Library of re-useable game functions to build web browser HTML5 games.
bower install --save ebabel-library
or, npm
npm install --save ebabel-library
See demos for how to use this library.
This library can be used in ES5 or ES6+
// ES5
<script src="dist/ebabel-library.min.js"></script>
var result = window['ebabel-library'].randomNumber(7, 1).toInt()
// ES6+
import { randomNumber } from 'ebabel-library';
const result = randomNumber(7, 1).toInt();
This code is free to use for all purposes. For more details, see GNU General Public License, version 3.
Fork the repository and once you have made your code changes, raise a pull request! Thanks in advance for any and all contributions.
npm install
npm run build
The build is either for development or production. Update the value of NODE_ENV in the .env
npm test
This library has no dependencies when executed in a browser. It's written with plain javascript and meant to be easily used in the context of a modern, standard compliant web browser.
Each function does just one thing and tries to do it well.
Each function is indenpendent from other functions.
"Do one thing and do it well", Sitepoint.
"Do more with less", Chimeremeze Ukah.
Pushing a new tag is enough to update the bower registry, only the initial setup was required.
For npm, run npm publish
to push a new tag version.