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Andrew Ikenberry edited this page Jun 23, 2020 · 31 revisions

Welcome to the Daisy Ecosystem!

This Wiki page will walk you through the process of getting started with the Daisy and your next steps after completing this tutorial.

1. Upload an Example Program

2. Make Some Sound

3. Next Steps

1. Upload an Example Program

First we're going to upload an example program to your Daisy hardware using our Web Programmer tool.

In order to use this tool you will need the following:

Here are the steps for uploading a program to the Daisy:

  • In a Chrome browser window, navigate to the Electrosmith Web Programmer

  • Once there, connect the Daisy Seed to your computer using a micro USB cable

  • Put your Daisy into flashable mode by holding down the BOOT button, and pressing the RESET button. Once you release the RESET button you can let go of the BOOT button (You'll know you performed the button combo correctly if the USER LED on your Daisy stops flashing)

  • Connect Daisy as a DFU device by clicking the "Connect" button at the top of the Web Programmer page

  • In the dialog box that opens, select "DFU in FS Mode" and then click "Connect"

  • Use the "Platform" dropdown to choose the Daisy hardware that you will be using. For the bare Daisy development board, select "seed"

  • You can now browse the available examples for your chosen device using the "Example" dropdown

  • Once an example program is selected, click "Program" on the right hand side of the screen to upload the program to your Daisy

Upon a successful flash you should see the following output:

Erasing DFU device memory
Copying data from browser to DFU device
Wrote 34016 bytes
Manifesting new firmware

The uploaded program will now be running on your Daisy!

2. Make Some Sound

The function of your example program will vary based on your chosen hardware platform but the description in the web programmer will document its basic usage.

To dive further with the example program, navigate to the example's folder in the DaisyExamples GitHub repo.

There you will find the complete usage, a code snippet, and in the case of Seed examples, a breadboard diagram and schematic for the accompanying circuit.

3. Next Steps

Firmware Development

  • Follow this Wiki page to set up your development environment. If you plan on using Arduino, check out the Getting Started Arduino edition.

  • DaisySP is a DSP library specifically tailored for the Daisy environment. Browse the reference documentation and check out the examples folder

  • libDaisy is a hardware abstraction library which provides easy access to things such as ADC reads, GPIO, MIDI drivers, and more. Browse the reference documentation here

  • DaisyExamples is home to all of our example programs and circuits for the Daisy platform and associated hardware

  • ArduinoAudio is an Arduino library for the Daisy platform and provides access to the audio callback, codec configuration, and more

  • ArduinoDaisySP is a wrapper for our DaisySP DSP library

  • Web Programmer is an online tool capable of flashing precompiled binaries to your Daisy device using a graphical interface. You can browse our available programs, or upload your own

Circuit Design

  • The Daisy Seed pinout diagram is located on our Wiki

  • To start adding your own circuits to the Daisy, you can browse our Seed example programs which are each accompanied by a schematic, breadboard diagram, and Fritzing file. This is a great way to get started with basic circuit design such as audio IO, ADC inputs, using potentiometers, etc.

  • Check out our Hardware GitHub repo for the Daisy Seed schematic, as well as reference designs for Eurorack modules, Guitar pedals, and our evaluation platforms. For each evaluation platform (Pod, Patch, Petal, Field) you will find a schematic PDF and EAGLE file located within the GitHub repo.

  • If you plan on designing your own PCB for the Daisy, you can find an EAGLE part in our Electrosmith EAGLE Library

Community and Support

Here are some ways to get support and connect with other users and developers: