This is the of enviroCar project enviroCar-www. Great to have you here! Here are a few ways you can help!
Best way to get started is to start with these:
- enviroCar discussion forum:
- IRC channel: #52north on
- Website:
- Get involved in enviroCar: h
- Dennis Wilhelm @dwilhelm89
- Dustin Demuth @dustindemuth
- Stephanie Walter @StephanieWalter
- Friedrich Mller @FriedrichMueller
- Oraib Almegdadi @oraibalmegdadi
- Daniel Nüst @nuest
- Martin Düren @github_account
- Benjamin Pross @bpross-52n
- Eike H. Jürrens @EHJ-52n
- Matthes Rieke @matthesrieke
If this list is out of date be sure to check
We have two branches:
is directly published as the main website https://envirocar.orgdev
is published as the development website
Use the development website if you use enviroCar and tell us what you think, file bugs, ...
We just the fork & pull development model, so please go ahead and fork the repo and start working in the development branch. After you have made your changes, create a pull request for the development branch of the main repository so that the developers can discuss your changes.
Then, the changes can be merged into the development branch and feedback from the community (email on the discuss mailing list) must be requested. After a waiting period and fixing all bugs, the development branch is merged with the master branch.
You can help report bugs by filing them here:
You can look through the existing bugs here:
Look at existing bugs and help us understand if ** The bug is reproducible? Is it reproducible in other environments (browsers)? What are the steps to reproduce?
Currently we have only two languages, but we look forward to add more - get in touch if you can contribute another language:
All documentation should go into the You have a question that is not answered there? Let us know, create an issue and tag it "question".
If you have further questions, contact