There are three steps to build this project, like we can see in this image below. How we can see the core of this project are: React Js, Node.js and Docker Container.
The front-end and the back-end are developed in parallel, and finally the docker image are built to run the three containers.
All the dependencies are in each dir in package.json file
The AuthGuard protect the pages that need the user sign in, redirecting to login page.
To verify the user state was implemented a context and to store the user data I use React-Redux.
The main folders of "AuthGuard System" are: contexts, hooks, store and utils.
- Register page;
- Login page;
- Recovery (password) email page;
- Verify code page;
- Reset password page;
Behind the scene activities, we need a database to keep our data safe and available. The endpoints (routes) to serve the requests from the front-end are distributed in:
- Routes of register and password recovery:
- user register;
- reset password;
- verify code (two factors authentications).
- Login routes:
- Verify password;
- Verify code.
- Contacts routes:
- search users;
- add contact;
- contacts list.
- Chat routes:
- chat-private-room;
- chats list.
- events:
- send message;
- send notification. ...