AOL 4.0 rebuilt with C# Winforms and Chromium.
- Web browsing. Loading icon in right corner shows loading animation.
- Account registration/login. This registers your account on Snoonet IRC and creates an email (ACCOUNT)
- Add buddies, show online/offline status
- Chatroom uses Snoonet IRC. Use the chatroom form to browse and join rooms.
- Welcome form shows temperature and all 4 left side channels open forms
- Send/Receive emails in the mailcenter form.
- Sending private messages. (form is not complete)
- System checks for new emails regularly and will announce with "You've got mail" and icon change in toolbar.
Open the .sln file with Visual Studio, right click on the project in VS and click "Restore Nuget Packages". Now click compile and you'll get the .exe file.
Visit and download the latest zip version. Install the Evergreen Bootstrap for WebView2.
First, star and/or watch this project.
Second, use the program. If you notice any crashes or bugs, open an issue ticket and detail what happened along with a crash report if you can.
If you can find any screenshots or video of forms or windows that were available at the time, submit them to this issue ticket: #10
Here's a compressed animated gif of the dial up, loading animation and MIE badge: