DSSTNE currently only supports Fully Connected layers and the network structure for training is defined through a config json representation.
DSSTNE Engine takes in data only in NetCDF Format. There are some wrappers which convert the following format to NetCDF. The separator between the example and features is TAB
Example1 Feature1:Feature2:Feature3
Example2 Feature5:Feature2:Feature4
Example3 Feature6:Feature7:Feature8
The definitions for the Neural Network fed into DSSTNE is represented in a Json Format. All the supported feature can be found at LDL.txt. Sample one is given below
"Version" : 0.8,
"Name" : "2 Hidden Layer",
"Kind" : "FeedForward",
"ShuffleIndices" : false,
"ScaledMarginalCrossEntropy" : {
"oneTarget" : 1.0,
"zeroTarget" : 0.0,
"oneScale" : 1.0,
"zeroScale" : 1.0
"Layers" : [
{ "Name" : "Input", "Kind" : "Input", "N" : "auto", "DataSet" : "input", "Sparse" : true },
{ "Name" : "Hidden1", "Kind" : "Hidden", "Type" : "FullyConnected", "Source" : "Input", "N" : 1024, "Activation" : "Relu", "Sparse" : false, "pDropout" : 0.5, "WeightInit" : { "Scheme" : "Gaussian", "Scale" : 0.01 } },
{ "Name" : "Hidden2", "Kind" : "Hidden", "Type" : "FullyConnected", "Source" : ["Hidden1"], "N" : 1024, "Activation" : "Relu", "Sparse" : false, "pDropout" : 0.5, "WeightInit" : { "Scheme" : "Gaussian", "Scale" : 0.01 } },
{ "Name" : "Output", "Kind" : "Output", "Type" : "FullyConnected", "DataSet" : "output", "N" : "auto", "Activation" : "Sigmoid", "Sparse" : true , "WeightInit" : { "Scheme" : "Gaussian", "Scale" : 0.01, "Bias" : -10.2 }}
"ErrorFunction" : "ScaledMarginalCrossEntropy"
"Layers" : [
{ "Name" : "Input", "Kind" : "Input", "N" : "auto", "DataSet" : "gl_input", "Sparse" : true },
{ "Name" : "Hidden1", "Kind" : "Hidden", "Type" : "FullyConnected", "Source" : "Input", "N" : 1024, "Activation" : "Relu", "Sparse" : false, "pDropout" : 0.5, "WeightInit" : { "Scheme" : "Gaussian", "Scale" : 0.01 } },
{ "Name" : "Hidden2", "Kind" : "Hidden", "Type" : "FullyConnected", "Source" : ["Hidden1"], "N" : 1024, "Activation" : "Relu", "Sparse" : false, "pDropout" : 0.5, "WeightInit" : { "Scheme" : "Gaussian", "Scale" : 0.01 } },
{ "Name" : "Output", "Kind" : "Output", "Type" : "FullyConnected", "DataSet" : "gl_output", "N" : "auto", "Activation" : "Sigmoid", "Sparse" : true , "WeightInit" : { "Scheme" : "Gaussian", "Scale" : 0.01, "Bias" : -10.2 }}
Neural Network is represented in Layers in a configuration json. We only support Fully Connected layers and the layer can be of 3 different kinds
Input This is the input layer for the Neural Network and at least one Input layer is required for training. There should be a DataSet required for the input layer.
Hidden Hidden Layers are Layers which connect between layers. It Does require a DataSet but rather a Source. If Source is not mentioned then the previous Layer is taken as Source
Output Output Layer is the layer where the truths are compared against. At least one Output Layer is required and there should be a DataSet also for the Output Layer.
{ "Name" : "Hidden2", "Kind" : "Hidden", ..............., "Activation" : "Relu", ................ }
Activation function for each layer is passed on as a parameter to the Layer Definition in the field Activation. The following Activation functions are supported:
- Sigmoid
- Tanh
- RectifiedLinear
- Linear
- ParametricRectifiedLinear
- SoftPlus
- SoftSign
- SoftMax
- ReluMax
- LinearMax
{ "Name" : "Input", "Kind" : "Input", "N" : "auto", "DataSet" : "gl_input", "Sparse" : true }
{ "Name" : "Hidden1", "Kind" : "Hidden", "Type" : "FullyConnected", "Source" : "Input", "N" : 1024, "Activation" : ...}
Size of the Layer is added to the N field in Layer Definition and is represented as an Integer. For Input and Output layers auto is also supported so that the size is automatically figured from the dataset.
{ "Name" : "Hidden1", ....... "WeightInit" : { "Scheme" : "Gaussian", "Scale" : 0.01 }............................ }
Weight Initialization between the Layers are defined by WeightInit filed in the Layer definition. The supported weight initializers are:
- Xavier
- CaffeXavier
- Gaussian
- Uniform
- UnitBall
- Constant
/ Set to default training mode Nesterov.
TrainingMode mode=Nesterov;
Optimization for the Network is currently passed through the code. Currently supported optimizers are:
- Momentum
- AdaGrad
- Nesterov
- RMSProp
- AdaDelta