It is recommended to use pm2 to run a pdf-bot process.
First install pm2
npm install -g pm2
Create a configuration file using the one in this repo as an example
module.exports = {
apps : [{
name : "pdf-bot",
script : "pdf-bot",
args : "api -c ./pdf-bot.config.js",
// Should be from whatever folder your pdf-bot.config.js is in
// cwd : "/home/[user]/",
env: {
"DEBUG" : "pdf:*",
"NODE_ENV": "production",
Run in using pm2 start pdf-bot-process.config.js
Read more about starting the app on server restarts
If you run pdf-bot
on port 3000 or similar it is recommended to run it behind an nginx proxy.
Create a site that listens to port 80 and uses the config from the production/