Steps to do to setup for an ESDK Training
- Create an empty Github repository
within the ESDK organization. - Add the new repository
to thetraining
team withWrite
permissions. - Ask for Github accounts of training participants. Add all participant's Github accounts to the
team. - Activate Travis CI and Coveralls for the repository
. - Add and tenant credentials to Travis CI.
- Create a new project within the repository
(Template = Basic Kanban). - Add the following issues for the repository
and addTraining
as project to each of them:- #1 Create Infosystem G30L0:
Create an Infosystem with search word `G30L0`, classname `GeoLocation`, working directory `ow1` with the following fields: * iscustomersel: GL20 (Suchwort) * iszipcodesel: GL20 (Postleitzahl) * iscustomer: VPKS17 (Geschäftspartner) * isstate: PS97:1 (Land) * iszipcode: GL20 (Postleitzahl) * istown: GL20 (Stadt) * islongitude: GL30 (Längengrad) * islatitude: GL30 (Breitengrad)
- #2 Display customer info:
For all customers matching the search word pattern provided in `customersel` display the basic information (reference to customer object, zip code, town, country).
- #3 Display trading partner info:
For all trading partners matching the search word specified in `customersel` display the basic info in the infosystem (reference to trading partner, zip code, town, country). Make use of the `TradingPartner` interface, which is applied to `Customer`, `CustomerContact`, `Vendor` and `VendorContact`.
- #4 Select based on zip code:
Display all trading partners who's zip code matches the value in `zipcodesel` or the search word pattern in `customersel`.
- #5 Display geo location:
Display the geo location (longitude and latitude) for each table row in the infosystem. Use PowerMock to write a unit test that mocks both, the TradingPartner object and the Nominatim web service: \```groovy testCompile "org.powermock:powermock-module-junit4:1.6.2" testCompile "org.powermock:powermock-api-mockito:1.6.2" \``` Use the [Nominatim Java API]( by adding the following dependency to your `build.gradle` file: `compile "fr.dudie:nominatim-api:3.4"`. Using the Nominatim Java API: \```java NominatimClient jsonNominatimClient = new JsonNominatimClient(new DefaultHttpClient(), ""); return"searchString"); \``` In order for Jacoco to pick up on the code coverage of a PowerMocked test, the classes need to be instrumented before the tests are run. Since Gradle does not support this yet, the following is needed in the `build.gradle` file: \``` task instrument(dependsOn: [classes, project.configurations.jacocoAnt]) { inputs.files classes.outputs.files File outputDir = new File(project.buildDir, 'instrumentedClasses') outputs.dir outputDir doFirst { project.delete(outputDir) ant.taskdef( resource: 'org/jacoco/ant/antlib.xml', classpath: project.configurations.jacocoAnt.asPath, uri: 'jacoco' ) def instrumented = false if (file( { def instrumentedClassedDir = "${outputDir}/${}" ant.'jacoco:instrument'(destdir: instrumentedClassedDir) { fileset(dir:, includes: '**/*.class') } //Replace the classes dir in the test classpath with the instrumented one sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath -= files( sourceSets.test.runtimeClasspath += files(instrumentedClassedDir) instrumented = true } if (instrumented) { //Disable class verification based on test.jvmArgs += '-noverify' } } } test.dependsOn instrument \```
- #6 Add a customer's geo location via the customer screen:
Via a button `yg30l0calcgeoloc` the geo location can be determined and registered from the customer screen.
- #7 Add Documentation
Add some basic documentation that describes the app's installation and functionality. There should be a `introduction.adoc` for some first words, a `installation.adoc` to describe installation and a `functionality.adoc` to describe the functionality. The `functionality.adoc` should also contain a screenshot of the infosystem G30L0. All files should be referenced in the `index.adoc`.
To cleanup after the training delete the esdk-training
repository including the Training
Also delete the training
team and revoke access to the organization for all training participants.