Note: This installation method works for CentOS 7.x - your milage may vary.
This is a simple addition to DeepFaceLab to allow the latest code to be run directly on Linux.
Download the NVIDIA cuDNN RPM. note: You need to register and make sure you download the specific version libcudnn7-
Install the rest of the requirements as your favourite user (root
is used by default and as example):
yum -y install epel-release
wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/cuda.repo
yum -y update
yum -y install python3-3.6.8 git cuda-toolkit-10-0.x86_64 ffmpeg ffmpeg-devel libSM libXext libXrender-devel libXrender gcc gcc-c++
yum -y install kernel-devel make cuda-libraries-10-0.x86_64 nvidia-driver-cuda.x86_64 nvidia-driver-cuda-libs.x86_64
cd ~ && git clone
cd ~ && git clone
cd ~/DeepFaceLab && cp -advpR ../dfl/scripts .
cd ~/DeepFaceLab && python3.6 -m pip install -r requirements-cuda.txt
yum -y install /root/libcudnn7-
Run the setup.bash
sudo setup.bash
Once installed, you should be able to run DeepFaceLab as per usual:
cd ~/DeepFaceLab/scripts
Q: Why CentOS?
A: It's stable, close to RHEL and doesn't suffer the same fate as CoreOS ... yet.
Q: Why not docker?
A: Why abstract yet again when you don't have to?
Q: Why not use Anaconda3 like DeepFaceLab for Linux
A: Different approaches to solve the same challange. I personally don't like adding frameworks/structures that I don't intend on making good use of. For python developers, Anaconda makes sense - for me, I just want to run DeepFaceLab under Linux with minimal hassle.
Q: Anything else particular noteworthy?
A: You need some Linux knowledge.