>.
+// end::deb[]
+// tag::rpm[]
+sudo service {beatname_pkg} start
+Also see <>.
+// end::rpm[]
+// tag::mac[]
+sudo chown root {beatname_lc}.yml <1>
+sudo ./{beatname_lc} -e
+<1> You'll be running {beatname_uc} as root, so you need to change ownership
+of the configuration file, or run {beatname_uc} with `--strict.perms=false`
+specified. See
+{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions].
+sudo chown root {beatname_lc}.yml <1>
+sudo chown root modules.d/system.yml <1>
+sudo ./{beatname_lc} -e
+<1> You'll be running {beatname_uc} as root, so you need to change ownership of the
+configuration file and any configurations enabled in the `modules.d` directory,
+or run {beatname_uc} with `--strict.perms=false` specified. See
+{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions].
+// end::mac[]
+// tag::brew[]
+To have launchd start +elastic/tap/{beatname_lc}+ and then restart it at login,
+brew services start elastic/tap/{beatname_lc}-full
+To run {beatname_uc} in the foreground instead of running it as a background
+service, run:
+{beatname_lc} -e
+To run {beatname_uc} in the foreground instead of running it as a background
+service, run:
+sudo chown root /usr/local/etc/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}.yml <1>
+sudo {beatname_lc} -e
+<1> You'll be running {beatname_uc} as root, so you need to change ownership
+of the configuration file, or run {beatname_uc} with `--strict.perms=false`
+specified. See
+{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions].
+sudo chown root /usr/local/etc/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}.yml <1>
+sudo chown root /usr/local/etc/{beatname_lc}/modules.d/system.yml <1>
+sudo {beatname_lc} -e
+<1> You'll be running {beatname_uc} as root, so you need to change ownership of the
+configuration file and any configurations enabled in the `modules.d` directory,
+or run {beatname_uc} with `--strict.perms=false` specified. See
+{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions].
+// end::brew[]
+// tag::linux[]
+sudo chown root {beatname_lc}.yml <1>
+sudo ./{beatname_lc} -e
+<1> You'll be running {beatname_uc} as root, so you need to change ownership
+of the configuration file, or run {beatname_uc} with `--strict.perms=false`
+specified. See
+{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions].
+sudo chown root {beatname_lc}.yml <1>
+sudo chown root modules.d/system.yml <1>
+sudo ./{beatname_lc} -e
+<1> You'll be running {beatname_uc} as root, so you need to change ownership of the
+configuration file and any configurations enabled in the `modules.d` directory,
+or run {beatname_uc} with `--strict.perms=false` specified. See
+{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions].
+// end::linux[]
+// tag::win[]
+PS C:{backslash}Program Files{backslash}{beatname_lc}> Start-Service {beatname_lc}
+By default, Windows log files are stored in +C:{backslash}ProgramData{backslash}{beatname_lc}\Logs+.
+NOTE: On Windows, statistics about system load and swap usage are currently
+not captured
+// end::win[]
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/template-config.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/template-config.asciidoc
index 52b602a6c28..3271d567c2a 100644
--- a/libbeat/docs/template-config.asciidoc
+++ b/libbeat/docs/template-config.asciidoc
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ connecting to Elasticsearch.
NOTE: A connection to Elasticsearch is required to load the index template. If
-the configured output is not Elasticsearch (or Elastic Cloud), you must <>.
+the configured output is not Elasticsearch (or {ess}), you must
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/version.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/version.asciidoc
index 908d54baf6c..3fe60ddc83a 100644
--- a/libbeat/docs/version.asciidoc
+++ b/libbeat/docs/version.asciidoc
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@
:python: 3.7
:docker: 1.12
:docker-compose: 1.11
+:libpcap: 0.8
diff --git a/libbeat/docs/visualizing-data.asciidoc b/libbeat/docs/visualizing-data.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 71935d19f8d..00000000000
--- a/libbeat/docs/visualizing-data.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-== Visualizing your data in Kibana
-This section describes how to load the sample Beats dashboards. After loading
-the dashboards in Kibana, you can modify them to meet your needs.
-This section includes the following topics:
-* <>
-* <>
diff --git a/libbeat/outputs/logstash/docs/logstash.asciidoc b/libbeat/outputs/logstash/docs/logstash.asciidoc
index 48f3790f3e0..e0cfdd0e4e0 100644
--- a/libbeat/outputs/logstash/docs/logstash.asciidoc
+++ b/libbeat/outputs/logstash/docs/logstash.asciidoc
@@ -47,20 +47,6 @@ some extra setup. For more information, see
{logstash-ref}/filebeat-modules.html[Working with {beatname_uc} modules].
-TIP: To test your configuration file, change to the directory where the {beatname_uc}
-binary is installed, and run {beatname_uc} in the foreground with the following
-options specified: +.\winlogbeat.exe test config -c .\winlogbeat.yml -e+.
// end::shared-logstash-config[]
==== Accessing metadata fields
diff --git a/metricbeat/README.md b/metricbeat/README.md
index 5d817506b0a..206a7c10066 100644
--- a/metricbeat/README.md
+++ b/metricbeat/README.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Metricbeat fetches a set of metrics on a predefined interval from the operating
## Getting started
-Please follow the [getting started](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/metricbeat/current/metricbeat-getting-started.html)
+Please follow the [getting started](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/metricbeat/current/metricbeat-installation-configuration.html)
guide from the docs.
## Documentation
diff --git a/metricbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc b/metricbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc
index 91b6a7f120c..d379bb9e8f9 100644
--- a/metricbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc
+++ b/metricbeat/docs/configuring-howto.asciidoc
@@ -7,21 +7,7 @@
-Before modifying configuration settings, make sure you've completed the
-<> in the Getting Started.
-This section describes some common use cases for changing configuration options.
-To configure {beatname_uc}, you edit the configuration file. For rpm and deb,
-you’ll find the configuration file at +/etc/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}.yml+.
-There's also a full example configuration file at
-+/etc/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}.reference.yml+ that shows all non-deprecated
-options. For mac and win, look in the archive that you extracted.
-The {beatname_uc} configuration file uses http://yaml.org/[YAML] for its syntax.
-See the {beats-ref}/config-file-format.html[Config File Format] section of the
-_Beats Platform Reference_ for more about the structure of the config file.
-The following topics describe how to configure {beatname_uc}:
* <>
* <>
diff --git a/metricbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc b/metricbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..193af8783e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metricbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+:modulename: apache mysql
+== {beatname_uc} quick start: installation and configuration
+Quick start: installation and configuration
+{beatname_uc} helps you monitor your servers and the services they host by
+collecting metrics from the operating system and services.
+This guide describes how to get started quickly with metrics collection.
+You'll learn how to:
+* install {beatname_uc} on each system you want to monitor
+* specify the metrics you want to collect
+* send the metrics to {es}
+* visualize the metrics data in {kib}
+image::./images/{beatname_lc}-system-dashboard.png[{beatname_uc} System dashboard]
+=== Before you begin
+You need {es} for storing and searching your data, and {kib} for visualizing and
+managing it.
+=== Step 1: Install {beatname_uc}
+Install {beatname_uc} as close as possible to the service you want to monitor.
+For example, if you have four servers with MySQL running, it's recommended that
+you run {beatname_uc} on each server. This allows {beatname_uc} to access your
+service from localhost and does not cause any additional network traffic or
+prevent {beatname_uc} from collecting metrics when there are network problems.
+Metrics from multiple {beatname_uc} instances will be combined on the
+Elasticsearch server.
+To download and install {beatname_uc}, use the commands that work with your
+==== Other installation options
+* <>
+* https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}[Download page]
+* <>
+* <>
+* <>
+=== Step 2: Connect to the {stack}
+=== Step 3: Enable and configure metrics collection modules
+{beatname_uc} uses modules to collect metrics. Each module defines the basic
+logic for collecting data from a specific service, such as Redis or MySQL. A
+module consists of metricsets that fetch and structure the data. Read
+<> to learn more.
+. Identify the modules you need to enable. To see the list of available
+<>, run:
+. From the installation directory, enable one or more modules. If you accept the
+default configuration without enabling additional modules, {beatname_uc}
+collects system metrics only.
+The following command enables the `apache` and `mysql` configs in the
+`modules.d` directory:
+See the <> to learn more about this command. If you are using a
+Docker image, see <>.
+. In the module configs under `modules.d`, change the module settings to match
+your environment. See <> for more about available
+=== Step 4: Set up assets
+{beatname_uc} comes with predefined assets for parsing, indexing, and
+visualizing your data. To load these assets:
+. Make sure the user specified in +{beatname_lc}.yml+ is
+. From the installation directory, run:
+`-e` is optional and sends output to standard error instead of the configured log output.
+This step loads the recommended {ref}/indices-templates.html[index template] for writing to {es}
+and deploys the sample dashboards for visualizing the data in {kib}.
+A connection to {es} (or {ess}) is required to set up the initial
+environment. If you're using a different output, such as {ls}, see
+<> and <>.
+=== Step 5: Start {beatname_uc}
+Before starting {beatname_uc}, modify the user credentials in
++{beatname_lc}.yml+ and specify a user who is
+To start {beatname_uc}, run:
+// tag::start-step[]
+// end::start-step[]
+{beatname_uc} should begin streaming metrics to {es}.
+=== Step 6: View your data in {kib}
+=== What's next?
+Now that you have your infrastructure metrics streaming into {es}, learn how to
+unify your logs, metrics, uptime, and application performance data.
+// Add Javascript and CSS for tabbed panels
diff --git a/metricbeat/docs/gettingstarted.asciidoc b/metricbeat/docs/gettingstarted.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index b32cd1280be..00000000000
--- a/metricbeat/docs/gettingstarted.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-== Get started with {beatname_uc}
-Get started
-{beatname_uc} helps you monitor your servers and the services they host by
-collecting metrics from the operating system and services.
-* <<{beatname_lc}-installation>>
-* <<{beatname_lc}-configuration>>
-* <<{beatname_lc}-template>>
-* <>
-* <<{beatname_lc}-starting>>
-* <>
-* <>
-=== Step 1: Install {beatname_uc}
-You should install {beatname_uc} as close as possible to the service you want to
-monitor. For example, if you have four servers with MySQL running, it's
-recommended that you run {beatname_uc} on each server. This allows {beatname_uc} to
-access your service from localhost and does not cause any additional network
-traffic or prevent {beatname_uc} from collecting metrics when there are network
-problems. Metrics from multiple {beatname_uc} instances will be combined on the
-Elasticsearch server.
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-amd64.deb
-sudo dpkg -i {beatname_lc}-{version}-amd64.deb
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-x86_64.rpm
-sudo rpm -vi {beatname_lc}-{version}-x86_64.rpm
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
-tar xzvf {beatname_lc}-{version}-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
-tar xzvf {beatname_lc}-{version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
-See <> for deploying Docker containers.
-See <> for deploying with Kubernetes.
-See <> for deploying with Cloud Foundry.
-Version {version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
-. Download the {beatname_uc} Windows zip file from the
-https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}[downloads page].
-. Extract the contents of the zip file into `C:\Program Files`.
-. Rename the +{beatname_lc}--windows+` directory to +{beatname_uc}+.
-. Open a PowerShell prompt as an Administrator (right-click the PowerShell icon
-and select *Run As Administrator*).
-. From the PowerShell prompt, run the following commands to install {beatname_uc}
-as a Windows service:
-PS > cd 'C:{backslash}Program Files{backslash}{beatname_uc}'
-PS C:{backslash}Program Files{backslash}{beatname_uc}> .{backslash}install-service-{beatname_lc}.ps1
-NOTE: If script execution is disabled on your system, you need to set the
-execution policy for the current session to allow the script to run. For
-example: +PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -File
-Before starting {beatname_uc}, you should look at the configuration options in the
-configuration file, for example +C:{backslash}Program Files{backslash}{beatname_uc}{backslash}{beatname_lc}.yml+.
-For more information about these options, see
-=== Step 2: Configure {beatname_uc}
-When you configure {beatname_uc}, you need to specify which
-<<{beatname_lc}-modules,modules>> to run. {beatname_uc} uses modules to collect
-metrics. Each module defines the basic logic for collecting data from a specific
-service, such as Redis or MySQL. A module consists of metricsets that fetch and
-structure the data. Read <> to learn more.
-To configure {beatname_uc}:
-. Enable the modules that you want to run. If you accept the default
-configuration without enabling additional modules, {beatname_uc} collects system
-metrics only.
-You can either enable the default module configurations defined in the
-`modules.d` directory (recommended), or add the module configs to the
-+{beatname_lc}.yml+ file. The `modules.d` directory contains default
-configurations for all available {beatname_uc} modules.
-If you are using a Docker image, see <>.
-The following examples enable the `apache` and `mysql` configs in the
-`modules.d` directory:
-*deb and rpm:*
-{beatname_lc} modules enable apache mysql
-*mac and linux:*
-./{beatname_lc} modules enable apache mysql
-PS > .{backslash}{beatname_lc}.exe modules enable apache mysql
-See the <> to learn more about this command.
-To change the default module configurations, modify the `.yml` files in the
-`modules.d` directory. See <> for more about available
-See <> if you want to add the module configs to the
-+{beatname_lc}.yml+ file rather than using the `modules.d` directory.
-=== Step 3: Load the index template in Elasticsearch
-=== Step 4: Set up the Kibana dashboards
-=== Step 5: Start {beatname_uc}
-Run {beatname_uc} by issuing the appropriate command for your platform. If you
-are accessing a secured Elasticsearch cluster, make sure you've configured
-credentials as described in <<{beatname_lc}-configuration>>.
-NOTE: If you use an init.d script to start {beatname_uc} on deb or rpm, you can't
-specify command line flags (see <>). To specify flags,
-start {beatname_uc} in the foreground.
-*deb and rpm:*
-sudo service {beatname_lc} start
-See <>.
-*mac and linux:*
-sudo chown root {beatname_lc}.yml <1>
-sudo chown root modules.d/system.yml <1>
-sudo ./{beatname_lc} -e
-<1> You'll be running {beatname_uc} as root, so you need to change ownership of the
-configuration file and any configurations enabled in the `modules.d` directory,
-or run {beatname_uc} with `--strict.perms=false` specified. See
-{beats-ref}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions]
-in the _Beats Platform Reference_.
-PS C:{backslash}Program Files{backslash}{beatname_uc}> Start-Service {beatname_lc}
-By default the log files are stored in +C:{backslash}ProgramData{backslash}{beatname_lc}{backslash}Logs+.
-NOTE: On Windows, statistics about system load and swap usage are currently
-not captured.
-==== Test the {beatname_uc} installation
-To verify that your server's statistics are present in Elasticsearch, issue
-the following command:
-curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/{beatname_lc}-*/_search?pretty'
-Make sure that you replace `localhost:9200` with the address of your
-Elasticsearch instance.
-On Windows, if you don't have cURL installed, simply point your browser to the
-=== Step 6: View the sample Kibana dashboards
-To make it easier for you to start monitoring your servers in Kibana,
-we have created example {beatname_uc} dashboards. You loaded the dashboards
-earlier when you ran the `setup` command.
-The dashboards are provided as examples. We recommend that you
-{kibana-ref}/dashboard.html[customize] them to meet your needs.
-image::./images/{beatname_lc}_system_dashboard.png[{beatname_uc} Dashboard]
diff --git a/metricbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc b/metricbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc
index 54eef117163..302af5435e9 100644
--- a/metricbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc
+++ b/metricbeat/docs/howto/howto.asciidoc
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
Learn how to perform common {beatname_uc} configuration tasks.
+* <<{beatname_lc}-template>>
+* <>
+* <>
* <<{beatname_lc}-geoip>>
* <>
* <>
@@ -13,6 +16,12 @@ Learn how to perform common {beatname_uc} configuration tasks.
diff --git a/metricbeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png b/metricbeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png
deleted file mode 100644
index ad9c65ae1c7..00000000000
Binary files a/metricbeat/docs/images/kibana-created-indexes.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/metricbeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png b/metricbeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png
deleted file mode 100644
index a8c0e62ed57..00000000000
Binary files a/metricbeat/docs/images/kibana-navigation-vis.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/metricbeat/docs/images/metricbeat-system-dashboard.png b/metricbeat/docs/images/metricbeat-system-dashboard.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..648023f1238
Binary files /dev/null and b/metricbeat/docs/images/metricbeat-system-dashboard.png differ
diff --git a/metricbeat/docs/index.asciidoc b/metricbeat/docs/index.asciidoc
index 656b8171ae6..fc3972a4b21 100644
--- a/metricbeat/docs/index.asciidoc
+++ b/metricbeat/docs/index.asciidoc
@@ -37,9 +37,7 @@ include::{libbeat-dir}/shared-beats-attributes.asciidoc[]
@@ -66,3 +64,5 @@ include::./troubleshooting.asciidoc[]
diff --git a/metricbeat/docs/metricbeat-options.asciidoc b/metricbeat/docs/metricbeat-options.asciidoc
index 0d3e5f99afd..84e13274f44 100644
--- a/metricbeat/docs/metricbeat-options.asciidoc
+++ b/metricbeat/docs/metricbeat-options.asciidoc
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+:modulename: apache mysql
== Configure modules
@@ -5,29 +7,25 @@
-Metricbeat provides a couple different ways to enable modules and metricsets:
+You can configure modules in the `modules.d` directory (recommended), or in the
+{beatname_uc} configuration file.
-* <>
-* <>
+Before running {beatname_uc} with modules enabled, make sure you also set up the
+environment to use {kib} dashboards. See
+<<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>> for more information.
-=== Enable module configs in the `modules.d` directory
+=== Configure modules in the `modules.d` directory
The `modules.d` directory contains default configurations for all the modules
-available in Metricbeat. You can enable or disable specific module
-configurations under `modules.d` by running the <> commands.
-For example, to enable the `apache` and `mysql` configs in the `modules.d`
-directory, you use:
+available in {beatname_uc}. To enable or disable specific module configurations
+under `modules.d`, run the
+<> command. For example:
-./metricbeat modules enable apache mysql
Then when you run Metricbeat, it loads the corresponding module configurations
specified in the `modules.d` directory (for example, `modules.d/apache.yml` and
@@ -35,12 +33,9 @@ specified in the `modules.d` directory (for example, `modules.d/apache.yml` and
To see a list of enabled and disabled modules, run:
-./metricbeat modules list
-You can change the default module configurations by modifying the `.yml` files
+To change the default module configurations, modify the `.yml` files
in the `modules.d` directory.
The following example shows a basic configuration for the Apache module:
@@ -62,25 +57,25 @@ The following example shows a basic configuration for the Apache module:
See <> for additional configuration examples.
-=== Enable module configs in the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ file
+=== Configure modules in the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ file
When possible, you should use the config files in the `modules.d` directory.
-However, enabling modules directly in the config file is a practical approach if
-you have upgraded from a previous version of {beatname_uc} and don't want to
-move your module configs to the `modules.d` directory. You can continue to
-configure modules in the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ file, but you won't be able to use
-the `modules` command to enable and disable configurations because the command
-requires the `modules.d` layout.
+However, configuring <<{beatname_lc}-modules,modules>> directly in the config
+file is a practical approach if you have upgraded from a previous version
+of {beatname_uc} and don't want to move your module configs to the `modules.d`
+directory. You can continue to configure modules in the +{beatname_lc}.yml+
+file, but you won't be able to use the `modules` command to enable and disable
+configurations because the command requires the `modules.d` layout.
To enable specific modules and metricsets in the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ config
-file, you can add entries to the +{beatname_lc}.modules+ list. Each entry in the
+file, add entries to the +{beatname_lc}.modules+ list. Each entry in the
list begins with a dash (-) and is followed by settings for that module.
-The following example shows a configuration where the apache and mysql modules
-are enabled:
+The following example shows a configuration where the `apache` and `mysql`
+modules are enabled:
@@ -318,3 +313,7 @@ query:
- 2.95
- -15
+// Add Javascript and CSS for tabbed panels
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/metricbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc b/metricbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
index 95cf3c7789c..22cfde9c7ea 100644
--- a/metricbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
+++ b/metricbeat/docs/overview.asciidoc
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
== Metricbeat overview
Metricbeat is a lightweight shipper that you can install on your servers to
periodically collect metrics from the operating system and from services running
on the server. Metricbeat takes the metrics and statistics that it collects and
diff --git a/metricbeat/docs/reload-configuration.asciidoc b/metricbeat/docs/reload-configuration.asciidoc
index 2c467a823cf..5fd45635866 100644
--- a/metricbeat/docs/reload-configuration.asciidoc
+++ b/metricbeat/docs/reload-configuration.asciidoc
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Metricbeat can load external configuration files for modules, which allows you
to separate your configuration into multiple smaller configuration files. To use
this, you specify the `path` option under `metricbeat.config.modules` in the
main `metricbeat.yml` configuration file. By default, Metricbeat loads the
-module configurations enabled in the <>
+module configurations enabled in the <>
directory. For example:
diff --git a/metricbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc b/metricbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc
index 002cd8bd4b1..1139731e201 100644
--- a/metricbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc
+++ b/metricbeat/docs/setting-up-running.asciidoc
@@ -11,15 +11,17 @@
Set up and run
-Before reading this section, see the
-<<{beatname_lc}-getting-started,getting started documentation>> for basic
+Before reading this section, see
+<<{beatname_lc}-installation-configuration>> for basic
installation instructions to get you started.
-This section includes additional information on how to set up and run
+This section includes additional information on how to install, set up, and run
{beatname_uc}, including:
* <>
+* <>
* <>
* <>
@@ -30,6 +32,10 @@ This section includes additional information on how to set up and run
* <>
+* <<{beatname_lc}-starting>>
+* <>
//MAINTAINERS: If you add a new file to this section, make sure you update the bulleted list ^^ too.
@@ -38,6 +44,8 @@ include::{libbeat-dir}/keystore.asciidoc[]
@@ -46,4 +54,6 @@ include::./running-on-cloudfoundry.asciidoc[]
diff --git a/metricbeat/docs/upgrading.asciidoc b/metricbeat/docs/upgrading.asciidoc
index 5a01b443ae8..47652390843 100644
--- a/metricbeat/docs/upgrading.asciidoc
+++ b/metricbeat/docs/upgrading.asciidoc
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
== Upgrade Metricbeat
-For information about upgrading to a new version, see the following topics in the _Beats Platform Reference_:
+For information about upgrading to a new version, see:
* {beats-ref}/breaking-changes.html[Breaking Changes]
* {beats-ref}/upgrading.html[Upgrade]
diff --git a/packetbeat/README.md b/packetbeat/README.md
index 832e79065c1..fb164d1dc49 100644
--- a/packetbeat/README.md
+++ b/packetbeat/README.md
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ To learn more about Packetbeat, check out Configure
-Before modifying configuration settings, make sure you've completed the
-<> in the Getting Started.
-This section describes some common use cases for changing configuration options.
-To configure {beatname_uc}, you edit the configuration file. For rpm and deb,
-you’ll find the configuration file at +/etc/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}.yml+.
-There's also a full example configuration file at
-+/etc/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}.reference.yml+ that shows all non-deprecated
-options. For mac and win, look in the archive that you extracted.
-The {beatname_uc} configuration file uses http://yaml.org/[YAML] for its syntax.
-See the {beats-ref}/config-file-format.html[Config File Format] section of the
-_Beats Platform Reference_ for more about the structure of the config file.
-The following topics describe how to configure Packetbeat:
* <>
* <>
diff --git a/packetbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc b/packetbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2ba458c9737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packetbeat/docs/getting-started.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+== {beatname_uc} quick start: installation and configuration
+Quick start: installation and configuration
+The best way to understand the value of a network packet analytics system like
+{beatname_uc} is to try it on your own traffic.
+This guide describes how to get started quickly with network packets analytics.
+You'll learn how to:
+* install {beatname_uc} on each system you want to monitor
+* specify the network devices and protocols to sniff
+* parse the packet data into fields and send it to {es}
+* visualize the packet data in {kib}
+image::./images/packetbeat-overview-dashboard.png[{beatname_uc} Overview dashboard]
+=== Before you begin
+* You need {es} for storing and searching your data, and {kib} for visualizing
+and managing it.
+* On most platforms, {beatname_uc} requires the libpcap packet capture
+library. Depending on your OS, you might need to install it:
+=== Step 1: Install {beatname_uc}
+You can install {beatname_uc} on dedicated servers, getting the traffic from
+mirror ports or tap devices, or you can install it on your existing application
+To download and install {beatname_uc}, use the commands that work with your
+==== Other installation options
+* <>
+* https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}[Download page]
+* <>
+=== Step 2: Connect to the {stack}
+=== Step 3: Configure sniffing
+In +{beatname_lc}.yml+, configure the network devices and protocols to
+capture traffic from.
+. Set the sniffer type. By default, {beatname_uc} uses `pcap`, which uses the
+libpcap library and works on most platforms.
+On Linux, set the sniffer type to `af_packet` to use memory-mapped sniffing.
+This option is faster than libpcap and doesn’t require a kernel module, but
+it’s Linux-specific:
+packetbeat.interfaces.type: af_packet
+. Specify the network device to capture traffic from. For example:
+packetbeat.interfaces.device: eth0
+On Linux, specify `packetbeat.interfaces.device: any` to capture all
+messages sent or received by the server where {beatname_uc} is installed.
+The `any` setting does not work on macOS.
+To see a list of available devices, run:
+For more information about these settings, see <