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228 lines (166 loc) · 6.16 KB

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228 lines (166 loc) · 6.16 KB
stage start-date release-date release-versions teams prs project-link
2017-06-11 00:00:00 UTC


In order to largely reduce the brittleness of tests, this RFC proposes to remove the concept of artificially restricting the resolver used under testing.


Disabling the resolver while running tests leads to extremely brittle tests.

It is not possible for collaborators to be added to the object (or one of its dependencies) under test, without modifying the test itself (even if exactly the same API is exposed).

The ability to restrict the resolver is not actually a feature of Ember's container/registry/resolver system, and has posed as significant maintenance challenge throughout the lifetime of ember-test-helpers.

Removing this system of restriction will make choosing what kind of test to be used easier, simplify many of the blueprints, and enable much simpler refactoring of an applications components/controllers/routes/etc to use collaborating utilties and services.

Transition Path

Deprecate Functionality

Issue a deprecation if integration: true is not included in the specified options for the APIs listed below. This specifically includes specifying unit: true, needs: [], or specifying none of the "test type options" (unit, needs, or integration options) to the following ember-qunit and ember-mocha API's:

  • ember-qunit
    • moduleFor
    • moduleForComponent
    • moduleForModel
  • ember-mocha
    • setupTest
    • setupComponentTest
    • setupModelTest

Non Component Test APIs

The migration path for moduleFor, moduleForModel, setupTest, and setupModelTest is very simple:

// ember-qunit

// before

moduleFor('service:session', {
  unit: true

moduleFor('service:session', {
  needs: ['type:thing']

// after
moduleFor('service:session', {
  integration: true
// ember-mocha

// before
describe('Session Service', function() {

  // ...snip...

describe('Session Service', function() {
  setupTest('service:session', { unit: true });

  // ...snip...

describe('Session Service', function() {
  setupTest('service:session', { needs: [] });

  // ...snip...

// after

describe('Session Service', function() {
  setupTest('service:session', { integration: true });

  // ...snip...

The main change is adding integration: true to options (and removing unit or needs if present).

Component Test APIs

Implicitly relying on "unit test mode" has been deprecated for quite some time (introduced 2015-04-07), so all consumers of moduleForComponent and setupComponentTest are specifying one of the "test type options" (unit, needs, or integration).

This RFC proposes to deprecate completely using unit or needs options with moduleForComponent and setupComponentTest. The vast majority of component tests should be testing via moduleForComponent / setupComponentTest with the integration: true option set, but on some rare occaisions it is easier to use the "unit test" style is desired (e.g. non-rendering test) these tests should be migrated to using moduleFor / setupTest directly.

// ember-qunit

// before
moduleForComponent('display-page', {
  unit: true

moduleForComponent('display-page', {
  needs: ['type:thing']

// after

moduleFor('component:display-page', {
  integration: true
// ember-mocha
describe('DisplayPageComponent', function() {
  setupComponentTest('display-page', { unit: true });

  // ...snip...

describe('DisplayPageComponent', function() {
  setupComponentTest('display-page', { needs: [] });

  // ...snip...

// after

describe('DisplayPageComponent', function() {
  setupTest('component:display-page', { integration: true });

  // ...snip...

Ecosystem Updates

The blueprints in all official projects (and any provided by popular addons) will need to be updated to avoid triggering a deprecation.

This includes:

  • ember-source
  • ember-data
  • ember-cli-legacy-blueprints
  • Others?

Remove Deprecated unit / needs Options

Once the changes from this RFC are made, we will be able to remove support for the unit and needs options from ember-test-helpers, ember-qunit, and ember-mocha. This would be a "semver major" version bump for all of the related libraries to properly signal that functionality was removed.

Once the underlying libraries have done a major version bump, we will introduce a deprecation for using the integration option. This deprecation would be issued once for the entire test suite (not once per test module which has integration passed in). We will also update the blueprints to remove the extraneous integration option.

How We Teach This

This RFC would require an audit of the main Ember.js guides to ensure that all usages of the APIs in question continue to be non-deprecated valid usages.



One drawback to this deprecation proposal is the churn associated with modifying the options passed for each test. This can almost certainly be mitigated by providing a codemod to enable automated updating.

There are additional changes being entertained that would require changes for the default testing blueprints, we should ensure that these RFCs do not conflict or cause undue churn/pain.

integration: true Confusion

Prior to this deprecation we had essentially 4 options for testing components:

  • moduleFor(..., { unit: true })
  • moduleFor(..., { integration: true })
  • moduleForComponent(..., { unit: true })
  • moduleForComponent(..., { integatrion: true })

With this RFC the option integration no longer provides value (we aren't talking about "unit" vs "integration" tests), and may be seen as confusing.

I believe that this concern is mitigated by the ultimate removal of the integration (it is only required in order to allow us a path forward that is compatible with todays ember-qunit/ember-mocha versions).