Your can run Tera in pseudo-distributed mode which means that Tera runs on a single host, but each Tera daemon(Master, TabletServer) runs as a separate process. Under pseudo-distributed mode, we store your data in local filesystem.
- git clone
- cd tera
- ./
- cp {tera_master,tabletserver,teracli} example/onebox/bin
- cd example/onebox/bin
- Start Tera
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./
launching tabletnode 1...
launching tabletnode 2...
launching tabletnode 3...
launching master...
- Stop Tera
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./
- List all tables
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli show
tablename status size lg_size tablet notready
0 meta_table kTableEnable 4.01K 4.01K 1 0
1 stat_table kTableEnable 4K 4K 1 0
- total - 8.01K - 2 0
- List all tables with more details
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli showx
tablename status size lg_size tablet notready lread read rmax rspeed write wmax wspeed scan smax sspeed
0 meta_table kTableEnable 4.01K 4.01K 1 0 0 0 0 0B/s 0 0 0B/s 0 0 0B/s
1 stat_table kTableEnable 28.06K 28.06K 1 0 0 0 0 0B/s 0 0 0B/s 0 0 0B/s
- total - 32.07K - 2 0 0 0 - 0B/s 0 - 0B/s 0 - 0B/s
- List all tablet servers
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli showts
address status workload tablet load busy
0 kReady 4.01K 1 0 0
1 kReady 32.06K 1 0 0
2 kReady 0 0 0 0
- List all tablet servers with more details
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli showtsx
address status size num lread r rspd w wspd s sspd rdly rp wp sp ld bs mem cpu net_tx net_rx dfs_r dfs_w
0 kReady 4.01K 1 0 0 0B 0 0B 0 0B 0ms 0 0 0 0 0 12.10M 0 12.11K 5.57K 0 0
1 kReady 32.06K 1 0 0 0B 0 0B 0 0B 0ms 0 0 0 0 0 11.83M 0 12.11K 5.57K 0 0
2 kReady 0 0 0 0 0B 0 0B 0 0B 0ms 0 0 0 0 0 11.08M 0 12.11K 5.57K 0 0
- Create a table with specified schema
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli create 'hello{cf0,cf1}'
hello <splitsize=512,mergesize=0> {
lg0 <storage=disk> {
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli show
tablename status size lg_size tablet notready
0 hello kTableEnable 4.01K 4.01K 1 0
1 meta_table kTableEnable 4.01K 4.01K 1 0
2 stat_table kTableEnable 44.12K 44.12K 1 0
- total - 52.14K - 3 0
- Put data into your table
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli put hello first_row_key cf0:column1 value
- Read data
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli get hello first_row_key
- Put more data
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli put hello row2 cf1:column0 value2
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli put hello row2 cf1:column1 value3
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli put hello row0 cf1:column1 value0
- Scan the table for all data at once
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli scan hello "" ""
- Disable a table
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli disable hello
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 100% 1.000 1.000/s 00:00:01
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli show
tablename status size lg_size tablet notready
0 hello kTableDisable 4.01K 4.01K 1 0
1 meta_table kTableEnable 4.01K 4.01K 1 0
2 stat_table kTableEnable 44.12K 44.12K 1 0
- total - 52.14K - 3 0
- Drop the table
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli drop hello
[tera@localhost bin]$ ./teracli show
tablename status size lg_size tablet notready
0 meta_table kTableEnable 4.01K 4.01K 1 0
1 stat_table kTableEnable 44.12K 44.12K 1 0
- total - 48.13K - 2 0