Because piratebay isn't so fancy...
Install required dependencies using pip
$ pip install Scrapy Flask Flask-Sockets requests gunicorn
Run the dev server with the provided script
$ cd front && ./memo_gunicorn
The site should be available on port 8000.
Browse a enhanced version of piratebay that will only display movies with a valid IMDB link. Scrapy will crawl the search page and extract all useful data (links, seed, leech) then will jump to imdb to retrieve the image. Results will show up on the page as soon as they are found using a websocket. Custom searches are supported. To download, just mouse over the bottom of the picture and the link will appear. The server will only store images to prevent hotlinking to Nothing else is stored, no database is required.
Flask, Flask_websockets, Scrapy, Bootstrap, Jquery, Underscore