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# Paypal Buy Now Buttons Plugin for Craft CMS 3.x and 4.x

Sell products or services on your website using a PayPal Buy Now Button


## Features

### Allows customers from around the world can start buying products or services from your website using PayPal.

 * One line of Code: `{{ craft.paypalButton.displayButton('sku') }} `
 * Manage buttons
 * View sales in your control panel
 * Send out email notifications for admins and customers
 * Inventory management for each button
 * Add variants with priced options
 * Add variants with basic options
 * Charge Tax & Shipping 
 * Add Discounts 
 * Change Quantity 
 * PayPal Sandbox and Live accounts
 * Events: After Order Create and Before Send Email
 * Support for 18 languages
 * Support 25 currencies 
 * Field type

## Documentation


## PayPal Support

* Send us a note at: support@enupal.com

* Create an [issue](https://github.com/enupal/paypal/issues) on Github


Brought to you by [enupal](https://enupal.com)

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