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Data Samples Printer

PyPI PyPI - Python Version PyPI - License Coookiecutter - Wolt


Source Code:


Don't be just mean and standard, print histograms as unicode instead!

This project is inspired by sparklines but works for any kind of data samples that can be represented as a histogram.

Did you ever enjoy being graded by a single number? No? Then why do you do it to your data?


pip install data-samples-printer

Basic Usage

import data_samples_printer as dsp
import numpy as np

s1 = np.random.normal(size=100)
s2 = np.random.normal(size=100, scale=0.2)

# Plain printing
> ▁   ▃ ▁▃▁  ▃▃▅▇▅█▄▄▄▇▃▃█▄▅▇▄▃▃▁█▅█ ▁▃▃▁▃▁        ▁

# Printing multiple samples aligns their range
dsp.print(s1, s2)
> ▁   ▃ ▁▃▁  ▃▃▅▇▅█▄▄▄▇▃▃█▄▅▇▄▃▃▁█▅█ ▁▃▃▁▃▁        ▁
>                   ▁▂▃█▄▅▃▂▁

# Printing with labels
dsp.print(normal=s1, squeezed=s2)
> ▁   ▃ ▁▃▁  ▃▃▅▇▅█▄▄▄▇▃▃█▄▅▇▄▃▃▁█▅█ ▁▃▃▁▃▁        ▁ normal
>                    ▁▂▃█▄▅▃▂▁                       squeezed

# Pretty printing
dsp.pprint(s1, s2)
> ▂ ▂▁▁ ▁▂▄▃▁▁▂▂▂▄▃▂█▃▃▂▃▂▂▂▁▃▂▄▃▂ ▁▂▁ ▁▁▂       ▁ ▁ 0.00 ±1.00
>                 ▁▂▃▆█▅▆▄▁                          0.04 ±0.20

dsp.mprint(normal=s1, squeezed=s2)
> dist | mean | std | name
> -----|------|-----|-----
> `▕▁ ▂▁▁▁▁▁▃▁ ▂▆▂▁▅▅▅█▂▅▃▅█▃▇▆▂▂▂▂▂▂▅▃▁ ▁     ▁   ▂ ▁▏` | -0.04 | ±0.85 | normal
> `▕                ▁ ▁▄▃█▆█▆▂▂                       ▏` | 0.01 | ±0.19 | squeezed
> `▕-1.93                                         2.41▏` |

renders as:

dist mean std name
▕▁ ▂▁▁▁▁▁▃▁ ▂▆▂▁▅▅▅█▂▅▃▅█▃▇▆▂▂▂▂▂▂▅▃▁ ▁ ▁ ▂ ▁▏ -0.04 ±0.85 normal
▕ ▁ ▁▄▃█▆█▆▂▂ ▏ 0.01 ±0.19 squeezed
▕-1.93 2.41▏


  • Clone this repository
  • Requirements:
  • Create a virtual environment and install the dependencies
poetry install
  • Activate the virtual environment
poetry shell




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To make a new release:

poetry version <major|minor|patch>  # Update the version number
poetry run kacl-cli release <new release number> --modify --auto-link  # Update the changelog
git add pyproject.toml
git commit -m "Release <new release number>"
git tag <new release number>
git push origin <new release number>

Then create a new release on GitHub with the output of:

poetry run kacl-cli get <new release number>

GitHub releases and publish it. When a release is published, it'll trigger release workflow which creates PyPI release and deploys updated documentation.

Then run

poetry run mkdocs gh-deploy --force

to update the documentation.


Pre-commit hooks run all the auto-formatters (e.g. black, isort), linters (e.g. mypy, flake8), and other quality checks to make sure the changeset is in good shape before a commit/push happens.

You can install the hooks with (runs for each commit):

pre-commit install

Or if you want them to run only for each push:

pre-commit install -t pre-push

Or if you want e.g. want to run all checks manually for all files:

pre-commit run --all-files

This project was generated using the wolt-python-package-cookiecutter template.