EUI doesn't prescribe the use of any particular routing library, and we also don't want to incur
the maintenance burden of supporting router-specific components. For these reasons, EUI doesn't
publish any tools for working with react-router
(or any other routing lib). However,
integrating EUI with react-router
on the consumer's side is fairly straightforward.
Links in react-router
accept a to
prop and convert this to both href
and onClick
under the hood. The onClick
is used to push a new history
location, and the href
allows you to
open the link in a new tab. Any mechanism for integrating EUI with react-router
needs to bridge
this to
prop with EUI components' href
and onClick
There are many techniques for integrating EUI with react-router
(see below for some techniques we don't recommend), but we think these two are the strongest:
You can use a conversion function to convert a to
to href
and onClick
values, which you can then pass to any EUI button or link component.
Many EUI components are designed to accept both props if they accept one.
This technique is recommended because of its flexibility. As a consumer, you have the option to
use either the href
or onClick
values, or both. It's also terser than the second option.
<EuiLink {...getRouterLinkProps('/location')}>Link</EuiLink>
Alternatively, you can create a component which will consume or encapsulate the
logic, and use that in conjunction with a
const RouterLinkAdapter = ({to, children}) => {
const {href, onClick} = getRouterLinkProps(to);
return children(href, onClick);
<RouterLinkAdapter to="/location">
{(onClick, href) => <EuiLink onClick={onClick} href={href}>Link</EuiLink>}
To enable these techniques, you'll need to make the router
instance available outside of React's
. One method for doing this is to assign it to a globally-available singleton within your
app's root component.
import { registerRouter } from './routing';
// App is your app's root component.
class App extends Component {
// NOTE: As an alternative to consuming context directly, you could use the `withRouter` HOC
// (
static contextTypes = {
router: PropTypes.shape({
createHref: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
push: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
constructor(...args) {
// Share the router with the app without requiring React or context.
// <App> *must* be a child of <Router> because <App> depends on the context provided by <Router>
<Router history={history}>
<Route path="/" component={App} />,
Note that if using HMR, you'll need to re-register the router after a hot reload.
componentDidUpdate() {
// You may want to add some conditions here to cull this logic from a production build,
// e.g. `if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' &&`
You can create a routing.js
service to surface the registerRouter
method as well as your
conversion function (called getRouterLinkProps
here). The EUI documentation site uses this approach.
// routing.js
const isModifiedEvent = event => !!(event.metaKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey);
const isLeftClickEvent = event => event.button === 0;
const resolveToLocation = (to, router) => typeof to === 'function' ? to(router.location) : to;
let router;
export const registerRouter = reactRouter => {
router = reactRouter;
* The logic for generating href and onClick handlers from the `to` prop is largely borrowed from
export const getRouterLinkProps = to => {
const location = resolveToLocation(to, router);
const href = router.createHref(location);
const onClick = event => {
if (event.defaultPrevented) {
// If target prop is set (e.g. to "_blank"), let browser handle link.
if ('target')) {
if (isModifiedEvent(event) || !isLeftClickEvent(event)) {
// Prevent regular link behavior, which causes a browser refresh.
return {href, onClick}
Setup is slightly different with react-router
4.x. To enable these techniques, you'll need to make
the router
instance available outside of React's context
. One method for doing this is to assign
it to a globally-available singleton within your app's root component.
import { registerRouter } from './routing';
// App is your app's root component.
class App extends Component {
static contextTypes = {
router: PropTypes.shape({
history: PropTypes.shape({
push: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
createHref: PropTypes.func.isRequired
constructor(...args) {
// Share the router with the app without requiring React or context.
// <App> *must* be a child of <Router> because <App> depends on the context provided by <Router>
<App />,
You can create a routing.js
service to surface the registerRouter
method as well as your
conversion function (called getRouterLinkProps
// routing.js
import { createLocation } from 'history';
const isModifiedEvent = event => !!(event.metaKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey);
const isLeftClickEvent = event => event.button === 0;
let router;
export const registerRouter = reactRouter => {
router = reactRouter;
* The logic for generating href and onClick handlers from the `to` prop is largely borrowed from
export const getRouterLinkProps = to => {
const location = typeof to === "string"
? createLocation(to, null, null, router.history.location)
: to;
const href = router.history.createHref(location);
const onClick = event => {
if (event.defaultPrevented) {
// If target prop is set (e.g. to "_blank"), let browser handle link.
if ('target')) {
if (isModifiedEvent(event) || !isLeftClickEvent(event)) {
// Prevent regular link behavior, which causes a browser refresh.
return {href, onClick}
The React Context handling has changed in in 5.0 and we can't rely on it anymore. A solution is to create
an extractRouter
HOC that will intercept the router and send it to your custom handler.
// extractRouter.hoc.js
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
export const extractRouter = onRouter => WrappedComponent =>
class extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
const { match, location, history } = this.props;
const router = { route: { match, location }, history };
render() {
return <WrappedComponent {...this.props} />;
import { extractRouter } from './hoc';
import { registerRouter } from './routing';
// App is your app's root component.
class App extends Component {
const AppMount = extractRouter(registerRouter)(App);
// <App> *must* be a child of <Router> because <App> depends on the context provided by <Router>
<AppMount />,
In react-router 5.1, we can fully capitalize in the React Hooks utility, in this case, useHistory
. Using this, we do not need other HOC wrapper files and global router variable. We just need to create the file below, and then use it anywhere by importing EuiCustomLink
. There is an example repository for this:
// File name: "EuiCustomLink.js".
import React from 'react';
import { EuiLink } from '@elastic/eui';
import { useHistory } from 'react-router';
const isModifiedEvent = (event) =>
!!(event.metaKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey);
const isLeftClickEvent = (event) => event.button === 0;
const isTargetBlank = (event) => {
const target ='target');
return target && target !== '_self';
export default function EuiCustomLink({ to, }) {
// This is the key!
const history = useHistory();
function onClick(event) {
if (event.defaultPrevented) {
// Let the browser handle links that open new tabs/windows
if (isModifiedEvent(event) || !isLeftClickEvent(event) || isTargetBlank(event)) {
// Prevent regular link behavior, which causes a browser refresh.
// Push the route to the history.
// Generate the correct link href (with basename accounted for)
const href = history.createHref({ pathname: to });
const props = {, href, onClick };
return <EuiLink {...props} />;
// App is your app's root component.
class App extends Component {
// <App> *must* be a child of <Router> because <App> depends on the context provided by <Router>
<App />,
It's possible to integrate EUI with react-router
by using its CSS classes only:
<Link className="euiLink" to="/location">Link</Link>
But it's important to be aware of two caveats to this approach:
- EUI's components contain a lot of useful behavior. For example,
will render either a button or an anchor tag depending on the presence ofonClick
props. It will also create a securerel
attribute if you addtarget="_blank"
. Consumers lose out on these features if they use EUI's CSS instead of its React components. - This creates a brittle dependency upon the
CSS class. If we were to rename this class in EUI, this would constitute a breaking change and we'd make a note of it in the change log. But if a consumer doesn't notice this note then the only way they could detect that something in their UI has changed (and possibly broken) would be through manual testing.