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Code Style

At ErgoServ we value our code quality. These style guides help to keep our code consistent and looking beautiful. The guides are derived from practices and conventions generally accepted and used by the wider community.

Getting Started

We understand that no two projects are the same, each one a little different to the next. With that in mind, we recommend using these guides as starting point. They can be tweaked and molded on a per project basis, but make sure everyone on the team is comfortable with any adjustments you make.


We use a number of tools to enforce style compliance:


Use our gem rubocop-ergoserv to install all needed gems and generate configs.

Conventions and Recommendations


  • Be positive where possible. Prefer if over unless, only: over except: (e.g. if var.present? is better than unless var.blank?).
  • Use alphabetic order where and if possible (definitions, keys, translations).


  • Name initializers according to the name of their gem.


  • Avoid using callbacks for setting instance variables. Use them only for changing the application flow, such as redirecting if a user is not authenticated.
  • Use private instead of protected when defining controller methods.


  • Use SCSS's class nesting always.


  • Name date columns with _on suffixes.
  • Name datetime columns with _at suffixes.
  • Name time columns (referring to a time of day with no date) with _time suffixes.
  • Don't change a migration after it has been merged into master if the desired change can be solved with another migration.
  • Use capital letters only for SQL keywords and functions when writing plain SQL.

Internationalization (I18n)

  • Keep en.yml as small as possible, specify here only date, datetime, number, time formats.
  • Use application.en.yml and application: key to store application-wide tranlations.
  • Use separate files to store translations (activerecord.en.yml, helpers.en.yml, mailers.en.yml, etc). Each file should contain corresponding root key (activerecord, helpers, mailers, etc).

Mailers Internationalization (I18n)

  • Use ApplicationMailer as "abstract" class (e.g. set global config, shared methods, but avoid adding mailing methods there).
  • Always put subjects to locale files, they are pulled automatically by action_name. Use default_i18n_subject when you need some interpolation.
  • Use separate locale file for mailer translations (config/locles/mailers.en.yml).
  • Use application_mailer translation scope to group strings used in all/many mailers.


  • Place mailer views to 'app/views/mailers' (e.g. 'app/views/mailers/account_mailer/', etc) by adding prepend_view_path 'app/views/mailers' to ApplicationMailer.

Rake Tasks

  • Put all application rake tasks under the namespace named according to appliation. This will allow to separate them from all other tasks when you call rake --tasks.
  • Use tasks tasks only to call command or service object, avoid putting any business logic into rake tasks.

Testing / RSpec

Multi-line expect

expect { true }
  .not_to(change { false })


  • Place application-wide partials to the app/views/application/ directory, leaving layout-only partials (like _header, _sidebar, etc) in the app/views/layouts/ directory.
  • Place layout partials to separate directories (e.g. app/views/layouts/application/, app/views/layouts/landing/, etc).
  • Don't use () in views for first-level helpers (e.g. image_tag 'image.jpg, link_to 'Profile', user_path(user)).
  • Avoid direct calls of object or class methods in views, but if you still need to, then use () for arguments (e.g. User.human_attribute_name(:name)).
  • Avoid using instance variables (@var) in partials. Pass local variables to partials from view templates.
