Component | Version | Installation | Documentation |
Payara | | Installation Guide (pdf) | ICAT Documentation - Official Documentation |
The Payara Application Server is installed by simply downloading a zip file and uncompressing it. The server is able to host multiple domains so we need to choose a domain name for our ICAT installation. In this tutorial, we will use the default domain name domain1
. The files for the domain are stored under payara41/glassfish/<domain_name>
, in our case payara41/glassfish/domain1
NB: the commands on this page should be entered as the glassfish
mkdir downloads install scripts
cd downloads/
curl -O ''
cd ~
unzip downloads/
Add the Payara directory to the path so we have access to the asadmin
program which is used to administer the Payara application server. This step must be completed before running the script below as it uses the asadmin
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/payara41/bin:$PATH' >> $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.bashrc
Check that it works:
which asadmin
outputs: ~/payara41/bin/asadmin
Download a script to configure Payara for ICAT
cd scripts/
curl -O
Run the setup script. We pass it 3 options: the domain name, the maximum amount of memory to use and the password for the root account of the MariaDB database. So for a domain name of domain1
, with a maximum memory usage of 75% and a root MariaDB account password of 'pw', run:
python scripts/ domain1 75% pw
We need the MySQL Connector library to enable ICAT to access the MariaDB database. This was installed to the system in the previous chapter. We need to copy the jar file to the correct directory - the domain1
domain of the Payara server - then restart Payara so that it is found.
cp /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java-5.1.17.jar $HOME/payara41/glassfish/domains/domain1/lib/ext/
asadmin stop-domain
asadmin start-domain
N.B. Note the last 2 commands which restart Payara. It is often helpful to restart Payara when troubleshooting a problem with the software or installation process.
In this tutorial, we will set up the components to communicate with each other securely. To do this, the hostname we give for a component must match the Common Name (CN) in the certificate provided by that component. Since all the components run inside Payara, they provide Payara's certificate. By default, Payara uses a self-signed certificate. It is beyond the scope of this tutorial to cover how to install certificates in Payara so we will use the self-signed certificate. You can find more information on installing certificates here.
To find the hostname of your VM:
will output localhost.localdomain
if you are using the Vagrant setup recommended in this tutorial.
To find the Common Name (CN) of the certificate provided by Payara:
echo | openssl s_client -connect localhost:8181 -showcerts 2> /dev/null | egrep 'subject|issuer'
will output:
subject=/C=UK/ST=Worcestershire/L=Great Malvern/O=Payara Foundation/OU=Payara/CN=localhost.localdomain
issuer=/C=UK/ST=Worcestershire/L=Great Malvern/O=Payara Foundation/OU=Payara/CN=localhost.localdomain
if you have followed the Vagrant setup.
You can check that Payara is accessible from your browser by loading the admin page. There is no need to log in - just check that the page loads. You will have to click through to accept the connection to an untrusted site as the self-signed certificate is not trusted by your browser.
If you have followed the recommended Vagrant set up, then port 14848
on your host machine will be mapped to port 4848
on the VM.
If you need to troubleshoot a problem, you can find the Payara logs at: