Blockchain Festival is a web-based platform powered by Settlemint for buying and reselling of festival tickets using blockchain technology. This platform is built on the public Ethereum blockchain with 2 smart contracts utilising the latest standards, where "FestivalNFT" follows the ERC721 standard and "FestivalToken" follows the ERC20 standard.
The frontend application is built using nextjs, web3js, metamask, styled with tailwindcss.
There are 4 main pages listed under the ./pages
- index
- Landing Page with a short introduction , navbar, connecting wallet with metamask, and a button that directs to
- Landing Page with a short introduction , navbar, connecting wallet with metamask, and a button that directs to
- BuyTicket
- Primary purchasing page that allows users to purchase ERC721 Festival Ticket (FNFT) using ERC20 FTK Tokens at a price of 10 FTK, limited by 5 purchases
- Marketplace
- Marketplace Page that is a secondary Marketplace that faciliates resales of ERC721 Festival Tickets (FNFT)
- Profile
- Profile Page that showcases the account balances as well as owner functionalities
- The organiser has an initial supply of 1,000,000 FTKs.
- The organiser can either
these FTKs or allow the public tomint()
these FTKs.
- There is a maximum cap of 1000 FNFTs.
- The organiser can initiate the sale of tickets with
. - FNFTs can only be purchased with FTKs.
- The public can buy up to a maximum of 5 FNFTs at a fixed price of 10 FTKs.
- The public can buy/sell at a secondary market at a price not higher than 110% of the previous sale.
- The organiser is able to add a monetisation option in the secondary market.
- Before the purchase of FNFT, the buyer must first
the FNFT contract to transact in FTKs. Next the buyer can purchase up to 5 FNFTs withpublicMint()
- Before listing FNFT on the secondary market, the owner has to first
to the FNFT contract to transact the FNFT on the owner's behalf usingsetListing()
- The owner can list the selling price to no more than 110% of the previous price.
- Depending on the commission amount set by the organiser, the FNFT's owner will receive back the selling price less the commission, upon successful sale of the FNFT.
- The owner can adjust the selling price of the listed FNFT with
- The owner can remove listed FNFT with
- A customer can purchase a FNFT using
- Docker
- Metamask connected to Goerli
- Ensure that you have a SettleMint account set up
- Ensure that you have a private key set up
- Clone the smart contract repository (
- Deploy the smart contracts by running the following command
npm run smartcontract:deploy
- Note down the FestivalNFT and FestivalFNFT deployed addresses
- Clone the frontend repository (
- Head over to
and replace the respective addresses with the noted down addresses - Import the private key into metamask and ensure you are on the Goerli network.
- Create new accounts in metamask for testing purposes
- Transfer some FTK from the first account into new created accounts for testing purposes
- Set up is completed and you can now test customer/owner functionalities
- Deploy the frontend application by running the following command (Make sure docker is running)
docker-compose up --build
You can view the application at http://localhost:3001
- Swapping/Purchase of FTK Tokens with other tokens.
- Adding more owner functionalities
- withdraw
- pausing mint
- burning tokens
- Monetisation Option