Create PoC Android Apps for Deep Link Hijacking.
A script that automates the creation of an Android application which receives deep links of the specified URL, for the purpose of creating a Proof-of-Concept of Deep Link Hijacking for Android Security assessments (Android Penetration Tests).
Modifies the deep link scheme and host portions of the AndroidManifest.xml of a template project with, then compiles it using gradle.
adb (Android Debug Bridge) - Optional. Only required for the install option.
usage: [-h] -l DEEPLINK [-o OUTPUT] [-i]
Deep Link Hijacking Proof-of-Concept Builder - Creates an application for testing Deep Link Hijacking.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Deep Link to hijack using the application.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output location for application.
-i, --install Install application after build.
Creates the PoC app receiving deep links for "testApp://test/".
python3 -l "testApp://test/"
Creates the PoC app and copies the package to the directory - with the name 'DeepLinkHijackingPoCApp-release.apk', or with the specified name.
python3 -l "testApp://test/" -o "./dir"
python3 -l "testApp://test/" -o "./dir/pocApp.apk"
Creates the PoC app and installs it via 'adb'.
python3 -l "testApp://test/" -i