- ➕ Add Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools dependency in Sample project [17abde2]
- ➕ Add AspNetCore.MarkdownDocumenting and Swashbuckle.AspNetCore dependency in IronHook.Web sample project [08d81a6]
- ➕ Add System.Text.Json and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions dependencies for IronHook.Core [617c068]
- ➕ Add IronHook.PostgreSql dependency in IronHook.Web [5622b2b]
- 🎉 TADA !! Begin IronHook.Web sample project [2acb324]
- ➕ Add Microsoft.EntitiyFrameworkCore.Tools dependency in IronHook.PostgreSql [c1cf437]
- ➕ Add IronHook.EntityFrameworkCore dependency [6029674]
- 🎉 TADA !! Bagin IronHook.PostgreSql project [14ec032]
- ➕ Add IronHookCore dependencies [2ce7923]
- ➕ Add EntityFrameworkCore dependencies [a9836cd]
- 🎉 TADA !! Begin IronHook.EntityFrameworkCore project [1689132]
- 🎉 TADA ! Begin IronHook.Core project [8671f51]
- ⬆️ Bump AspNetCore.MarkdownDocumenting from 2.1.2 to 2.3.0 [443c779]
- ♻️ Add virtual keyword [2017faa]
- 🔧 Add common.props configuration file [5c7a57f]
- 🗃️ Add database migration for sample project [5a0817a]
- ♻️ Fix code styles [882b5b5]
- ♻️ Change Return Type form Task to Task of Hook [ca3be18]
- ♻️ Change return type for Add and Update endpoint [3594b0d]
- ♻️ Refactor Default HookService [9520864]
- ♻️ Change automaticly database migration scenario [0586e2a]
- ♻️ Change DbContextOptionsBuilder for IronHookPostgreSqlDbContext [05c6a91]
- ♻️ Refactor IronHookCoreDbContext [f49201d]
- 🔧 Configure Application Builder for IronHook [33853aa]
- 🔧 Add ConnectionStrings scope for IronHook.Web sample project [f1e2045]
- 🔧 Configure Startup.cs for IronHook.Web sample project [fdeb3c3]
- 🗃️ Add initial database migration [85e0b50]
- ♻️ Change connection string for DesignTimeDbContext in IronHook.PostgreSql [04f64fc]
- ♻️ Change return type for GetAsync in HookService [50a6cfa]
- 🔥 Remove unncessary events [fd4cebc]
- 🔥 Remove default class [79c2ffc]
- 🔥 Delete Default class [d442a7b]
- 🔥 Remove default class [ff7b824]
- 🐛 Change Value Generator type for Update Date [5e7105a]
- 🐛 Fix hook scenario [35b82c3]
- 🐛 Implement AddRequest endpoint [5075035]
- 🔒 Depandabot enabled [5cbf727]
- Merge pull request #6 from FowApps/dependabot/nuget/AspNetCore.MarkdownDocumenting-2.3.0 [f488435]
- Create .codeclimate.yml [e00c0a7]
- Create pull_request_template.md [2c92479]
- Update issue templates [394cc6c]
- Update issue templates [826c4ac]
- Update issue templates [dda6b27]
- Create CONTRIBUTING.md [eb106b0]
- Create CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md [8bdca13]
- Create LICENSE [4235204]
- Update README.md [a29d5bd]
- Merge pull request #5 from FowApps/all-contributors/add-ferhatozlu [4d46d17]
- Merge pull request #4 from FowApps/all-contributors/add-furkandeveloper [29efc32]
- docs: update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] [613ebf7]
- docs: update README.md [skip ci] [9e45fc6]
- docs: create .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] [fecbced]
- docs: update README.md [skip ci] [48e84b0]
- Update README.md [01d81bc]
- Merge pull request #3 from FowApps/infrastructure/core [3257d63]
- Update README.md [f7b0402]
- 📝 Update README.md [307d6bb]
- ⛏️ Generate packages [ced80a3]
- ⛏️ Add icon IronHook.PostgreSql [d2d4288]
- ⛏️ Add icon for IronHook.EntityFrameworkCore [3dd082d]
- ⛏️ Add package icon for IronHook.PostgreSql [afbf856]
- ⛏️ Add package icon for IronHook.EntityFrameworkCore [e8e59ca]
- ⛏️ Add package icon [de519b2]
- Merge pull request #2 from FowApps/furkandeveloper-patch-1 [a1b92bc]
- Create dotnet.yml [1fd7142]
- ⛏️ Add docker file [e16bc59]
- ⛏️ Add IsSuccess check for send hook [a3440e1]
- ⛏️ Add Customer Create Request Data Transfer Object [2728024]
- ⛏️ Implement Customer Endpoints [3df2041]
- Update README.md [666f8da]
- Update README.md [c075678]
- ⛏️ Implement Get Hook Logs endpoint [6f516ac]
- ⛏️ Add business endpoint for AddRequest Endpoint [053e5f7]
- ⛏️ Add Json Ignore Attribute for Hook [fff8ae1]
- ⛏️ Update Docs settings [aba055b]
- ⛏️ Implement hook endpoints [f17265c]
- ⛏️ Implement Delete Hook endpoint [99cd496]
- ⛏️ Implement define hook endpoint [842d0f5]
- ⛏️ Create Hook Data Transfer Object for Define endpoint [d4538fc]
- ⛏️ Implement Find Hook endpoint for sample project [adc928c]
- ⛏️ Implement Get All Endpoint for Sample project [1671fb6]
- ⛏️ Implement Create Hook and Get Types endpoint for sample project [517ffc1]
- ⛏️ Create EventNames class [6cfb672]
- ⛏️ Create Hook Request Data Transfer Object [e0bd0c5]
- ⛏️ Add swagger for IronHook.Web sample project [404f0e4]
- ⛏️ Implement Sample Dbcontext [6e77710]
- ⛏️ Create Guid Value Generator [8ef40a3]
- ⛏️ Create Date Time Value Generator [e2cc269]
- ⛏️ Create Customer Entity for IronHook.Web sample project [be7cf26]
- ⛏️ Create IApplicationBuilder Extension [747a435]
- ⛏️ Add IHookOperator on DI [4292aca]
- ⛏️ Implement HttpHookOperator for IronHook [287178d]
- 🙈 Update gitignore file [e5f419e]
- ⛏️ Create DesignTimeDbcontext for PostgreSql provider [95e1c89]
- ⛏️ Implement IServiceCollection extension for IronHook.PostgreSql [e606889]
- ⛏️ Implement DateTime generator for IronHookCoreDbContext [6cb4e29]
- ⛏️ Add DateTime generator for date columns [0cc5769]
- ⛏️ Add PostgreSql DbContext for IronHook [4730ab3]
- ⛏️ Implement Default Hook Service [30c560a]
- ⛏️ Create IronHookCoreDbContext [c1df36a]
- ⛏️ Add endpoints for IHookContext [f3b2cb7]
- ⛏️ Create Guid Generator [875b451]
- ⛏️ Add parameter in SendHook [3daa407]
- ⛏️ Add Concrete folder in IronHook.Core [9ee5105]
- ⛏️ Update IHookService. Add DbContext generic type [bba7737]
- Create IIronHookContext [f7014fc]
- ⛏️ Create IHookService [09fe250]
- ⛏️ Create IHookOperator [9a18f0a]
- ⛏️ Create Hook Response [4be1331]
- ⛏️ Create HeaderParameter [cb9f448]
- ⛏️ Update HookRequest entity [10c8f2c]
- ⛏️ Update Hook Entity [d9a4011]
- ⛏️ Create HookLog Entity [c7df395]
- ⛏️ Create HookRequest entity [0ad8d9c]
- ⛏️ Create Hook entity [52f072b]
- ⛏️ Update IronHook.Core.csproj [753d872]
- ⛏️ Create Base Entity [5879c97]
- 📦 Add Entities folder in IronHook.Core [0add28c]
- 📦 Add test solution folder [266ec47]
- 📦 Add samples solution folder [d33c938]
- 📦 Add src solution folder [0919be6]
- Create README.md [fd02252]
- Add project files. [b92edad]
- Add .gitignore and .gitattributes. [4dc06f4]