This is an Express app with local user authentication designed for users to create a community to share events, plant care tips and trade seeds, clippings or plants of their choosing. Currently users can reference the plantopedia and save the plants they hope to acquire and post events in their area.
In the future, we hope to add a plant trading functionality to do some match-making to help users acquire future plant babies Live site can be found here:
- demo account: (aloethere)
- Express
- Passport and passport-local
- PostgresSQL and Sequlize
- EJS layouts
- Materialize styling
- Google Maps API for address autocompletion
User Model
Column | Type | Notes |
id | Integer | Serial primary Key |
firstname | String | Required length > 1 |
lastname | String | - |
String | Unique Login | |
password | String | Hash |
username | String | - |
admin | Boolean | Defaulted to False |
pic | String | - |
street_number | String | - |
route | String | - |
city | String | - |
state | String | - |
zipcode | String | - |
country | String | - |
createdAt | Date | Automatically added by Sequelize |
updatedAt | Date | Automatically added by Sequelize |
Plant Model
Column | Type | Notes |
id | Integer | Serial primary Key |
commonName | String | - |
sciName | String | - |
category | String | - |
link | String | - |
pic | String | - |
description | Text | - |
location | String | - |
care | Text | - |
Wishlist Model
Column | Type | Notes |
id | Integer | Serial primary Key |
userId | Integer | Foreign key |
plantId | Integer | Foreign key |
Event Model
Column | Type | Notes |
id | Integer | Serial primary Key |
title | String | - |
date | Date | - |
startTime | Time | - |
endTime | Time | - |
location | String | - |
content | Text | - |
userId | Integer | - |
| Method │ Path │
│ GET │ /auth/login
│ POST │ /auth/login
│ GET │ /auth/signup
│ POST │ /auth/signup
│ GET │ /auth/logout
│ GET │ /profile/user
│ GET │ /profile/guest/:id
│ GET | /profile/admin
│ POST │ /profile/user
│ DELETE │ /profile/user/:id
│ GET │ /plantopedia
│ GET │ /plantopedia/:id
│ GET │ /community/events
│ GET │ /community/events/create
│ POST │ /community/events
│ GET │ /community/events/:id/edit
│ PUT │ /community/events/:id
│ DELETE │ /community/events/:id
│ GET │ /community/trade
│ GET │ /
│ GET │ *
git clone <new_name>
npm i
GMAP_API= <your_API_key>
createdb <new_db_name>
sequelize db:migrate]
node plantsScraper.js
node onePlantScrape.js
Data was acquired from here.