This is a project that enables players to play Tic-tac-toe games on the Stellar network.
It consists of two contracts: the first contract is used to create and keep track of Tic-tac-toe games, and the second contract is used to play the games
To prevent excessively long games, each game has a default duration of 10 minutes, after which it will end automatically.
This project was developed using the Soroban SDK and Soroban CLI version 0.9.4. Please note that it is not compatible with earlier versions and may not be compatible with future releases
This contract is used to initialize a new tic-tac-toe game and define its players. The order matters; the first player starts first. It stores all the games and their states, which can be accessed later.
This contract manages the game itself. To make a move, you need to call the play
It checks for winning conditions or a tie and ends the game when either condition is met.
It also allows the player to make bets. If there is a winner, the minimum bet is paid and the rest is returned. If there is no winner at the end of the game, the players ask for their bet to be returned.
Initialize the players using the init
Player_a always starts first
player_a: Address,
player_b: Address,
expiration: u64 // Expiration as unix timestamp
To play, each player needs to call the play function and pass their own address and the desired position to mark as arguments.
An error will be thrown if the player is not one of the two players, if it is not their turn, or if the player's address doesn't match the caller's address.
player: Address,
pos_x: u32,
pos_y: u32
The position must be within the grid range and correspond to the following grid.
2-2 | 1-2 | 0-2 |
2-1 | 1-1 | 0-1 |
2-0 | 1-0 | x=0-y=0 |
To know whose turn it is, call the turn
function without any argument.
To view the grid you can call the grid
function without any argument.
Make a bet by calling the bet
function. If a bet has already been made, the function will increase the existing bet by the specified amount. Note that players can only bet on their own victory.
player: Address,
token: BytesN<32>,
amount: i128,
After the game has ended, players can collect their winnings. In the event that they have bet a higher amount than their opponent, the difference will be returned to them.
For that call the clct_bet
with your own address
player: Address,
Players can interact with each other through a chat feature. To send a message, a player must call the send_msg
function with the following arguments.
player: Address,
message: Symbol
To view all previous messages in the chat, call the chat
function without any argument.
Deploy new games using the deploy
function with the following arguments:
salt: Bytes,
wasm_hash: BytesN<32>, // the hash of the game contract
init_args: Vec<Val> // init_args should contain player_a and player_b addresses
It will return the Address of the Game contract
The manager stores all the deployed game and its status,
call game
with the game address to know the players and if the game is ended
id: Address // Game address
git clone
cargo test
To build the contracts, execute the following command:
soroban contract build
You can do this by running the following command:
soroban config network add --global futurenet \
--rpc-url \
--network-passphrase "Test SDF Future Network ; October 2022"
soroban config identity generate --global alice
soroban config identity generate --global bob
From here onwards alice represents the Address GD324GL3IVXNY4GR4JOWINAD3RHYNVYN4LT4HH4QC7CTHN7ZJBHU4AEX
curl "$(soroban config identity address alice)"
curl "$(soroban config identity address bob)"
Deploy the manger contract
soroban contract deploy \
--wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/tictactoe_manager.wasm \
--source alice \
--network futurenet
This will return the Address the the deployer contract Eg: CANQ55GIJUEVKFCMDTR43PEXKMCDIU77AWCATVRIVZKY5HM2XF3CKDK5
soroban contract install \
--wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/tictactoe_game.wasm \
--source alice \
--network futurenet
This will return the id of the game Eg: 010dab4c6fa53e9d9e673e0319d23d682ad352ea4b6b75726ed2e92fb7e30c96
id: Manager Contract Address wasm_hash: hash returned from the installation of the game salt: BytesN<32> salt, make sure no to use the same salt twice public_key_type_ed25519: Address of the players as Hex, see Convert Address into Hex
soroban contract invoke \
--source alice \
--network futurenet \
-- deploy \
--salt 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 \
--wasm_hash 010dab4c6fa53e9d9e673e0319d23d682ad352ea4b6b75726ed2e92fb7e30c96 \
--init_args '[{"address":{"account":{"public_key_type_ed25519":"f7ae197b456edc70d1e25d643403dc4f86d70de2e7c39f9017c533b7f9484f4e"}}}, {"address":{"account":{"public_key_type_ed25519":"097550c7985a8b04704215307fec174bbfa9b9aea3fb545e0d92d70ce403bccf"}}}]'
This will return the Contract Address of the game Eg: CC6JF7LCBH7B57KBUUG7Q5DFFEGXUENME445H4WBSYLDF6IB3M3BCD7I
You can also deploy the game without using the manager
soroban contract deploy \
--wasm target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/tictactoe_game.wasm \
--source alice \
--network futurenet
soroban contract invoke \
--id 327d8243244fe6f3550951e862d09344cf3fbe319a4ed8c406e40867daf2f730 \
--source alice \
--network futurenet \
-- init \
id: Hash returned after calling the deploy function from the manager
player: Address of the player playing the game, if not the same as the previously defined player will throw an error
soroban contract invoke \
--source alice \
--network futurenet \
-- play \
--player $(soroban config identity address alice) \
--pos_x 0 \
--pos_y 0
Using javascript stellar-sdk
- Make grid n x n