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An Introduction to nostr with Erlang
Mathieu Kerjouan

An Introduction to nostr with Erlang

Erlang-Punch project started officially in December 2022, where many small test recording were done. Unofficially, the project started in September 2020 and was originally designed in March 2020...

The goal of the project has always been the same: find a way to share experiences and knowledge between developers using Erlang in their daily life or the people interested to use a high-available production ready language. To make this objective possible, a true example, based on standardized and modern standard was required.

From December 2022 to January 2023, an implementation of Gumbo using C driver feature started. Unfortunately, the subject was perhaps a bit too complex for the viewers. Indeed, writing code in C is quite different than writing code in high level language like Erlang, and requires both accuracy and focus. A wrong line of code or a wrong pattern can break the virtual machine make even more dangerous, make it unstable. It was definitively not the best thing to do, and could lead to more confusion… or fear.

At the end of January 2023, after talking with people from Discord and sharing old training supports with them, the idea of implementing a real protocol appeared to be the correct solution, but which protocol could be simple enough and interesting enough to be implemented? In the past, Whois, IRC or even Gopher — in particular with Gemini — were presented during training sessions, but they are old protocols, mainly used by crypto-nerds around the world.

In February 2023, Edward Snowden posted a tweet linking to nostr protocol, a new alternative to Twitter and Mastodon. If someone ever reads Mastodon specification from Fediverse and ActivityPub, they probably be afraid of the complexity of the whole protocol. Nostr seems to be a good and refreshing alternative, using cryptography at its core with simple, stable, efficient and trusted solution like JSON and WebSocket.

The History Behind Nostr Protocol

Before working on a project, it’s always good to know where we put our feet. It looks like the creator of the project is Giszmo, and the first commiter of the official nostr repository was Melvin Carvalho. To be honest, the project is quite active and there is a lot of information from many developers. It seems, though, the project was mainly initiated by Bitcoin developers or people working closely to the crypto-currency movement.

Connecting to an Open Relay

Erlang did not directly offer a JSON parser or a WebSocket client in its default release. Some good implementation in the community can be used though: Thoas is a JSON parser 100% coded in Erlang; Gun is a HTTP/1.1, WebSocket and HTTP/2 client made by the creator of the Cowboy web server. With only these two modules, it is possible to connect to a relay and fetch some.

Before connecting the an open relay with Erlang, exploring the protocol using Chrome or Firefox browsers could be nice. Indeed, learning the hard way by doing reverse engineering like methodology can lead to success and more: to excellence. Hacking the protocol is always the best way to learn it. These screenshots have been taken using Iridium — a Chromium fork without Google stuff in it — running on OpenBSD-current and using the developer mode usually available by pressing F12 key.

Understanding nostr Websocket connection with Chromium (part 1)

After the connection to the relay, a javascript client is loaded and start by initializing websockets connections to different relays. In this case.

Understanding nostr Websocket connection with Chromium (part 2)

When connected to the websocket, the client is sending a JSON list asking for request, after sending this message, the relay is forwarding events. Here the content of the request.


At first glance, the client is asking for some data from a timestamp with a defined limit. When reading NIP/01 we understand a bit more the data-structure. The REQ request is asking for new events from the relay. The second element of the list is a subscription id — a random string — used to represent a subscription. It seems this value is generated by the client. The third element of the list is a JSON object containing the kind of events requested. The kind “0” represents a Metadata, the kind “1” represents a “Short Text Note”, the kind “2” represents a “Recommended Relay” and the kind “7” represents a “Reaction”. The “since” parameter is an UNIX timestamp representing a time limit for the newer events. The “limit” parameter defines the limit of maximum events returned by the relay.

Understanding nostr Websocket connection with Chromium (part 3)

When the REQ request is pushed by the client, the relay sent all the events present on its side based on the parameters of the request. An event looks like the following JSON list.

   "content":"Hi from 2023",

The second element of the list is corresponding to the same subscription identified generated by the client. The third element is a JSON object where “id” is a sha256 checksum of some part of the payload — it’s defined in NIP/01 and will be generated in another article. The “pubkey” is the public key of the emitter of the message, the “created_at” is an UNIX timestamp, the “kind” define the type of the event, the “tags” is a list of optional tags, the “content” field is the content of the message sent by the emitter and finally, the “sig” is the signature of the message, similar to the identifier.

By looking on these payloads, it is easy to recreate them using Erlang. Even the connection should not be a real problem. After having added the dependencies in rebar3 and started an Erlang shell, the gun application can be started manually.

1> application:ensure_all_started(gun).

To create a new connection with Gun, a list of options need also to be defined. In this case, Gun will try to create a connection to the relay, on port TCP/443. By default and without any modification, the Erlang virtual machine is not configured with SSL/TLS Certificate Authorities, disabling the verification of the certificate could be helpful in this case. The goal is to have a working procedure, not to do something perfect. The connection can be created by using gun:open/3 function.

2> Host = "".
3> Port = 443.
4> Opts = #{ transport => tls, tls_opts => [{verify, verify_none}]}.
{ok, Pid} = gun:open(Host, Port, Opts).

If the connection has been correctly created, a new process identifier was given. Gun needs to convert this HTTP connection to a WebSocket one by using gun:ws_upgrade/3 function.

5> Ref = gun:ws_upgrade(Pid, "/", []).

Crafting a new payload to request some kind of events. A new “REQ” request can be crafted based on the previous pattern we extracted from Chrome. The function thoas:encode/1 is used to convert a list of bitstring and map to the desired payload.

6> Payload = thoas:encode([
    <<"kinds">> => [0,1,2,7],
    <<"since">> => 1675961097,
    <<"limit">> => 450

When the payload is ready, it can be sent to the WebSocket using gun:ws_send/3 function. This function will then forward all the message to the process mailbox — the one used by the shell.

7> gun:ws_send(Pid, Ref, {text, Payload}).

To check the events collected, the local flush/0 function can be called. A long list of message should be printed on your screen.

8> flush().

The procedure is working, and it is possible to retrieve the events on public relay without creating any accounts, and by using only simple modules available from Github.

Key Pair Creation

The key creation is another level of complexity. It will be solved in another article, but process seems also relatively easy to understand. The following screenshots explain it with a new key created on a browser and pushed to one open relay.

Understanding nostr key creation with Chromium (part 1)


Understanding nostr key creation with Chromium (part 2)


Understanding nostr key creation with Chromium (part 3)

["OK","0000aae5f8e1322c6c6ff984d0acba0ab8143832fc89ce41f803fe935c998f28",false,"blocked: NIP-05 verification needed to publish events"]

Understanding nostr key creation with Chromium (part 4)


Understanding nostr key creation with Chromium (part 5)



Actor model was designed for Events Oriented Programming, by chance, Erlang is an implementation of the actor model. In few lines of code, without using a lot of experience and simply with some 101 reverse engineering skill, it is possible to extract events from a public relay. That’s a great beginning, and the first summary of a long story at Erlang-Punch.

See you soon!

PS: this article has been published on substack.

References and Resources