- Added net9.0 support
- Updated NuGet.* packages to 6.12.1
- S3 support for setting an ACL on upload. Feeds using scaleway object storage can now make files public during push.
- Updated AWS SDK packages to improve support for non AWS S3 storage
- Updated Azure Storage and Azure Identity packages to fix vulnerability
- Fixed a bug where Azure feeds failed when path was not set to the full container URI Issue
- Moved from Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob to Azure.Storage.Blobs PR
- Added support for Managed Identity and DefaultAzureCredential with Azure storage accounts PR
- Update NuGet.* packages to 6.9.1 to address CVE-2024-0057 Issue
- AWS S3 feeds with sub paths are now fully removed during destroy.
- Updated all AWS SDKs to the latest
- Added net8.0 support, removed net7.0
- Updated NuGet.* packages to 6.8.0
- Updated AWS SDK
- Fixed AWS S3 bucket public policy for new bucket creation PR
- Added net7.0 support
- Update AWS SDK
- Added AWS SSO profile support
- Updated NuGet.* packages to 6.2.1
- Fixed deleted AWS bucket handling PR
- Added net6.0 for LTS support, removed net5.0
- Changed azure container default name to lowercase PR
- Sleet.exe is now produced by dotnet publish as a standalone file instead of by ILMerge
- Removed net472 support from SleetLib
- Added net5.0 support
- Dropped netcoreapp2.1 and netcoreapp3.1 support
- Badges are now enabled by default
- SVG badges have been removed in favor of using shields.io via json files from the feed
- Added prune by release labels option to package retention
- Added package icon support. Icons will be added to flatcontainer
- Removed iconUrl support
- Added external search support and feed setting
- Added badge json for shields.io support PR
- Removed gzip compression for badges
- dotnet config support PR
- Version badge svg support
- DefaultWebProxy support for authenticated proxies
- Updated S3 SDK
- S3 error handling and encryption fixes
- Package retention commands have been added to support pruning feed packages by version. PR
- Fixed bug in specifying S3 feed type through env vars PR
- S3 compatible storage support PR
- netcoreapp3.0 -> netcoreapp3.1
- PDBs are now embedded in the dlls
- Updated package dependencies on NuGet
- Updated nuspec properties
- Improve feed lock error logging
- netcoreapp3.0 tool support
- Support for AWS environment variables and docker environments
- Moved Sleet.exe from the package 'Sleet' to 'SleetExe' breaking change
- Init command will now automatically create a public bucket/container if it does not exist already. breaking change
- Push command will now automatically create a public bucket/container and initialize a feed using the default settings if it does not exist already. breaking change
- Removed client/feed version compat checks based on the minor version of sleet.
- Added capabilities for client/feed compat checks.
- Remove netstandard1.0 breaking change
- Added Download command options: --no-lock --skip-existing --ignore-errors
- Skip package SHA512 hashing when the catalog is disabled. Package details blobs will no longer write this extra property.
- ISleetFile.Link support
- Nupkgs are no longer copied to the temp cache during push. This improves perf and saves disk space for large pushes.
- Reduced default log output, http get/push calls will now only be shown on verbose mode.
- Performance summary displays where time was spent during push operations.
- Push batch support. Instead of pushing possibly hundreds of thousands of packages at once push will now load nupkgs in batches and process them to avoid running out of memory.
- Files are now ordered during upload. Index files will be pushed last to help avoid conflicts on the client when the feed is still incomplete.
- Increased the delay for obtaining a file lock on azure feeds. Cleaned up file lock logging.
- Path property in sleet.json can now be a relative path for local feeds
- Performance improvements, packages are added in batch to reduce the number of file read/writes.
- Add/removes within a service are done in parallel where possible.
- nupkg files are read in parallel before locking the feed to reduce the amount of time spent in the lock.
- Local feeds will contian baseURI by default when using createconfig.
- Local feeds will fail if path contains an http URI. baseURI should be used instead.
- Path property in sleet.json is now optional for azure and s3 feeds. If not provided it will be resolved from the container/bucket.
- Added support for tokenized sleet.json files
- Added --property support for passing in setting values
- Added SLEET_FEED_ env var support
- Added Amazon S3 support (skarllot)
- Fix for createconfig json formatting
- Fix for multiple catalog pages
- Sleet versions of the same semantic version patch will no longer require upgrading the feed to work together.
- Fix for race condition when reading symbols files
- Props path fix
- Improved exists check performance
- Improved console output progress display.
- Performance improvements, files are committed to the feed in parallel which cuts push time in half for some scenarios.
- Symbols feed support, symbols packages will be stored in the feed and dll and pdb files will be available for debuggers.
- Catalog is disabled by default, this improves perf for feeds which overwrite packages.
- Invalid command arguments now return a non-zero exit code.
- Adds package details from the catalog to the registration package details page when the catalog is disabled.
- Moved from netstandard1.3 to netstandard2.0