Welcome to 8, a side-scrolling horror game created by Zach Barbour, Liam Erickson, Kayla Flint, and Melanie Villarreal for EMDA 203. Immerse yourself in the chilling atmosphere by visiting my website and entering fullscreen mode.
To enhance your gaming experience, press F11
on Windows and Linux, or use the green button on MacOS to enter fullscreen mode.
Please note that this game is currently in early Beta. If you encounter any unexpected bugs, try force reloading the game to resolve them.
Character movement and spritesheet speed are dependent on your GPU. 8 has been optimized for lower-end GPUs. If you have a 6000+ series Radeon or 2000+ series Nvidia GPU, the game may appear to run faster than normal.
8 is a side-scrolling horror game where you take control of a boy navigating the horrors of his house on his 8th birthday. Your goal is simple: escape the house alive.
- Left:
or the left arrow key - Right:
or the right arrow key - Jump:
, or the up arrow key
- Item/Text interaction:
You can either visit my website to play the game or clone/fork this repository to run it on your own machine.
- Lead Artist: Kayla Flint
- Lead Animator: Kayla Flint
- Title Screen Art: Liam Erickson
- Story Design: Zach Barbour
- Puzzle Design: Melanie Villarreal
- Lead Programmer: Liam Erickson
- Sound Effects: Melanie Villarreal
- Dripping, Slow, A Sound Effect: InspectorJ
- Various sounds from freesounds.org
- Who Asks Satan: Chris Vile