diff --git a/src/core/server/server.api.md b/src/core/server/server.api.md index f9f3a2ca2962b..18e76324ff309 100644 --- a/src/core/server/server.api.md +++ b/src/core/server/server.api.md @@ -1,1821 +1,1821 @@ -## API Report File for "kibana" - -> Do not edit this file. It is a report generated by [API Extractor](https://api-extractor.com/). - -```ts - -import Boom from 'boom'; -import { BulkIndexDocumentsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { CatAliasesParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { CatAllocationParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { CatCommonParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { CatFielddataParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { CatHealthParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { CatHelpParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { CatIndicesParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { CatRecoveryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { CatSegmentsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { CatShardsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { CatSnapshotsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { CatTasksParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { CatThreadPoolParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { ClearScrollParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { Client } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { ClusterAllocationExplainParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { ClusterGetSettingsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { ClusterHealthParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { ClusterPendingTasksParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { ClusterPutSettingsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { ClusterRerouteParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { ClusterStateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { ClusterStatsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { ConfigOptions } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { CountParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { CreateDocumentParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { DeleteDocumentByQueryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { DeleteDocumentParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { DeleteScriptParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { DeleteTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { DetailedPeerCertificate } from 'tls'; -import { Duration } from 'moment'; -import { ExistsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { ExplainParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { FieldStatsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { GenericParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { GetParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { GetResponse } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { GetScriptParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { GetSourceParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { GetTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IncomingHttpHeaders } from 'http'; -import { IndexDocumentParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesAnalyzeParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesClearCacheParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesCloseParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesCreateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesDeleteAliasParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesDeleteParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesDeleteTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesExistsAliasParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesExistsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesExistsTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesExistsTypeParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesFlushParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesFlushSyncedParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesForcemergeParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesGetAliasParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesGetFieldMappingParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesGetMappingParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesGetParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesGetSettingsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesGetTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesGetUpgradeParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesOpenParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesPutAliasParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesPutMappingParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesPutSettingsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesPutTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesRecoveryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesRefreshParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesRolloverParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesSegmentsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesShardStoresParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesShrinkParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesStatsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesUpdateAliasesParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesUpgradeParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IndicesValidateQueryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { InfoParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IngestDeletePipelineParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IngestGetPipelineParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IngestPutPipelineParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { IngestSimulateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { KibanaConfigType } from 'src/core/server/kibana_config'; -import { Logger as Logger_2 } from 'src/core/server/logging'; -import { MGetParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { MGetResponse } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { MSearchParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { MSearchResponse } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { MSearchTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { MTermVectorsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { NodesHotThreadsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { NodesInfoParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { NodesStatsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { ObjectType } from '@kbn/config-schema'; -import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; -import { PeerCertificate } from 'tls'; -import { PingParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { PutScriptParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { PutTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { Readable } from 'stream'; -import { RecursiveReadonly as RecursiveReadonly_2 } from 'kibana/public'; -import { ReindexParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { ReindexRethrottleParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { RenderSearchTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { Request } from 'hapi'; -import { ResponseObject } from 'hapi'; -import { ResponseToolkit } from 'hapi'; -import { ScrollParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { SearchParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { SearchResponse } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { SearchShardsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { SearchTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { Server } from 'hapi'; -import { ShallowPromise } from '@kbn/utility-types'; -import { SnapshotCreateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { SnapshotCreateRepositoryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { SnapshotDeleteParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { SnapshotDeleteRepositoryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { SnapshotGetParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { SnapshotGetRepositoryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { SnapshotRestoreParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { SnapshotStatusParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { SnapshotVerifyRepositoryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { Stream } from 'stream'; -import { SuggestParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { TasksCancelParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { TasksGetParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { TasksListParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { TermvectorsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { Type } from '@kbn/config-schema'; -import { TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema'; -import { UpdateDocumentByQueryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { UpdateDocumentParams } from 'elasticsearch'; -import { Url } from 'url'; - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface APICaller { - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cluster.state', params: ClusterStateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'bulk', params: BulkIndexDocumentsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'count', params: CountParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'create', params: CreateDocumentParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'delete', params: DeleteDocumentParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'deleteByQuery', params: DeleteDocumentByQueryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'deleteScript', params: DeleteScriptParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'deleteTemplate', params: DeleteTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'exists', params: ExistsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'explain', params: ExplainParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'fieldStats', params: FieldStatsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'get', params: GetParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise>; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'getScript', params: GetScriptParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'getSource', params: GetSourceParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'getTemplate', params: GetTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'index', params: IndexDocumentParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'info', params: InfoParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'mget', params: MGetParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise>; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'msearch', params: MSearchParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise>; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'msearchTemplate', params: MSearchTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise>; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'mtermvectors', params: MTermVectorsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'ping', params: PingParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'putScript', params: PutScriptParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'putTemplate', params: PutTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'reindex', params: ReindexParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'reindexRethrottle', params: ReindexRethrottleParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'renderSearchTemplate', params: RenderSearchTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'scroll', params: ScrollParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise>; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'search', params: SearchParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise>; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'searchShards', params: SearchShardsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'searchTemplate', params: SearchTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'suggest', params: SuggestParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'termvectors', params: TermvectorsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'update', params: UpdateDocumentParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'updateByQuery', params: UpdateDocumentByQueryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.aliases', params: CatAliasesParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.allocation', params: CatAllocationParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.count', params: CatAllocationParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.fielddata', params: CatFielddataParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.health', params: CatHealthParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.help', params: CatHelpParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.indices', params: CatIndicesParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.master', params: CatCommonParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.nodeattrs', params: CatCommonParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.nodes', params: CatCommonParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.pendingTasks', params: CatCommonParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.plugins', params: CatCommonParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.recovery', params: CatRecoveryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.repositories', params: CatCommonParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.segments', params: CatSegmentsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.shards', params: CatShardsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.snapshots', params: CatSnapshotsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.tasks', params: CatTasksParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cat.threadPool', params: CatThreadPoolParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cluster.allocationExplain', params: ClusterAllocationExplainParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cluster.getSettings', params: ClusterGetSettingsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cluster.health', params: ClusterHealthParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cluster.pendingTasks', params: ClusterPendingTasksParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cluster.putSettings', params: ClusterPutSettingsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cluster.reroute', params: ClusterRerouteParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'clearScroll', params: ClearScrollParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'cluster.stats', params: ClusterStatsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.analyze', params: IndicesAnalyzeParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.clearCache', params: IndicesClearCacheParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.close', params: IndicesCloseParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.create', params: IndicesCreateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.delete', params: IndicesDeleteParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.deleteAlias', params: IndicesDeleteAliasParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.deleteTemplate', params: IndicesDeleteTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.exists', params: IndicesExistsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.existsAlias', params: IndicesExistsAliasParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.existsTemplate', params: IndicesExistsTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.existsType', params: IndicesExistsTypeParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.flush', params: IndicesFlushParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.flushSynced', params: IndicesFlushSyncedParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.forcemerge', params: IndicesForcemergeParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.get', params: IndicesGetParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.getAlias', params: IndicesGetAliasParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.getFieldMapping', params: IndicesGetFieldMappingParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.getMapping', params: IndicesGetMappingParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.getSettings', params: IndicesGetSettingsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.getTemplate', params: IndicesGetTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.getUpgrade', params: IndicesGetUpgradeParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.open', params: IndicesOpenParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.putAlias', params: IndicesPutAliasParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.putMapping', params: IndicesPutMappingParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.putSettings', params: IndicesPutSettingsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.putTemplate', params: IndicesPutTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.recovery', params: IndicesRecoveryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.refresh', params: IndicesRefreshParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.rollover', params: IndicesRolloverParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.segments', params: IndicesSegmentsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.shardStores', params: IndicesShardStoresParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.shrink', params: IndicesShrinkParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.stats', params: IndicesStatsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.updateAliases', params: IndicesUpdateAliasesParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.upgrade', params: IndicesUpgradeParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'indices.validateQuery', params: IndicesValidateQueryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'ingest.deletePipeline', params: IngestDeletePipelineParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'ingest.getPipeline', params: IngestGetPipelineParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'ingest.putPipeline', params: IngestPutPipelineParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'ingest.simulate', params: IngestSimulateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'nodes.hotThreads', params: NodesHotThreadsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'nodes.info', params: NodesInfoParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'nodes.stats', params: NodesStatsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'snapshot.create', params: SnapshotCreateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'snapshot.createRepository', params: SnapshotCreateRepositoryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'snapshot.delete', params: SnapshotDeleteParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'snapshot.deleteRepository', params: SnapshotDeleteRepositoryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'snapshot.get', params: SnapshotGetParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'snapshot.getRepository', params: SnapshotGetRepositoryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'snapshot.restore', params: SnapshotRestoreParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'snapshot.status', params: SnapshotStatusParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'snapshot.verifyRepository', params: SnapshotVerifyRepositoryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'tasks.cancel', params: TasksCancelParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'tasks.get', params: TasksGetParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'tasks.list', params: TasksListParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'transport.request', clientParams: AssistantAPIClientParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: 'transport.request', clientParams: DeprecationAPIClientParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise; - // (undocumented) - (endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface AssistanceAPIResponse { - // (undocumented) - indices: { - [indexName: string]: { - action_required: MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION; - }; - }; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface AssistantAPIClientParams extends GenericParams { - // (undocumented) - method: 'GET'; - // (undocumented) - path: '/_migration/assistance'; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface Authenticated extends AuthResultParams { - // (undocumented) - type: AuthResultType.authenticated; -} - -// @public -export type AuthenticationHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: AuthToolkit) => AuthResult | IKibanaResponse | Promise; - -// @public -export type AuthHeaders = Record; - -// @public (undocumented) -export type AuthResult = Authenticated; - -// @public -export interface AuthResultParams { - requestHeaders?: AuthHeaders; - responseHeaders?: AuthHeaders; - state?: Record; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export enum AuthResultType { - // (undocumented) - authenticated = "authenticated" -} - -// @public -export enum AuthStatus { - authenticated = "authenticated", - unauthenticated = "unauthenticated", - unknown = "unknown" -} - -// @public -export interface AuthToolkit { - authenticated: (data?: AuthResultParams) => AuthResult; -} - -// @public -export class BasePath { - // @internal - constructor(serverBasePath?: string); - get: (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => string; - prepend: (path: string) => string; - remove: (path: string) => string; - readonly serverBasePath: string; - set: (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest, requestSpecificBasePath: string) => void; -} - -// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "BootstrapArgs" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts -// -// @internal (undocumented) -export function bootstrap({ configs, cliArgs, applyConfigOverrides, features, }: BootstrapArgs): Promise; - -// @public -export interface CallAPIOptions { - signal?: AbortSignal; - wrap401Errors?: boolean; -} - -// @public -export interface Capabilities { - [key: string]: Record>; - catalogue: Record; - management: { - [sectionId: string]: Record; - }; - navLinks: Record; -} - -// @public -export type CapabilitiesProvider = () => Partial; - -// @public -export interface CapabilitiesSetup { - registerProvider(provider: CapabilitiesProvider): void; - registerSwitcher(switcher: CapabilitiesSwitcher): void; -} - -// @public -export interface CapabilitiesStart { - resolveCapabilities(request: KibanaRequest): Promise; -} - -// @public -export type CapabilitiesSwitcher = (request: KibanaRequest, uiCapabilities: Capabilities) => Partial | Promise>; - -// @public -export class ClusterClient implements IClusterClient { - constructor(config: ElasticsearchClientConfig, log: Logger, getAuthHeaders?: GetAuthHeaders); - asScoped(request?: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest | FakeRequest): IScopedClusterClient; - callAsInternalUser: APICaller; - close(): void; - } - -// @public -export type ConfigDeprecation = (config: Record, fromPath: string, logger: ConfigDeprecationLogger) => Record; - -// @public -export interface ConfigDeprecationFactory { - rename(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation; - renameFromRoot(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation; - unused(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation; - unusedFromRoot(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation; -} - -// @public -export type ConfigDeprecationLogger = (message: string) => void; - -// @public -export type ConfigDeprecationProvider = (factory: ConfigDeprecationFactory) => ConfigDeprecation[]; - -// @public (undocumented) -export type ConfigPath = string | string[]; - -// @internal (undocumented) -export class ConfigService { - // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "RawConfigurationProvider" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts - // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "Env" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts - constructor(rawConfigProvider: RawConfigurationProvider, env: Env, logger: LoggerFactory); - addDeprecationProvider(path: ConfigPath, provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider): void; - atPath(path: ConfigPath): Observable; - // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "Config" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts - getConfig$(): Observable; - // (undocumented) - getUnusedPaths(): Promise; - // (undocumented) - getUsedPaths(): Promise; - // (undocumented) - isEnabledAtPath(path: ConfigPath): Promise; - optionalAtPath(path: ConfigPath): Observable; - setSchema(path: ConfigPath, schema: Type): Promise; - validate(): Promise; - } - -// @public -export interface ContextSetup { - createContextContainer>(): IContextContainer; -} - -// @internal (undocumented) -export type CoreId = symbol; - -// @public -export interface CoreSetup { - // (undocumented) - capabilities: CapabilitiesSetup; - // (undocumented) - context: ContextSetup; - // (undocumented) - elasticsearch: ElasticsearchServiceSetup; - // (undocumented) - http: HttpServiceSetup; - // (undocumented) - savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceSetup; - // (undocumented) - uiSettings: UiSettingsServiceSetup; -} - -// @public -export interface CoreStart { - // (undocumented) - capabilities: CapabilitiesStart; - // (undocumented) - savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceStart; -} - -// @public -export interface CustomHttpResponseOptions { - body?: T; - headers?: ResponseHeaders; - // (undocumented) - statusCode: number; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface DeprecationAPIClientParams extends GenericParams { - // (undocumented) - method: 'GET'; - // (undocumented) - path: '/_migration/deprecations'; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface DeprecationAPIResponse { - // (undocumented) - cluster_settings: DeprecationInfo[]; - // (undocumented) - index_settings: IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo; - // (undocumented) - ml_settings: DeprecationInfo[]; - // (undocumented) - node_settings: DeprecationInfo[]; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface DeprecationInfo { - // (undocumented) - details?: string; - // (undocumented) - level: MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL; - // (undocumented) - message: string; - // (undocumented) - url: string; -} - -// @public -export interface DiscoveredPlugin { - readonly configPath: ConfigPath; - readonly id: PluginName; - readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[]; - readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[]; -} - -// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "ElasticsearchConfig" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts -// -// @public (undocumented) -export type ElasticsearchClientConfig = Pick & Pick & { - pingTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['pingTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['pingTimeout']; - requestTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['requestTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['requestTimeout']; - sniffInterval?: ElasticsearchConfig['sniffInterval'] | ConfigOptions['sniffInterval']; - ssl?: Partial; -}; - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface ElasticsearchError extends Boom { - // (undocumented) - [code]?: string; -} - -// @public -export class ElasticsearchErrorHelpers { - // (undocumented) - static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): ElasticsearchError; - // (undocumented) - static isNotAuthorizedError(error: any): error is ElasticsearchError; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface ElasticsearchServiceSetup { - readonly adminClient$: Observable; - readonly createClient: (type: string, clientConfig?: Partial) => IClusterClient; - readonly dataClient$: Observable; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface EnvironmentMode { - // (undocumented) - dev: boolean; - // (undocumented) - name: 'development' | 'production'; - // (undocumented) - prod: boolean; -} - -// @public -export interface ErrorHttpResponseOptions { - body?: ResponseError; - headers?: ResponseHeaders; -} - -// @public -export interface FakeRequest { - headers: Headers; -} - -// @public -export type GetAuthHeaders = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => AuthHeaders | undefined; - -// @public -export type GetAuthState = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => { - status: AuthStatus; - state: unknown; -}; - -// @public -export type HandlerContextType> = T extends HandlerFunction ? U : never; - -// @public -export type HandlerFunction = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any; - -// @public -export type HandlerParameters> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never; - -// @public -export type Headers = { - [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[] | undefined; -} & { - [header: string]: string | string[] | undefined; -}; - -// @public -export interface HttpResponseOptions { - body?: HttpResponsePayload; - headers?: ResponseHeaders; -} - -// @public -export type HttpResponsePayload = undefined | string | Record | Buffer | Stream; - -// @public -export interface HttpServiceSetup { - basePath: IBasePath; - createCookieSessionStorageFactory: (cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions) => Promise>; - createRouter: () => IRouter; - isTlsEnabled: boolean; - registerAuth: (handler: AuthenticationHandler) => void; - registerOnPostAuth: (handler: OnPostAuthHandler) => void; - registerOnPreAuth: (handler: OnPreAuthHandler) => void; - registerOnPreResponse: (handler: OnPreResponseHandler) => void; - registerRouteHandlerContext: (contextName: T, provider: RequestHandlerContextProvider) => RequestHandlerContextContainer; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface HttpServiceStart { - isListening: (port: number) => boolean; -} - -// @public -export type IBasePath = Pick; - -// @public -export type IClusterClient = Pick; - -// @public -export interface IContextContainer> { - createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): (...rest: HandlerParameters) => ShallowPromise>; - registerContext>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider): this; -} - -// @public -export type IContextProvider, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType> = (context: Partial>, ...rest: HandlerParameters) => Promise[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType[TContextName]; - -// @public -export interface IKibanaResponse { - // (undocumented) - readonly options: HttpResponseOptions; - // (undocumented) - readonly payload?: T; - // (undocumented) - readonly status: number; -} - -// @public -export interface IKibanaSocket { - readonly authorizationError?: Error; - readonly authorized?: boolean; - // (undocumented) - getPeerCertificate(detailed: true): DetailedPeerCertificate | null; - // (undocumented) - getPeerCertificate(detailed: false): PeerCertificate | null; - getPeerCertificate(detailed?: boolean): PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate | null; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo { - // (undocumented) - [indexName: string]: DeprecationInfo[]; -} - -// @public -export interface IRouter { - delete: RouteRegistrar<'delete'>; - get: RouteRegistrar<'get'>; - // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "RouterRoute" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts - // - // @internal - getRoutes: () => RouterRoute[]; - handleLegacyErrors:

(handler: RequestHandler) => RequestHandler; - patch: RouteRegistrar<'patch'>; - post: RouteRegistrar<'post'>; - put: RouteRegistrar<'put'>; - routerPath: string; -} - -// @public -export type IsAuthenticated = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => boolean; - -// @public -export type ISavedObjectsRepository = Pick; - -// @public -export type IScopedClusterClient = Pick; - -// @public -export interface IUiSettingsClient { - get: (key: string) => Promise; - getAll: () => Promise>; - getRegistered: () => Readonly>; - getUserProvided: () => Promise>>; - isOverridden: (key: string) => boolean; - remove: (key: string) => Promise; - removeMany: (keys: string[]) => Promise; - set: (key: string, value: any) => Promise; - setMany: (changes: Record) => Promise; -} - -// @public -export class KibanaRequest { - // @internal (undocumented) - protected readonly [requestSymbol]: Request; - constructor(request: Request, params: Params, query: Query, body: Body, withoutSecretHeaders: boolean); - // (undocumented) - readonly body: Body; - // @internal - static from

| Type>(req: Request, routeSchemas?: RouteSchemas, withoutSecretHeaders?: boolean): KibanaRequest; - readonly headers: Headers; - // (undocumented) - readonly params: Params; - // (undocumented) - readonly query: Query; - readonly route: RecursiveReadonly>; - // (undocumented) - readonly socket: IKibanaSocket; - readonly url: Url; - } - -// @public -export interface KibanaRequestRoute { - // (undocumented) - method: Method; - // (undocumented) - options: KibanaRequestRouteOptions; - // (undocumented) - path: string; -} - -// @public -export type KibanaRequestRouteOptions = Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? Required, 'body'>> : Required>; - -// @public -export type KibanaResponseFactory = typeof kibanaResponseFactory; - -// @public -export const kibanaResponseFactory: { - custom: | Buffer | Stream | { - message: string | Error; - attributes?: Record | undefined; - } | undefined>(options: CustomHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; - badRequest: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; - unauthorized: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; - forbidden: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; - notFound: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; - conflict: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; - internalError: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; - customError: (options: CustomHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; - redirected: (options: RedirectResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse | Buffer | Stream>; - ok: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse | Buffer | Stream>; - accepted: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse | Buffer | Stream>; - noContent: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; -}; - -// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "KnownKeys" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts -// -// @public -export type KnownHeaders = KnownKeys; - -// @public @deprecated (undocumented) -export interface LegacyRequest extends Request { -} - -// @public @deprecated (undocumented) -export interface LegacyServiceSetupDeps { - // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "InternalCoreSetup" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts - // - // (undocumented) - core: InternalCoreSetup & { - plugins: PluginsServiceSetup; - }; - // (undocumented) - plugins: Record; -} - -// @public @deprecated (undocumented) -export interface LegacyServiceStartDeps { - // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "InternalCoreStart" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts - // - // (undocumented) - core: InternalCoreStart & { - plugins: PluginsServiceStart; - }; - // (undocumented) - plugins: Record; -} - -// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "lifecycleResponseFactory" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts -// -// @public -export type LifecycleResponseFactory = typeof lifecycleResponseFactory; - -// @public -export interface Logger { - debug(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void; - error(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void; - fatal(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void; - info(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void; - // @internal (undocumented) - log(record: LogRecord): void; - trace(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void; - warn(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void; -} - -// @public -export interface LoggerFactory { - get(...contextParts: string[]): Logger; -} - -// @internal -export class LogLevel { - // (undocumented) - static readonly All: LogLevel; - // (undocumented) - static readonly Debug: LogLevel; - // (undocumented) - static readonly Error: LogLevel; - // (undocumented) - static readonly Fatal: LogLevel; - static fromId(level: LogLevelId): LogLevel; - // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "LogLevelId" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts - // - // (undocumented) - readonly id: LogLevelId; - // (undocumented) - static readonly Info: LogLevel; - // (undocumented) - static readonly Off: LogLevel; - supports(level: LogLevel): boolean; - // (undocumented) - static readonly Trace: LogLevel; - // (undocumented) - readonly value: number; - // (undocumented) - static readonly Warn: LogLevel; -} - -// @public -export interface LogMeta { - // (undocumented) - [key: string]: any; -} - -// @internal -export interface LogRecord { - // (undocumented) - context: string; - // (undocumented) - error?: Error; - // (undocumented) - level: LogLevel; - // (undocumented) - message: string; - // (undocumented) - meta?: { - [name: string]: any; - }; - // (undocumented) - timestamp: Date; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export type MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION = 'upgrade' | 'reindex'; - -// @public (undocumented) -export type MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL = 'none' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'critical'; - -// @public -export type MutatingOperationRefreshSetting = boolean | 'wait_for'; - -// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "OnPostAuthResult" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts -// -// @public -export type OnPostAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPostAuthToolkit) => OnPostAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise; - -// @public -export interface OnPostAuthToolkit { - next: () => OnPostAuthResult; -} - -// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "OnPreAuthResult" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts -// -// @public -export type OnPreAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPreAuthToolkit) => OnPreAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise; - -// @public -export interface OnPreAuthToolkit { - next: () => OnPreAuthResult; - rewriteUrl: (url: string) => OnPreAuthResult; -} - -// @public -export interface OnPreResponseExtensions { - headers?: ResponseHeaders; -} - -// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "OnPreResponseResult" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts -// -// @public -export type OnPreResponseHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, preResponse: OnPreResponseInfo, toolkit: OnPreResponseToolkit) => OnPreResponseResult | Promise; - -// @public -export interface OnPreResponseInfo { - // (undocumented) - statusCode: number; -} - -// @public -export interface OnPreResponseToolkit { - next: (responseExtensions?: OnPreResponseExtensions) => OnPreResponseResult; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface PackageInfo { - // (undocumented) - branch: string; - // (undocumented) - buildNum: number; - // (undocumented) - buildSha: string; - // (undocumented) - dist: boolean; - // (undocumented) - version: string; -} - -// @public -export interface Plugin { - // (undocumented) - setup(core: CoreSetup, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise; - // (undocumented) - start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise; - // (undocumented) - stop?(): void; -} - -// @public -export interface PluginConfigDescriptor { - deprecations?: ConfigDeprecationProvider; - exposeToBrowser?: { - [P in keyof T]?: boolean; - }; - schema: PluginConfigSchema; -} - -// @public -export type PluginConfigSchema = Type; - -// @public -export type PluginInitializer = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin; - -// @public -export interface PluginInitializerContext { - // (undocumented) - config: { - legacy: { - globalConfig$: Observable; - }; - create: () => Observable; - createIfExists: () => Observable; - }; - // (undocumented) - env: { - mode: EnvironmentMode; - packageInfo: Readonly; - }; - // (undocumented) - logger: LoggerFactory; - // (undocumented) - opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId; -} - -// @public -export interface PluginManifest { - readonly configPath: ConfigPath; - readonly id: PluginName; - readonly kibanaVersion: string; - readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[]; - readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[]; - readonly server: boolean; - readonly ui: boolean; - readonly version: string; -} - -// @public -export type PluginName = string; - -// @public (undocumented) -export type PluginOpaqueId = symbol; - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface PluginsServiceSetup { - // (undocumented) - contracts: Map; - // (undocumented) - uiPlugins: { - internal: Map; - public: Map; - browserConfigs: Map>; - }; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface PluginsServiceStart { - // (undocumented) - contracts: Map; -} - -// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "RecursiveReadonlyArray" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts -// -// @public (undocumented) -export type RecursiveReadonly = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray : T extends object ? Readonly<{ - [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly; -}> : T; - -// @public -export type RedirectResponseOptions = HttpResponseOptions & { - headers: { - location: string; - }; -}; - -// @public -export type RequestHandler

| Type, Method extends RouteMethod = any> = (context: RequestHandlerContext, request: KibanaRequest, TypeOf, TypeOf, Method>, response: KibanaResponseFactory) => IKibanaResponse | Promise>; - -// @public -export interface RequestHandlerContext { - // (undocumented) - core: { - savedObjects: { - client: SavedObjectsClientContract; - }; - elasticsearch: { - dataClient: IScopedClusterClient; - adminClient: IScopedClusterClient; - }; - uiSettings: { - client: IUiSettingsClient; - }; - }; -} - -// @public -export type RequestHandlerContextContainer = IContextContainer>; - -// @public -export type RequestHandlerContextProvider = IContextProvider, TContextName>; - -// @public -export type ResponseError = string | Error | { - message: string | Error; - attributes?: ResponseErrorAttributes; -}; - -// @public -export type ResponseErrorAttributes = Record; - -// @public -export type ResponseHeaders = { - [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[]; -} & { - [header: string]: string | string[]; -}; - -// @public -export interface RouteConfig

| Type, Method extends RouteMethod> { - options?: RouteConfigOptions; - path: string; - validate: RouteSchemas | false; -} - -// @public -export interface RouteConfigOptions { - authRequired?: boolean; - body?: Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? undefined : RouteConfigOptionsBody; - tags?: readonly string[]; -} - -// @public -export interface RouteConfigOptionsBody { - accepts?: RouteContentType | RouteContentType[] | string | string[]; - maxBytes?: number; - output?: typeof validBodyOutput[number]; - parse?: boolean | 'gunzip'; -} - -// @public -export type RouteContentType = 'application/json' | 'application/*+json' | 'application/octet-stream' | 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 'multipart/form-data' | 'text/*'; - -// @public -export type RouteMethod = 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete' | 'patch' | 'options'; - -// @public -export type RouteRegistrar =

| Type>(route: RouteConfig, handler: RequestHandler) => void; - -// @public -export interface RouteSchemas

| Type> { - // (undocumented) - body?: B; - // (undocumented) - params?: P; - // (undocumented) - query?: Q; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObject { - attributes: T; - // (undocumented) - error?: { - message: string; - statusCode: number; - }; - id: string; - migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion; - references: SavedObjectReference[]; - type: string; - updated_at?: string; - version?: string; -} - -// @public -export type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[]; - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectAttributes { - // (undocumented) - [key: string]: SavedObjectAttribute; -} - -// @public -export type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes; - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectReference { - // (undocumented) - id: string; - // (undocumented) - name: string; - // (undocumented) - type: string; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions { - namespace?: string; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject { - // (undocumented) - attributes: T; - // (undocumented) - id?: string; - migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion; - // (undocumented) - references?: SavedObjectReference[]; - // (undocumented) - type: string; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsBulkGetObject { - fields?: string[]; - // (undocumented) - id: string; - // (undocumented) - type: string; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsBulkResponse { - // (undocumented) - saved_objects: Array>; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsBulkResponse { - // (undocumented) - saved_objects: Array>; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject extends Pick { - attributes: Partial; - id: string; - type: string; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions { - refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse { - // (undocumented) - saved_objects: Array>; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export class SavedObjectsClient { - // @internal - constructor(repository: ISavedObjectsRepository); - bulkCreate(objects: Array>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise>; - bulkGet(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise>; - bulkUpdate(objects: Array>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise>; - create(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise>; - delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>; - // (undocumented) - errors: typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers; - // (undocumented) - static errors: typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers; - find(options: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise>; - get(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise>; - update(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise>; -} - -// @public -export type SavedObjectsClientContract = Pick; - -// @public -export type SavedObjectsClientFactory = ({ request, }: { - request: Request; -}) => SavedObjectsClientContract; - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions { - // (undocumented) - excludedWrappers?: string[]; -} - -// @public -export type SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory = (options: SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract; - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions { - // (undocumented) - client: SavedObjectsClientContract; - // (undocumented) - request: Request; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions { - id?: string; - migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion; - overwrite?: boolean; - // (undocumented) - references?: SavedObjectReference[]; - refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions { - refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsDeleteOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions { - refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export class SavedObjectsErrorHelpers { - // (undocumented) - static createBadRequestError(reason?: string): DecoratedError; - // (undocumented) - static createEsAutoCreateIndexError(): DecoratedError; - // (undocumented) - static createGenericNotFoundError(type?: string | null, id?: string | null): DecoratedError; - // (undocumented) - static createInvalidVersionError(versionInput?: string): DecoratedError; - // (undocumented) - static createUnsupportedTypeError(type: string): DecoratedError; - // (undocumented) - static decorateBadRequestError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError; - // (undocumented) - static decorateConflictError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError; - // (undocumented) - static decorateEsUnavailableError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError; - // (undocumented) - static decorateForbiddenError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError; - // (undocumented) - static decorateGeneralError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError; - // (undocumented) - static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError; - // (undocumented) - static decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError; - // (undocumented) - static isBadRequestError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; - // (undocumented) - static isConflictError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; - // (undocumented) - static isEsAutoCreateIndexError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; - // (undocumented) - static isEsUnavailableError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; - // (undocumented) - static isForbiddenError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; - // (undocumented) - static isInvalidVersionError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; - // (undocumented) - static isNotAuthorizedError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; - // (undocumented) - static isNotFoundError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; - // (undocumented) - static isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; - // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "DecoratedError" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts - // - // (undocumented) - static isSavedObjectsClientError(error: any): error is DecoratedError; -} - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsExportOptions { - excludeExportDetails?: boolean; - exportSizeLimit: number; - includeReferencesDeep?: boolean; - namespace?: string; - objects?: Array<{ - id: string; - type: string; - }>; - savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract; - search?: string; - types?: string[]; -} - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsExportResultDetails { - exportedCount: number; - missingRefCount: number; - missingReferences: Array<{ - id: string; - type: string; - }>; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions { - // (undocumented) - defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR'; - fields?: string[]; - // (undocumented) - filter?: string; - // (undocumented) - hasReference?: { - type: string; - id: string; - }; - // (undocumented) - page?: number; - // (undocumented) - perPage?: number; - search?: string; - searchFields?: string[]; - // (undocumented) - sortField?: string; - // (undocumented) - sortOrder?: string; - // (undocumented) - type: string | string[]; -} - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsFindResponse { - // (undocumented) - page: number; - // (undocumented) - per_page: number; - // (undocumented) - saved_objects: Array>; - // (undocumented) - total: number; -} - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsImportConflictError { - // (undocumented) - type: 'conflict'; -} - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsImportError { - // (undocumented) - error: SavedObjectsImportConflictError | SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError | SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError | SavedObjectsImportUnknownError; - // (undocumented) - id: string; - // (undocumented) - title?: string; - // (undocumented) - type: string; -} - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError { - // (undocumented) - blocking: Array<{ - type: string; - id: string; - }>; - // (undocumented) - references: Array<{ - type: string; - id: string; - }>; - // (undocumented) - type: 'missing_references'; -} - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsImportOptions { - // (undocumented) - namespace?: string; - // (undocumented) - objectLimit: number; - // (undocumented) - overwrite: boolean; - // (undocumented) - readStream: Readable; - // (undocumented) - savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract; - // (undocumented) - supportedTypes: string[]; -} - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsImportResponse { - // (undocumented) - errors?: SavedObjectsImportError[]; - // (undocumented) - success: boolean; - // (undocumented) - successCount: number; -} - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsImportRetry { - // (undocumented) - id: string; - // (undocumented) - overwrite: boolean; - // (undocumented) - replaceReferences: Array<{ - type: string; - from: string; - to: string; - }>; - // (undocumented) - type: string; -} - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsImportUnknownError { - // (undocumented) - message: string; - // (undocumented) - statusCode: number; - // (undocumented) - type: 'unknown'; -} - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError { - // (undocumented) - type: 'unsupported_type'; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions { - // (undocumented) - migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion; - refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting; -} - -// @internal @deprecated (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsLegacyService { - // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "SavedObjectsClientProvider" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts - // - // (undocumented) - addScopedSavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory: SavedObjectsClientProvider['addClientWrapperFactory']; - // (undocumented) - getSavedObjectsRepository(...rest: any[]): any; - // (undocumented) - getScopedSavedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientProvider['getClient']; - // (undocumented) - importExport: { - objectLimit: number; - importSavedObjects(options: SavedObjectsImportOptions): Promise; - resolveImportErrors(options: SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions): Promise; - getSortedObjectsForExport(options: SavedObjectsExportOptions): Promise; - }; - // (undocumented) - SavedObjectsClient: typeof SavedObjectsClient; - // (undocumented) - schema: SavedObjectsSchema; - // (undocumented) - setScopedSavedObjectsClientFactory: SavedObjectsClientProvider['setClientFactory']; - // (undocumented) - types: string[]; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsMigrationLogger { - // (undocumented) - debug: (msg: string) => void; - // (undocumented) - info: (msg: string) => void; - // (undocumented) - warning: (msg: string) => void; -} - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion { - // (undocumented) - [pluginName: string]: string; -} - -// Warning: (ae-missing-release-tag) "RawDoc" is exported by the package, but it is missing a release tag (@alpha, @beta, @public, or @internal) -// -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsRawDoc { - // (undocumented) - _id: string; - // (undocumented) - _primary_term?: number; - // (undocumented) - _seq_no?: number; - // (undocumented) - _source: any; - // (undocumented) - _type?: string; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export class SavedObjectsRepository { - bulkCreate(objects: Array>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise>; - bulkGet(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise>; - bulkUpdate(objects: Array>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise>; - create(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise>; - // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "KibanaMigrator" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts - // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "LegacyConfig" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts - // - // @internal - static createRepository(migrator: KibanaMigrator, schema: SavedObjectsSchema, config: LegacyConfig, indexName: string, callCluster: APICaller, extraTypes?: string[], injectedConstructor?: any): any; - delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>; - deleteByNamespace(namespace: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions): Promise; - // (undocumented) - find({ search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, }: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise>; - get(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise>; - incrementCounter(type: string, id: string, counterFieldName: string, options?: SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions): Promise<{ - id: string; - type: string; - updated_at: string; - references: any; - version: string; - attributes: any; - }>; - update(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise>; - } - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions { - // (undocumented) - namespace?: string; - // (undocumented) - objectLimit: number; - // (undocumented) - readStream: Readable; - // (undocumented) - retries: SavedObjectsImportRetry[]; - // (undocumented) - savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract; - // (undocumented) - supportedTypes: string[]; -} - -// @internal (undocumented) -export class SavedObjectsSchema { - // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "SavedObjectsSchemaDefinition" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts - constructor(schemaDefinition?: SavedObjectsSchemaDefinition); - // (undocumented) - getConvertToAliasScript(type: string): string | undefined; - // (undocumented) - getIndexForType(config: LegacyConfig, type: string): string | undefined; - // (undocumented) - isHiddenType(type: string): boolean; - // (undocumented) - isNamespaceAgnostic(type: string): boolean; -} - -// @internal (undocumented) -export class SavedObjectsSerializer { - constructor(schema: SavedObjectsSchema); - generateRawId(namespace: string | undefined, type: string, id?: string): string; - isRawSavedObject(rawDoc: SavedObjectsRawDoc): any; - // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "SanitizedSavedObjectDoc" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts - rawToSavedObject(doc: SavedObjectsRawDoc): SanitizedSavedObjectDoc; - savedObjectToRaw(savedObj: SanitizedSavedObjectDoc): SavedObjectsRawDoc; - } - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsServiceSetup { - addClientWrapper: (priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) => void; - createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository; - createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository; - setClientFactory: (customClientFactory: SavedObjectsClientFactory) => void; -} - -// @public -export interface SavedObjectsServiceStart { - getScopedClient: (req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions { - references?: SavedObjectReference[]; - refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting; - version?: string; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface SavedObjectsUpdateResponse extends Omit, 'attributes' | 'references'> { - // (undocumented) - attributes: Partial; - // (undocumented) - references: SavedObjectReference[] | undefined; -} - -// @public -export class ScopedClusterClient implements IScopedClusterClient { - constructor(internalAPICaller: APICaller, scopedAPICaller: APICaller, headers?: Headers | undefined); - callAsCurrentUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise; - callAsInternalUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise; - } - -// @public -export interface SessionCookieValidationResult { - isValid: boolean; - path?: string; -} - -// @public -export interface SessionStorage { - clear(): void; - get(): Promise; - set(sessionValue: T): void; -} - -// @public -export interface SessionStorageCookieOptions { - encryptionKey: string; - isSecure: boolean; - name: string; - validate: (sessionValue: T | T[]) => SessionCookieValidationResult; -} - -// @public -export interface SessionStorageFactory { - // (undocumented) - asScoped: (request: KibanaRequest) => SessionStorage; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export type SharedGlobalConfig = RecursiveReadonly_2<{ - kibana: Pick; - elasticsearch: Pick; - path: Pick; -}>; - -// @public -export interface UiSettingsParams { - category?: string[]; - description?: string; - name?: string; - optionLabels?: Record; - options?: string[]; - readonly?: boolean; - requiresPageReload?: boolean; - type?: UiSettingsType; - value?: SavedObjectAttribute; -} - -// @public (undocumented) -export interface UiSettingsServiceSetup { - register(settings: Record): void; -} - -// @public -export type UiSettingsType = 'json' | 'markdown' | 'number' | 'select' | 'boolean' | 'string'; - -// @public -export interface UserProvidedValues { - // (undocumented) - isOverridden?: boolean; - // (undocumented) - userValue?: T; -} - -// @public -export const validBodyOutput: readonly ["data", "stream"]; - - -// Warnings were encountered during analysis: -// -// src/core/server/http/router/response.ts:316:3 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "KibanaResponse" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts -// src/core/server/plugins/plugins_service.ts:43:5 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "InternalPluginInfo" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts -// src/core/server/plugins/types.ts:213:3 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "KibanaConfigType" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts -// src/core/server/plugins/types.ts:213:3 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "SharedGlobalConfigKeys" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts -// src/core/server/plugins/types.ts:214:3 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "ElasticsearchConfigType" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts -// src/core/server/plugins/types.ts:215:3 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "PathConfigType" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts - -``` +## API Report File for "kibana" + +> Do not edit this file. It is a report generated by [API Extractor](https://api-extractor.com/). + +```ts + +import Boom from 'boom'; +import { BulkIndexDocumentsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { CatAliasesParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { CatAllocationParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { CatCommonParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { CatFielddataParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { CatHealthParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { CatHelpParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { CatIndicesParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { CatRecoveryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { CatSegmentsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { CatShardsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { CatSnapshotsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { CatTasksParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { CatThreadPoolParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { ClearScrollParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { Client } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { ClusterAllocationExplainParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { ClusterGetSettingsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { ClusterHealthParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { ClusterPendingTasksParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { ClusterPutSettingsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { ClusterRerouteParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { ClusterStateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { ClusterStatsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { ConfigOptions } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { CountParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { CreateDocumentParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { DeleteDocumentByQueryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { DeleteDocumentParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { DeleteScriptParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { DeleteTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { DetailedPeerCertificate } from 'tls'; +import { Duration } from 'moment'; +import { ExistsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { ExplainParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { FieldStatsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { GenericParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { GetParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { GetResponse } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { GetScriptParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { GetSourceParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { GetTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IncomingHttpHeaders } from 'http'; +import { IndexDocumentParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesAnalyzeParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesClearCacheParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesCloseParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesCreateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesDeleteAliasParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesDeleteParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesDeleteTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesExistsAliasParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesExistsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesExistsTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesExistsTypeParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesFlushParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesFlushSyncedParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesForcemergeParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesGetAliasParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesGetFieldMappingParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesGetMappingParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesGetParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesGetSettingsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesGetTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesGetUpgradeParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesOpenParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesPutAliasParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesPutMappingParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesPutSettingsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesPutTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesRecoveryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesRefreshParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesRolloverParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesSegmentsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesShardStoresParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesShrinkParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesStatsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesUpdateAliasesParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesUpgradeParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IndicesValidateQueryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { InfoParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IngestDeletePipelineParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IngestGetPipelineParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IngestPutPipelineParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { IngestSimulateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { KibanaConfigType } from 'src/core/server/kibana_config'; +import { Logger as Logger_2 } from 'src/core/server/logging'; +import { MGetParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { MGetResponse } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { MSearchParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { MSearchResponse } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { MSearchTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { MTermVectorsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { NodesHotThreadsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { NodesInfoParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { NodesStatsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { ObjectType } from '@kbn/config-schema'; +import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; +import { PeerCertificate } from 'tls'; +import { PingParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { PutScriptParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { PutTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { Readable } from 'stream'; +import { RecursiveReadonly as RecursiveReadonly_2 } from 'kibana/public'; +import { ReindexParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { ReindexRethrottleParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { RenderSearchTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { Request } from 'hapi'; +import { ResponseObject } from 'hapi'; +import { ResponseToolkit } from 'hapi'; +import { ScrollParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { SearchParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { SearchResponse } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { SearchShardsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { SearchTemplateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { Server } from 'hapi'; +import { ShallowPromise } from '@kbn/utility-types'; +import { SnapshotCreateParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { SnapshotCreateRepositoryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { SnapshotDeleteParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { SnapshotDeleteRepositoryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { SnapshotGetParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { SnapshotGetRepositoryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { SnapshotRestoreParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { SnapshotStatusParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { SnapshotVerifyRepositoryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { Stream } from 'stream'; +import { SuggestParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { TasksCancelParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { TasksGetParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { TasksListParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { TermvectorsParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { Type } from '@kbn/config-schema'; +import { TypeOf } from '@kbn/config-schema'; +import { UpdateDocumentByQueryParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { UpdateDocumentParams } from 'elasticsearch'; +import { Url } from 'url'; + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface APICaller { + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cluster.state', params: ClusterStateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'bulk', params: BulkIndexDocumentsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'count', params: CountParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'create', params: CreateDocumentParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'delete', params: DeleteDocumentParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'deleteByQuery', params: DeleteDocumentByQueryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'deleteScript', params: DeleteScriptParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'deleteTemplate', params: DeleteTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'exists', params: ExistsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'explain', params: ExplainParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'fieldStats', params: FieldStatsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'get', params: GetParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise>; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'getScript', params: GetScriptParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'getSource', params: GetSourceParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'getTemplate', params: GetTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'index', params: IndexDocumentParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'info', params: InfoParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'mget', params: MGetParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise>; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'msearch', params: MSearchParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise>; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'msearchTemplate', params: MSearchTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise>; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'mtermvectors', params: MTermVectorsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'ping', params: PingParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'putScript', params: PutScriptParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'putTemplate', params: PutTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'reindex', params: ReindexParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'reindexRethrottle', params: ReindexRethrottleParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'renderSearchTemplate', params: RenderSearchTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'scroll', params: ScrollParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise>; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'search', params: SearchParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise>; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'searchShards', params: SearchShardsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'searchTemplate', params: SearchTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'suggest', params: SuggestParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'termvectors', params: TermvectorsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'update', params: UpdateDocumentParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'updateByQuery', params: UpdateDocumentByQueryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.aliases', params: CatAliasesParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.allocation', params: CatAllocationParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.count', params: CatAllocationParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.fielddata', params: CatFielddataParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.health', params: CatHealthParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.help', params: CatHelpParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.indices', params: CatIndicesParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.master', params: CatCommonParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.nodeattrs', params: CatCommonParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.nodes', params: CatCommonParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.pendingTasks', params: CatCommonParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.plugins', params: CatCommonParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.recovery', params: CatRecoveryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.repositories', params: CatCommonParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.segments', params: CatSegmentsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.shards', params: CatShardsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.snapshots', params: CatSnapshotsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.tasks', params: CatTasksParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cat.threadPool', params: CatThreadPoolParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cluster.allocationExplain', params: ClusterAllocationExplainParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cluster.getSettings', params: ClusterGetSettingsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cluster.health', params: ClusterHealthParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cluster.pendingTasks', params: ClusterPendingTasksParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cluster.putSettings', params: ClusterPutSettingsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cluster.reroute', params: ClusterRerouteParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'clearScroll', params: ClearScrollParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'cluster.stats', params: ClusterStatsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.analyze', params: IndicesAnalyzeParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.clearCache', params: IndicesClearCacheParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.close', params: IndicesCloseParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.create', params: IndicesCreateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.delete', params: IndicesDeleteParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.deleteAlias', params: IndicesDeleteAliasParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.deleteTemplate', params: IndicesDeleteTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.exists', params: IndicesExistsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.existsAlias', params: IndicesExistsAliasParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.existsTemplate', params: IndicesExistsTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.existsType', params: IndicesExistsTypeParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.flush', params: IndicesFlushParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.flushSynced', params: IndicesFlushSyncedParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.forcemerge', params: IndicesForcemergeParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.get', params: IndicesGetParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.getAlias', params: IndicesGetAliasParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.getFieldMapping', params: IndicesGetFieldMappingParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.getMapping', params: IndicesGetMappingParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.getSettings', params: IndicesGetSettingsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.getTemplate', params: IndicesGetTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.getUpgrade', params: IndicesGetUpgradeParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.open', params: IndicesOpenParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.putAlias', params: IndicesPutAliasParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.putMapping', params: IndicesPutMappingParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.putSettings', params: IndicesPutSettingsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.putTemplate', params: IndicesPutTemplateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.recovery', params: IndicesRecoveryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.refresh', params: IndicesRefreshParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.rollover', params: IndicesRolloverParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.segments', params: IndicesSegmentsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.shardStores', params: IndicesShardStoresParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.shrink', params: IndicesShrinkParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.stats', params: IndicesStatsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.updateAliases', params: IndicesUpdateAliasesParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.upgrade', params: IndicesUpgradeParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'indices.validateQuery', params: IndicesValidateQueryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'ingest.deletePipeline', params: IngestDeletePipelineParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'ingest.getPipeline', params: IngestGetPipelineParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'ingest.putPipeline', params: IngestPutPipelineParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'ingest.simulate', params: IngestSimulateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'nodes.hotThreads', params: NodesHotThreadsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'nodes.info', params: NodesInfoParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'nodes.stats', params: NodesStatsParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'snapshot.create', params: SnapshotCreateParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'snapshot.createRepository', params: SnapshotCreateRepositoryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'snapshot.delete', params: SnapshotDeleteParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'snapshot.deleteRepository', params: SnapshotDeleteRepositoryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'snapshot.get', params: SnapshotGetParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'snapshot.getRepository', params: SnapshotGetRepositoryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'snapshot.restore', params: SnapshotRestoreParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'snapshot.status', params: SnapshotStatusParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'snapshot.verifyRepository', params: SnapshotVerifyRepositoryParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'tasks.cancel', params: TasksCancelParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'tasks.get', params: TasksGetParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'tasks.list', params: TasksListParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): ReturnType; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'transport.request', clientParams: AssistantAPIClientParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: 'transport.request', clientParams: DeprecationAPIClientParams, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise; + // (undocumented) + (endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface AssistanceAPIResponse { + // (undocumented) + indices: { + [indexName: string]: { + action_required: MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION; + }; + }; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface AssistantAPIClientParams extends GenericParams { + // (undocumented) + method: 'GET'; + // (undocumented) + path: '/_migration/assistance'; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface Authenticated extends AuthResultParams { + // (undocumented) + type: AuthResultType.authenticated; +} + +// @public +export type AuthenticationHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: AuthToolkit) => AuthResult | IKibanaResponse | Promise; + +// @public +export type AuthHeaders = Record; + +// @public (undocumented) +export type AuthResult = Authenticated; + +// @public +export interface AuthResultParams { + requestHeaders?: AuthHeaders; + responseHeaders?: AuthHeaders; + state?: Record; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export enum AuthResultType { + // (undocumented) + authenticated = "authenticated" +} + +// @public +export enum AuthStatus { + authenticated = "authenticated", + unauthenticated = "unauthenticated", + unknown = "unknown" +} + +// @public +export interface AuthToolkit { + authenticated: (data?: AuthResultParams) => AuthResult; +} + +// @public +export class BasePath { + // @internal + constructor(serverBasePath?: string); + get: (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => string; + prepend: (path: string) => string; + remove: (path: string) => string; + readonly serverBasePath: string; + set: (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest, requestSpecificBasePath: string) => void; +} + +// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "BootstrapArgs" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts +// +// @internal (undocumented) +export function bootstrap({ configs, cliArgs, applyConfigOverrides, features, }: BootstrapArgs): Promise; + +// @public +export interface CallAPIOptions { + signal?: AbortSignal; + wrap401Errors?: boolean; +} + +// @public +export interface Capabilities { + [key: string]: Record>; + catalogue: Record; + management: { + [sectionId: string]: Record; + }; + navLinks: Record; +} + +// @public +export type CapabilitiesProvider = () => Partial; + +// @public +export interface CapabilitiesSetup { + registerProvider(provider: CapabilitiesProvider): void; + registerSwitcher(switcher: CapabilitiesSwitcher): void; +} + +// @public +export interface CapabilitiesStart { + resolveCapabilities(request: KibanaRequest): Promise; +} + +// @public +export type CapabilitiesSwitcher = (request: KibanaRequest, uiCapabilities: Capabilities) => Partial | Promise>; + +// @public +export class ClusterClient implements IClusterClient { + constructor(config: ElasticsearchClientConfig, log: Logger, getAuthHeaders?: GetAuthHeaders); + asScoped(request?: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest | FakeRequest): IScopedClusterClient; + callAsInternalUser: APICaller; + close(): void; + } + +// @public +export type ConfigDeprecation = (config: Record, fromPath: string, logger: ConfigDeprecationLogger) => Record; + +// @public +export interface ConfigDeprecationFactory { + rename(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation; + renameFromRoot(oldKey: string, newKey: string): ConfigDeprecation; + unused(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation; + unusedFromRoot(unusedKey: string): ConfigDeprecation; +} + +// @public +export type ConfigDeprecationLogger = (message: string) => void; + +// @public +export type ConfigDeprecationProvider = (factory: ConfigDeprecationFactory) => ConfigDeprecation[]; + +// @public (undocumented) +export type ConfigPath = string | string[]; + +// @internal (undocumented) +export class ConfigService { + // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "RawConfigurationProvider" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts + // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "Env" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts + constructor(rawConfigProvider: RawConfigurationProvider, env: Env, logger: LoggerFactory); + addDeprecationProvider(path: ConfigPath, provider: ConfigDeprecationProvider): void; + atPath(path: ConfigPath): Observable; + // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "Config" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts + getConfig$(): Observable; + // (undocumented) + getUnusedPaths(): Promise; + // (undocumented) + getUsedPaths(): Promise; + // (undocumented) + isEnabledAtPath(path: ConfigPath): Promise; + optionalAtPath(path: ConfigPath): Observable; + setSchema(path: ConfigPath, schema: Type): Promise; + validate(): Promise; + } + +// @public +export interface ContextSetup { + createContextContainer>(): IContextContainer; +} + +// @internal (undocumented) +export type CoreId = symbol; + +// @public +export interface CoreSetup { + // (undocumented) + capabilities: CapabilitiesSetup; + // (undocumented) + context: ContextSetup; + // (undocumented) + elasticsearch: ElasticsearchServiceSetup; + // (undocumented) + http: HttpServiceSetup; + // (undocumented) + savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceSetup; + // (undocumented) + uiSettings: UiSettingsServiceSetup; +} + +// @public +export interface CoreStart { + // (undocumented) + capabilities: CapabilitiesStart; + // (undocumented) + savedObjects: SavedObjectsServiceStart; +} + +// @public +export interface CustomHttpResponseOptions { + body?: T; + headers?: ResponseHeaders; + // (undocumented) + statusCode: number; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface DeprecationAPIClientParams extends GenericParams { + // (undocumented) + method: 'GET'; + // (undocumented) + path: '/_migration/deprecations'; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface DeprecationAPIResponse { + // (undocumented) + cluster_settings: DeprecationInfo[]; + // (undocumented) + index_settings: IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo; + // (undocumented) + ml_settings: DeprecationInfo[]; + // (undocumented) + node_settings: DeprecationInfo[]; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface DeprecationInfo { + // (undocumented) + details?: string; + // (undocumented) + level: MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL; + // (undocumented) + message: string; + // (undocumented) + url: string; +} + +// @public +export interface DiscoveredPlugin { + readonly configPath: ConfigPath; + readonly id: PluginName; + readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[]; + readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[]; +} + +// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "ElasticsearchConfig" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts +// +// @public (undocumented) +export type ElasticsearchClientConfig = Pick & Pick & { + pingTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['pingTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['pingTimeout']; + requestTimeout?: ElasticsearchConfig['requestTimeout'] | ConfigOptions['requestTimeout']; + sniffInterval?: ElasticsearchConfig['sniffInterval'] | ConfigOptions['sniffInterval']; + ssl?: Partial; +}; + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface ElasticsearchError extends Boom { + // (undocumented) + [code]?: string; +} + +// @public +export class ElasticsearchErrorHelpers { + // (undocumented) + static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): ElasticsearchError; + // (undocumented) + static isNotAuthorizedError(error: any): error is ElasticsearchError; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface ElasticsearchServiceSetup { + readonly adminClient$: Observable; + readonly createClient: (type: string, clientConfig?: Partial) => IClusterClient; + readonly dataClient$: Observable; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface EnvironmentMode { + // (undocumented) + dev: boolean; + // (undocumented) + name: 'development' | 'production'; + // (undocumented) + prod: boolean; +} + +// @public +export interface ErrorHttpResponseOptions { + body?: ResponseError; + headers?: ResponseHeaders; +} + +// @public +export interface FakeRequest { + headers: Headers; +} + +// @public +export type GetAuthHeaders = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => AuthHeaders | undefined; + +// @public +export type GetAuthState = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => { + status: AuthStatus; + state: unknown; +}; + +// @public +export type HandlerContextType> = T extends HandlerFunction ? U : never; + +// @public +export type HandlerFunction = (context: T, ...args: any[]) => any; + +// @public +export type HandlerParameters> = T extends (context: any, ...args: infer U) => any ? U : never; + +// @public +export type Headers = { + [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[] | undefined; +} & { + [header: string]: string | string[] | undefined; +}; + +// @public +export interface HttpResponseOptions { + body?: HttpResponsePayload; + headers?: ResponseHeaders; +} + +// @public +export type HttpResponsePayload = undefined | string | Record | Buffer | Stream; + +// @public +export interface HttpServiceSetup { + basePath: IBasePath; + createCookieSessionStorageFactory: (cookieOptions: SessionStorageCookieOptions) => Promise>; + createRouter: () => IRouter; + isTlsEnabled: boolean; + registerAuth: (handler: AuthenticationHandler) => void; + registerOnPostAuth: (handler: OnPostAuthHandler) => void; + registerOnPreAuth: (handler: OnPreAuthHandler) => void; + registerOnPreResponse: (handler: OnPreResponseHandler) => void; + registerRouteHandlerContext: (contextName: T, provider: RequestHandlerContextProvider) => RequestHandlerContextContainer; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface HttpServiceStart { + isListening: (port: number) => boolean; +} + +// @public +export type IBasePath = Pick; + +// @public +export type IClusterClient = Pick; + +// @public +export interface IContextContainer> { + createHandler(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, handler: THandler): (...rest: HandlerParameters) => ShallowPromise>; + registerContext>(pluginOpaqueId: PluginOpaqueId, contextName: TContextName, provider: IContextProvider): this; +} + +// @public +export type IContextProvider, TContextName extends keyof HandlerContextType> = (context: Partial>, ...rest: HandlerParameters) => Promise[TContextName]> | HandlerContextType[TContextName]; + +// @public +export interface IKibanaResponse { + // (undocumented) + readonly options: HttpResponseOptions; + // (undocumented) + readonly payload?: T; + // (undocumented) + readonly status: number; +} + +// @public +export interface IKibanaSocket { + readonly authorizationError?: Error; + readonly authorized?: boolean; + // (undocumented) + getPeerCertificate(detailed: true): DetailedPeerCertificate | null; + // (undocumented) + getPeerCertificate(detailed: false): PeerCertificate | null; + getPeerCertificate(detailed?: boolean): PeerCertificate | DetailedPeerCertificate | null; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface IndexSettingsDeprecationInfo { + // (undocumented) + [indexName: string]: DeprecationInfo[]; +} + +// @public +export interface IRouter { + delete: RouteRegistrar<'delete'>; + get: RouteRegistrar<'get'>; + // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "RouterRoute" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts + // + // @internal + getRoutes: () => RouterRoute[]; + handleLegacyErrors:

(handler: RequestHandler) => RequestHandler; + patch: RouteRegistrar<'patch'>; + post: RouteRegistrar<'post'>; + put: RouteRegistrar<'put'>; + routerPath: string; +} + +// @public +export type IsAuthenticated = (request: KibanaRequest | LegacyRequest) => boolean; + +// @public +export type ISavedObjectsRepository = Pick; + +// @public +export type IScopedClusterClient = Pick; + +// @public +export interface IUiSettingsClient { + get: (key: string) => Promise; + getAll: () => Promise>; + getRegistered: () => Readonly>; + getUserProvided: () => Promise>>; + isOverridden: (key: string) => boolean; + remove: (key: string) => Promise; + removeMany: (keys: string[]) => Promise; + set: (key: string, value: any) => Promise; + setMany: (changes: Record) => Promise; +} + +// @public +export class KibanaRequest { + // @internal (undocumented) + protected readonly [requestSymbol]: Request; + constructor(request: Request, params: Params, query: Query, body: Body, withoutSecretHeaders: boolean); + // (undocumented) + readonly body: Body; + // @internal + static from

| Type>(req: Request, routeSchemas?: RouteSchemas, withoutSecretHeaders?: boolean): KibanaRequest; + readonly headers: Headers; + // (undocumented) + readonly params: Params; + // (undocumented) + readonly query: Query; + readonly route: RecursiveReadonly>; + // (undocumented) + readonly socket: IKibanaSocket; + readonly url: Url; + } + +// @public +export interface KibanaRequestRoute { + // (undocumented) + method: Method; + // (undocumented) + options: KibanaRequestRouteOptions; + // (undocumented) + path: string; +} + +// @public +export type KibanaRequestRouteOptions = Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? Required, 'body'>> : Required>; + +// @public +export type KibanaResponseFactory = typeof kibanaResponseFactory; + +// @public +export const kibanaResponseFactory: { + custom: | Buffer | Stream | { + message: string | Error; + attributes?: Record | undefined; + } | undefined>(options: CustomHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; + badRequest: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; + unauthorized: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; + forbidden: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; + notFound: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; + conflict: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; + internalError: (options?: ErrorHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; + customError: (options: CustomHttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; + redirected: (options: RedirectResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse | Buffer | Stream>; + ok: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse | Buffer | Stream>; + accepted: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse | Buffer | Stream>; + noContent: (options?: HttpResponseOptions) => KibanaResponse; +}; + +// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "KnownKeys" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts +// +// @public +export type KnownHeaders = KnownKeys; + +// @public @deprecated (undocumented) +export interface LegacyRequest extends Request { +} + +// @public @deprecated (undocumented) +export interface LegacyServiceSetupDeps { + // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "InternalCoreSetup" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts + // + // (undocumented) + core: InternalCoreSetup & { + plugins: PluginsServiceSetup; + }; + // (undocumented) + plugins: Record; +} + +// @public @deprecated (undocumented) +export interface LegacyServiceStartDeps { + // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "InternalCoreStart" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts + // + // (undocumented) + core: InternalCoreStart & { + plugins: PluginsServiceStart; + }; + // (undocumented) + plugins: Record; +} + +// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "lifecycleResponseFactory" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts +// +// @public +export type LifecycleResponseFactory = typeof lifecycleResponseFactory; + +// @public +export interface Logger { + debug(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void; + error(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void; + fatal(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void; + info(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void; + // @internal (undocumented) + log(record: LogRecord): void; + trace(message: string, meta?: LogMeta): void; + warn(errorOrMessage: string | Error, meta?: LogMeta): void; +} + +// @public +export interface LoggerFactory { + get(...contextParts: string[]): Logger; +} + +// @internal +export class LogLevel { + // (undocumented) + static readonly All: LogLevel; + // (undocumented) + static readonly Debug: LogLevel; + // (undocumented) + static readonly Error: LogLevel; + // (undocumented) + static readonly Fatal: LogLevel; + static fromId(level: LogLevelId): LogLevel; + // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "LogLevelId" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts + // + // (undocumented) + readonly id: LogLevelId; + // (undocumented) + static readonly Info: LogLevel; + // (undocumented) + static readonly Off: LogLevel; + supports(level: LogLevel): boolean; + // (undocumented) + static readonly Trace: LogLevel; + // (undocumented) + readonly value: number; + // (undocumented) + static readonly Warn: LogLevel; +} + +// @public +export interface LogMeta { + // (undocumented) + [key: string]: any; +} + +// @internal +export interface LogRecord { + // (undocumented) + context: string; + // (undocumented) + error?: Error; + // (undocumented) + level: LogLevel; + // (undocumented) + message: string; + // (undocumented) + meta?: { + [name: string]: any; + }; + // (undocumented) + timestamp: Date; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export type MIGRATION_ASSISTANCE_INDEX_ACTION = 'upgrade' | 'reindex'; + +// @public (undocumented) +export type MIGRATION_DEPRECATION_LEVEL = 'none' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'critical'; + +// @public +export type MutatingOperationRefreshSetting = boolean | 'wait_for'; + +// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "OnPostAuthResult" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts +// +// @public +export type OnPostAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPostAuthToolkit) => OnPostAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise; + +// @public +export interface OnPostAuthToolkit { + next: () => OnPostAuthResult; +} + +// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "OnPreAuthResult" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts +// +// @public +export type OnPreAuthHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, response: LifecycleResponseFactory, toolkit: OnPreAuthToolkit) => OnPreAuthResult | KibanaResponse | Promise; + +// @public +export interface OnPreAuthToolkit { + next: () => OnPreAuthResult; + rewriteUrl: (url: string) => OnPreAuthResult; +} + +// @public +export interface OnPreResponseExtensions { + headers?: ResponseHeaders; +} + +// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "OnPreResponseResult" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts +// +// @public +export type OnPreResponseHandler = (request: KibanaRequest, preResponse: OnPreResponseInfo, toolkit: OnPreResponseToolkit) => OnPreResponseResult | Promise; + +// @public +export interface OnPreResponseInfo { + // (undocumented) + statusCode: number; +} + +// @public +export interface OnPreResponseToolkit { + next: (responseExtensions?: OnPreResponseExtensions) => OnPreResponseResult; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface PackageInfo { + // (undocumented) + branch: string; + // (undocumented) + buildNum: number; + // (undocumented) + buildSha: string; + // (undocumented) + dist: boolean; + // (undocumented) + version: string; +} + +// @public +export interface Plugin { + // (undocumented) + setup(core: CoreSetup, plugins: TPluginsSetup): TSetup | Promise; + // (undocumented) + start(core: CoreStart, plugins: TPluginsStart): TStart | Promise; + // (undocumented) + stop?(): void; +} + +// @public +export interface PluginConfigDescriptor { + deprecations?: ConfigDeprecationProvider; + exposeToBrowser?: { + [P in keyof T]?: boolean; + }; + schema: PluginConfigSchema; +} + +// @public +export type PluginConfigSchema = Type; + +// @public +export type PluginInitializer = (core: PluginInitializerContext) => Plugin; + +// @public +export interface PluginInitializerContext { + // (undocumented) + config: { + legacy: { + globalConfig$: Observable; + }; + create: () => Observable; + createIfExists: () => Observable; + }; + // (undocumented) + env: { + mode: EnvironmentMode; + packageInfo: Readonly; + }; + // (undocumented) + logger: LoggerFactory; + // (undocumented) + opaqueId: PluginOpaqueId; +} + +// @public +export interface PluginManifest { + readonly configPath: ConfigPath; + readonly id: PluginName; + readonly kibanaVersion: string; + readonly optionalPlugins: readonly PluginName[]; + readonly requiredPlugins: readonly PluginName[]; + readonly server: boolean; + readonly ui: boolean; + readonly version: string; +} + +// @public +export type PluginName = string; + +// @public (undocumented) +export type PluginOpaqueId = symbol; + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface PluginsServiceSetup { + // (undocumented) + contracts: Map; + // (undocumented) + uiPlugins: { + internal: Map; + public: Map; + browserConfigs: Map>; + }; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface PluginsServiceStart { + // (undocumented) + contracts: Map; +} + +// Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "RecursiveReadonlyArray" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts +// +// @public (undocumented) +export type RecursiveReadonly = T extends (...args: any[]) => any ? T : T extends any[] ? RecursiveReadonlyArray : T extends object ? Readonly<{ + [K in keyof T]: RecursiveReadonly; +}> : T; + +// @public +export type RedirectResponseOptions = HttpResponseOptions & { + headers: { + location: string; + }; +}; + +// @public +export type RequestHandler

| Type, Method extends RouteMethod = any> = (context: RequestHandlerContext, request: KibanaRequest, TypeOf, TypeOf, Method>, response: KibanaResponseFactory) => IKibanaResponse | Promise>; + +// @public +export interface RequestHandlerContext { + // (undocumented) + core: { + savedObjects: { + client: SavedObjectsClientContract; + }; + elasticsearch: { + dataClient: IScopedClusterClient; + adminClient: IScopedClusterClient; + }; + uiSettings: { + client: IUiSettingsClient; + }; + }; +} + +// @public +export type RequestHandlerContextContainer = IContextContainer>; + +// @public +export type RequestHandlerContextProvider = IContextProvider, TContextName>; + +// @public +export type ResponseError = string | Error | { + message: string | Error; + attributes?: ResponseErrorAttributes; +}; + +// @public +export type ResponseErrorAttributes = Record; + +// @public +export type ResponseHeaders = { + [header in KnownHeaders]?: string | string[]; +} & { + [header: string]: string | string[]; +}; + +// @public +export interface RouteConfig

| Type, Method extends RouteMethod> { + options?: RouteConfigOptions; + path: string; + validate: RouteSchemas | false; +} + +// @public +export interface RouteConfigOptions { + authRequired?: boolean; + body?: Method extends 'get' | 'options' ? undefined : RouteConfigOptionsBody; + tags?: readonly string[]; +} + +// @public +export interface RouteConfigOptionsBody { + accepts?: RouteContentType | RouteContentType[] | string | string[]; + maxBytes?: number; + output?: typeof validBodyOutput[number]; + parse?: boolean | 'gunzip'; +} + +// @public +export type RouteContentType = 'application/json' | 'application/*+json' | 'application/octet-stream' | 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' | 'multipart/form-data' | 'text/*'; + +// @public +export type RouteMethod = 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'delete' | 'patch' | 'options'; + +// @public +export type RouteRegistrar =

| Type>(route: RouteConfig, handler: RequestHandler) => void; + +// @public +export interface RouteSchemas

| Type> { + // (undocumented) + body?: B; + // (undocumented) + params?: P; + // (undocumented) + query?: Q; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObject { + attributes: T; + // (undocumented) + error?: { + message: string; + statusCode: number; + }; + id: string; + migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion; + references: SavedObjectReference[]; + type: string; + updated_at?: string; + version?: string; +} + +// @public +export type SavedObjectAttribute = SavedObjectAttributeSingle | SavedObjectAttributeSingle[]; + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectAttributes { + // (undocumented) + [key: string]: SavedObjectAttribute; +} + +// @public +export type SavedObjectAttributeSingle = string | number | boolean | null | undefined | SavedObjectAttributes; + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectReference { + // (undocumented) + id: string; + // (undocumented) + name: string; + // (undocumented) + type: string; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsBaseOptions { + namespace?: string; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsBulkCreateObject { + // (undocumented) + attributes: T; + // (undocumented) + id?: string; + migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion; + // (undocumented) + references?: SavedObjectReference[]; + // (undocumented) + type: string; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsBulkGetObject { + fields?: string[]; + // (undocumented) + id: string; + // (undocumented) + type: string; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsBulkResponse { + // (undocumented) + saved_objects: Array>; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsBulkResponse { + // (undocumented) + saved_objects: Array>; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateObject extends Pick { + attributes: Partial; + id: string; + type: string; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions { + refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsBulkUpdateResponse { + // (undocumented) + saved_objects: Array>; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export class SavedObjectsClient { + // @internal + constructor(repository: ISavedObjectsRepository); + bulkCreate(objects: Array>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise>; + bulkGet(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise>; + bulkUpdate(objects: Array>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise>; + create(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise>; + delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>; + // (undocumented) + errors: typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers; + // (undocumented) + static errors: typeof SavedObjectsErrorHelpers; + find(options: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise>; + get(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise>; + update(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise>; +} + +// @public +export type SavedObjectsClientContract = Pick; + +// @public +export type SavedObjectsClientFactory = ({ request, }: { + request: Request; +}) => SavedObjectsClientContract; + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions { + // (undocumented) + excludedWrappers?: string[]; +} + +// @public +export type SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory = (options: SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract; + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsClientWrapperOptions { + // (undocumented) + client: SavedObjectsClientContract; + // (undocumented) + request: Request; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsCreateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions { + id?: string; + migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion; + overwrite?: boolean; + // (undocumented) + references?: SavedObjectReference[]; + refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions { + refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsDeleteOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions { + refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export class SavedObjectsErrorHelpers { + // (undocumented) + static createBadRequestError(reason?: string): DecoratedError; + // (undocumented) + static createEsAutoCreateIndexError(): DecoratedError; + // (undocumented) + static createGenericNotFoundError(type?: string | null, id?: string | null): DecoratedError; + // (undocumented) + static createInvalidVersionError(versionInput?: string): DecoratedError; + // (undocumented) + static createUnsupportedTypeError(type: string): DecoratedError; + // (undocumented) + static decorateBadRequestError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError; + // (undocumented) + static decorateConflictError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError; + // (undocumented) + static decorateEsUnavailableError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError; + // (undocumented) + static decorateForbiddenError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError; + // (undocumented) + static decorateGeneralError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError; + // (undocumented) + static decorateNotAuthorizedError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError; + // (undocumented) + static decorateRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error, reason?: string): DecoratedError; + // (undocumented) + static isBadRequestError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; + // (undocumented) + static isConflictError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; + // (undocumented) + static isEsAutoCreateIndexError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; + // (undocumented) + static isEsUnavailableError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; + // (undocumented) + static isForbiddenError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; + // (undocumented) + static isInvalidVersionError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; + // (undocumented) + static isNotAuthorizedError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; + // (undocumented) + static isNotFoundError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; + // (undocumented) + static isRequestEntityTooLargeError(error: Error | DecoratedError): boolean; + // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "DecoratedError" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts + // + // (undocumented) + static isSavedObjectsClientError(error: any): error is DecoratedError; +} + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsExportOptions { + excludeExportDetails?: boolean; + exportSizeLimit: number; + includeReferencesDeep?: boolean; + namespace?: string; + objects?: Array<{ + id: string; + type: string; + }>; + savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract; + search?: string; + types?: string[]; +} + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsExportResultDetails { + exportedCount: number; + missingRefCount: number; + missingReferences: Array<{ + id: string; + type: string; + }>; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsFindOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions { + // (undocumented) + defaultSearchOperator?: 'AND' | 'OR'; + fields?: string[]; + // (undocumented) + filter?: string; + // (undocumented) + hasReference?: { + type: string; + id: string; + }; + // (undocumented) + page?: number; + // (undocumented) + perPage?: number; + search?: string; + searchFields?: string[]; + // (undocumented) + sortField?: string; + // (undocumented) + sortOrder?: string; + // (undocumented) + type: string | string[]; +} + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsFindResponse { + // (undocumented) + page: number; + // (undocumented) + per_page: number; + // (undocumented) + saved_objects: Array>; + // (undocumented) + total: number; +} + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsImportConflictError { + // (undocumented) + type: 'conflict'; +} + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsImportError { + // (undocumented) + error: SavedObjectsImportConflictError | SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError | SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError | SavedObjectsImportUnknownError; + // (undocumented) + id: string; + // (undocumented) + title?: string; + // (undocumented) + type: string; +} + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsImportMissingReferencesError { + // (undocumented) + blocking: Array<{ + type: string; + id: string; + }>; + // (undocumented) + references: Array<{ + type: string; + id: string; + }>; + // (undocumented) + type: 'missing_references'; +} + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsImportOptions { + // (undocumented) + namespace?: string; + // (undocumented) + objectLimit: number; + // (undocumented) + overwrite: boolean; + // (undocumented) + readStream: Readable; + // (undocumented) + savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract; + // (undocumented) + supportedTypes: string[]; +} + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsImportResponse { + // (undocumented) + errors?: SavedObjectsImportError[]; + // (undocumented) + success: boolean; + // (undocumented) + successCount: number; +} + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsImportRetry { + // (undocumented) + id: string; + // (undocumented) + overwrite: boolean; + // (undocumented) + replaceReferences: Array<{ + type: string; + from: string; + to: string; + }>; + // (undocumented) + type: string; +} + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsImportUnknownError { + // (undocumented) + message: string; + // (undocumented) + statusCode: number; + // (undocumented) + type: 'unknown'; +} + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsImportUnsupportedTypeError { + // (undocumented) + type: 'unsupported_type'; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions { + // (undocumented) + migrationVersion?: SavedObjectsMigrationVersion; + refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting; +} + +// @internal @deprecated (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsLegacyService { + // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "SavedObjectsClientProvider" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts + // + // (undocumented) + addScopedSavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory: SavedObjectsClientProvider['addClientWrapperFactory']; + // (undocumented) + getSavedObjectsRepository(...rest: any[]): any; + // (undocumented) + getScopedSavedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientProvider['getClient']; + // (undocumented) + importExport: { + objectLimit: number; + importSavedObjects(options: SavedObjectsImportOptions): Promise; + resolveImportErrors(options: SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions): Promise; + getSortedObjectsForExport(options: SavedObjectsExportOptions): Promise; + }; + // (undocumented) + SavedObjectsClient: typeof SavedObjectsClient; + // (undocumented) + schema: SavedObjectsSchema; + // (undocumented) + setScopedSavedObjectsClientFactory: SavedObjectsClientProvider['setClientFactory']; + // (undocumented) + types: string[]; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsMigrationLogger { + // (undocumented) + debug: (msg: string) => void; + // (undocumented) + info: (msg: string) => void; + // (undocumented) + warning: (msg: string) => void; +} + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsMigrationVersion { + // (undocumented) + [pluginName: string]: string; +} + +// Warning: (ae-missing-release-tag) "RawDoc" is exported by the package, but it is missing a release tag (@alpha, @beta, @public, or @internal) +// +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsRawDoc { + // (undocumented) + _id: string; + // (undocumented) + _primary_term?: number; + // (undocumented) + _seq_no?: number; + // (undocumented) + _source: any; + // (undocumented) + _type?: string; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export class SavedObjectsRepository { + bulkCreate(objects: Array>, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise>; + bulkGet(objects?: SavedObjectsBulkGetObject[], options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise>; + bulkUpdate(objects: Array>, options?: SavedObjectsBulkUpdateOptions): Promise>; + create(type: string, attributes: T, options?: SavedObjectsCreateOptions): Promise>; + // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "KibanaMigrator" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts + // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "LegacyConfig" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts + // + // @internal + static createRepository(migrator: KibanaMigrator, schema: SavedObjectsSchema, config: LegacyConfig, indexName: string, callCluster: APICaller, extraTypes?: string[], injectedConstructor?: any): any; + delete(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteOptions): Promise<{}>; + deleteByNamespace(namespace: string, options?: SavedObjectsDeleteByNamespaceOptions): Promise; + // (undocumented) + find({ search, defaultSearchOperator, searchFields, hasReference, page, perPage, sortField, sortOrder, fields, namespace, type, filter, }: SavedObjectsFindOptions): Promise>; + get(type: string, id: string, options?: SavedObjectsBaseOptions): Promise>; + incrementCounter(type: string, id: string, counterFieldName: string, options?: SavedObjectsIncrementCounterOptions): Promise<{ + id: string; + type: string; + updated_at: string; + references: any; + version: string; + attributes: any; + }>; + update(type: string, id: string, attributes: Partial, options?: SavedObjectsUpdateOptions): Promise>; + } + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsResolveImportErrorsOptions { + // (undocumented) + namespace?: string; + // (undocumented) + objectLimit: number; + // (undocumented) + readStream: Readable; + // (undocumented) + retries: SavedObjectsImportRetry[]; + // (undocumented) + savedObjectsClient: SavedObjectsClientContract; + // (undocumented) + supportedTypes: string[]; +} + +// @internal (undocumented) +export class SavedObjectsSchema { + // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "SavedObjectsSchemaDefinition" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts + constructor(schemaDefinition?: SavedObjectsSchemaDefinition); + // (undocumented) + getConvertToAliasScript(type: string): string | undefined; + // (undocumented) + getIndexForType(config: LegacyConfig, type: string): string | undefined; + // (undocumented) + isHiddenType(type: string): boolean; + // (undocumented) + isNamespaceAgnostic(type: string): boolean; +} + +// @internal (undocumented) +export class SavedObjectsSerializer { + constructor(schema: SavedObjectsSchema); + generateRawId(namespace: string | undefined, type: string, id?: string): string; + isRawSavedObject(rawDoc: SavedObjectsRawDoc): any; + // Warning: (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "SanitizedSavedObjectDoc" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts + rawToSavedObject(doc: SavedObjectsRawDoc): SanitizedSavedObjectDoc; + savedObjectToRaw(savedObj: SanitizedSavedObjectDoc): SavedObjectsRawDoc; + } + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsServiceSetup { + addClientWrapper: (priority: number, id: string, factory: SavedObjectsClientWrapperFactory) => void; + createInternalRepository: (extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository; + createScopedRepository: (req: KibanaRequest, extraTypes?: string[]) => ISavedObjectsRepository; + setClientFactory: (customClientFactory: SavedObjectsClientFactory) => void; +} + +// @public +export interface SavedObjectsServiceStart { + getScopedClient: (req: KibanaRequest, options?: SavedObjectsClientProviderOptions) => SavedObjectsClientContract; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsUpdateOptions extends SavedObjectsBaseOptions { + references?: SavedObjectReference[]; + refresh?: MutatingOperationRefreshSetting; + version?: string; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface SavedObjectsUpdateResponse extends Omit, 'attributes' | 'references'> { + // (undocumented) + attributes: Partial; + // (undocumented) + references: SavedObjectReference[] | undefined; +} + +// @public +export class ScopedClusterClient implements IScopedClusterClient { + constructor(internalAPICaller: APICaller, scopedAPICaller: APICaller, headers?: Headers | undefined); + callAsCurrentUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise; + callAsInternalUser(endpoint: string, clientParams?: Record, options?: CallAPIOptions): Promise; + } + +// @public +export interface SessionCookieValidationResult { + isValid: boolean; + path?: string; +} + +// @public +export interface SessionStorage { + clear(): void; + get(): Promise; + set(sessionValue: T): void; +} + +// @public +export interface SessionStorageCookieOptions { + encryptionKey: string; + isSecure: boolean; + name: string; + validate: (sessionValue: T | T[]) => SessionCookieValidationResult; +} + +// @public +export interface SessionStorageFactory { + // (undocumented) + asScoped: (request: KibanaRequest) => SessionStorage; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export type SharedGlobalConfig = RecursiveReadonly_2<{ + kibana: Pick; + elasticsearch: Pick; + path: Pick; +}>; + +// @public +export interface UiSettingsParams { + category?: string[]; + description?: string; + name?: string; + optionLabels?: Record; + options?: string[]; + readonly?: boolean; + requiresPageReload?: boolean; + type?: UiSettingsType; + value?: SavedObjectAttribute; +} + +// @public (undocumented) +export interface UiSettingsServiceSetup { + register(settings: Record): void; +} + +// @public +export type UiSettingsType = 'json' | 'markdown' | 'number' | 'select' | 'boolean' | 'string'; + +// @public +export interface UserProvidedValues { + // (undocumented) + isOverridden?: boolean; + // (undocumented) + userValue?: T; +} + +// @public +export const validBodyOutput: readonly ["data", "stream"]; + + +// Warnings were encountered during analysis: +// +// src/core/server/http/router/response.ts:316:3 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "KibanaResponse" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts +// src/core/server/plugins/plugins_service.ts:43:5 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "InternalPluginInfo" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts +// src/core/server/plugins/types.ts:221:3 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "KibanaConfigType" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts +// src/core/server/plugins/types.ts:221:3 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "SharedGlobalConfigKeys" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts +// src/core/server/plugins/types.ts:222:3 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "ElasticsearchConfigType" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts +// src/core/server/plugins/types.ts:223:3 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "PathConfigType" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts + +```