code for UniK Hub backend
The UnikHub muist be started with the following environment variables:
The client can use s3manager to upload and download objects with multiple thread.
Import the following:
The following files have been modified from the original aws-sdk-go repo:
- private/signer/v4/v4.go to call function of private/signer/v4/unik.go (a new file)
- service/s3/api.go to add a Password field (to allow sending the password with the X-Amz-Meta-Unik-Password header for GET requests)
Example to upload an object:
uploader := s3manager.NewUploader(session.New(&aws.Config{Region: aws.String("AWSREGION")}), func(d *s3manager.Uploader) {
d.PartSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024 // 64MB per part
result, err := uploader.Upload(&s3manager.UploadInput{
Body: reader,
Bucket: aws.String("AWSBUCKET"),
Key: aws.String("/user/image/version"),
Metadata: map[string]*string{
"unik-password": aws.String("password"),
"unik-email": aws.String(""),
"unik-access": aws.String("private"),
AWSREGION and AWSBUCKET will be replaced when the call will be intercept by
The unik-password and the unik-access (public or private) must be set for each upload.
The unik-email is only used during the first upload of the first image.
Example to upload an object:
downloader := s3manager.NewDownloader(session.New(&aws.Config{Region: aws.String("AWSREGION")}), func(d *s3manager.Downloader) {
d.PartSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024 // 64MB per part
_, err = downloader.Download(file, &s3.GetObjectInput{
Bucket: aws.String("AWSBUCKET"),
Key: aws.String("/user/image/version"),
Password: aws.String("password"),
AWSREGION and AWSBUCKET will be replaced when the call will be intercept by
The unik-password must be set when downloading a private image.