- Allow numbe value in Option
- Add maxTagCount and maxTagTextLength react-component#224
- Add showAction react-component#224
- Add onMouseEnter and onMouseLeave react-component#238
- Add focus() and autoFocus
- add backfill in single/combobox mode
- support allowClear in multiple/tags mode
- support getInputElement react-component#145
- add tokenSeparators for multiple and tag mode
- auto expand input in ie10/11 react-component#93
- realign when value change. react-component#92
- support onBlur
- remove searchPlaceholder
- remove defaultLabel/label
- add labelInValue prop to control label
- support dropdownAlign
- support value type to be number
- add getPopupContainer prop
- scroll to active item when open menu on single mode
- add defaultActiveFirstOption prop
- fix disabled for old ie
- add choiceTransitionName prop
- do not hide dropdown on multiple or tag mode
- only support react 0.14+
- auto adjust position if visible region is not enough
- add label for onChange listener
- make value a controlled value
- add defaultValue prop
- remove renderDropdownToBody prop. defaults to true
implement searchPlaceholder to prevent bug for ie10
use rc-animate & rc-align. (assets change)
support dropdownStyle dropdownMenuStyle prop
#17 support render dropdown to body
#15 fix input in multiple mode
#13 add maxTagTextLength
#6 add OptGroup
support showSearch/animation/transitionName/disabled props
#2 support tags config