-- GO Live --
create a 4.0.0 alpha release on npm... Finish the release on GH and add notes.. Maybe look at a vercel major release notes for reference
make announcement about it and new changes
migrate and update any homepage and other static page content from .com such as pricing page
- migrate any header footer content
there is no version selector on the v4.com new site
update release notes and upgrade guide.
update docs to use elegantframework.com urls ... Tiptap doesn't allow urls without a domain, so I didn't want the links to connect to the v4-demo site.
update docs for v4 .. see below items
document enabling vercel analytics and turning it on for your project
create a new "Getting Started" video for v4.0 for the installation page.
add a .env secret check to the admin panel; show welcome if it doesn't exist
figure out how to move the demo to v4
- update the readme with the v4 demo url like v3 has.
--- Post live --
task list css is not loading on a new line
look at the image blur url stuff in vercels code -- take a look at vercels pages using generate static params with db getters
add a newsletter signup page like mankini.. Include note to check the email for confirmation like laravel news does
create newsletter signup success page.
test google analytics and vercel analytics on production urls
no auth token set in the env will break things.. You can log in and stuff, but the backend throws errors
respond to people on GH.. Look at how prisma does it
figure out production migrations.. update the supabase url in GH
when launching elegantframework.com-v4 to production; I wasn't shown the welcome page when I hadn't configured R2 yet.
ensure that the project builds locally when you set up a new database that hasn't had any migrations pushed to it yet.. Currently throwing an error during build because it is trying to look at the users table, but that table doesn't exist yet ... Could a try catch fix this?
prerender and download the content for static rendering using the isr functions
set seo metadata
- all of the jsonid tags from the old layout files need to be migrated
- update the existing SEO component to use the new metadata code instead of nextseo?
it would be cool to set seo metadata in the layout.tsx file dynamically from database driven content that is set in the admin/settings panel; such as twitter url, and other info.. Similar to how the author seo content is powered.
verify the below if now still an issue
- i was able to accidentally session stuff by having a session already in production set, and then running a migration that dumped the db and forced the setup of a new site .. The old session kept me logged in; but blank data was loaded
-- Elegant 5 should update the cli - create a 'create-elegant-app' package like next.js - cli should be able to take args to install repos or core example package that we create such as the current docs theme, a launch theme, etc.
- Schedule call with david at tiptap --> https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/appointments/schedules/AcZssZ1cXC_qUDNY9b2R3RmguksTja46LqBMVLia1tB0Oi40VtMCWejBJzCcIYiqnHzRZs2kqP5HRG8f?pli=1
- sysadmin /admin page is broke in production... Not 100% sure why... I believe it might be because it uses the old next routes, but I'm not sure
- update cfabz to 3.2.0
- merge brandon.me with 3.1
- finish the yt series
- flow back into item below
-- Editor
------ Editor Docs --------------
- Getting Started
- update the getting started page to show the blank dashboard upon first login.
-- Update the main editors readme editor section with 3.1 content
------ Post Release ------
- add drag handle back
- add Action Menu back
- talk with TipTap, and see how I can use the pro extensions
- add image storage using Vercel blob
- add ai stuff
add margin to docs footer top.. The toc can't activate the lower page items because they can't be scrolled to
add a newsletter success page in cli, and .com
research adding admin users to .env and login.
Add a "Creating Collections" page doc
- It should go before the creating pages in the sidebar
Explore flowbite more.. buy license? Contact for a partnership
Write a guide on url redirects.
POST some RFCS..
- Config file like liquid -- https://shopify.dev/docs/themes/architecture/config/settings-data-json
- Next 14
- Auto Upgrader Script
finish any cms docs efforts.
Make sure everything is connected well
- creating collections
- update creating pages to be more flowing like the other pages
- Finish visibility
- author
- url slug
- cover image
- add code blocks, and any other little items like that
USE Voice to text to write more authentic docs.. faster
write a guide showing how to set up a Google analytics tracking event for the newsletter
update landing page with v3 content
add more links to .com's new 3 column footer.
create ryans demo site -- Combine chris' site format with elegant v3
finish splash page for the flyer -- use spotlight --> https://salient.tailwindui.com/#testimonials
update the creating content page to be more of an end to end guide for creating a post. Link to the other pages, and guide users on making pretty content. Use the following for reference: https://wordpress.com/support/posts/
look at the tiptap docs.. Do exactly the opposite of them with calls.. Can people call? Yes.. Please schedule a teams call.... Can we do custom work? Of course; That's a revenue source, and we have pro tools like tw
add about doc, add creator and sponsor info; why people should sponsor, etc.. Look at https://tiptap.dev/about#i-want-consulting-whats-your-rate
-- friction - I was writing a doc in the editor while at R. House and lost wifi.. Chrome wiped out my work, and I believe I have to restart the doc... Offline support with graceful reconnection would be 100% A+ for users.
I found friction when loading the docs site.. The gh images lag on initial load
- should probably look at the example nextjs repos to find a better way of loading remote images
social graph image on the docs page looks broke on .com -- Will be fixed with 3.0.4
Create a new blog post announcing Elegant CMS
- add butterbar with announcement link
write a how to guide on setting up versions using the ui kit selector and elegant like we did on our .com website.
record an updated getting started YT video for v3.0
document the rss feed?
create a sidebar guide.. How to set it and update it in the config file
finish pricing page
- add more FAQ's.. shopify has good ones
- why is the price so cheap? What's the catch?
- 100% uptime? How is that possible?
The current gh config is dangerous in production I believe.
- add a cms_admin_user email in .env? This email will have to match the auth token, or else 401
update cms guide on how to setup production
update cms guide; add quick notes on how to find repo owner and slug
write up a guide on the privacy policy.. Stripe atlas has a really good article of what and why you should have one.
write a guide for chris and others like him.. Non tech people.. So you have launched? What next? Connect google search console; connect GA; create content; how to post content on reddit successfully.
add that we use grammarly.. That is huge for content creators
stripe atlas, patron, connect paetron to gh, ask fabz to tip me
add next image to the images
add external links to remark/rehype.. The current docs are not fun to follow when you click GH and it takes you away from Elegant.
The content editor should have quick preview links to make it easier to view the content you are working on.
the admin url should not be accessible in a prod env if gh auth in not configured
add any other cool remark features?
create collection bug
- create new collection.. Refresh page.. Will be broke.. Doesn't fetch from the github api
- Also when you do fetch, it requires a whole rebuild to see the updated collection on the sidebar
- create new collection.. Refresh page.. Will be broke.. Doesn't fetch from the github api
make editor mobile friendly
add dark mode support to editor
- remove the beams in favor of background gradients
- Follow their lead for building a yc open source product: https://github.com/twentyhq/twenty
- announce on all channels that we have a discord chat. ---> https://discord.gg/PwY38x4uvV
- Write better auth using Next-Auth
- Add common components like the elegant logo and theme toggle to the elegant ui package.
- delete the common components from the admin in favor of elegant ui.
- Upgrader ---
- Upgrader should not be atomic to critical files like .env or redirects.
- first creates an encrypted compressed copy for backup in another directory
- Runs a script that adds removes and updates packages.
- After steps complete, run tests to ensure 100% confidence that nothing broke.
- If broke, revert changes by copying back encrypted backup
- if not broke, delete backup
~~~~~~~~> v3.2 road map
- need a storybook feature doc page -- UPDATE 12/4/2023 -- Probably can delete this since storybook will only run in the ui package and not in the core app.. Useless to general users.
- need a jest feature doc page
- Start writing internal docs like Gitlab.. About us, our story, roadmap
- Write a "How to start a new version" guide.
- Create new branch, ex. v3.1
- Start the blog post
- update the release notes
- As we create and merge features, update the release notes and blog post with each PR to get ahead of writing content ahead of a release.
- add our facebook info the site and meta data ---> https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093261967093
- Create the full fb pixel integration
- Reenable algolia search.. Write a doc on how to use algolia with elegant
- how to accomplish below
- download the innovators branch
- go through the setting up a new app
- write down some of the cooler things
- find the top 5 items
- cover them in a video, starting from creating an app from scratch.
- "... some of my favorite features are ...."
- get manic
- find 5 of the best features
- document them
- create a demo video based on the features..
- put the demo video in the hero.. Make some homepage updates or tweaks
- post in a subreddit to test a SHOW HN
- post a SHOW HN
- document how to create a favicon; using https://www.favicon-generator.org/
- update beams image to use next image: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63195562/next-js-set-background-image
- start on quest to create turtle mania.. Will be the same them as PG
- start on a quest to upgrade paulgraham.com
- create a workspace integration?
- contact form? Auto sends to workspace?
- find that old list of places to submit the project to.. Submit to those
- commit the launch theme, then run the latest innovators release on top of it
- set the goal of 2.5 to be able to create a single launch page theme using core components
- People would be able to modify the theme by copying core components
- Use pocket as the guide to build launch ---> https://tailwindui.com/templates/pocket
- update the init script
- add packages folder like nextjs
- add options like nextjs init script
- start with base skyline template
- create a base launch template with email signup.. Start with v1 as blank white.
- create simple turtle mania launch page.. Push to the demo site and get the environment to turn green and passing on Github.
- Set up privacy policy and terms now that we have GA?
- Worry about GDPR now?
- build storybook axe testing into the testing deployment pipeline?
- https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/writing-tests/accessibility-testing#a11y-config-with-the-test-runner
- Add a scannable qr code to the footer.. add a ?qr=home query to the url for GA tracking
- Maybe check this out: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36128082
- create an faq page.. Add schema metadata to it
- create a docs page explaining the function of a fb pixel, and how to enable it in elegant.
- Add storybook docs.. Make storybook look like https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/storybook/index.html
- Improve install script -- Follow vercels lead https://github.com/vercel/next.js/blob/canary/packages/create-next-app/index.ts
- the demo site repo should self update on a new release
- use the admin to collect email signups when people use their GH
~~~~~~~~> v3 road map
- delete deprecated components
- update homepage to look and feel like Gitlabs
- create internal docs like Gitlab.. Since we are open and transparent
- need to write docs and guides that shows a clueless non tech user how to set up a site from end to end.. Including Search Console, GA, Facebook Pixel, and more.
- figure out how to create a npx command.. ex: `npx create-next-app`
- follow next.js lead
- ask what the project name is
- ask other questions
- take the responses and put them into variables, set up the .env file and package.json file for people automatically.
~~~~~~> Road map
- Themes
- Skyline - Base Elegant theme
- Launch - Basic single announcement page of an upcoming service.. With email sign up
- The perfect website template for launching your next exciting product or idea.
- Hacker - PG PC Blank white theme
- Interviewer - Theme for chris
- name TBD -- Resume theme
~~~~~~> Post launch
- add a block to the homepage.. Love Elegant? Hire us
- write further detailed documentation on how to create new pages, docs, and blog posts.
- clean up the tailwind config.. Make it use just default like a user would expect
- Re add cypress and e2e testing back
- add back "npm run format" to the elegant source package... "format": "prettier '{src,remark}/**/*.{css,js,mdx}' --write",
- set up proper linting and auto fixing
- create a turtle mania website, and create a turtle guide, with each turtle.. We can blog about turtle stuff.. It can use a blank white theme like shopifys turtle mania.. This can probably be the PG PC theme.
~~~~~~~ General
- make docs sidebar links collapsible like laravel.com
- add e2e test that verify's the index, docs, and blog pages load
- Upgrade eslint and all other packages to their latest
POST Features to add and blog how to's
- Next PWA
- Next offline mode
- Plausible
- Next blogging with comments
- Terms of service template
- Privacy Policy template for GDPR
- Blog comments from the next demo repos
IH Feedback -
- add mailchimp connection
- checkout ghost blogging - Open source, has a bunch of neat features
- research hugo and astro for docs
- research https://versoly.com/ more... Maybe we can link up?
- checkout buffer to schedule social media posts
HN Analytics survey: Mixpanel, Amplitude, PostHog
- Maybe create a singular analytics handler component?
- Support Vercel Analytics with this module --> Set an .env var VERCEL_ANALYTICS=true to activate it
- document using the pwa icons generator
- Create an e2e test that goes to the local host url and verify the doc exists.. This help validate any future upgrades
- List some initial features of under the Why Elegant tab
- Write a doc on jest testing.. (Since this is a feature of Elegant, and not included in docusaurus)
- Expand on the idea in the docs that Elegant is SEO friendly, lightening fast, and cheap and easy to host.
- Figure out how to take args.. --docs blog
- No args is a full basic scaffold
- Add args to docs init cli command.. --demo for a small amount of docs, --full for all the docs
-- DOCUMENT THE DOCS FEATURES!!! How to create pages and stuff. How to set and change config
- Add doc versions
- Add site translations
- Add algolia config
- Enable doc versions.
- Go back and update any doc links to use the versioning url
- Document how a user would set up their own versioning
- Set up site translations
- Document how a user would set up translations
- create a crowd sourced translation feature where people can translate your content for you?
- Take a look back at the example docusaurus docs site, and bring over alot of those features.. How to update your site, the category.json file, markdown features.
- A regular docs init command should download our docs site, but a summarized version of the docs as an example for devs
- THe docusarus built site should have our Elegant Readme
- Add built in 508 compliance and testing - Axe, Jest, Storybook.. Use Aria-labels
- Explore sending transactional emails... Check out this service! https://resend.com/pricing
- Document full features included out of the box in the future
- Perfect SEO score 100
- Rich Snippets
- Instant Loading
- Low hosting costs
- 100% uptime and availability
- Preview urls (Vercel)
- 100% responsive design. Mobile/ Desktop friendly
- Works on any device, any browser
- Built in sitemaps
- Built in Google Analytics support
- Jest unit testing
- Light mode/ dark mode
- Tailwind CSS
- Storybook js components
- GitHub actions
I like this style of How to article - https://www.facebook.com/business/help/952192354843755?id=1205376682832142
Blog Post Headlines
- How I switched from using a todo file, to GitHub issues.
- How I successfully switched from a todo file, to building in public with GIthub issues.
- How to drive more organic traffic with Google Webmaster Tools, and these other SEO hacks.
- How I added a security.txt file to my website.
- How I got 50 stars on my open-source project!
- How I used multiple properties under Google Search console to improve my rankings and seo traffic
- How I used Zoho to get a free domain email
- How I used Convert Kit to get started with a free newsletter service
- How I used Docusaurus to launch my prototype and MVP
- How I got my first code contribution to the Next.js project.
- How I use Figma to create our SVG logos.
- How to create watermarks using Figma.
- Someone stole my images, what should I do? Use Figma to include your domain in the images.
- How to write clean code.. Sample of bad triple ternary, vs cleanly written function.
- How to write a blog post for new creators. Take from the convo with fabz; Explain seo, and how you should write articles to drive organic search traffic
Copyright -- 8 The Green, ste 300,
- Dont be greedy
- Create 10x more value than we take.
- Use our own code to build our products.
- The users owns the content, not the product or the platform
Announcement Flow