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Guidelines & Expectations for ANGUS 2019 Events


Everyone who participates in our ANGUS 2019 workshop shares the responsibility of creating a welcoming environment for learning and networking. As such, we would like to outline Workshop Guidelines for everyone and expectations for people based on their participation role below.

Note: All DIBSI participants must follow the event Code of Conduct. Our first priority is to provide and sustain a safe and welcoming environment for learning and teaching!

Workshop Guidelines

  1. Our primary commitment is to learn from each other. We will listen to each other and not talk at each other. We acknowledge differences amongst us in backgrounds, skills, interests, and values. We realize that it is these very differences that will increase our awareness and understanding through this process.

  2. Share responsibility for including everyone in the discussion. Be mindful of taking up much more space than others. Empower yourself to speak up when others are dominating the conversation.

  3. Confidentiality. We want to create an atmosphere for open, honest exchange. Unless it is an actionable item or specifically indicated on notecards, we will not share beyond this room without permission.

  4. Do not demean, devalue, or "put down" people for their experiences, lack of experiences, difference in interpretation of those experiences, or choice of computer or software.

  5. Expect a range of emotions to be present, though not always visible. The workshop has long days and can be very intense for those around us.

  6. Trust that people are always doing the best they can. We will give each other the benefit of the doubt. We will assume we are all trying our hardest and that our intentions are good even when the impact is not. Consider being wrong and accept responsibility for the consequences of our actions, regardless of their intentions.

  7. Challenge the idea and not the person and expect to have your perspectives challenged by others. If we wish to challenge something that has been said, we will challenge the idea or the practice referred to, not the individual sharing this idea or practice.

  8. Speak your discomfort. If something is bothering you, please share this with the group, your helper/instructor/coordinators, or submit a response through our online form. Often our emotional reactions to this process offer the most valuable learning opportunities.

  9. Expect and accept a lack of closure. We will cover a myriad of topics throughout this workshop and not all questions will be answered or clear.

  10. We are all a work in progress. We will not assume that one comment or one opinion made at one time captures the whole of a person's character. We are all in the process of learning, including the facilitators.

Expectations of event learners

  • Attendees are an active part of the workshop and help set the event atmosphere!
  • Ask questions if they have them & be aware how their questions may impact others
    • Raise their hand
    • Ask a helper
    • Type it in hackMD
    • Write it on a sticky at the end of each lesson
    • Submit your question to the feedback form
  • Have an open mind and treat others as if they have something to offer.
  • Be ready and willing to learn from instructors, helpers, and each other.
  • If you have the expertise, we invite others to contribute to the conversation, especially if directly related to their own experiences. This can be done through the:
    • Stickies
    • Group notes on the hackMD
    • Telling an instructor/helper
    • The feedback form
  • Actively participate in events they attend
    • Use stickies
    • Contribute to group notes
    • If you have the capacity, help the people around you
  • Respect others at the event
  • When receiving help from others during a lesson:
    • Use a whisper voice to lessen the impact on others
    • Be open to "driving" the computer
    • If more extensive help is necessary, be open to the helper/instructor "driving" your computer
    • Communicate personal space boundaries when necessary
  • Avoid disruptive behavior including:
    • Speaking to those around them during the lesson
    • Save specific questions regarding your project for outside of formal instruction or BYOD in week 2
  • Be an active and responsive bystander by either:
    • Speaking up in the moment of an event.
    • Submitting a climate response form.
    • Talking to instructors and course coordinators regarding events that you may witness.

Expectations of instructors and helpers

  • Have an open mind and treat others as they have something to offer.
  • Help event attendees learn and grow in a safe/brave and welcoming environment.
    • Welcome and encourage questions
    • When helping someone at their computer:
      • Be kind when approaching a learner at their computer and give them the benefit of a doubt that they are doing the best they can.
      • Be aware of the physical space between those that surround them.
      • Praise errors as opportunities for learners
      • Prioritize the opportunity for the learner to "drive" the computer.
      • If it makes more sense for the instructor/helper to "drive" the learners computer, always ask for permission to touch someone else's computer.
    • Be an active and responsive by-stander by either:
      • Speaking up in the moment.
      • Submitting a climate response form.
      • Talking to instructors and course coordinators regarding events that you may witness.
  • Teach attendees
    • Ask leading questions and help learners get to answers on their own
    • When actively teaching, use a microphone.
    • Instructors will repeat questions from learners
  • Provide individualized or group help as needed
  • Avoid disruptive behavior including:
    • Intellectually agressive behavoir such as challenging other people (including instructors/helpers/attendees) in their content
    • Be mindful of the language they use:
      • Avoid minimizing language including "just", "only", "simply", "easy", "obviously",etc.
      • Instead consider motivating language such as "This gets easier with practice" & "I remember when it was hard for me too"
  • Comfort & empathize with others who may be stressed
  • Some other potential roles:
    • Have breaks when they are scheduled
      • Give the instructor who is teaching a few minute warning before the lessons will be finished
    • Note takers/supporters
    • slack monitoring
    • Room coordinating
    • Actively watching for sticky notes - and promoting sticky awareness for other instructors & helpers
    • Writing challenge questions
    • Assisting with curriculum tweaks

Expectations of workshop organizers

  • Provide the infrastructure needed for a safe and welcoming environment
  • Coordinate the overall event
  • Addressing individual attendee, instructor, and helper needs
  • Lay out clear and unambiguous guidelines for participant conduct, and providing incident response guidelines and training.
  • Be an active and responsive by-stander by either:
    • Speaking up in the moment
    • Submitting a climate response form
    • Talking to the lead-instructors and other coordinators regarding events that you may witness

Expectations in the lecture hall

  • Always use the microphone .
  • Speakers to repeat questions from the audience