This service is responsible for creating users & user’s session CRUD(authentication).
- SignUp
- SignIn
- Logout(For any session)
- Renew auth token by refresh token
- Get current open sessions
- Sign-up
- User creates a new account with email & password as login credentials.
- Account confirmation(Email, Phone) is required to use the application.
- User's info are passed along the request to the auth service.
API->>Auth Service: Send new account's Info
activate API
activate Auth Service
Auth Service->>Database: Create Account
activate Database
Database-->>Auth Service: Account Created
deactivate Database
Auth Service-->>API: Account Created
deactivate Auth Service
deactivate API
- Sign-in
- User signs in with email & password.
- Generates a new auth token and refresh token for the user.
- Create a new session for the user in the database.
- Notifies the user about the new login session by sending an email.
API->>+Auth Service: Send user's credentials
Auth Service->>+Database: Get user's account
Database-->>-Auth Service: User's account
Auth Service->>+Database: Create new session
Auth Service->>Auth Service: Validate user's password
Auth Service->>Auth Service: Generate auth token & refresh token
Auth Service->>+Database: Create new user's session
Database-->>-Auth Service: Session created
Auth Service->>Message Broker: Send email to user
Note over Auth Service, Message Broker: Send email about the new login session
Auth Service-->>-API: Auth token & refresh token
- Logout
- User id is taken from context
- User signs out from the application.
- Revokes the user's auth token.
- Deletes the user's session from the database.
API->>+Auth Service: Send the session's info to logout from
Auth Service->>+Database: Get user's session
Database-->>-Auth Service: User's session
Auth Service->>+Database: Delete user's session
Database-->>-Auth Service: Session deleted
Auth Service->>Token Cache: Delete cached token
Token Cache-->>Auth Service: Delete token from cache
Auth Service-->>-API: User logged out successfully
- Renew Auth Token(Access, Refresh)
- User id is taken from context
- Check the refresh token's lifetime has not expired.
- Check the user's session in the database.
- Check the user's session is not revoked, expired, or deleted.
- Generate a new auth token and refresh token for the user.
- Update the user's session in the database.
- Return the new auth token and refresh token.
API->>+Auth Service: Send the refresh token to renew
Auth Service->>Auth Service: Validate refresh token
Auth Service->>+Database: Get user's session
Database-->>-Auth Service: User's session
Auth Service->>Auth Service: Validate user's session
Auth Service->>Auth Service: Generate auth token & refresh token
Auth Service->>+Database: Update user's session
Database-->>-Auth Service: Session updated
Auth Service->>+Token Cache: Remove old access token
Token Cache-->>-Auth Service: Old access token removed
Auth Service-->>-API: New auth token & refresh token
- Get Current Sessions
- Return the current user sessions
- User id is taken from context
API->>+Auth Service: Get avaliable sesisons
Auth Service->>+Database: Get live sessions
Database-->>-Auth Service: Live sessions
Auth Service-->>-API: Return live stored sessions