Ruby Gems and other libraries we recommend to use.
- activeadmin - The administration framework for Ruby on Rails applications.
See guide Builing API.
- rails/activejob
- sidekiq - Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby.
- config - Easiest way to add multi-environment yaml settings to Rails and other Ruby projects.
- dotenv - A Ruby gem to load environment variables from
- httplog - Log outgoing HTTP requests in ruby.
- overcommit - A fully configurable and extendable Git hook manager.
- pry, pry-rails - A runtime developer console and IRB alternative with powerful introspection capabilities.
- table_print - TablePrint shows objects in nicely formatted columns for easy reading.
- capistrano - Remote multi-server automation tool.
- parity - shell commands for development, staging, and production parity for Heroku apps.
- whenever - Cron jobs in Ruby.
- formtastic - A Rails form builder plugin with semantically rich and accessible markup.
- simple_form - Forms made easy for Rails! It's tied to a simple DSL, with no opinion on markup.
- rails/activestorage
- carrierwave - Classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks.
- shrine - File Attachment toolkit for Ruby applications.
- i18n-js - a small library to provide the I18n translations on the JavaScript. It comes with Rails support.
- enumerize - Enumerated attributes with I18n and ActiveRecord/Mongoid support.
- paper_trail - Track changes to your Rails models.
- httparty - Makes HTTP fun again. (See guide Building simple HTTP Client).
- retriable - Retriable is an simple DSL to retry failed code blocks with randomized exponential back-off.
- kaminari - A Scope & Engine based, clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated paginator for Ruby webapps.
- pagy - The ultimate pagination ruby gem (unless project does not have
by default).
- bullet - Helps to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading.
- mini-profiler - Profiler for your Ruby rack apps.
- pundit - Minimal authorization through OO design and pure Ruby classes.
- rolify - Advanced role management library with resource scoping.
- rpush - The push notification service for Ruby.
- ransack - Object-based searching.
- brakeman - Brakeman is a free vulnerability scanner specifically designed for Ruby on Rails applications.
See guide Testing.
- airborne - RSpec driven API testing framework.
- capybara - Acceptance test framework for web applications.
- factory_bot, factory_bot_rails - A library for setting up Ruby objects as test data.
- faker - A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.
- rspec, rspec-rails - Behavior Driven Development for Ruby.
- simplecov - Code coverage with a powerful configuration library.
- shoulda-matchers - Simple one-liner tests for common Rails functionality.
- undercover - Actionable code coverage - detects untested code blocks in recent changes.
- inherited_resources - Inherited Resources speeds up development by making your controllers inherit all restful actions so you just have to focus on what is important.
- money, money-rails - A Ruby Library for dealing with money and currency conversion.
- request_store - Per-request global storage for Rack.
- rails-erd - Generate Entity-Relationship Diagrams for Rails applications.