+ 'called template is still hbs and custom transforms have run'
+ );
+ assert.ok(
+ /
{{macroDependencySatisfies ['"]ember-source['"] ['"]>3['"]}}<\/span>/.test(fileContents.toString()),
+ 'template macros have not run'
+ );
+ });
+ test('in-repo-addon is available', function (assert) {
+ assert.ok(resolve.sync('in-repo-addon/helpers/helper-from-in-repo-addon', { basedir: workspaceDir }));
+ });
+ test('dynamic import is preserved', function (assert) {
+ let fileContents = fs.readFileSync(
+ join(workspaceDir, 'node_modules/my-addon/components/does-dynamic-import.js')
+ );
+ assert.ok(/return import\(['"]some-library['"]\)/.test(fileContents.toString()));
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ .map('stage-1-inline-hbs', project => {
+ let addon = baseAddon();
+ merge(addon.files, {
+ addon: {
+ components: {
+ 'has-inline-template.js': `
+ import Component from '@ember/component';
+ import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
+ export default Component.extend({
+ // tagged template form:
+ layout: ${"hbs`Inline
{{macroDependencySatisfies 'ember-source' '>3'}}`"},
+ // call expression form:
+ extra: hbs("Extra
+ });
+ `,
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ addon.pkg.name = 'my-addon';
+ addon.linkDependency('@embroider/sample-transforms', { baseDir: __dirname });
+ addon.linkDependency('@embroider/macros', { baseDir: __dirname });
+ addon.linkDependency('ember-cli-htmlbars-inline-precompile', { baseDir: __dirname });
+ addon.linkDependency('ember-cli-htmlbars-3', { baseDir: __dirname, resolveName: 'ember-cli-htmlbars' });
+ project.addDependency(addon);
+ })
+ .forEachScenario(async scenario => {
+ Qmodule(`${scenario.name} inline hbs, ember-cli-htmlbars@3`, function (hooks) {
+ let app: PreparedApp;
+ let workspaceDir: string;
+ hooks.before(async () => {
+ app = await scenario.prepare();
+ await app.execute('cross-env STAGE1_ONLY=true node ./node_modules/ember-cli/bin/ember b');
+ workspaceDir = fs.readFileSync(join(app.dir, 'dist', '.stage1-output'), 'utf8');
+ });
+ test('component with inline template', function (assert) {
+ let fileContents = fs.readFileSync(
+ join(workspaceDir, 'node_modules/my-addon/components/has-inline-template.js')
+ );
+ assert.ok(
+ fileContents.includes('hbs`Inline
+ 'tagged template is still hbs and custom transforms have run'
+ );
+ assert.ok(
+ /hbs\(["']Extra<\/div>["']\)/.test(fileContents.toString()),
+ 'called template is still hbs and custom transforms have run'
+ );
+ assert.ok(
+ /{{macroDependencySatisfies ['"]ember-source['"] ['"]>3['"]}}<\/span>/.test(fileContents.toString()),
+ 'template macros have not run'
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ .map('stage-1-problematic-addon-zoo', project => {
+ let addon = baseAddon();
+ // an addon that emits a package.json file from its treeForAddon
+ merge(addon.files, {
+ index: `module.exports = {
+ name: require('./package').name,
+ treeForAddon() {
+ return require('path').join(__dirname, 'alpha-addon-tree');
+ }
+ };`,
+ 'alpha-addon-tree': {
+ 'package.json': '{}',
+ },
+ });
+ addon.pkg.name = 'alpha';
+ let hasCustomBase = baseAddon();
+ // an addon that manually extends the Addon base class
+ merge(hasCustomBase.files, {
+ 'index.js': `
+ const { join } = require('path');
+ const Addon = require('ember-cli/lib/models/addon');
+ module.exports = Addon.extend({
+ name: 'has-custom-base',
+ treeForAddon() {
+ return join(__dirname, 'weird-addon-path');
+ }
+ });`,
+ 'weird-addon-path': {
+ 'has-custom-base': {
+ 'file.js': '// weird-addon-path/file.js',
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ hasCustomBase.pkg.name = 'has-custom-base';
+ let undefinedFastboot = baseAddon();
+ // an addon that nullifies its custom fastboot tree with a custom fastboot hook
+ merge(undefinedFastboot.files, {
+ 'index.js': `module.exports = {
+ name: 'undefined-fastboot',
+ treeForFastBoot() {}
+ }`,
+ fastboot: {
+ 'something.js': '',
+ },
+ });
+ undefinedFastboot.pkg.name = 'undefined-fastboot';
+ // Use one addon to patch the hook on another (yes, this happens in the
+ // wild...), and ensure we still detect the customized hook
+ let externallyCustomized = baseAddon();
+ let troubleMaker = baseAddon();
+ merge(troubleMaker.files, {
+ injected: {
+ hello: { 'world.js': '// hello' },
+ },
+ 'index.js': `
+ const { join } = require('path');
+ module.exports = {
+ name: 'trouble-maker',
+ included() {
+ let instance = this.project.addons.find(a => a.name === "externally-customized");
+ let root = this.root;
+ instance.treeForPublic = function() {
+ return join(root, 'injected');
+ }
+ }
+ }`,
+ });
+ externallyCustomized.pkg.name = 'externally-customized';
+ troubleMaker.pkg.name = 'trouble-maker';
+ // an addon that customizes packageJSON['ember-addon'].main and then uses
+ // stock trees. Setting the main actually changes the root for *all* stock
+ // trees.
+ let movedMain = baseAddon();
+ merge(movedMain.files, {
+ custom: {
+ 'index.js': `module.exports = { name: 'moved-main'};`,
+ addon: { helpers: { 'hello.js': '// hello-world' } },
+ },
+ });
+ merge(movedMain.pkg, { 'ember-addon': { main: 'custom/index.js' }, name: 'moved-main' });
+ // an addon that uses treeFor() to sometimes suppress its stock trees
+ let suppressed = baseAddon();
+ merge(suppressed.files, {
+ 'index.js': `module.exports = {
+ name: require('./package').name,
+ treeFor(name) {
+ if (name !== 'app') {
+ return this._super.treeFor(name);
+ } else {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ }`,
+ addon: {
+ 'addon-example.js': '// example',
+ },
+ app: {
+ 'app-example.js': '// example',
+ },
+ });
+ suppressed.pkg.name = 'suppressed';
+ // an addon that uses treeFor() to sometimes suppress its custom trees
+ let suppressedCustom = baseAddon();
+ merge(suppressedCustom.files, {
+ 'index.js': `module.exports = {
+ name: require('./package').name,
+ treeFor(name) {
+ if (name !== 'app') {
+ return this._super(name);
+ } else {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ },
+ treeForApp() {
+ return require('path').join(__dirname, 'app-custom');
+ },
+ treeForAddon() {
+ return require('path').join(__dirname, 'addon-custom');
+ },
+ }`,
+ 'addon-custom': {
+ 'suppressed-custom': {
+ 'addon-example.js': '// example',
+ },
+ },
+ 'app-custom': {
+ 'app-example.js': '// example',
+ },
+ });
+ suppressedCustom.pkg.name = 'suppressed-custom';
+ project.addDependency(addon);
+ project.addDependency(hasCustomBase);
+ project.addDependency(undefinedFastboot);
+ project.addDependency(externallyCustomized);
+ project.addDependency(troubleMaker);
+ project.addDependency(movedMain);
+ project.addDependency(suppressed);
+ project.addDependency(suppressedCustom);
+ project.pkg['ember-addon'] = { paths: ['lib/disabled-in-repo-addon', 'lib/blacklisted-in-repo-addon'] };
+ merge(project.files, loadFromFixtureData('blacklisted-addon-build-options'));
+ })
+ .forEachScenario(async scenario => {
+ Qmodule(`${scenario.name} problematic addon zoo`, function (hooks) {
+ let app: PreparedApp;
+ let workspaceDir: string;
+ hooks.before(async () => {
+ app = await scenario.prepare();
+ await app.execute('cross-env STAGE1_ONLY=true node ./node_modules/ember-cli/bin/ember b');
+ workspaceDir = fs.readFileSync(join(app.dir, 'dist', '.stage1-output'), 'utf8');
+ });
+ test('real package.json wins', function (assert) {
+ let fileContents = fs.readFileSync(join(workspaceDir, 'node_modules/alpha/package.json'));
+ assert.ok(fileContents.includes('alpha'));
+ });
+ test('custom tree hooks are detected in addons that manually extend from Addon', function (assert) {
+ let fileContents = fs.readFileSync(join(workspaceDir, 'node_modules/has-custom-base/file.js'));
+ assert.ok(/weird-addon-path\/file\.js/.test(fileContents.toString()));
+ });
+ test('no fastboot-js is emitted', function (assert) {
+ let fileContents = fs.readJsonSync(join(workspaceDir, 'node_modules/undefined-fastboot/package.json'));
+ assert.equal(fileContents['ember-addon']['fastboot-js'], null);
+ });
+ test('custom tree hooks are detected when they have been patched into the addon instance', function (assert) {
+ assert.ok(fs.existsSync(join(workspaceDir, 'node_modules/externally-customized/public/hello/world.js')));
+ });
+ test('addon with customized ember-addon.main can still use stock trees', function (assert) {
+ let fileContents = fs.readFileSync(join(workspaceDir, 'node_modules/moved-main/helpers/hello.js'));
+ assert.ok(/hello-world/.test(fileContents.toString()));
+ });
+ test('addon with customized treeFor can suppress a stock tree', function (assert) {
+ assert.notOk(fs.existsSync(join(workspaceDir, 'node_modules/suppressed/_app_/app-example.js')));
+ });
+ test('addon with customized treeFor can pass through a stock tree', function (assert) {
+ assert.ok(fs.existsSync(join(workspaceDir, 'node_modules/suppressed/addon-example.js')));
+ });
+ test('addon with customized treeFor can suppress a customized tree', function (assert) {
+ assert.notOk(fs.existsSync(join(workspaceDir, 'node_modules/suppressed-custom/_app_/app-example.js')));
+ });
+ test('addon with customized treeFor can pass through a customized tree', function (assert) {
+ assert.ok(fs.existsSync(join(workspaceDir, 'node_modules/suppressed-custom/addon-example.js')));
+ });
+ test('blacklisted in-repo addon is present but empty', function (assert) {
+ assert.ok(fs.existsSync(join(workspaceDir, 'lib/blacklisted-in-repo-addon/package.json')));
+ assert.notOk(fs.existsSync(join(workspaceDir, 'lib/blacklisted-in-repo-addon/example.js')));
+ });
+ test('disabled in-repo addon is present but empty', function (assert) {
+ assert.ok(fs.existsSync(join(workspaceDir, 'lib/disabled-in-repo-addon/package.json')));
+ assert.notOk(fs.existsSync(join(workspaceDir, 'lib/disabled-in-repo-addon/example.js')));
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ .map('stage-1-dummy-addon', project => {
+ project.pkg.name = 'my-addon';
+ project.linkDependency('@embroider/webpack', { baseDir: __dirname });
+ project.linkDependency('@embroider/core', { baseDir: __dirname });
+ project.linkDependency('@embroider/compat', { baseDir: __dirname });
+ merge(project.files, {
+ addon: {
+ components: {
+ 'hello-world.js': '',
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ })
+ .forEachScenario(async scenario => {
+ Qmodule(`${scenario.name} addon dummy app`, function (hooks) {
+ let app: PreparedApp;
+ let workspaceDir: string;
+ hooks.before(async () => {
+ app = await scenario.prepare();
+ await app.execute('cross-env STAGE1_ONLY=true node ./node_modules/ember-cli/bin/ember b');
+ workspaceDir = fs.readFileSync(join(app.dir, 'dist', '.stage1-output'), 'utf8');
+ });
+ test('dummy app can resolve own addon', function (assert) {
+ assert.ok(resolve.sync('my-addon/components/hello-world.js', { basedir: workspaceDir }));
+ });
+ });
+ });